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Let's Face It...Trump is going to Win.

Oh brother, Saint Stein criticizes other candidates too. She doesn't just talk policy.

And she's a science-denyer. That takes her and her "party" completely off the table for me.

She probably knows better, but is dishonestly pandering to her base. Welcome to politics.

Not sure I agree it's pandering. Tiny parties like this tend to need to create a base rather than having one to pander to. Certainly on issues like GMOs I can see how the party constituents would agree with Stein, but on stuff like homeopathy and vaccines I think she's a true believer apart from any party members. https://www.isidewith.com/poll/759548534/962376
Let's face it. It is a face off between a slug and a caterpillar with real issues Americans have to live with clearly OFF THE TABLE. SNAFU best describes our political process. The only party with a cohesive policy platform is the Green Party and they have been shoved to the side by the creepy duo you see slugging it out on the basis of who can find the foulest things to say about his/her opponent.

Really, in a country of 300 million people, the Green Party has about 3 members. There are problems with both of those candidates ( Stein and Johnson) that should make anybody with a brain vote for Clinton. Sometimes it's the the choice between Chocolate cake or Ice Cream for dessert. Sometimes it's a choice between two people where one of them is a complete and total idiot. He is uninformed, undisciplined, narcissistic and worst of all intellectually not curious. It's Clinton or Trump and unless you are CA or NY a vote for anyone besides Clinton is a vote for Trump. Is she my ideal candidate? No. Is she the best candidate, it's not close.
Let's face it. It is a face off between a slug and a caterpillar with real issues Americans have to live with clearly OFF THE TABLE. SNAFU best describes our political process. The only party with a cohesive policy platform is the Green Party and they have been shoved to the side by the creepy duo you see slugging it out on the basis of who can find the foulest things to say about his/her opponent.

Really, in a country of 300 million people, the Green Party has about 3 members. There are problems with both of those candidates ( Stein and Johnson) that should make anybody with a brain vote for Clinton. Sometimes it's the the choice between Chocolate cake or Ice Cream for dessert. Sometimes it's a choice between two people where one of them is a complete and total idiot. He is uninformed, undisciplined, narcissistic and worst of all intellectually not curious. It's Clinton or Trump and unless you are CA or NY a vote for anyone besides Clinton is a vote for Trump. Is she my ideal candidate? No. Is she the best candidate, it's not close.

The Green Party is reported to have over 242,000 members an according to it website 100 or so elected officials at municipal level. So it has more than 3 members.
Really, in a country of 300 million people, the Green Party has about 3 members. There are problems with both of those candidates ( Stein and Johnson) that should make anybody with a brain vote for Clinton. Sometimes it's the the choice between Chocolate cake or Ice Cream for dessert. Sometimes it's a choice between two people where one of them is a complete and total idiot. He is uninformed, undisciplined, narcissistic and worst of all intellectually not curious. It's Clinton or Trump and unless you are CA or NY a vote for anyone besides Clinton is a vote for Trump. Is she my ideal candidate? No. Is she the best candidate, it's not close.

The Green Party is reported to have over 242,000 members an according to it website 100 or so elected officials at municipal level. So it has more than 3 members.

So they have a population as well as an influence on politics which ranks just below Lubbock Texas.
The Green Party is reported to have over 242,000 members an according to it website 100 or so elected officials at municipal level. So it has more than 3 members.

So they have a population as well as an influence on politics which ranks just below Lubbock Texas.

If there were 242,000 active Jihadist terrorists in the USA there would definitely be a problem. In the last election it only gained about 469,627 votes which was less than 0.5 percent. In Europe the Greens often get more than 5% which looks significant in multi-party systems. It seems to be set to gain quite a few votes due to discontent with the main parties. Ralph Nader however gained over 2,882.00 votes in 2000 votes on a Green ticket. Jill Stein is likely to increase the vote from the last election but I'm not sure if he can match or beat Nader's achievement.

I don't generally follow the Greens. In the UK they were once written off as a crank party but it actually won a seat in Parliament and 3 in the EU parliament. If there was proportional representation it would win more seats as its colleagues do in European countries.

Green philosophy has changed the way we view the environment. Renewable energy such as solar and wind technology are now receiving increases in funding. Nuclear power is efficient but maintenance costs have proven astronomical. Nuclear projects take 7 or 8 years to complete. Solar Panels and Windmills are by comparison simpler to build but the latter has not yet proven economical.

