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London approves "Trump baby" blimp for flyover


The president is most certainly respected, save a pleathora of social misfits and occasional political figureheads catering to their base basking on the left. He is also feared, as he should be--non dainty leaders usually are.

Thanks! This is exactly what I was talking about. Conservolibertarians really do think America is more respected now that we have Trump in office despite plenty of evidence to the contrary.

Now no one can accuse me of erecting a straw man. Thank you.

I'm not a conservo-whatcha-mu-call it.


And that's not what I said. The US isn't as respected as it could be right now. We still have the obama issues to correct for.

Ok, so you believe that Obama created some kind of disaster that lowered America's standing in the world, and America's image is now improved because Trump is in the White House instead of Obama, but you want us to believe that you're not a conservative or libertarian?

Are you some other kind of rightist?

What is the politically correct term for whatever kind FOX News consumer you are?

Alt-right free speech warrior?



I'm getting tired of walking on eggshells here, but I will respect your feelings. Just let us know the politically correct term for whatever kind of rightist you are, and I will do my best to remember to use your preferred designation.
The US isn't as respected as it could be right now.

The US isn't as respected as it was when Obama was President. But you can't bring yourself to say that, even though virtually ANYONE outside the US would tell you so...
Why can't you admit it? Need to blame Obama for something?
I'm not a conservo-whatcha-mu-call it.


And that's not what I said. The US isn't as respected as it could be right now. We still have the obama issues to correct for.

Ok, so you believe that Obama created some kind of disaster that lowered America's standing in the world, and America's image is now improved because Trump is in the White House instead of Obama, but you want us to believe that you're not a conservative or libertarian?

Are you some other kind of rightist?

What is the politically correct term for whatever kind FOX News consumer you are?

Alt-right free speech warrior?



I'm getting tired of walking on eggshells here, but I will respect your feelings. Just let us know the politically correct term for whatever kind of rightist you are, and I will do my best to remember to use your preferred designation.

Are you always so excitable? I'm a conservative. I'm a Republican. And, (and notice I started a sentence with "and," so I may be a rebel too. Look, just as I plainly explained in post #13, Trump is payback. You vomited obama upon us, and to show our clear and unambiguous appreciation, we have graced you with Trump.
I'm not a conservo-whatcha-mu-call it.


And that's not what I said. The US isn't as respected as it could be right now. We still have the obama issues to correct for.

Ok, so you believe that Obama created some kind of disaster that lowered America's standing in the world, and America's image is now improved because Trump is in the White House instead of Obama, but you want us to believe that you're not a conservative or libertarian?

Are you some other kind of rightist?

What is the politically correct term for whatever kind FOX News consumer you are?

Alt-right free speech warrior?



I'm getting tired of walking on eggshells here, but I will respect your feelings. Just let us know the politically correct term for whatever kind of rightist you are, and I will do my best to remember to use your preferred designation.

Are you always so excitable? I'm a conservative. I'm a Republican. And, (and notice I started a sentence with "and," so I may be a rebel too. Look, just as I plainly explained in post #13, Trump is payback. You vomited obama upon us, and to show our clear and unambiguous appreciation, we have graced you with Trump.

If you're a conservative, your preferred politically correct designation was already included in conservolibertarian, which is a portmanteau of conservative and libertarian.

Why were you so triggered by that word?

What was it that Obama did that improved once Trump stepped in office?

In what way has America's standing in the world improved under Trump?
Are you always so excitable? I'm a conservative. I'm a Republican. And, (and notice I started a sentence with "and," so I may be a rebel too. Look, just as I plainly explained in post #13, Trump is payback. You vomited obama upon us, and to show our clear and unambiguous appreciation, we have graced you with Trump.

If you're a conservative, your preferred politically correct designation was already included in conservolibertarian, which is a portmanteau of conservative and libertarian.

Why were you so triggered by that word?

What was it that Obama did that improved once Trump stepped in office?

In what way has America's standing in the world improved under Trump?
I never said that I was a libertarian. You think that because I'm a conservative that I am also a libertarian? Or, are you saying that if I am one or the other, then I'm a conservo (um) conserva (uh) whatever the hell it is you said?
Conservatives and libertarians take identical stances on so many issues and even use the same bumper sticker arguments to take the same positions on the same issues.

What is the politically correct term to collectively refer to conservatives and libertarians? I'm not writing out "conservatives and libertarians" each and every time. Not when both groups take identical positions on so many issues and even use the same catch phrases they got from the same propaganda outlets.

Yet apparently, half of them get triggered by the term conservolibertarian.

