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This is juicy, did the rest of the Raiders throw the game to spite the QB who did not take a knee?

Ya ... that's why the Raiders lost. Because they threw the game. It has nothing at all to do with the Raiders sucking.
Ya ... that's why the Raiders lost. Because they threw the game. It has nothing at all to do with the Raiders sucking.

Well sure. It's just like how those owners who we now see on the sidelines kneeling hate kneeling so much that they won't give Kaepernick a job because of kneeling. Not because he sucks.
Ya ... that's why the Raiders lost. Because they threw the game. It has nothing at all to do with the Raiders sucking.

Well sure. It's just like how those owners who we now see on the sidelines kneeling hate kneeling so much that they won't give Kaepernick a job because of kneeling. Not because he sucks.

Now that this thing has spread so much, he'll get a job. There's no going back.
Well sure. It's just like how those owners who we now see on the sidelines kneeling hate kneeling so much that they won't give Kaepernick a job because of kneeling. Not because he sucks.

Now that this thing has spread so much, he'll get a job.
Yeah, carrying a clipboard, as some idiot said on TV.
Ya ... that's why the Raiders lost. Because they threw the game. It has nothing at all to do with the Raiders sucking.

Well sure. It's just like how those owners who we now see on the sidelines kneeling hate kneeling so much that they won't give Kaepernick a job because of kneeling. Not because he sucks.

Except every objective analysis proves he sucks far less than most of the QBs who currently have job. And please list for us each of the owners who knelt down DURING THE Anthem. Your list will be quite short. Also, it isn't the form of protest that the owners or conservatives are actually mad about. That is just a bullshit smokescreen. They are mad that uppity blacks would dare to complain about being killed by cops. They are mad at the suggestion that there is any such thing as racism anywhere in the US, especially law enforcement. The owners involvement last Sunday (almost none of which involved kneeling during Anthem) had zero to do with calling out racism. The owners were mad because Trump was trying to threaten their bottom line with boycotts and telling them how to run their business. IOW, your post is yet another false equivalence from the king of logical fallacies.
Now that this thing has spread so much, he'll get a job.
Yeah, carrying a clipboard, as some idiot said on TV.

I don't think that Kap fancies being a backup. He wants the big pay, wants to be in the spotlight. I don't mean this as a negative. Most starters in the NFL want to be paid well, and are incredibly full of themselves. Backups need to be supportive and willing to subordinate to the team. I just don't think that's Kap. As a starter, he's definitely near the bottom. The problem is that there are several teams near the bottom who are attempting to suck because the draft next year is expected to produce the best crop of rookie QBs in many years.
No, he'll get a job as a football player now that it has spread too much.

No he won't. This sideshow has hurt the NFL brand. The sooner the NFL returns to football the better.

Yes he will. It hasn't hurt the NFL brand. Though that's what Trump wants his mindless followers to think as the would-be dictator tells everyone what to do.
No he won't. This sideshow has hurt the NFL brand. The sooner the NFL returns to football the better.

Yes he will. It hasn't hurt the NFL brand. Though that's what Trump wants his mindless followers to think as the would-be dictator tells everyone what to do.

It has hurt the brand. But fuck it. I really don't care if bubba gets offended. Let them go back to Nascar and chicken fights.
Yes he will. It hasn't hurt the NFL brand. Though that's what Trump wants his mindless followers to think as the would-be dictator tells everyone what to do.

It has hurt the brand. But fuck it. I really don't care if bubba gets offended. Let them go back to Nascar and chicken fights.

They might be offended, but football already lost 8% of viewers in 2016. This is a new age of instant gratification apps and smartphones and other internet-enabled devices have been democratized. Football is declining from that sort of thing, just like print newspapers are in decline from online news.
It has hurt the brand. But fuck it. I really don't care if bubba gets offended. Let them go back to Nascar and chicken fights.

