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MAGA Rally In DC For Reality Denial

Again with the caravans?
I thought your lot liked caravans. Or is it only when they are Honduran illegal caravans?

What could possibly go wrong? It would be a shame if it turned out that these Texans are more violent than the mythical antifas.
Pox on both their houses, as far as I am concerned.
Antifas are hardly "mythical" though, and at least MAGAs are not (yet) looting and vandalizing stores or burning this bitch down. Hell, they are not even blockading interstate highways and bridges.
Takes a lot of gallons of gasoline to drive from Texas to DC.

About the same as to drive from Bronx, NY to Cannonball, ND to protest against an oil pipeline (the irony!) like future Corporal Sandy did. But her actions, and similar actions by other oil-haters are praised on here. What's the difference?

Again, pox on both their houses.
at least MAGAs are not (yet) looting and vandalizing stores or burning this bitch down. Hell, they are not even blockading interstate highways and bridges.

No, they are merely demanding an end to democracy since there terrorist efforts to threaten voters and poll workers with assault rifles didn't work to keep their dear leader in office.
Takes a lot of gallons of gasoline to drive from Texas to DC.

About the same as to drive from Bronx, NY to Cannonball, ND to protest against an oil pipeline (the irony!) like future Corporal Sandy did. But her actions, and similar actions by other oil-haters are praised on here. What's the difference?
My point was these MAGAers must have some money to make such a round trip (not to mention the time off from work).

Thanks for injecting a pointless "whatboutism".

Regardless of one's feeling about the objects of the protest, if you cannot distinguish the difference between protesting the outcome of a legal election and the building of infrastructure that helps to promote environmental degradation, then the scope for rational discussion is severely limited.
This reality denial all seems connected to the Stop the Steal Right Wing Disinformation campaign. I wonder where the money is coming from.


Stop the Steal's massive disinformation campaign connected to Roger Stone

Its origin traces to Roger Stone, a veteran Republican operative and self-described "dirty trickster" whose 40-month prison sentence for seven felonies was cut short by Trump's commutation in July.

"I would not consider this a grassroots movement by any means," said Ben Decker, the CEO and founder of Memetica, a digital investigations consultancy. "Stop the Steal is a highly coordinated partisan political operation intent on bringing together conspiracy theorists, militias, hate groups and Trump supporters to attack the integrity of our election."

Today, StopTheSteal.org redirects to Stone's personal web page, "StoneColdTruth.com," where Stone has been posting conspiracy theories about "widespread voter fraud."

Also on November 4, the Stop the Steal Facebook group was launched by an organization led by a woman with ties to Stone's ex-wife and managed by a team of several conservative activists, some with close connections to Bannon.

Amy Kremer is the chair of Women for America First -- an organization which created the Stop the Steal Facebook group, according to Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a London-based think tank that monitors online polarization and extremism. Kremer was a lead Tea Party organizer who also started a super PAC with Stone's ex-wife, Ann Stone, called Women Vote Trump.

In an emailed response to a set of questions from CNN, Kremer did not deny that Stop the Steal is a planned, recycled version of a similar gambit. She declined to answer a question about the extent to which she was coordinating the Stop the Steal efforts with high-profile right wing operatives, but said: "We welcome the support and involvement of any individual who is concerned about the integrity of our elections and who supports President Trump."

The administrators for the Stop the Steal Facebook group also included Dustin Stockton and Jennifer Lawrence, a couple who have both written for Breitbart -- where Bannon once served as executive chairman, according to ISD. Both also were part of Bannon's core team for We Build the Wall, an ill-fated crowdfunding campaign for Trump's border wall that led to the arrest this summer of Bannon and three associates on suspicion of using hundreds of thousands of dollars in proceeds for personal expenses. Stockton and Lawrence were not among those arrested and indicted in August, but their recreational vehicle was raided by federal agents as a part of the probe. Bannon pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Indoor toilets are part of the pussification of modern man. REAL men shit in the woods, like bears.

Just don't forget the babywipes because that's just nasty. Oh, and a plastic baggie. Don't leave those out in the woods.

I know burying TP is acceptable where burying shit is. I believe wipes are considered the same as TP. If you can't bury it for some reason you really should pack it out (they make WAG bags for the purpose--in high enough use areas they are mandatory, likewise for some special cases like the Zion Narrows--there's no way to get far enough from the water) but if you can't at least pack out your wipes.

Ladies are the real offender though--I'd say close to half the doggie bags I use on the trail are picking up paper women wiped with. (I use them as generic trash bags because they're meant to let you pick up yucky stuff and stay clean.)
What happens if these assholes are still there in January?

Clear them out like we did with the North Dakota occupation? Hopefully they leave less trash and feces.
Garbage, Human Waste at DAPL Camps Main Concerns of Polluting Missouri River

Can't you ever leave your hobby horses in the stable?

I think he has a point--the pandemic has brought a lot of people out into the wilderness that don't understand--and they're leaving a lot of trash. Leave-no-trace requires understanding and being prepared, something the newcomers have little sense of.
No, they are merely demanding an end to democracy since there terrorist efforts to threaten voters and poll workers with assault rifles didn't work to keep their dear leader in office.
I am not defending their goals, just saying that not looting and not arson and bot blocking Interstates for months on end (like in Portland) is preferable to the opposite.

Now there seems to be some violence associated with the MAGA Millions rally. Some guy got stabbed. Not sure who he is or who stabbed him though.
My point was these MAGAers must have some money to make such a round trip (not to mention the time off from work).
At least as much as a Bronx waitress, yes.

Thanks for injecting a pointless "whatboutism".
Not whataboutism, just juxtaposing for the purpose of exposing hypocrisy. Your observation reminded me of people on here defending AOC burning oil driving to Bumfuck, North Dakota just to protest against oil. Gander, goose. If it's ok for leftists to waste gasoline to participate in idiotic protests, why is it wrong for the loonies on right?

Regardless of one's feeling about the objects of the protest, if you cannot distinguish the difference between protesting the outcome of a legal election and the building of infrastructure that helps to promote environmental degradation, then the scope for rational discussion is severely limited.

I think the objects of both protests are highly idiotic. We need to respect the outcomes of elections. We need energy infrastructure. Both sides of the political spectrum have some moronic positions.
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