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#IStandWithAhmed (or Inventing While Muslim is a thing?)

What actual evidence do you have that suggests that his child and his father are not absolutely and positively clean and truthful?
What evidence do you have that the teachers and the police aren't? We don't know what happened exactly and the family is apparently not letting the police or the school discuss the details, which seems a bit fishy. I think more information is required, which right now should come mostly from the family, before condemning either party.

Some questions that I'd like to see answered, off the top of my head:

1) Was the clock on battery power or plugged in when the alarm went off during the English class?
2) What did the police mean when they say Ahmed was being "passive-aggressive" exactly?
3) What's the engineering teacher's version of events? Or the english teacher's for that matter.
4) Did Ahmed mention to the police that he had showed it to the engineering teacher? Did they contact him at that time?
5) Why did the police take him in, rather than call Ahmed's parents from the school?
WTF does this have to do with the plain facts
1) that Ahmed did not have a bomb or make a threat,
2) the despite the official hoopla, neither the school nor the police acted like there was a bomb, and
3) the kid was suspended.

The school and the police effed up. In the end, no real harm was done, but what in the world is driving the apologists for the school and the police?
Actually, a colleague told me today what would happen (as he has seen it happen with students who take projects on planes to IEEE national competitions). TSA would take the project aside, swab it for nitrates, and when it came back negative would return the project and say "Sorry for the delay. Have a nice flight.

I was stopped for a random explosives swab at Brisbane Airport a few years ago. When the security guy pulled me aside, I said "I handle Nitroglycerine as part of my work, so this will probably set your alarm off". He said, "Oh, OK, you go then, I will test someone else".

Security Theatre.

Good point. I should have said "The worst that would happen..."
What evidence do you have that the teachers and the police aren't? We don't know what happened exactly and the family is apparently not letting the police or the school discuss the details, which seems a bit fishy. I think more information is required, which right now should come mostly from the family, before condemning either party.

Some questions that I'd like to see answered, off the top of my head:

1) Was the clock on battery power or plugged in when the alarm went off during the English class?
2) What did the police mean when they say Ahmed was being "passive-aggressive" exactly?
3) What's the engineering teacher's version of events? Or the english teacher's for that matter.
4) Did Ahmed mention to the police that he had showed it to the engineering teacher? Did they contact him at that time?
5) Why did the police take him in, rather than call Ahmed's parents from the school?
WTF does this have to do with the plain facts
1) that Ahmed did not have a bomb or make a threat,
2) the despite the official hoopla, neither the school nor the police acted like there was a bomb, and
3) the kid was suspended.

The school and the police effed up. In the end, no real harm was done, but what in the world is driving the apologists for the school and the police?

The question is did he try to play a prank? The facts as they stand right now strongly suggest he plugged in the clock and deliberately set the alarm to go off in the middle of class even though he says he knew some might find his clock suspicious or a threat (I already linked the video where he admits this). At the very least, it hasn't been ruled out (people have to leap to the unsubstantiated conclusion that the battery was removed AND that the alarm would go off with just a back-up battery) and the school is not allowed to talk.

Note that no one has defended the police actions as far has the handcuffing and the interrogation without a parent or lawyer present.
I rather doubt that these things designed to beep at low power, and even if they do that it would be awfully unlikely that it just happened to discharge at that particular moment. AC socket could be on the side of the desk, or in other convenient place where it's not noticeable.

My alarm clock beeps the alarm on battery backup.

That's what I would expect, but not all alarm clocks do that, apparently.
Muslims aren't capable of any inventions. Just look at their recent history. What have they contributed to the world scientifically?
Muslims aren't capable of any inventions. Just look at their recent history. What have they contributed to the world scientifically?

I can never tell if you are being serious or trying to be sardonic like Tom Sawyer or Underseer
The question is did he try to play a prank?
No. That is not the question. Not in any way at all. It is bloody obvious that the kid wanted to, or was talked into, showing the gizmo to some classmates. but this has no bearing on what happened.
WTF does this have to do with the plain facts
1) that Ahmed did not have a bomb or make a threat,
2) the despite the official hoopla, neither the school nor the police acted like there was a bomb, and
3) the kid was suspended.

The school and the police effed up. In the end, no real harm was done, but what in the world is driving the apologists for the school and the police?

The question is did he try to play a prank? The facts as they stand right now strongly suggest he plugged in the clock and deliberately set the alarm to go off in the middle of class even though he says he knew some might find his clock suspicious or a threat (I already linked the video where he admits this). At the very least, it hasn't been ruled out (people have to leap to the unsubstantiated conclusion that the battery was removed AND that the alarm would go off with just a back-up battery) and the school is not allowed to talk.

Note that no one has defended the police actions as far has the handcuffing and the interrogation without a parent or lawyer present.

Is this the video?

WTF does this have to do with the plain facts
1) that Ahmed did not have a bomb or make a threat,
2) the despite the official hoopla, neither the school nor the police acted like there was a bomb, and
3) the kid was suspended.

The school and the police effed up. In the end, no real harm was done, but what in the world is driving the apologists for the school and the police?

The question is did he try to play a prank? The facts as they stand right now strongly suggest he plugged in the clock and deliberately set the alarm to go off in the middle of class even though he says he knew some might find his clock suspicious or a threat (I already linked the video where he admits this). At the very least, it hasn't been ruled out (people have to leap to the unsubstantiated conclusion that the battery was removed AND that the alarm would go off with just a back-up battery) and the school is not allowed to talk.
Assuming the prank conjecture (which the facts do not strongly support) is valid, since when is playing such a prank some sort of reason for such over-reactions? And no one up to this point has played up the prank scenario. It has been straight up apologia for the fuckwittery of the school and the police.
They're too busy praying five time a day to be productive. What earth shaking discoveries have they contributed? On, I know, the Turkish leader Erdogan claimed that Muslims were on the moon over a thousand years ago!
Muslims aren't capable of any inventions. Just look at their recent history. What have they contributed to the world scientifically?
I'd say the capability of Muslims for inventions is better than your capability of posting something that remotely resembles reality.
I don't particularly like Dawkins or Maher, or Young Turks and in this particular case Cenk Uygur is completely wrong, he propagates information which was shown to be false.
I don't particularly like Dawkins or Maher, or Young Turks and in this particular case Cenk Uygur is completely wrong, he propagates information which was shown to be false.

Where? Where has Uyger been shown, and not THEORIZED, to be COMPLETELY wrong?

Is he over the top? Yes. Hyperbolic even? Yes. But how is he COMPLETELY wrong?
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