They might be offended, but football already lost 8% of viewers in 2016. This is a new age of instant gratification apps and smartphones and other internet-enabled devices have been democratized. Football is declining from that sort of thing, just like print newspapers are in decline from online news.

There are other issues affecting the game and its decline in viewership. I came across one just this weekend when I was trying to find out when the NFL started having TV timeouts, because I remember when the networks would just randomly go to commercial and if something game-changing happened while they were away, they'd show the viewers a taped replay. Anyway, I found out that there is increasing pressure on the NFL to eliminate commercial breaks except for during team-initiated timeouts, breaks for the quarters and the half, much like what you see in televised soccer. An interesting compromise I saw last weekend was during a 30-second timeout the network decided to use a split-screen to show what was happening on the field and they played a commercial in the other half, obviously switching the audio as well.

Also (apologies if this has already been brought up), I found it interesting to note that some folks were already boycotting the NFL for not giving Kapaernick a chance to play and then after 45 spoke out on the issue others began boycotting for teams supporting Kap. Weird.
It has hurt the brand. But fuck it. I really don't care if bubba gets offended. Let them go back to Nascar and chicken fights.

They might be offended, but football already lost 8% of viewers in 2016. This is a new age of instant gratification apps and smartphones and other internet-enabled devices have been democratized. Football is declining from that sort of thing, just like print newspapers are in decline from online news.
Yeah, I don't watch the NFL much anymore due to the onslaught of commercials. It takes too long for games to be played because of the breaks. I only have so much time.
There are other issues affecting the game and its decline in viewership. I came across one just this weekend when I was trying to find out when the NFL started having TV timeouts, because I remember when the networks would just randomly go to commercial and if something game-changing happened while they were away, they'd show the viewers a taped replay.

The NFL only does "TV timeouts" at the end of quarters, after a score, a kick, a turnover, or when a team uses one of its 3 allowed timeouts, i.e. during a natural break in the action. They don't do "official's timeouts" like the NBA does when there hasn't been a chance to sell beer for a while. I watched a game yesterday where one drive used over 10 minutes of game clock time, with no break. The NBA would have stopped at least twice.

I don't recall the networks ever "randomly going to commercial" during NFL games, except by mistake. There are plenty of natural breaks to show commercials.
Hmm, you may be right. I remember when Trump owned a football team. The best player was this guy named Herschel Walker, who sounds suspiciously like a jew.

There's nothing about the name "Herschel Walker" that sounds Jewish to me.
Hmm, you may be right. I remember when Trump owned a football team. The best player was this guy named Herschel Walker, who sounds suspiciously like a jew.

There's nothing about the name "Herschel Walker" that sounds Jewish to me.
"Herschel", it was one of the names Hanukkah Harry (played by Jon Lovitz) yelled out when trying to save Christmas when Santa got sick in an SNL sketch.

The shit I remember.
Yup. That's the fundamental flaw in Libertarianism; it has, as an axiom, the demonstrably insane claim that each individual is equally powerful,

Whoah now, whoah. Where in the hell did you ever get an idea like that? I assume (my bad...always gets me into trouble) that you've researched what libertarianism actually is, so...I can't help wondering how you could type such an outright falsehood.

No. Libertarians DO NOT claim that each individual is equally powerful. What Libertarians claim is that each individual has equal access to the law of the land, and equal rights.

Nowhere, at any point, in any literature that expounds libertarian political theory, will you find it suggested, implied, or patently stated, that "each individual is equally powerful".

As usual, bilby is talking about things of which he/she has no knowledge. - ??

OR - and this is far more likely: bilby is lying (typing an untruth he knows to be untrue), in order to cast suspicion on libertarians and libertarianism.

I seriously hope, with all my heart, that he/she's merely ignorant, and not purposefully deceitful.

Oh goody.

Another self-proclaimed expert in Libertarianism. Jason and Loren will be thrilled.

P.S. Calling a board member a liar is a violation of this forum's rules. Familiarize yourself with the rules before you end up getting reported.
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