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The only way to end tyranny is impeachment and the party in control would never do that.
Impeachment is not the ONLY way; I am reliably informed that there's another lawful redress against tyranny in the USA:

In the context of colonial British experience the 2nd Amendment was intended to have an armed population as a hedge against an abusive government,

Amendment II. This amendment was specifically designed to protect the First Amendment giving the people the ability to resist tyrannical government as the Founders had, even by revolution if required.

The private militia was intended to be a check on the government's standing army so as to prevent a military coup or as a remedy in case the government became oppressive.

The 2nd Amendment has NOTHING to do with protection from robbery. It was put in place to protect the citizens against their own government.
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Time for Joe to increase the size of the court.
The time for that was 3 years ago, but even then it would've had catastrophic consequences. Also, it seemed like the Yam Dragon had been defeated and we would permanently return to a flawed but stable system.
There is still plenty of time to add three seats to the court. When theses assholes clearly accept bribes, make ridiculously unconstitutional decisions, use tortured history to remove rights, and lie during their senate examination hearings, fuck them. It's time for the gloves to come off.

What Biden could do is have Trump and his lackeys arrested for any number of things, citing it as his official duty to defend America from enemies, both foreign and domestic.
I suggested that long ago. I'd love to see him do it and watch the righties heads explode a la Kingsman: The Secret Service.
The party of "law and order" seemingly has no problem with the idea of a president being above the law.
Some thoughts about the SC.

Do the right wing justices think they will be able to prevent the machine that they're trying to hard to bring about from dismantling themselves? Or are they just fine with a dictatorship but while Biden is in office just allowing some immunity but then Trump gets the rest if he wins the election?

They're utterly deluded zealots, most of them. That is super clear now. So I imagine they're also under the delusion that they shall be richly rewarded?

Is Amy Coney Barrett's planned reward just exemption from the Gilead rules for Wife? That's actually a pretty big reward if you think about it. Like, will she be the only female Commander?
Our leaders will just be wearing different attire.
So will I. Different colors, different flag, different location.
I have a realtor coming next month to start laying the groundwork.
I looked into moving to Canada awhile back, but I don't think they'd take me. It turns out it's a lot more difficult than I'd expected. I've always loved British Columbia (rainy and green but little snow), so maybe I should've made the effort back then. But damn, the timing was just bad.
On these fora people have been claiming that they would move to another county if X was ever elected since GW Bush. Did anyone actually move?
Was it all just virtue signalling and hot air?

I would move to another country. If I could. But can't right now. That's not virtue signalling.
Time for Joe to increase the size of the court.
Not sure he can do that, but hey why not give it a whirl? It’s not like he can be held responsible or anything. He might want to send some visitors to a couple of Justices’ homes and make them offers they can’t refuse (free housing, food etc).

Actually I’d like to see all the scumbags who voted not to certify the 2020 election arrested and charged with treason.
... So I imagine they're also under the delusion that they shall be richly rewarded?

Is Amy Coney Barrett's planned reward just exemption from the Gilead rules for Wife? That's actually a pretty big reward if you think about it. Like, will she be the only female Commander?
They will be richly awarded. Trump will be able to remove the three sensible justices and then he can either replace them or not. It wouldn't really matter. Any replacements would be identical to the corrupt 6 sitting there now.

Barrett will be just fine. Authoritarians only care about a few things; status, money, power. Their needs are few as well. They need loyal administrators and a loyal military. They need not care about anything else. While Supreme Court Justice of the United States will become a purely ceremonial role, it will be prestigious role and an especially profitable one at that. Thus, Ms. Barrett has little to fear and much to gain.
Time for Joe to increase the size of the court.
Not sure he can do that, but hey why not give it a whirl? It’s not like he can be held responsible or anything. He might want to send some visitors to a couple of Justices’ homes and make them offers they can’t refuse (free housing, food etc).

Actually I’d like to see all the scumbags who voted not to certify the 2020 election arrested and charged with treason.

What people aren't noticing is, the Supreme Court will just decide whether or not that constitutes an official act or not. They would not decide in Biden's favor. And regardless, Biden is too timid for anything like that anyway.
What people aren't noticing is, the Supreme Court will just decide whether or not that constitutes an official act or not. They would not decide in Biden's favor.
It would be difficult, even for the current Supreme Court, to argue that the Commander in Chief is not engaging in an "official act" when giving a direct order to the armed forces.

It might not be legal for Biden to order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate Trump, or to order the USAF to napalm Mar-a-Lago; But that's OK, because the Supreme Court just ruled that he has immunity for any illegalities that are "official acts".
What people aren't noticing is, the Supreme Court will just decide whether or not that constitutes an official act or not. They would not decide in Biden's favor.
It would be difficult, even for the current Supreme Court, to argue that the Commander in Chief is not engaging in an "official act" when giving a direct order to the armed forces.
As I understand it, he would have to go through the Department of Justice for it to be an official act.

It might not be legal for Biden to order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate Trump, or to order the USAF to napalm Mar-a-Lago; But that's OK, because the Supreme Court just ruled that he has immunity for any illegalities that are "official acts".
He could only be impeached.

Donald Trump is trying to leverage a Supreme Court decision holding that presidents are immune from federal prosecution for official actions to overturn his conviction in a New York State criminal case.

A letter to the judge presiding over the New York case was made public on Tuesday. It was filed Monday after the Supreme Court's landmark holding further slowed the former president's criminal cases.

"[T]he Trump decision confirmed the defense position that [the district attorney] should not have been permitted to offer evidence at trial of President Trump's official acts," Trump attorneys Todd Blanche and Emil Bove wrote.

"The verdicts in this case violate the presidential immunity doctrine and create grave risks of 'an Executive Branch that cannibalizes itself,'" the wrote, quoting from the Supreme Court's decision. "After further briefing on these issues beginning on July 10, 2024, it will be manifest that the trial result cannot stand."

Lawyers from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office responded in a letter of their own on Tuesday, telling the judge they disagreed with the Trump attorneys' argument but did not oppose delaying Trump's July 11 sentencing date. They asked for a deadline of July 24 to respond to the defense's motion.
What people aren't noticing is, the Supreme Court will just decide whether or not that constitutes an official act or not. They would not decide in Biden's favor.
It would be difficult, even for the current Supreme Court, to argue that the Commander in Chief is not engaging in an "official act" when giving a direct order to the armed forces.
As I understand it, he would have to go through the Department of Justice for it to be an official act.

It might not be legal for Biden to order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate Trump, or to order the USAF to napalm Mar-a-Lago; But that's OK, because the Supreme Court just ruled that he has immunity for any illegalities that are "official acts".
He could only be impeached.
Not if the US Army won't let anybody into the Capitol, he couldn't. ;)

Donald Trump Truth Social 03:50 PM EST 07/01/24
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