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#IStandWithAhmed (or Inventing While Muslim is a thing?)

The ACLU, a very left leaning organization, asserts:
I believe it was supposed to be directed at me.
Yes they were spying on muslims in 2002 and later I presume.
Since then we learned they spy on everybody :)
And spying != trying to get them.
"Trying to get" means harassing, etc. Police does not engage in that.
Anyway, I am tired of trying to get local leftists to engage in rational discussion. Seems the only thing they would gladly engage is this endless attacking each other.
I did not mean Ahmed was literally a conspiracy theorist, I merely responded in kind to insinuation that I was a conspiracy theorist,
At the same time it's clear that the 14 year old was coached by his family (father) on the topic.
I think you misunderstood. The ACLU is a very left leaning organization and just because they assert something does not mean it is true and even if true is often stated in a very misleading way. For example, calling the investigative unit operations the "Muslim surveillance program" as though they are only watching Muslims and are watching all Muslims. The investigative units look into anyone expected to be involved in criminality from skinheads, klans, and yes even those Muslims who are associated with radical groups. Being a Muslim doesn't mean an association with a radical group so not all Muslims are under suspicion just as all rednecks are not under suspicion - but some of each are.

At one time I thought the ACLU was a fantastic organization because I really liked some of the causes they fought for. I was going to contribute a fair amount to help them but I always check out organizations before contributing to get an understanding of them beyond their PR. I asked them for their position on several issues and sadly found that they were apparently lobbying as hard to limit or eliminate some freedoms I think are important as they were lobbying to keep some freedoms I think are important. In other words, they support the freedoms the left support and oppose freedoms the right supports.
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OK government says there is no government/police conspiracy/profiling beyond reasonable level.
Yet 14 year old during 2:15 long interrogation determined that he was arrested/profiled because he is a muslim, he said so. So who are you going to believe? Inventor of the digital clock or Police?
OK government says there is no government/police conspiracy/profiling beyond reasonable level.
Yet 14 year old during 2:15 long interrogation determined that he was arrested/profiled because he is a muslim, he said so. So who are you going to believe? Inventor of the digital clock or Police?

I thought we established that Ahmed Mohamed did not invent the digital clock.
Ahmed’s looking at a video of himself posted online, while he and his sister Eyman argue inside the family minivan over whether it has 24 million or 24,000 views.

“This is seven digits!” It’s 24 million views, in 24 hours,” Ahmed yelps. “I feel like I could just walk on the street and people would know who I am.”
This family needs to be on TV, I bet they can beat Kardashians.
Keeping up with Mohameds
If the teacher was fooled by the device, why didnt s/he pull the fire alarm and clear the school?
Apparently it is impossible for some people to get in their heads that something having mild resemblance to a bomb is not the same as being a bomb, or a perfect replica of a bomb. Tell me, when you see this picture:


A) Do you think it is a bomb?
B) Do you think it was intended to look like a bomb?

If your answer to first question is "no", but to second question "yes", then you've answered your own question.

Something out of a student's nightmare just before something big is due!
Caution is better than being blown up by some nut job!

Caution is fine. Caution is not the problem.

No one is arguing the school administration and teachers shouldn't be cautious. If a student has an item that looks like it might be a danger to themselves, the staff, or other students, then it should be investigated.

No is saying the cops shouldn't be cautious. If they get a call about a student bringing an item to school that might be a danger to themselves, the staff, or other students, the cops should treat the matter seriously.

But once the school authorities and police saw the gadget was just a clock, and it was learned that the student had never implied it was anything but a clock, then the authorities knew that all they were dealing with was a kid with a clock. There was no reason to arrest him. There might have been a reason to suspend him, if it was found that bringing digital clocks to school is against the rules; but in the absence of such a rule, there is no reason to suspend him. There was no reason not to simply confiscate the clock until the end of the day, and send the kid back to his classes.

The problem here was not caution, it was the overreaction of the Principal and the police, and the made up bullshit about a hoax bomb used to justify it.
For the million time, he was arrested for a hoax bomb and acting weird.
And school/police did not overreact. It is leftist media who overreacted.
For the million time, he was arrested for a hoax bomb and acting weird.
And school/police did not overreact. It is leftist media who overreacted.
But it was not even a hoax bomb - a hoax requires intent. And in the USA, acting weird is not against the law. Since there was no hoax bomb, there was no need to arrest him. Arresting someone for something they did not obviously do is an over-reaction to most people.
And while that little liar was arrested for hoax bomb, he and his whole family will be charged with fraud.
I am beginning to think that there was no arrest of Ahmed, that he was only held for questioning. I have been searching the arrest records and found ten Ahmed Muhammads arrested in the whole state of Texas (none in Irvine) and the youngest was twenty-five years old. Is it possible that the claim of an arrest was just typical media ignorance assuming that if someone was questioned in the police department then they must have been arrested?

I was looking for it to see exactly what the charge was but apparently there was no charges.
I am beginning to think that there was no arrest of Ahmed, that he was only held for questioning. I have been searching the arrest records and found ten Ahmed Muhammads arrested in the whole state of Texas (none in Irvine) and the youngest was twenty-five years old. Is it possible that the claim of an arrest was just typical media ignorance assuming that if someone was questioned in the police department then they must have been arrested?

I was looking for it to see exactly what the charge was but apparently there was no charges.
My impression he was questioned in school (without handcuffs) and then handcuffеd and transported to juvenile detention center.
Nothing out of ordinary in police behavior.
No, he was not officially charged, but he was certainly told what was it all about.
I am beginning to think that there was no arrest of Ahmed, that he was only held for questioning. I have been searching the arrest records and found ten Ahmed Muhammads arrested in the whole state of Texas (none in Irvine) and the youngest was twenty-five years old. Is it possible that the claim of an arrest was just typical media ignorance assuming that if someone was questioned in the police department then they must have been arrested?

I was looking for it to see exactly what the charge was but apparently there was no charges.
My impression he was questioned in school (without handcuffs) and then handcuffеd and transported to juvenile detention center.
Nothing out of ordinary in police behavior.
No, he was not officially charged, but he was certainly told what was it all about.
That was my thinking too after not finding an arrest record. If there was an arrest then there would have had to be a charge. However I have found more Ahmeds using different spellings for Mohamed but none that fit this incident.
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