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Joe Biden: if you don't vote for me, "you ain't black"

I’m curious how many of the responders in this thread actually saw the entire interview which provides context?
I don't have time for that, but from what I've heard, it was in jest. It was a bit sloppy, especially in this day and age of 'context doesn't matter'.

And for every bloody time Trump has said something much worse... like have his people look into whether injecting disinfectant can help with COVID-19... we get Trumpsplained as to what he really meant, so I don't want to hear jack shit from right-wingers about this.
If you're aware of anything beyond the end of your own nose, you will see clearly that the Dem party is no longer a party of racism but of equality and humanism.

Sure it is. It's also the party that has consistently tried to revoke my race.

Jason: I believe that you are Chinese? How are the democratic party trying to revoke your race?
If memory serves Jolly Penguin was (well, is... but JP isn't here anymore) Asian. I don't know if there is a reveal on Jason's status.
Maybe it takes the wisdom of a mature, experienced person to recognize Biden's appeal and why what he said wasn't more than a joke.
I admit that I've always liked Paul Krugman and his "Conscious of.a Liberal" editorials. He expressed my feelings almost perfectly in today's column. :)


Last week Joe Biden made an off-the-cuff joke that could be interpreted as taking African-American votes for granted. It wasn’t a big deal — Biden, who loyally served Barack Obama, has long had a strong affinity with black voters, and he has made a point of issuing policy proposals aimed at narrowing racial health and wealth gaps. Still, Biden apologized.
And in so doing he made a powerful case for choosing him over Donald Trump in November. You see, Biden, unlike Trump, is capable of admitting error.
Everybody makes mistakes, and nobody likes admitting having been wrong. But facing up to past mistakes is a crucial aspect of leadership.

Trump’s pathological inability to admit error — and yes, it really does rise to the level of pathology — has been obvious for years, and has had serious consequences. For example, it has made him an easy mark for foreign dictators like North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, who know they can safely renege on whatever promises Trump thought they made. After all, for him to condemn Kim’s actions would mean admitting he was wrong to claim he had achieved a diplomatic breakthrough.
But it took a pandemic to show just how much damage a leader with an infallibility complex can inflict. It’s not an exaggeration to suggest that Trump’s inability to acknowledge error has killed thousands of Americans. And it looks likely to kill many more before this is over.

Which brings me back to the contrast between Trump and Biden.

In some ways Trump is a pitiful figure — or would be, if his character flaws weren’t leading to so many deaths. Imagine what it must be like to be so insecure, so lacking in self-regard, that you not only feel the need to engage in constant boasting, but have to claim infallibility on every issue.

Biden, on the other hand, while he may not be the most impressive presidential candidate ever, is clearly a man comfortable in his own skin. He knows who he is, which is why he has been able to reconcile with former critics like Elizabeth Warren. And when he makes a mistake, he isn’t afraid to admit it.
Over the past few months we’ve seen just how much damage a president who’s never wrong can do. Wouldn’t it be a relief to have the White House occupied by someone who isn’t infallible?

The parts that I haven't quoted describes what happens when a person or an agency won't admit a mistake etc. I like Biden and I don't care if I'm the only one here who does. To be honest, I'd vote for any of the Democratic candidates who were defeated, including the ones who I don't like, but I think Biden is the best person for the job right now.

Biden has overcome so many tragedies in his life time. He has a brilliant, supportive wife, who will make a great First Lady. I have no doubt that he will choose intelligent advisors and cabinet members instead of incompetent toadies, who are often corrupt as well. He will not abuse his power as president. People criticize him for his life long stuttering problem, and try to equate it with senility. He's not senile, but unlike Trump, he doesn't act vengeful towards his critics. All of his strengths, weaknesses as well as the things that he's overcome, just exemplify his humanity.

But you know what? You don't have to like Biden to vote for him. We have two choices and one if far better than the other. Biden will be a refreshing change, despite his weaknesses, despite his gaffes and despite his age.
Jesus Christ, how many times must we put up with a sanctimonious sermon about how we must vote for Biden whether we like it or not? We know. That's why we're pissed off at him.

