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by the time the standard/rule is set, it will have been determined who the next POTUS is going to be.

I think Joe better assemble a team real quick to take some "official actions".
Maybe something to do with jailing and replacing certain corrupt SCOTUS members... and maybe send a few guys down to Mag a Lardo...
This could turn out well if Biden has the stones for it.

I'd love to see California, Washington, and Oregon secede. Success would indeed be viable.
Maybe y'all could annex Colorado?
The recent ruling by your Supreme Court does seem to give any president an extraordinary breath of powers.
I haven’t read the ruling yet but it seems his powers are the same he’s just immune from prosecution should he exercise those powers in conflict with the law.

Nixon’s dream come true : “when the President does it, that means it’s not against the law”

He could still get impeached and removed, but that’s a political process not a legal one.
Their dilemma is they can't give Trump immunity without it also applying to Biden, which would undercut so much of their phony outrage.

They have to stall until after the election, then either give a non-judgement response, or decide bases on who wins.
Looks like I was wrong. Guess they are relying on trial delay tactics, and creative interpretations of “official acts” depending on which president it is referring to
And if Trump manages to win, he will act as if he won full immunity for everything. If he is able to implement Project 2025, the executive branch becomes an arm of the Trump organization, and will be filled with loyalists, sycophants, and grifters. Since he pretty clearly has the judicial branch, all he would need is the GOP to retain control of the House and win the Senate. He would be - as he said - a dictator on day one. And then on day two. And every day thereafter.

I hear Costa Rica is nice. Low cost of living, nice weather, lots of American expats already living there. Perhaps Canada? I was just talking to my mom about this yesterday before the decision was handed down, and she had an idea. Throw everything we can fit into the boat and head across the river to the Canadian side. If I sold my house, I'd have enough to live abroad for years while America descends into fascism. Which reminds me...I need to renew my passport.
Just make sure to report promptly to an official port of entry, and register as a refugee with the Canadian authorities; Failure to do so will likely result in criminal liability for yourself and your family, and may get you deported back to the USA, unless you can show strong evidence that such a deportation could place your life at risk.

Asylum seekers would be considered in violation of the IRPA if they cross at an unofficial border point, do not promptly go to a port of entry, and do not file a refugee claim. In addition to potential criminal charges, asylum seekers would have their cases rejected.

You cannot just walk in to Canada.

Well, obviously, you can, but you can't expect to be allowed to live and work there indefinitely if you do, nor can you apply to be able to do so after you have entered the country - unless you are applying for refugee status.

If you want to stay indefinitely, your best bet is to apply for residency before you leave, and to enter via an official port of entry.
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The recent ruling by your Supreme Court does seem to give any president an extraordinary breath of powers.
I haven’t read the ruling yet but it seems his powers are the same he’s just immune from prosecution should he exercise those powers in conflict with the law.

Nixon’s dream come true : “when the President does it, that means it’s not against the law”

He could still get impeached and removed, but that’s a political process not a legal one.
Which Congresscritters want to live in Guantanamo for the rest of their lives?
I mean, this is beyond silly! It’s an outright “Dare ya!” to Biden. He’ll have like, eight weeks if he loses, to do whatever is needed to ensure that no Trump regime succeeds in destroying democracy.
The principle that it is easier to seek forgiveness than permission, becomes increasingly applicable with age, and repercussions to Biden would almost certainly take longer than he will live…
SCOTUS in general hates setting standards,
Yabut you can bet they will this time if the lower court doesn’t set the standard they want.
In the immunity case they whined about how hard it'd, but in the Social Media, they said the lower courts weren't detailed enough. The Roberts Court is fucked up.
The Robert's Court is bought and paid for.
The Roberts Court are true believers, who are being well compensated.
Their dilemma is they can't give Trump immunity without it also applying to Biden, which would undercut so much of their phony outrage.

They have to stall until after the election, then either give a non-judgement response, or decide bases on who wins.
Looks like I was wrong. Guess they are relying on trial delay tactics, and creative interpretations of “official acts” depending on which president it is referring to
And if Trump manages to win, he will act as if he won full immunity for everything. If he is able to implement Project 2025, the executive branch becomes an arm of the Trump organization, and will be filled with loyalists, sycophants, and grifters. Since he pretty clearly has the judicial branch, all he would need is the GOP to retain control of the House and win the Senate. He would be - as he said - a dictator on day one. And then on day two. And every day thereafter.