It's influence on the world regarding environmental policies and developing renewable energy and related science far greater than its electoral support.
If there were 242,000 active Jihadist terrorists in the USA there would definitely be a problem.


In the last election it only gained about 469,627 votes which was less than 0.5 percent. In Europe the Greens often get more than 5% which looks significant in multi-party systems. It seems to be set to gain quite a few votes due to discontent with the main parties. Ralph Nader however gained over 2,882.00 votes in 2000 votes on a Green ticket. Jill Stein is likely to increase the vote from the last election but I'm not sure if he can match or beat Nader's achievement.

I don't generally follow the Greens. In the UK they were once written off as a crank party but it actually won a seat in Parliament and 3 in the EU parliament. If there was proportional representation it would win more seats as its colleagues do in European countries.

Green philosophy has changed the way we view the environment. Renewable energy such as solar and wind technology are now receiving increases in funding. Nuclear power is efficient but maintenance costs have proven astronomical. Nuclear projects take 7 or 8 years to complete. Solar Panels and Windmills are by comparison simpler to build but the latter has not yet proven economical.

It's influence on the world regarding environmental policies and developing renewable energy and related science far greater than its electoral support.

All of which is meaningless for election 2016 because their numbers aren't what they were in 2000, and as well Stein is a deeply flawed candidate to lead the charge for meaningful change on the ecological front because of silly views like her concerns about subjecting children to the horrors of wifi radiation, and her concern about the mercury contained in vaccines.

Whatever benefits might be derived from the GP in 4 years or 40 years isn't really germane to the decision that's coming up in November.
So they have a population as well as an influence on politics which ranks just below Lubbock Texas.

Green philosophy has changed the way we view the environment. Renewable energy such as solar and wind technology are now receiving increases in funding. Nuclear power is efficient but maintenance costs have proven astronomical. Nuclear projects take 7 or 8 years to complete. Solar Panels and Windmills are by comparison simpler to build but the latter has not yet proven economical.

Wind power is economical. Here in Texas, 7% of our electrical power needs are now met with windpower. 2% with solar.

In the last election it only gained about 469,627 votes which was less than 0.5 percent. In Europe the Greens often get more than 5% which looks significant in multi-party systems. It seems to be set to gain quite a few votes due to discontent with the main parties. Ralph Nader however gained over 2,882.00 votes in 2000 votes on a Green ticket. Jill Stein is likely to increase the vote from the last election but I'm not sure if he can match or beat Nader's achievement.

I don't generally follow the Greens. In the UK they were once written off as a crank party but it actually won a seat in Parliament and 3 in the EU parliament. If there was proportional representation it would win more seats as its colleagues do in European countries.

Green philosophy has changed the way we view the environment. Renewable energy such as solar and wind technology are now receiving increases in funding. Nuclear power is efficient but maintenance costs have proven astronomical. Nuclear projects take 7 or 8 years to complete. Solar Panels and Windmills are by comparison simpler to build but the latter has not yet proven economical.

It's influence on the world regarding environmental policies and developing renewable energy and related science far greater than its electoral support.

All of which is meaningless for election 2016 because their numbers aren't what they were in 2000, and as well Stein is a deeply flawed candidate to lead the charge for meaningful change on the ecological front because of silly views like her concerns about subjecting children to the horrors of wifi radiation, and her concern about the mercury contained in vaccines.

Whatever benefits might be derived from the GP in 4 years or 40 years isn't really germane to the decision that's coming up in November.

She claims she is not anti-vaccine

Stein, a Massachusetts physician, has recently been plagued by accusations that she rejects the mainstream scientific view that vaccines are fundamentally safe. She has said that there are “real questions” about corporate influence over vaccines and that there is “widespread distrust of the medical-industrial complex”.

But in a CNN town hall event on Wednesday, Stein said her statements have been taking out of context and that previous concerns over mercury in vaccines have now been resolved.

I think this may have been the issue which I understand is resolved:

Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative that has been used for decades in the United States in multi-dose vials (vials containing more than one dose) of medicines and vaccines. There is no evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site. However, in July 1999, the Public Health Service agencies, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and vaccine manufacturers agreed that thimerosal should be reduced or eliminated in vaccines as a precautionary measure.

