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London approves "Trump baby" blimp for flyover

Are you always so excitable? I'm a conservative. I'm a Republican. And, (and notice I started a sentence with "and," so I may be a rebel too. Look, just as I plainly explained in post #13, Trump is payback. You vomited obama upon us, and to show our clear and unambiguous appreciation, we have graced you with Trump.

Sure, but do you really believe that the world perceives Obama as less respectable than Trump?

Or to put it plainly, do you thing the average view of foreigners is that Obama diminished our world standing, and Trump is recovering that standing? I know what you believe, but I'm asking you what you think other people believe, since you did make that claim.
My goodness. I think I've taken subtlety too far. You don't know what it is I believe. I will take the blame for poor communication. Not only that, I retract my comments that led to all this.
The overwhelming majority of people outside the USA would rate Obama as one of the better US Presidents, and certainly the best of the last ten or a dozen.

I agree with the 'one of the better', but the 'best of the last ten or a dozen' is a bit strained. I'm not sure what you are using as a gauge of 'best', but I'd say that Carter was a good, decent man as president, but LBJ certainly accomplished a whole shitload more things for the average American, despite the shitty war into which he dragged us.

Ah, details and perspective.

LBJ had a Congress that, at least occasionally, was willing to work with him for the good of the country. Obama had people like McConnell, who proclaimed that his primary job was to make sure Obama was a one-term President (and he couldn’t even do that job).

I can see Carter as perhaps approaching Obama in terms of being the best of the most recent dozen Presidents of the USA. Not so much LBJ. But regardless, Obama is in the top flight. Trump on the other hand...

List of the Ten Worst US Presidents in History:

10. You
9. Can't
8. Rank
7. Presidents
6. As
5. All
4. Face
3. Different
2. Challenges
1. Trump.
What was it that Obama did that improved once Trump stepped in office?

I'd like fast to answer this question he dodged.

Me, too

I think he's trying to imply that he already answered the question.

I have the same problem when watching white supremacist videos. They never seem to be capable of coming out and saying what they mean.

I am unable to answer your question with any great confidence in accuracy. I should not have said anything negative about obama. I retract my earlier comments. I apologize for the disruption.
Are you always so excitable? I'm a conservative. I'm a Republican. And, (and notice I started a sentence with "and," so I may be a rebel too. Look, just as I plainly explained in post #13, Trump is payback. You vomited obama upon us, and to show our clear and unambiguous appreciation, we have graced you with Trump.

Sure, but do you really believe that the world perceives Obama as less respectable than Trump?

Or to put it plainly, do you thing the average view of foreigners is that Obama diminished our world standing, and Trump is recovering that standing? I know what you believe, but I'm asking you what you think other people believe, since you did make that claim.
My goodness. I think I've taken subtlety too far. You don't know what it is I believe. I will take the blame for poor communication. Not only that, I retract my comments that led to all this.

Ah, I missed post # 13
I'm not a conservo-whatcha-mu-call it.


And that's not what I said. The US isn't as respected as it could be right now. We still have the obama issues to correct for.
Which countries do you think respect us now that didn't before Trump's election? It is pretty clear that since Trump's election, we have lost some respect from Mexico, Canada, Germany, and the UK for sure.

I was just funnin' with underseer. You know he likes it.

In order to avoid offending people, I've stopped saying "conservolibertarian" and have started saying things like "conservatives and libertarians, who happen to use the same arguments to take the same positions on this issue."

Is that a more politically correct way to collectively refer to conservatives and libertarians without offense? You're not triggered into telling weird jokes?
I was just funnin' with underseer. You know he likes it.

In order to avoid offending people, I've stopped saying "conservolibertarian" and have started saying things like "conservatives and libertarians, who happen to use the same arguments to take the same positions on this issue."

Is that a more politically correct way to collectively refer to conservatives and libertarians without offense? You're not triggered into telling weird jokes?
The word doesn't offend me. I am hoping you're just going through a phase though.
I was just funnin' with underseer. You know he likes it.

In order to avoid offending people, I've stopped saying "conservolibertarian" and have started saying things like "conservatives and libertarians, who happen to use the same arguments to take the same positions on this issue."

Is that a more politically correct way to collectively refer to conservatives and libertarians without offense? You're not triggered into telling weird jokes?
The word doesn't offend me. I am hoping you're just going through a phase though.

You went out of your way to make that little joke. I'd say your actions belie your claim.

Which one offends you least?
The word doesn't offend me. I am hoping you're just going through a phase though.