I hear Costa Rica is nice. Low cost of living, nice weather, lots of American expats already living there. Perhaps Canada? I was just talking to my mom about this yesterday before the decision was handed down, and she had an idea. Throw everything we can fit into the boat and head across the river to the Canadian side. If I sold my house, I'd have enough to live abroad for years while America descends into fascism. Which reminds me...I need to renew my passport.
Just make sure to report promptly to an official port of entry, and register as a refugee with the Canadian authorities; Failure to do so will likely result in criminal liability for yourself and your family, and may get you deported back to the USA, unless you can show strong evidence that such a deportation could place your life at risk.

Asylum seekers would be considered in violation of the IRPA if they cross at an unofficial border point, do not promptly go to a port of entry, and do not file a refugee claim. In addition to potential criminal charges, asylum seekers would have their cases rejected.

You cannot just walk in to Canada.

Well, obviously, you can, but you can't expect to be allowed to live and work there indefinitely if you do, nor can you apply to be able to do so after you have entered the country - unless you are applying for refugee status.

If you want to stay indefinitely, your best bet is to apply for residency before you leave, and to enter via an official port of entry.
Moving to Canada is a last ditch thing. Moving the entire family isn't exactly easy. The one thing in the back pocket is my Mother's Canadian citizenship. Not a slam dunk, but the doors aren't closed as quickly. We aren't there yet, but this decision moves us in that direction.
The recent ruling by your Supreme Court does seem to give any president an extraordinary breath of powers.
The worst part is that it did so quite arbitrarily. They didn't need to say it at all, and just rule on the case at hand. They vote 6-3 for tyranny. The only way to end tyranny is impeachment and the party in control would never do that.
Is it me, or does it feel like there is an incongruity between saying actions within the Exec Branch are provided immunity (regardless the legality), but then saying the Executive Branch has little right to regulate things as authorized to by Congress?

It goes deeper. SCOTUS has said, carte blanche, acts regardless of criminality aren't even addressable or usable in criminal complaints, where as the courts have said the Executive Branch isn't allowed to interpret vague or gray areas of regulatory law as passed by Congress without the Court's approval.

So the President can't be held liable for criminal acts, but the Executive Branch can't be allowed to do their job.
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The recent ruling by your Supreme Court does seem to give any president an extraordinary breath of powers.
I haven’t read the ruling yet but it seems his powers are the same he’s just immune from prosecution should he exercise those powers in conflict with the law.

Nixon’s dream come true : “when the President does it, that means it’s not against the law”

He could still get impeached and removed, but that’s a political process not a legal one.
Which Congresscritters want to live in Guantanamo for the rest of their lives?
I mean, this is beyond silly! It’s an outright “Dare ya!” to Biden. He’ll have like, eight weeks if he loses, to do whatever is needed to ensure that no Trump regime succeeds in destroying democracy.
The principle that it is easier to seek forgiveness than permission, becomes increasingly applicable with age, and repercussions to Biden would almost certainly take longer than he will live…
I was thinking the same thing! Like, dude, you're super old. Do the right thing right now even though it will ignore norms and your usual fair play mentality. Ditch that shit now. There is no bottom to right wing corruption. I say that a lot, but yesterday is the first time in my life that I believe it completely. There is no action they'll stop at to gain power for their party.
People who still support right wing political corruption are just people who believe they themselves will never be on the wrong side of it and they are fucking sociopaths that do not give a flying shit about anyone who is.
People who still support right wing political corruption are just people who believe they themselves will never be on the wrong side of it and they are fucking sociopaths that do not give a flying shit about anyone who is.

For the former, it will be interesting to see what Trump will do with the J6 convicts if he regains the White House. He would have the power to pardon them, but will any of them have enough money to buy one?
People who still support right wing political corruption are just people who believe they themselves will never be on the wrong side of it and they are fucking sociopaths that do not give a flying shit about anyone who is.
I've said it before. They will no longer be supporters, they will be subjects.
Time for Joe to increase the size of the court.
The time for that was 3 years ago, but even then it would've had catastrophic consequences. Also, it seemed like the Yam Dragon had been defeated and we would permanently return to a flawed but stable system.

What Biden could do is have Trump and his lackeys arrested for any number of things, citing it as his official duty to defend America from enemies, both foreign and domestic.
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