Thimerosal prevents the growth of bacteria in vaccines.
Thimerosal is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose (multi-dose vials) to prevent growth of germs, like bacteria and fungi. Introduction of bacteria and fungi has the potential to occur when a syringe needle enters a vial as a vaccine is being prepared for administration. Contamination by germs in a vaccine could cause severe local reactions, serious illness or death. In some vaccines, preservatives, including thimerosal, are added during the manufacturing process to prevent germ growth.

The human body eliminates thimerosal easily.
Thimerosal does not stay in the body a long time so it does not build up and reach harmful levels. When thimerosal enters the body, it breaks down to ethylmercury and thiosalicylate, which are readily eliminated.

Thimerosal has been shown to be safe when used in vaccines.
Thimerosal use in medical products has a record of being very safe. Data from many studies show no evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines.

There are some side effects of thimerosal in vaccines.
The most common side-effects are minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site. Although rare, some people may be allergic to thimerosal.

Green philosophy has changed the way we view the environment. Renewable energy such as solar and wind technology are now receiving increases in funding. Nuclear power is efficient but maintenance costs have proven astronomical. Nuclear projects take 7 or 8 years to complete. Solar Panels and Windmills are by comparison simpler to build but the latter has not yet proven economical.

Wind power is economical. Here in Texas, 7% of our electrical power needs are now met with windpower. 2% with solar.

If you have any research data let me know. I shall be checking this any way. When I visited Holland last year I was told that wind power is more expensive than oil, gas and liquified natural gas (LNG). Nuclear is currently facing problems due to the high cost of maintenance coupled with higher design specs.

Solar energy faces one basic problem where the solar panels have to be constantly cleaned to ensure maximum effect from the sun as dust and dirt eliminates this.
One company I visited in Spain was developing some automatic cleaning system for this which would mean more solar energy being used for the cleaning purpose. However it is cheaper than using men with cloths.

This site states wind power is not economical (but research in this field and other fields of renewable energy is receiving large increases in funding).

http://instituteforenergyresearch.org/analysi buts/news-flash-wind-power-not-cheaper-coal/

My understanding last year was that cost savings would be realised after 2020. I may also be out of date.
Really, in a country of 300 million people, the Green Party has about 3 members. There are problems with both of those candidates ( Stein and Johnson) that should make anybody with a brain vote for Clinton. Sometimes it's the the choice between Chocolate cake or Ice Cream for dessert. Sometimes it's a choice between two people where one of them is a complete and total idiot. He is uninformed, undisciplined, narcissistic and worst of all intellectually not curious. It's Clinton or Trump and unless you are CA or NY a vote for anyone besides Clinton is a vote for Trump. Is she my ideal candidate? No. Is she the best candidate, it's not close.

The Green Party is reported to have over 242,000 members an according to it website 100 or so elected officials at municipal level. So it has more than 3 members.

Is your

She claims she is not anti-vaccine

Stein, a Massachusetts physician, has recently been plagued by accusations that she rejects the mainstream scientific view that vaccines are fundamentally safe. She has said that there are “real questions” about corporate influence over vaccines and that there is “widespread distrust of the medical-industrial complex”.

But in a CNN town hall event on Wednesday, Stein said her statements have been taking out of context and that previous concerns over mercury in vaccines have now been resolved.

She can claim whatever she wants, I'm inferring from her statements that she's a freaking crank. There was no evidence that thimerosal was harmful, as there isn't with wifi signals, but she claimed that mercury (apparently she's unable to differentiate between elemental mercury and mercury contained in a chemical compound) was rampant and unchecked in vaccines (which is to say used in trace amounts in some vaccines). And her statements about questions she had regarding vaccine schedules are also preposterous, considering there are myriad resources (including the AAP since the FDA and CDC are a cabal of corporate fellaters) which would answer those questions. And in fact there is evidence that anti-vax people who are concerned about the vaccine schedule are actually putting their children in harms way without benefit http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/delaying-vaccines-increases-risks-with-no-added-benefits/

For both a former doctor an politician to breathlessly repeat these talking points is highly irresponsible, and it makes uninformed people question the validity of vaccination and more apt to influence from woo-peddlers. Stating she doesn't think there's a direct link between vaccines and autism, after much hand-wringing, is a very incomplete absolution. Even in context her statements, and her thought process are shit.

The set of people who are concerned about climate change, and as well clean energy, is much larger than the woo-minded - and in fact most are actually turned off by this sort of nonsense.

