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Male patients asked if they are pregnant at NHS Trust

Nobody on your side has addressed the combination of two things:

My wife was clearly asked for a pregnancy test based on looks, not her chart despite her chart being in the nurse's hand at the time. My SIL has repeatedly been thought male by women in restrooms.

Combine these and you get a failure scenario in which a male-looking female doesn't get asked about pregnancy when they should have been.
I've addressed this more than once. I'm kind of tired of addressing this shit over and over and over.

The Trust used to ask females. The original policy was to ask females. Not 'female looking' people. Females. Your wife is a female and your sister in law is a female. They would be asked under the old policy and the new policy.

AND, for the umpteenth time, not a shred of evidence has been produced to show that some females were missed under the previous policy and this caused an imaging incident with a pregnant woman.
It is very interesting this insistance that “only females are asked,” when someone asks if “all females were asked.”

It’s as if there is an assumption that every radiologist checks a chart before delivering an xray. Weird. I have had multiple xrays with no one having a chart on me, and not asking me if I was female. I’m sent in from some other department, and no paperwork comes with me. And yet, people are opining that this cannot happen. Indeed, these people are asserting that it has never happened!

Over and over again. As if people are not telling them directly that it does happen, it has happened, it is happening.

When medical personnel make assumptions, things can go wrong. And for what. So a man never has to be “embarassed” by being asked a generic all-person question.

What a bizarre hill to fight on. Listen everybody! Medical personnel have never ever, not once ever seen a patient and assumed they were a man when they were not! Never!

One of these people asserts that if you can’t tell by looking, they you have a mental deficit. It’s so bizarrely contrary to all evidence. Weird. Weirdly obsessive.
It is very interesting this insistance that “only females are asked,” when someone asks if “all females were asked.”
What insistence?

I don't know if all females are asked, under this new policy or the previous policy. In fact, they're not, since nobody older than 60 is asked. I do know that this is the only NHS Trust reported to have changed their policy, and that this trust did not produce any evidence that their previous policy was problematic.

It’s as if there is an assumption that every radiologist checks a chart before delivering an xray. Weird. I have had multiple xrays with no one having a chart on me, and not asking me if I was female. I’m sent in from some other department, and no paperwork comes with me. And yet, people are opining that this cannot happen. Indeed, these people are asserting that it has never happened!
So...what, exactly? This NHS Trust changed a policy with no evidence produced that there was anything wrong with the previous policy.

Over and over again. As if people are not telling them directly that it does happen, it has happened, it is happening.
As laughing dog would be fond of pointing out to me, have you personally been a patient at the particular NHS Trust, and did you fail to be asked about your pregnancy status before your imaging?

When medical personnel make assumptions, things can go wrong. And for what. So a man never has to be “embarassed” by being asked a generic all-person question.
A man? Why do you put "embarassed" in scare quotes? Do you think men couldn't be embarrassed by that, or merely that their feelings do not count?

What a bizarre hill to fight on. Listen everybody! Medical personnel have never ever, not once ever seen a patient and assumed they were a man when they were not! Never!
They might have assumed all sorts of things. But the previous policy was not 'ask only people who look like females', but 'ask females'. (Both policies also spare people over 60, though presumably this is not a 'sight check' either. You see, hospitals collect and record basic demographic information about their patients.)

One of these people asserts that if you can’t tell by looking, they you have a mental deficit. It’s so bizarrely contrary to all evidence. Weird. Weirdly obsessive.
Who has suggested that the personnel do it by looking at the patient? I certainly haven't suggested such.
Do you think men couldn't be embarrassed by that, or merely that their feelings do not count?
You discount trans people's feeling almost constantly.
So what is your opinion?

Should people's feelings count, or not? Do some people's feelings count and others not count?
A false dichotomy lined up behind the false paradox of tolerance.

It is exactly the case that there is an observable, sensible geometry as to whose feelings "count":

When your feelings pertain to feeling bad because you are intolerant, your intolerance does not, cannot in good faith ask for tolerance.

When your feelings pertain to feeling bad because you are tolerant yet not being tolerated, you can in good faith insist on tolerance, as the intolerance can it in good faith ask to be tolerated.
Do you think men couldn't be embarrassed by that, or merely that their feelings do not count?
You discount trans people's feeling almost constantly.
So what is your opinion?

Should people's feelings count, or not? Do some people's feelings count and others not count?
You tell us.

Should the possible discomfort of some men outweighs the potential medical benefit of universal questions in a medical setting?

Change is hard. It almost always causes some degree of discomfort on the part of everyone. Usually more for those who believe they are experiencing a disproportionate share of the discomfort. Or who are not used to experiencing any discomfort at all.
Do you think men couldn't be embarrassed by that, or merely that their feelings do not count?
You discount trans people's feeling almost constantly.
So what is your opinion?

Should people's feelings count, or not? Do some people's feelings count and others not count?
You tell us.

Should the possible discomfort of some men outweighs the potential medical benefit of universal questions in a medical setting?
Great news! Men are uncomfortable about the health of their colon and prostate. So, no more questions (or uncomfortable procedures) regarding that. And talk about something to make one potentially uncomfortable! Coal miners are uncomfortable about their lung health. Great news! Just say "pass".

