• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.


This is a new age of instant gratification apps and smartphones and other internet-enabled devices have been democratized. Football is declining from that sort of thing, just like print newspapers are in decline from online news.
Half my office spends a significant part of the week bitching about players and coaches and team owners and parroting FFvC's rants about how awful they are. They brag about the games they didn't watch.
They also spent quite a significant amount of time on Mondays talking about how their fantasy team did on the weekend...
And the Home of the Chiefs...

Hahaha bunch of smartasses. I fully approve.

Fuck the Star Spangled Banner and fuck BLM.
Interesting history.

The NFL Protests May Be Unpopular Now, But That Doesn’t Mean They’ll End That Way | FiveThirtyEight

Marches for civil rights during the 1960s were generally seen negatively at the time. As the Washington Post noted last year, most Americans didn’t approve of the Freedom Riders, the March on Washington in 1963 or other similar protests. In fact, many Americans thought that these protests would hurt the advancement of civil rights. In addition, but many Americans held mixed-to-negative views of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. In a 1966 Gallup survey, 63 percent of Americans gave King a negative score on a scale from -5 to +5. Now, the civil rights marches are viewed as major successes, and just 4 percent of Americans rated King negatively on that same scale in a 2011 Gallup poll.

Many Americans also viewed gay rights marchers during the AIDS epidemic negatively. According to Business Insider, the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation in April 1993 drew more than 800,000 people fighting against discrimination and seeking more funding for AIDS research. But in a Newsweek survey conducted at the time, only 23 percent of Americans thought that the demonstration did more good than harm in the fight for gay rights. Today, gay rights organizations celebrate the march, same-sex marriage is legal and much of the platform demanded by protesters seems mainstream.
Whoah now, whoah. Where in the hell did you ever get an idea like that? I assume (my bad...always gets me into trouble) that you've researched what libertarianism actually is, so...I can't help wondering how you could type such an outright falsehood.

No. Libertarians DO NOT claim that each individual is equally powerful. What Libertarians claim is that each individual has equal access to the law of the land, and equal rights.

Nowhere, at any point, in any literature that expounds libertarian political theory, will you find it suggested, implied, or patently stated, that "each individual is equally powerful".

As usual, bilby is talking about things of which he/she has no knowledge. - ??

OR - and this is far more likely: bilby is lying (typing an untruth he knows to be untrue), in order to cast suspicion on libertarians and libertarianism.

I seriously hope, with all my heart, that he/she's merely ignorant, and not purposefully deceitful.

Oh goody.

Another self-proclaimed expert in Libertarianism. Jason and Loren will be thrilled.

P.S. Calling a board member a liar is a violation of this forum's rules. Familiarize yourself with the rules before you end up getting reported.

Thanks for the warning, RavenSky. I respect authority, I truly do. If you look at my join date, I've been here around 13 years, as a law and a rule-abiding person.

OK, I retract my accusation of outright lying. But bilby ought to know that what he/she wrote was a falsehood. ??

Jimmy Higgins: I wish I could grok WTF you're talking about.

Hey, I'd love to make 75K a year! I'd be able to buy a new car, and maybe a fuckin' house! DUDE! A HOUSE!

But, with my 25K -30K, I have to settle for rentin' and whatnot, and livin' from check to check.

Say, Dude, I heard there's these NFL players who don't feel any gratitude for playing in the USA and becoming mega-millionaires? I say, go play in the Canadian football league, or move to Syria, Iraq, or North Korea. THEN see how much dough you can rake in for throwing a ball around?

Simple. Sheeee-it.

Man, your income is a clear indication of whatever judgement I feel like making. I'm guessing you're [FIFY] not smart enough to turn on a light bulb.

Because otherwise you'd understand that a non-violent and consequence free protest against social injustice isn't exactly spitting on the flag. Defending Neo-Nazis is.

Oh boy, it's lovely to see so much sympathy for the poor people.

Jimmy. Answer me a couple questions. First: Consequence free? Consequence free? What protest is consequence free? And holy shit... WTF good would any protest be that had no consequences? Don't protesters protest because they want to change something? Hence: consequences.

I hate Nazis as much as you do. But a nazi isn't just someone who disagrees with you.

Please don't use the word Nazi so flippantly.
Man, your income is a clear indication of whatever judgement I feel like making. I'm guessing you're [FIFY] not smart enough to turn on a light bulb.

Because otherwise you'd understand that a non-violent and consequence free protest against social injustice isn't exactly spitting on the flag. Defending Neo-Nazis is.