I think this may have been the issue which I understand is resolved:

Thanks for that, I was completely unaware of what I was referencing.
Coming soon to a dollar store near you. Piles and piles of Ann Coulter's book
[h=1]In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome![/h]
$1.00, $.50, Do you want to make us an offer?
As I may have noted here earlier, the replacement of Manafort with Ailes, Bannon, and Kellyann Conway turned the Trump campaign around. In particular Ailes and Conway seem to have found a way to make Trump look like a normal human being most (but not all) the time. Combined with the endless "drip-drip" of negative news over Hillary's health, new email revelations (e.g. FBI grants of immunity to Clinton characters), and Trumps relentless jabs the gap has narrowed to a tie in at least three national polls. And some battleground polls show a tie in Colorado and Penn.

In addition, Nate Silver's projection's keep getting worse for Hillary. Here is a chart of the "probability" of a win for Clinton and Trump, if the election were held today.


Clinton only has a 54 percent chance of wining...essentially a tossup. Today's debate may give her a tiny bounce (1 or 2 percent) but that will fade. Trump will be better prepared for the next debate (a townhall?) and that will be right up his alley. Pence will likely cream Kaine in the VP debate.

Big Mo has been on Trump's side since Sept 3rd. Any day now, either Colorado, NH, or Penn will start leaning Trump (most likely within 10 days or less).

Poor Joe Biden, the guy that could have stomped Trump.

The new Chief of Staff? Rumored to be Steve Bannon of Breitbart. Welcome to "alt-right" America.

Or as Kent Brockman could have said: "I , for one, welcome our new whack-a-doodle overlord".

Well, Max, time to revisit your prediction. A lot of it has come untrue. Clinton soared after the debates. Trump looked a bit better in the other debates, but Clinton continued her leads. It appeared to be a blowout for her. But that ain't obviously gonna happen. Your most important prediction may end up being right. Clinton just can't seem to hold on to it.

Yeah, I'm baffled by it. Whenever Clinton is directly compared to Trump, as at the conventions or the debates, she soars. Yet when there's a period of time when they are both doing their own thing, she gradually sinks. Its like the background is hostile to her and favorable to Trump. I'm flummoxed by any tendency that might lead people to think that Trump is better than her. Yet the tendency clearly exists and asserts itself in the in-between times of the election.

I can only hope that when people find themselves at the moment of decision that a bit of the direct comparison trend will assert itself in their minds. Yet of course the voters who are still on the fence are the ones who likely won't show up. I suppose that might work against Trump more than Clinton, if he's benefitting from some kind of background prejudice.

I think background prejudice is a good explanation for a lot of things going on these days.
Yeah, I'm baffled by it. Whenever Clinton is directly compared to Trump, as at the conventions or the debates, she soars. Yet when there's a period of time when they are both doing their own thing, she gradually sinks. Its like the background is hostile to her and favorable to Trump. I'm flummoxed by any tendency that might lead people to think that Trump is better than her. Yet the tendency clearly exists and asserts itself in the in-between times of the election.

I can only hope that when people find themselves at the moment of decision that a bit of the direct comparison trend will assert itself in their minds. Yet of course the voters who are still on the fence are the ones who likely won't show up. I suppose that might work against Trump more than Clinton, if he's benefitting from some kind of background prejudice.

I think background prejudice is a good explanation for a lot of things going on these days.

Are the voters looking for the best or the least worst?
Yeah, I'm baffled by it. Whenever Clinton is directly compared to Trump, as at the conventions or the debates, she soars. Yet when there's a period of time when they are both doing their own thing, she gradually sinks. Its like the background is hostile to her and favorable to Trump. I'm flummoxed by any tendency that might lead people to think that Trump is better than her. Yet the tendency clearly exists and asserts itself in the in-between times of the election.

I can only hope that when people find themselves at the moment of decision that a bit of the direct comparison trend will assert itself in their minds. Yet of course the voters who are still on the fence are the ones who likely won't show up. I suppose that might work against Trump more than Clinton, if he's benefitting from some kind of background prejudice.

I think background prejudice is a good explanation for a lot of things going on these days.
It's not that they think he's better than her but that he's not her.

Also that he's not part of either Establishment.

People need to start coming to grips with the fact that the developed world is in the midst of a giant anti-Establishment backlash and the Establishment has no one to blame but themselves.
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