You went out of your way to make that little joke. I'd say your actions belie your claim.

Which one offends you least?

Quite a few of your recent posts in varying threads are indicative that you're in a state of agitation. Maybe you're angry. That wouldn't surprise me. Many people are. But, I don't mean that in the sense where someone gets angry and starts firing away until later coming to a calm. It's the relentless pattern of behavior that's puzzling. I'm not even concerned that you make the occasional mistake based on an assumption. We all do that. It's like you're fixated on proving some point. Whether you're right or wrong is hardly the issue. Like I said, I hope it's just a phase.

As to your question, is that a trap? Am I to pick one so that you can try and show that if one offends me less than the other that the one that offends me the least is still offensive to me? That avoids the possibility that the one that offends me less doesn't offend me at all. Awe, but then if one is less offensive (yet not offensive at all), then I must be offended by another since it's more than the other. Is that the angle? How about all three "conservatism", "libertarianism," and "conservolibertarianism" offend me equally. Does that somehow (in your mind) imply that I'm offended by them? Well, it shouldn't. None of them do I find offensive, but more importantly, my saying they offend me equally doesn't imply they offend me. I was a bit perplexed about what meaning you held for the combo one, but that's all cleared up now.

How would you like to wake up tomorrow morning and find that all your fellow liberals here on this board had a change of heart about President Trump and vowed to support and vote for him in the next election? Now there's a word, "liberal." I don't find the word offensive per se, but I think I might be a tad miffed (just a tad) if people referred to me as one. Or maybe you don't like the word "Trump."

Or, maybe it's Trump you find more offensive. Which do you find more offensive, the taboo n word or an offensive man that we shouldn't call one? Do you have a point to prove?

I tell ya what. From the words of a song: Alright, I quit. I lose. You're the winner. So I stumbled from that barroom not so tall and not so proud, and I can still hear the hoots and laughter of the crowd. Butcha know what ... .

Before I bring this to a permanent close, let me just say that I don't have a problem with you. I was just friggin' joking around a lil bit. Lighten up.
I read that as Trump arrived at Blenheim Palace for his first meet with British officials the Palace Guard Band played the Imperial March from Star Wars. The Brits have quite the sense of humor.
How would you like to wake up tomorrow morning and find that all your fellow liberals here on this board had a change of heart about President Trump and vowed to support and vote for him in the next election?

Lol! That *might* happen... if the opponent was Lucifer himself, replete with horns and a tail, and breathing fire.
No, on second thought, that might peel off a percentage of the opposition to Cheato, but not "all your fellow liberals".
Could be a tough decision.
I mean, Trump shows every sign of jealousy toward autocratic dictators, tries to emulate their behavior and cruelty and is attempting to dismantle the entire American structure of laws, accountability, separation of powers etc.
Would Lucifer do that? ... prob'ly not - he's already got his domain over which he supposedly rules in a fashion about which Cheato can only dream...
Maybe if his opponent was Cthulhu?


Damn. Still would be a hard choice. I probably just wouldn't vote.
Watched some of the TV coverage of the protest march. Saw some FUCK TRUMP signs and one Coup d'twat. US TV generally tries to avoid that sort of thing.
I guess it's ok to have an actual Trump balloon, but an unflattering balloon about about Sadiq I, the Khan of Londonistan is out of bounds even if only photo-shopped.
Tory MP apologises for tweet of Sadiq Khan image with pig balloon

Here is the oh-so offending image:

To sum up: insulting Trump with a balloon is a-ok, but insulting Sadiq Khan with a tweet featuring a photo-shopped image is not ok, because he is a Muslim, and they enjoy special protections ...
To sum up: insulting Trump with a balloon is a-ok, but insulting Sadiq Khan with a tweet featuring a photo-shopped image is not ok, because he is a Muslim, and they enjoy special protections ...
The Trump Blimp attacks 'dish it out but cannot take it' Trump for his own behavior. Years and years of name-calling and whining about people not lauding him.

A pig fucking Khan isn't attacking anything about Khan except his religion. Not for any policy he's implemented, nor any way he behaves in the press, or how he does anything. It's not 'insulting Khan,' as much as insulting all of Islam.
So, yeah, i can see it being received differently. It's pretty pathetic propaganda, from someone who ONLY knows Khan's face and his religion.

Make an actual Khan blimp, something that insults Khan specifically, see how he reacts, if someone wants to 'win the balloon wars.'
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