Oh boy, it's lovely to see so much sympathy for the poor people.
Poor William A. Baurle.

Jimmy. Answer me a couple questions. First: Consequence free?
Consequence free?
To be honest, I'm mixed between yes and no when you put it in italics.
What protest is consequence free?
The kneeling during a national anthem was. No person was harmed, delayed, inconvenienced, other than those that made it an issue for them and now they need a change of pants.
And holy shit... WTF good would any protest be that had no consequences?
Dude, that's three questions.
Don't protesters protest because they want to change something?
Wow, you are out of control.

I hate Nazis as much as you do. But a nazi isn't just someone who disagrees with you.

Please don't use the word Nazi so flippantly.
A lot of the protests picked up with Trump's reaction to the NeoNazis, you may want to keep up instead of asking more questions than you intended.
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Man, your income is a clear indication******* of whatever judgement I feel like making. I'm guessing not smart enough to turn on a light bulb.


So, you indicate here that it's okay to judge a person's intelligence by their income?

You seem to be a classist, which many regressive liberals are. Do you believe that individuals are born into certain "classes" of people?

The United States is founded on the idea that there are no classes of people, but that there are individuals, and that each individual should have every opportunity (right) to make the best of themselves, by whatever legal means, and to pursue their own happiness, to the best of their ability; and, in accordance with that opportunity (right), that each individual should recognize the negative aspect of that right (which I was calling opportunity - stay with me): Which is: that, "If I expect to be free to pursue my own happiness, then I must acknowledge that any other individual must be granted that very same right.

This is how rights work. Rights are not duties, or privileges.

ie: I have the right to get married; but, I do not have a duty to get married.

Analogue: I have the right to vote, but I do not have a duty to vote. My choice not to vote, IS a vote. In a free society.


What really troubles me is that you seem to think******* that a person who is on the very lowest of the income strata is therefore not as intelligent as someone who might be earning a lot more money. I must ask, how and why do you feel this way? Have you not heard of artists like Baudelaire, or Rimbaud, living in debt, without steady income, but who were absolutely brilliant? I mention those two names, but I could have said Poe, who died in a gutter in Baltimore. Beethoven was not wealthy. Shakespeare wasn't a rich guy. Did you know of this? Of course you know! So - why the patronizing, and insulting, and hurtful comment?

Let me know when you can write one of these:


My villanelle about nazis and their unconscionable evil is in post # 196.
Then they believe a lie.

U - what rights do I have, that any black individual in the USA does not have?

The separation of rights in the US is between rich and poor.

A poor white person has no more rights than a poor black person.

But a rich black person has more rights than a poor white person.

In the US you have rights according to how much justice you can afford.
Man, your income is a clear indication******* of whatever judgement I feel like making. I'm guessing not smart enough to turn on a light bulb.


So, you indicate here that it's okay to judge a person's intelligence by their income?

You seem to be a classist, which many regressive liberals are. Do you believe that individuals are born into certain "classes" of people?

The United States is founded on the idea that there are no classes of people, but that there are individuals, and that each individual should have every opportunity (right) to make the best of themselves, by whatever legal means, and to pursue their own happiness, to the best of their ability; and, in accordance with that opportunity (right), that each individual should recognize the negative aspect of that right (which I was calling opportunity - stay with me): Which is: that, "If I expect to be free to pursue my own happiness, then I must acknowledge that any other individual must be granted that very same right.

This is how rights work. Rights are not duties, or privileges.

ie: I have the right to get married; but, I do not have a duty to get married.

Analogue: I have the right to vote, but I do not have a duty to vote. My choice not to vote, IS a vote. In a free society.


What really troubles me is that you seem to think******* that a person who is on the very lowest of the income strata is therefore not as intelligent as someone who might be earning a lot more money. I must ask, how and why do you feel this way? Have you not heard of artists like Baudelaire, or Rimbaud, living in debt, without steady income, but who were absolutely brilliant? I mention those two names, but I could have said Poe, who died in a gutter in Baltimore. Beethoven was not wealthy. Shakespeare wasn't a rich guy. Did you know of this? Of course you know! So - why the patronizing, and insulting, and hurtful comment?

Let me know when you can write one of these:


My villanelle about nazis and their unconscionable evil is in post # 196.
We really can't get into the details until you post your 1040s.
Except that civil rights protests were about civil rights, while Kaep et al are protesting because a few thugs get shot by police.
Neither Tamir Rice nor Philandro Castile were thugs. Oops, I forgot, they were black males.
1) Thugs aren't bullet proof
2) They were shot with bullets and died
3) Therefore they are thugs

I think that works out well.