Before I hurt any more delicate, fragile feelings, what is the politically correct term?


- - - Updated - - -

Are you always so excitable? I'm a conservative. I'm a Republican. And, (and notice I started a sentence with "and," so I may be a rebel too. Look, just as I plainly explained in post #13, Trump is payback. You vomited obama upon us, and to show our clear and unambiguous appreciation, we have graced you with Trump.

If you're a conservative, your preferred politically correct designation was already included in conservolibertarian, which is a portmanteau of conservative and libertarian.

Why were you so triggered by that word?

What was it that Obama did that improved once Trump stepped in office?

In what way has America's standing in the world improved under Trump?
I never said that I was a libertarian. You think that because I'm a conservative that I am also a libertarian? Or, are you saying that if I am one or the other, then I'm a conservo (um) conserva (uh) whatever the hell it is you said?

Would it help if I provide a link to a definition of portmanteau?
Conservatives and libertarians take identical stances on so many issues and even use the same bumper sticker arguments to take the same positions on the same issues.

What is the politically correct term to collectively refer to conservatives and libertarians? I'm not writing out "conservatives and libertarians" each and every time. Not when both groups take identical positions on so many issues and even use the same catch phrases they got from the same propaganda outlets.

Yet apparently, half of them get triggered by the term conservolibertarian.

Before I hurt any more delicate, fragile feelings, what is the politically correct term?

View attachment 16515

- - - Updated - - -

I never said that I was a libertarian. You think that because I'm a conservative that I am also a libertarian? Or, are you saying that if I am one or the other, then I'm a conservo (um) conserva (uh) whatever the hell it is you said?

Would it help if I provide a link to a definition of portmanteau?

I used to call myself a libertarian, but I never called myself a conservative. I remember I had reasons, but I was even dumber then than I am now. Now I just refer to myself as a moderate.

However, a search of "what is the difference between libertarian and conservative" yields many results.


There is this simplification:

In simple terms, it is fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Libertarians are in favour of free markets, like conservatives, but are also in favour of social equality, like liberals. ... There is also a more fundamental difference between libertarianism and both conservatism and liberalism. - emphasis mine

My general rule is that, despite what people call themselves, another individual always knows more about what they actually think than I do.

If someone is actually lying about what they really think, well, there's nothing one can do about that except to entrap them into the confessing the truth with logical and relentless argumentation.

I'm certain fast knows what portmanteau means, I mean, what with his long history of excellently-composed and highly-literate posts.
You vomited obama upon us, and to show our clear and unambiguous appreciation, we have graced you with Trump.

You mean a steady recovery from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression?

An intelligent, well spoken, thoughtful person who gained the world's respect by the way he conducted the affairs of the nation?

A man who actually made a good faith effort to do his level best to get all Americans affordable healthcare?

Yeah, what an asshole.

And so your claim is that you've spited us by electing Trump. What-the-fuck-ever.
The overwhelming majority of people outside the USA would rate Obama as one of the better US Presidents, and certainly the best of the last ten or a dozen.

It astonishes me that Americans are so ignorant of the political attitudes of foreigners; To the vast bulk of the 95% of humans who do not live in the USA, Obama seemed like an excellent leader for your country. I can see how there may have been any number of domestic issues that would give Americans a different perspective - most politicians look better at a distance than they do close-up - But the idea that there is any comparison between Obama and Trump is laughable. It's like comparing a turkey sandwich with a fresh cow pat; There may be some criticism of the sandwich as a lunch choice, and that criticism may be justified, on a stand-alone basis. But even the world's least appealing turkey sandwich is a better meal than cow shit. The very idea that you might try to compare the two is fucking insane.
Literally everyone I know, staunch conservatives included, are shaking their heads at the US right now for electing a reality TV guy as a president.
The overwhelming majority of people outside the USA would rate Obama as one of the better US Presidents, and certainly the best of the last ten or a dozen.

It astonishes me that Americans are so ignorant of the political attitudes of foreigners; To the vast bulk of the 95% of humans who do not live in the USA, Obama seemed like an excellent leader for your country. I can see how there may have been any number of domestic issues that would give Americans a different perspective - most politicians look better at a distance than they do close-up - But the idea that there is any comparison between Obama and Trump is laughable. It's like comparing a turkey sandwich with a fresh cow pat; There may be some criticism of the sandwich as a lunch choice, and that criticism may be justified, on a stand-alone basis. But even the world's least appealing turkey sandwich is a better meal than cow shit. The very idea that you might try to compare the two is fucking insane.

Yes, well you foreigners are ignorant of American politics because you don't live in America.