And do you really think it's a meaningful argument to say that Biden is capable of apologizing for a gaffe? This has been true of almost everyone who has ever run for president aside from Trump himself. And "he's better than literally the worst possible candidate who has ever disgraced the Oval Office" is not much of an argument. What next? Incontrovertible roof that Biden is less corruptible than Harding was? Less cruel than Jackson was? Less divisive than Johnson was?
Jesus Christ, how many times must we put up with a sanctimonious sermon about how we must vote for Biden whether we like it or not? We know. That's why we're pissed off at him.
Probably as many times as the rest of us have to put up with the Bernie Bros sour grapes.
And do you really think it's a meaningful argument to say that Biden is capable of apologizing for a gaffe? This has been true of almost everyone who has ever run for president aside from Trump himself. And "he's better than literally the worst possible candidate who has ever disgraced the Oval Office" is not much of an argument. What next? Incontrovertible roof that Biden is less corruptible than Harding was? Less cruel than Jackson was? Less divisive than Johnson was?
Since the choice is between Biden and Trump, it is an argument that may help persuade a swing voter.
Jesus Christ, how many times must we put up with a sanctimonious sermon about how we must vote for Biden whether we like it or not? We know. That's why we're pissed off at him.


What next? Incontrovertible roof that Biden is less corruptible than Harding was? Less cruel than Jackson was? Less divisive than Johnson was?

The point is that we already know those things are true, so it's time to stop dwelling on (relatively) insignificant crap.
Probably as many times as the rest of us have to put up with the Bernie Bros sour grapes.

That gets annoying, too. Insisting that only a MAGA turd or a "Bernie Bro" would dare criticize a Democratic politician. I am neither. But no one is above criticism, especially not a future US President.

The point is that we already know those things are true, so it's time to stop dwelling on (relatively) insignificant crap.

Have you not been paying attention? This is one of the most important elections in U.S. history, in more than one respect. People will live or die who wouldn't otherwise. How can you call that insignificant? Or are you arguing that the scandals and all the other shit that influence how a candidate is perceived by the public are somehow insignificant to the outcome of an election?

It was important enough to write and publish an entire sanctimonious article about how amazing Biden is for weakly apologizing after being criticized for something. Is it only "significant" to talk about Biden's image if you're writing his hagiography?
Probably as many times as the rest of us have to put up with the Bernie Bros sour grapes.

That gets annoying, too. Insisting that only a MAGA turd or a "Bernie Bro" would dare criticize a Democratic politician. I am neither. But no one is above criticism, especially not a future US President.
No one said otherwise. The whining about the Biden candidacy has been going on for some time and it is petty and very boring. Biden is the candidate - warts and all. Get the fuck over it.
Do I like Biden? Sure. He seems like a nice guy albeit very much a man of his generation. I write this because I don’t think it occurs to him that his habit of touching girls and women—and men! could be seen as overly familiar or disrespectful or paternalistic. In that respect, he reminds me of my father, actually, especially squeezing an arm or a knee or pressing his forehead to someone else’s forehead as a display of affection. I am sure that it never occurred to either man that it could be seen differently—or that they’d never press their forehead into the forehead of anyone they considered to be of higher status than themselves.

I also admire that he has overcome tremendous hardships and that he did his best to put his family first. He has had an impressive career and has worked well with others on both sides of the aisle.

I also think he’s a decade too old for the job, particularly with his recent health issues.

He is by far the best candidate still in the race.

If it is somehow proven that Tara Read’s allegations against him are true or close to true, I will have a very difficult time voting for him. In fact, I might not.

There is nothing that could compel me to vote for Trump.
Jesus Christ, how many times must we put up with a sanctimonious sermon about how we must vote for Biden whether we like it or not? We know. That's why we're pissed off at him.

And do you really think it's a meaningful argument to say that Biden is capable of apologizing for a gaffe? This has been true of almost everyone who has ever run for president aside from Trump himself. And "he's better than literally the worst possible candidate who has ever disgraced the Oval Office" is not much of an argument. What next? Incontrovertible roof that Biden is less corruptible than Harding was? Less cruel than Jackson was? Less divisive than Johnson was?

I am also extremely disheartened and angry and heartbroken that the contest has been and will be between to white guys, both too old for the job.