So, you indicate here that it's okay to judge a person's intelligence by their income?

You seem to be a classist, which many regressive liberals are. Do you believe that individuals are born into certain "classes" of people?

The United States is founded on the idea that there are no classes of people, but that there are individuals, and that each individual should have every opportunity (right) to make the best of themselves, by whatever legal means, and to pursue their own happiness, to the best of their ability; and, in accordance with that opportunity (right), that each individual should recognize the negative aspect of that right (which I was calling opportunity - stay with me): Which is: that, "If I expect to be free to pursue my own happiness, then I must acknowledge that any other individual must be granted that very same right.

This is how rights work. Rights are not duties, or privileges.

ie: I have the right to get married; but, I do not have a duty to get married.

Analogue: I have the right to vote, but I do not have a duty to vote. My choice not to vote, IS a vote. In a free society.


What really troubles me is that you seem to think******* that a person who is on the very lowest of the income strata is therefore not as intelligent as someone who might be earning a lot more money. I must ask, how and why do you feel this way? Have you not heard of artists like Baudelaire, or Rimbaud, living in debt, without steady income, but who were absolutely brilliant? I mention those two names, but I could have said Poe, who died in a gutter in Baltimore. Beethoven was not wealthy. Shakespeare wasn't a rich guy. Did you know of this? Of course you know! So - why the patronizing, and insulting, and hurtful comment?

Let me know when you can write one of these:


My villanelle about nazis and their unconscionable evil is in post # 196.
We really can't get into the details until you post your 1040s.

My current executive director can be found at the link provided. You may send her a PM and inquire about my job at her facility. Though she will not divulge my wage, she may be willing to inform you as to what position I hold in her facility, provided you tell her that I have given you permission to obtain the information. A link to this thread would be helpful for her to determine whether or not your intentions are honorable.


If this fails to convince you of my grunt status, you may contact my immediate supervisor:


OR -

You may send me a friend request, and inquire as thoroughly as you like, and I will be exceedingly forthcoming.


Carry on, and the answer really is.....42

Except that civil rights protests were about civil rights, while Kaep et al are protesting because a few thugs get shot by police.
Neither Tamir Rice nor Philandro Castile were thugs. Oops, I forgot, they were black males.

But the biggest protests/riots were about the thugs: Michael Brown, Freddie Grey, Jamar Clark, Mario Woods, Sylville Smith, Keith Scott, Anthony Smith (those are still going on in St. Louis as we speak)

I do not think there were any Tamir Rice protests at all. Or at least no big ones.
We really can't get into the details until you post your 1040s.

My current executive director can be found at the link provided. You may send her a PM and inquire about my job at her facility. Though she will not divulge my wage, she may be willing to inform you as to what position I hold in her facility, provided you tell her that I have given you permission to obtain the information. A link to this thread would be helpful for her to determine whether or not your intentions are honorable.


If this fails to convince you of my grunt status, you may contact my immediate supervisor:


OR -

You may send me a friend request, and inquire as thoroughly as you like, and I will be exceedingly forthcoming.


Carry on, and the answer really is.....42

I can assure you my intentions are neither honorable or dishonerable.
Neither Tamir Rice nor Philandro Castile were thugs. Oops, I forgot, they were black males.

But the biggest protests/riots were about the thugs: Michael Brown, Freddie Grey, Jamar Clark, Mario Woods, Sylville Smith, Keith Scott, Anthony Smith (those are still going on in St. Louis as we speak)

I do not think there were any Tamir Rice protests at all. Or at least no big ones.
Well as long as you think there were none, that is all that matters.
To be fair, protests held for more obvious bad shoots do not get as much coverage as possibly misguided ones. The media loves margin call cases because they get the back and forth of people calling each other racist and idiot.

Tamir Rice was open and shut extreme malpractice. The worst part was driving up to him at extreme speed and then extreme braking. The instant shooting of him was "justified" after that. But they should never have gotten that close so fast.
To be fair, protests held for more obvious bad shoots do not get as much coverage as possibly misguided ones. The media loves margin call cases because they get the back and forth of people calling each other racist and idiot.

Tamir Rice was open and shut extreme malpractice. The worst part was driving up to him at extreme speed and then extreme braking. The instant shooting of him was "justified" after that. But they should never have gotten that close so fast.

Yep, it was extremely poor police training. For some reason, both sides of this debate give a pass to the fact that a lot of these shootings could be prevented with better police training. But that isn't sexy.....
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