For example, if you lived in America, you would know about Obama's secret weather weapon that he used to confiscate all the guns and steal our freedom! How can any sane person not find that humiliating? But you foreigners are ignorant of American politics, so I don't expect you to understand these nuances.

Did I mention Obama's Terrorist Fist Bump yet? or the Secret Muslim Ring? [/conservolibertarian]
[off topic- but only slightly]
45 Quotes To Use When Describing Conservatives And Republicans

“In the United States I have always believed that there was a big difference between Conservative and stupid. Boy is it getting harder to prove that one by the minute.”
~Rick Mercer

Many great quotes there.

If I may add:

"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong."
—H. L. Mencken

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest to fool."
—Richard Feynman

"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."
—Bill Watterson

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge…"
—Charles Darwin

"Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?"
—Douglas Adams

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
—Douglas Adams

"Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it."
—George Bernard Shaw

"I will make a bargain with the Republicans. If they will stop telling lies about Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them."
—Adlai Stevenson

I know. Many of those quotes aren't specifically about conservatives nor conservatism, but are certainly applicable.

And for the liberals:

"If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master. The wise despot, therefore, maintains among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual."
—Frank Herbert

Stop being so goddamned polite. There is a time for politeness, and that time is not when your nation is sliding into all-out fascism.
The overwhelming majority of people outside the USA would rate Obama as one of the better US Presidents, and certainly the best of the last ten or a dozen.

I agree with the 'one of the better', but the 'best of the last ten or a dozen' is a bit strained. I'm not sure what you are using as a gauge of 'best', but I'd say that Carter was a good, decent man as president, but LBJ certainly accomplished a whole shitload more things for the average American, despite the shitty war into which he dragged us.

Ah, details and perspective.
Since nobody had posted an image yet, I thought I'd accommodate:


Teeshirts already available with the logo, 'Floatus Potus'.
The overwhelming majority of people outside the USA would rate Obama as one of the better US Presidents, and certainly the best of the last ten or a dozen.

I agree with the 'one of the better', but the 'best of the last ten or a dozen' is a bit strained. I'm not sure what you are using as a gauge of 'best', but I'd say that Carter was a good, decent man as president, but LBJ certainly accomplished a whole shitload more things for the average American, despite the shitty war into which he dragged us.

Ah, details and perspective.

From my perspective, Obama was the best president we've had in my lifetime. (born in 1950) He only had two years to get anything done, before Congress decided to block everything he tried to do, even if it was their idea. LBJ's war disqualified him from the title IMO, but Carter was truly a high quality individual - probably the best guy to be president in my lifetime, but not a very effective president. I give Obama huge credit for the ACA, which accomplished against great odds. And no new wars.... sorta.
I'm not a conservo-whatcha-mu-call it.


And that's not what I said. The US isn't as respected as it could be right now. We still have the obama issues to correct for.

Ok, so you believe that Obama created some kind of disaster that lowered America's standing in the world, and America's image is now improved because Trump is in the White House instead of Obama, but you want us to believe that you're not a conservative or libertarian?

Are you some other kind of rightist?

What is the politically correct term for whatever kind FOX News consumer you are?

Alt-right free speech warrior?



I'm getting tired of walking on eggshells here, but I will respect your feelings. Just let us know the politically correct term for whatever kind of rightist you are, and I will do my best to remember to use your preferred designation.

Are you always so excitable? I'm a conservative. I'm a Republican. And, (and notice I started a sentence with "and," so I may be a rebel too. Look, just as I plainly explained in post #13, Trump is payback. You vomited obama upon us, and to show our clear and unambiguous appreciation, we have graced you with Trump.

Sure, but do you really believe that the world perceives Obama as less respectable than Trump?

Or to put it plainly, do you thing the average view of foreigners is that Obama diminished our world standing, and Trump is recovering that standing? I know what you believe, but I'm asking you what you think other people believe, since you did make that claim.
The overwhelming majority of people outside the USA would rate Obama as one of the better US Presidents, and certainly the best of the last ten or a dozen.

I agree with the 'one of the better', but the 'best of the last ten or a dozen' is a bit strained. I'm not sure what you are using as a gauge of 'best', but I'd say that Carter was a good, decent man as president, but LBJ certainly accomplished a whole shitload more things for the average American, despite the shitty war into which he dragged us.

Ah, details and perspective.

LBJ had a Congress that, at least occasionally, was willing to work with him for the good of the country. Obama had people like McConnell, who proclaimed that his primary job was to make sure Obama was a one-term President (and he couldn’t even do that job).
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