I was extemely excited by the field of Democratic candidates and fairly upset that Biden threw his hat into the ring because a) he’s too freaking old! And b) there was no lack of well qualified, excellent candidates running. Biden’s candidacy was unnecessary.

I’d rather someone younger and more progressive be POTUS. But I also recognize that a very liberal candidate, even if successful, would struggle to accomplish anything if the Republicans hold the majority in the senate. Biden has a good history of working across the aisle and that is a very useful skill. It is also something that I respect about Warren and Klobuchar. The fact that he cannot even work well
within his own party, coupled with his age, are the two biggest reasons that Sanders has always been a no go for me.

There aren’t words enough to describe the tremendous anger and disappointment that I feel that we are at this point.

But here we are.

And it’s Biden all the way.
Jesus Christ, how many times must we put up with a sanctimonious sermon about how we must vote for Biden whether we like it or not? We know. That's why we're pissed off at him.

And do you really think it's a meaningful argument to say that Biden is capable of apologizing for a gaffe? This has been true of almost everyone who has ever run for president aside from Trump himself. And "he's better than literally the worst possible candidate who has ever disgraced the Oval Office" is not much of an argument. What next? Incontrovertible roof that Biden is less corruptible than Harding was? Less cruel than Jackson was? Less divisive than Johnson was?

I totally disagree with you. What politician has apologized for anything? Bill, HRC, Bush, and etc never apologized for anything. I always thought that they could have benefited greatly if they had apologized for certain things. If Bernie had just apologized to Warren about the comment about how a woman would never get elected today, he would have benefited. There are very few politicians who have the humility to apologize.
[ No one said otherwise. The whining about the Biden candidacy has been going on for some time and it is petty and very boring. Biden is the candidate - warts and all. Get the fuck over it.

And Trump is the president, so get over that. Apparently, you can't criticize someone once they have been "chosen" by a national convenience sample.
[ No one said otherwise. The whining about the Biden candidacy has been going on for some time and it is petty and very boring. Biden is the candidate - warts and all. Get the fuck over it.

And Trump is the president, so get over that.
I am over it. I don't like him, but I do not take any opportunity to criticize him.
Apparently, you can't criticize someone once they have been "chosen" by a national convenience sample.
No one said anyone was exempt from criticism - that is just another boring straw man. I am saying your sour grape criticisms and those of the Bernie bros is boring and immature.
Jason: I believe that you are Chinese? How are the democratic party trying to revoke your race?
If memory serves Jolly Penguin was (well, is... but JP isn't here anymore) Asian. I don't know if there is a reveal on Jason's status.

Yes, Jolly is Asian and I am Hispanic. I have had people accuse me of being white more than once since I don't follow the "party line".
Jason: I believe that you are Chinese? How are the democratic party trying to revoke your race?
If memory serves Jolly Penguin was (well, is... but JP isn't here anymore) Asian. I don't know if there is a reveal on Jason's status.

Yes, Jolly is Asian and I am Hispanic. I have had people accuse me of being white more than once since I don't follow the "party line".

If you are talking about people on this forum, in all fairness, your screen name does not reveal that you are Hispanic and since we're all just typing away here, we don't actually know what someone's ethnicity unless they reveal that information.

But maybe you are talking about IRL.
Jason: I believe that you are Chinese? How are the democratic party trying to revoke your race?
If memory serves Jolly Penguin was (well, is... but JP isn't here anymore) Asian. I don't know if there is a reveal on Jason's status.

Yes, Jolly is Asian and I am Hispanic. I have had people accuse me of being white more than once since I don't follow the "party line".

Well, in fairness, you totally sound like a white person.
I didn’t know there are ways to tell the race of a person posting online.
Yes, Jolly is Asian and I am Hispanic. I have had people accuse me of being white more than once since I don't follow the "party line".

Well, in fairness, you totally sound like a white person.

Exactly, I don't do the approved talking points so I sound white.

Funny how the left has always decried racial stereotyping and profiling as one of the great evils, yet here we are. smh
I didn’t know there are ways to tell the race of a person posting online.

No, but you can tell privileged attitudes, dogma over reason, and obliviousness to others, which makes it understandable that someone might be mistaken for a white American.
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