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Joe Biden: if you don't vote for me, "you ain't black"

Oh Covfefe

Sigh...If only Biden could campaign only from a teleprompter...
This is hilarious.

Let me tell you, I've seen people try to revoke my race card.

Hand over the melanin, and nobody gets hurt!


I know a lot of white people who voted for Trump and intend to vote for him again and I know why they support Trump. Why anyone else votes for Trump is a mystery.
I know a lot of white people who voted for Trump and intend to vote for him again and I know why they support Trump. Why anyone else votes for Trump is a mystery.

I sincerely doubt that he'll get as many new votes in November as the number of Americans he will have killed with his negligence by then. And many if not most of the dearly departed will have been Trump voters in 2016. Hell, more Americans have already died from the Trump Virus than his total margin in the three states that got him elected installed.
Imagine if Trump were to say the same of Whites. That loyalty to him is loyalty to one's race, and vice versa.

Also as a "joke", I'm sure.
This was a particularly stupid remark by Biden. And he deserves to be called out on it.

What I find fascinating is that those who seem most delighted by this recent blunder were silent when our President said that there were good people on both sides of the Nazi/alt-right parade tragedy.
Actually, I think the comment is wearing well. I mean, knowing Joe is no racist, it’s kind of funny hearing it come from him.
But what do I know. I’m just a white guy.

White people seem to be taking more umbrage over this than black people.
Yea. Trump says stupid shit every single day. There's such a double standard.

Not from me. I condemn racist speech no matter who it is coming from. Apparently most people think such things are only bad when done by "the other side"?

And yes, I'm white. What of it?
It's a gaffe, all right. A stupid insensitive thing to say. In the scheme of things, not so bad. But Biden's been so out of view, there's not much to talk about. It makes me wonder if the reason Biden's doing well is that he's out of sight.
The incident reminds me of an incident--and unfortunately I can't remember the politician that was being talked about--that went along the lines of 'X might have sex with men, but he is gay in name only' (the person they were talking about was a conservative politician). As if certain demographic groups owed their allegiance to one party over another, and that if individuals in that group broke rank, their identity can be erased.
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