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Local Weather


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Nothing like a good tax to fix disagreeable weather.

It’s a catastrophic 82 degrees in Santa Monica. Oh the humanity!!
Started this thread as a home for local weather reports.

We have had a fairly nice (by Santa Monica standards), last few weeks. Highs in the 80s and lows in the high 50s. Rain for a few minutes most afternoons… all seasonal normalities. I work around the place early, swim in the heat of the day (indoor pool 82° today) and - Great sleeping weather! Very much as I remember it 25 years ago.

My biggest complaint is the wind, which whips up unbelievably as storms approach.
But even Santa Monica gets wind; Santa Ana winds are persistent, dangerous and a total blessing for surfers. I do hope @TSwizzle will let us know when they kick up again.

How about y’all? Any stuff you’d like to park here about weather is welcome.

Please save climate change discussion for the climate change thread.

Please save climate change discussion for the climate change thread.
Well, sure, because weather is not climate, which Swizzle either doesn’t know or is pretending not to know.

A hundred years from now, there will still be nice, 82-degree days in what is left of Santa Monica. The pier will be underwater, though.
In my neighborhood, the days stay in the high nineties, with a heat index of around 110. Scattered thunderstorms break the heat a couple days a week, most weeks. This will be the pattern until the first hurricane.

My experience with California weather is limited to a short stay in Los Angeles a few year ago. It was July, about 85 and I thought it was fairly nice. The TV in my hotel room was set to the local news and they interviewed a road construction worker and asked him how he dealt with the heat. He said, "I wear a hat." Good advice in any climate.
The pier will be underwater, though.

They’ll just build upon the existing structure. Raising it a foot or so every ten years should work for a while … as long as Swiz pays his taxes. And it will also have to get longer, to the benefit of everyone! :)
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I've already booked my gear for Mar-a-Lago: Scuba Encounter, in 2060.

Get weather insurance. Nothing worse than getting to a destination and huddling in a hotel, hoping to weather the storm and still get in a dive before plane time.
Personally I’d love to dive the high rise sites; all those large structures could be a unique haven for marine life.
The pier will be underwater, though.

They’ll just build upon the existing structure. Raising it a foot or so every ten years should work for a while … as long as Swiz pays his taxes. And it will also have to get longer, to the benefit of everyone! :)
They did that with the bridge over the river that divided Nerang and said ‘it won’t go under again’. Ummmmm

They ultimately raised it a metre or so and while it did go under in 2011, there was the motorway bridge 10m higher to use.
The pier will be underwater, though.

They’ll just build upon the existing structure. Raising it a foot or so every ten years should work for a while … as long as Swiz pays his taxes. And it will also have to get longer, to the benefit of everyone! :)
They did that with the bridge over the river that divided Nerang and said ‘it won’t go under again’. Ummmmm

They ultimately raised it a metre or so and while it did go under in 2011, there was the motorway bridge 10m higher to use.

Weather is a bitch. But kudos to the farsighted visionaries who raised it 10m! Because “climate has always changed”. And who knows? If a big asteroid fell into the Indian Ocean and evaporated it, or ejected enough water, sea levels could plummet and the whole Santa Monica pier could end up on dry land in a few weeks!
But that whole natural disaster thing is a sword of Damocles hanging over the whole west coast.
I saw a tiny tidal wave one day in Fernald cove in Montecito. It was maybe a foot high? Hard to tell, but it was mid- tide and all the water just suddenly, within seconds, started racing up the sand. In twenty seconds or so it passed the high tide mark and just kept going, with the remnants reaching a storage shed on the edge of the beach, a couple hundred feet “inland”. Very impressive, and just a remnant from an Alaska quake, damped somewhat by the Channel Islands.
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Chiang Mai was Too F*k*g Hot even a week ago, but temperatures have turned balmy, and should continue to fall until December, when a sweater may be needed. Light rain some days. Historically Aug-Sept is rainiest, but all-in-all Chiang Mai should be a good place to live or visit from now till Feb-Mar-April when smoke and heat do their double whammy. (Though some tourists love the Water Festival in mid-April.)
The last few months were all over the place in terms of historical patters.

Right now we are in the usual high 40s to 50s at night and 60s to upper 70s in the day sometimes in the 80s, typical for his time.
88 F today in NW Oregun.
high 70s rest of week.
Last rain was on Sunday.
Very nice in my last home in Alaska this week.
The pier will be underwater, though.

They’ll just build upon the existing structure. Raising it a foot or so every ten years should work for a while … as long as Swiz pays his taxes. And it will also have to get longer, to the benefit of everyone! :)
They did that with the bridge over the river that divided Nerang and said ‘it won’t go under again’. Ummmmm

They ultimately raised it a metre or so and while it did go under in 2011, there was the motorway bridge 10m higher to use.

Weather is a bitch. But kudos to the farsighted visionaries who raised it 10m! Because “climate has always changed”. And who knows? If a big asteroid fell into the Indian Ocean and evaporated it, or ejected enough water, sea levels could plummet and the whole Santa Monica pier could end up on dry land in a few weeks!
But that whole natural disaster thing is a sword of Damocles hanging over the whole west coast.
I saw a tiny tidal wave one day in Fernald cove in Montecito. It was maybe a foot high? Hard to tell, but it was mid- tide and all the water just suddenly, within seconds, started racing up the sand. In twenty seconds or so it passed the high tide mark and just kept going, with the remnants reaching a storage shed on the edge of the beach, a couple hundred feet “inland”. Very impressive, and just a remnant from an Alaska quake, damped somewhat by the Channel Islands.
Umm.. they didn’t raise the bridge 10m. They built a whole other bridge for the motorway about 20m up the river.

We've been between 5 and 10 degrees above average for June here about 40 miles South of ATL. In other words, it's fucking hot. Today it's supposed to be 98 F of course and yesterday was 97. it's dry. We've had very little rain in the past week or two. The air quality is usually good, but when we have several high 90 days in a row, it sometimes reaches the dangerous range. it's good right now, and only about 70. This afternoon will be awful. But, we turn off the AC at night and use window fans and a ceiling fan. Last night I was so cold, I had to turn off one fan. I hate AC but we have to use it from about 9AM to 9PM. See, I'm trying to save the planet. /s

It's supposed to be in the low 90s next week, which is probably closer to normal for July. Summers here vary from upper 80s to mid 90s normally.
Got some early cloud cover today. Took Wonder to her fav lake and she had a fine time. I love the warm air, but really appreciate the clouds; sun can be brutal at this altitude.
We're expecting a week of 100 degrees F (roughly 38 C). Pretty typical for this time of year.fortunat
It's only supposed to be 85 for the high tomorrow. Can't wait for that cool weather. :D And on Saturday, the high is only going to be 90, with a cloud coverage, so I'm hoping to be able to go to the Pride celebration at a local park, hosted by a gay member of our little Freethought group. But I digress.

Anyway, this will be the 5th outside celebration of some type that I've attended when the weather was very hot. 90 degrees would be cooler than the other 4.
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