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MAGA Rally In DC For Reality Denial

At least as much as a Bronx waitress, yes.
Another whataboutism.

Not whataboutism, just juxtaposing for the purpose of exposing hypocrisy. Your observation reminded me of people on here defending AOC burning oil driving to Bumfuck, North Dakota just to protest against oil. Gander, goose. If it's ok for leftists to waste gasoline to participate in idiotic protests, why is it wrong for the loonies on right? .
My goodness, you used a "whataboutism" (the bold-faced, italicized part) while arguing it was not an whataboutism.

I think the objects of both protests are highly idiotic. We need to respect the outcomes of elections. We need energy infrastructure. Both sides of the political spectrum have some moronic positions.
That is non-responsive to "Regardless of one's feeling about the objects of the protest"

Your response clearly indicates that scope of rational discussion is not severely limited, but nearly impossible.

Another whataboutism.
Accusations of "whataboutism" are the refuge of hypocrites like you.
I stated a fact - this thread is not about protests about pipelines or AOC, so your injections of those "examples" are whataboutisms. That is simply an observable fact. Which has nothing to do with hypocrisy. Your response: an irrational and false accusation.

It has become impossible to rationally discuss things with you a long time ago.
Another irrational and false but acutely ironic accusation.
Seen elsewhere: The Million MAGA March is mostly men because they’re not very good at getting women to come.
No, they are merely demanding an end to democracy since there terrorist efforts to threaten voters and poll workers with assault rifles didn't work to keep their dear leader in office.
I am not defending their goals, just saying that not looting and not arson and bot blocking Interstates for months on end (like in Portland) is preferable to the opposite.

But goals impact actions and determine the ethical implications of those actions. People who've been politically powerless in a society for centuries and that are reacting to sincere outrage about actual heinous, violent and murderous injustices over those centuries that still occur despite countless peaceful protests are going to engage in more aggressive, disruptive, and even destructive actions. People that have been in power and exerting massive political influence for centuries and have no sincere outrage over injustices but are the ones actually engaging in the injustices they are dishonestly claiming about others will be less likely to risk anything by engaging in more destructive behaviors, and if they do they would be far more immoral than the same actions by the first group with legit goals and motives.

Also, notice that none of them are being viciously beaten by cops and shot in the face with rubber bullets just for marching or even just sitting on their porch watching others march, as direct video evidence proves happened numerous times during the Floyd protests. Also, notice that no counter protesters have showed up and started running among them with an assault rifle and then murdered the protesters when they react with predictable rational fear over the lethal threat that brandishing an assault rifle inherently makes.
What's more important in this is that he is utterly indifferent to people who would kill for him.

And that their blind loyalty despite his completely transparent indifferent to them is a hallmark of a dangerous faith based cult.

I'll never forget Trumps completely narcissistic comments at one of his rallies. All these cult followers of his crowded together without masks inside if I recall correctly and the press asked him if he was concerned about transmission of the virus. He commented that he was not concerned because he was up on the stage far away from his cult followers. Zero concern for them. It was all about him.
No, they are merely demanding an end to democracy since there terrorist efforts to threaten voters and poll workers with assault rifles didn't work to keep their dear leader in office.
I am not defending their goals, just saying that not looting and not arson and bot blocking Interstates for months on end (like in Portland) is preferable to the opposite.

But goals impact actions and determine the ethical implications of those actions. People who've been politically powerless in a society for centuries and that are reacting to sincere outrage about actual heinous, violent and murderous injustices over those centuries that still occur despite countless peaceful protests are going to engage in more aggressive, disruptive, and even destructive actions. People that have been in power and exerting massive political influence for centuries and have no sincere outrage over injustices but are the ones actually engaging in the injustices they are dishonestly claiming about others will be less likely to risk anything by engaging in more destructive behaviors, and if they do they would be far more immoral than the same actions by the first group with legit goals and motives.
And to be explicit, they already have the instruments of power (the state) to engage in injustice and violence under the banner of "maintaining law and order".
What's more important in this is that he is utterly indifferent to people who would kill for him.

And that their blind loyalty despite his completely transparent indifferent to them is a hallmark of a dangerous faith based cult.

I'll never forget Trumps completely narcissistic comments at one of his rallies. All these cult followers of his crowded together without masks inside if I recall correctly and the press asked him if he was concerned about transmission of the virus. He commented that he was not concerned because he was up on the stage far away from his cult followers. Zero concern for them. It was all about him.

Same thing happened for one of Pence’s events. A reporter asked a handler if they were concerned about coronavirus and they said that Pence has very good doctors so no they weren’t.
I'll never forget Trumps completely narcissistic comments at one of his rallies. All these cult followers of his crowded together without masks inside if I recall correctly and the press asked him if he was concerned about transmission of the virus. He commented that he was not concerned because he was up on the stage far away from his cult followers. Zero concern for them. It was all about him.

Same thing happened for one of Pence’s events. A reporter asked a handler if they were concerned about coronavirus and they said that Pence has very good doctors so no they weren’t.

And such people typically believe that others who do care about people beyond the end of their own noses are just faking, putting on a show, "virtue signalling." But then I guess if they experienced caring about others, they'd probably be more caring of others and that experience would allow them to relate to other people who care.
... such people typically believe that others who do care about people beyond the end of their own noses are just faking, putting on a show, "virtue signalling."

I don't think they really believe that. But it's the line they've been taught to parrot.
... such people typically believe that others who do care about people beyond the end of their own noses are just faking, putting on a show, "virtue signalling."

I don't think they really believe that. But it's the line they've been taught to parrot.

I think they do because if they don't experience caring for things that don't affect them personally, then how would they recognize it when they see it? Of course to them it's "virtue signalling" because in their experience such care beyond oneself and the tribe doesn't exist. "Fake" is the only option they can think of that makes sense to their world view.

If they experienced a genuine care and concern for the world beyond the ends of their own noses, they'd not only recognize it in others when they see it, but they also wouldn't have the stomach to support some of the inhumane policies and violent tribalism that come part and parcel with right wing ideology.

At most, any tendency to care beyond the tribalism is subsumed to the tribe and might as well be nonexistent.
... such people typically believe that others who do care about people beyond the end of their own noses are just faking, putting on a show, "virtue signalling."

I don't think they really believe that. But it's the line they've been taught to parrot.
I think they do because if they don't experience caring for things that don't affect them personally, then how would they recognize it when they see it? Of course to them it's "virtue signalling" because in their experience such care beyond oneself and the tribe doesn't exist. "Fake" is the only option they can think of that makes sense to their world view.
This reminds me of Josef Stalin Nightmare by Bertrand Russell. Some pacifist activists try to convince the Soviet dictator that there is a such thing as spontaneous benevolence and that it is better to be loved than feared.
and now MAGA protesters destroying signs put up by local businesses.

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