This is a questionnaire. Why would people have wasted so much time of their life over a couple questions on a questionnaire? Discomfort? Has life become so perfect and utopian that the potential for "discomfort" (overstated and bullshit claim) from being asked if they are pregnant is warranting this much... well in excess of the two shits it isn't even worth?
It must be so frustrating when those ignorant plebs can smell the bullshit and tell you to do one.
Nurse: Mister Smith, are you pregnant?
Mr. Smith: Eh?! Don't be daft, next question.
Nurse: Mister Smith, I must ask you again, ARE YOU PREGNANT?!
Mr. Smith: Are you stupid?
Nurse: I know, it seems silly, but if you could just go along with it it would make life so much easier.
Mr. Smith: Do one.

Wokesters be like "Waaaaaaahhhhhhh"

Mister Smith be like "Stupid bastards, thinking I would go along with this shit."
Nurse: Mister Smith, are you pregnant?
Mr. Smith: Eh?! Don't be daft, next question.
Nurse: Mister Smith, I must ask you again, ARE YOU PREGNANT?!
Mr. Smith: Are you stupid?
Nurse: I know, it seems silly, but if you could just go along with it it would make life so much easier.
Mr. Smith: Do one.

Wokesters be like "Waaaaaaahhhhhhh"

Mister Smith be like "Stupid bastards, thinking I would go along with this shit."
Is there any world or any possibility where Mr. Smith could be something other than an asshole?
Or must the Mr. Smith's of this world be treated like delicate little flowers of privilege forever?
Nurse: Mister Smith, are you pregnant?
Mr. Smith: Eh?! Don't be daft, next question.
Nurse: Mister Smith, I must ask you again, ARE YOU PREGNANT?!
Mr. Smith: Are you stupid?
Nurse: I know, it seems silly, but if you could just go along with it it would make life so much easier.
Mr. Smith: Do one.

Wokesters be like "Waaaaaaahhhhhhh"

Mister Smith be like "Stupid bastards, thinking I would go along with this shit."
Is there any world or any possibility where Mr. Smith could be something other than an asshole?
Or must the Mr. Smith's of this world be treated like delicate little flowers of privilege forever?
Mister Smith lives in the real world and does not suffer fools gladly.
Smith lives in the real world and does not suffer fools gladly.
The nurse has job and responsibilities.

Nurse may well be thinking "Of course you're not pregnant. You're ugly and mean, nobody wants you. I wouldn't fuck you with my husband's dick."

But Nurse keeps such thoughts inside and attempts to accomplish the goal. "I'm sorry sir, it's a formality."
Nurse: Mister Smith, are you pregnant?
Mr. Smith: Eh?! Don't be daft, next question.
Nurse: Mister Smith, I must ask you again, ARE YOU PREGNANT?!
Mr. Smith: Are you stupid?
Nurse: I know, it seems silly, but if you could just go along with it it would make life so much easier.
Mr. Smith: Do one.

Wokesters be like "Waaaaaaahhhhhhh"

Mister Smith be like "Stupid bastards, thinking I would go along with this shit."
Is there any world or any possibility where Mr. Smith could be something other than an asshole?
Or must the Mr. Smith's of this world be treated like delicate little flowers of privilege forever?
Mister Smith lives in the real world and does not suffer fools gladly.
However do the Mr. Smiths of this world live with themselves, then?

Maybe that's why they are so unhappy.
Nurse: Mister Smith, are you pregnant?
Mr. Smith: Eh?! Don't be daft, next question.
Nurse: Mister Smith, I must ask you again, ARE YOU PREGNANT?!
Mr. Smith: Are you stupid?
Nurse: I know, it seems silly, but if you could just go along with it it would make life so much easier.
Mr. Smith: Do one.

Wokesters be like "Waaaaaaahhhhhhh"

Mister Smith be like "Stupid bastards, thinking I would go along with this shit."
Is there any world or any possibility where Mr. Smith could be something other than an asshole?
Or must the Mr. Smith's of this world be treated like delicate little flowers of privilege forever?
Mister Smith lives in the real world and does not suffer fools gladly.
However do the Mr. Smiths of this world live with themselves, then?

Maybe that's why they are so unhappy.

Don't you worry about the Mister Smiths of this world, they are very happy. Laughing like fuck at this nonsense and dismissing it out of hand while the authoritarians wail.
Nurse: Mister Smith, are you pregnant?
Mr. Smith: Eh?! Don't be daft, next question.
Nurse: Mister Smith, I must ask you again, ARE YOU PREGNANT?!
Mr. Smith: Are you stupid?
Nurse: I know, it seems silly, but if you could just go along with it it would make life so much easier.
Mr. Smith: Do one.

Wokesters be like "Waaaaaaahhhhhhh"

Mister Smith be like "Stupid bastards, thinking I would go along with this shit."
Is there any world or any possibility where Mr. Smith could be something other than an asshole?
Or must the Mr. Smith's of this world be treated like delicate little flowers of privilege forever?
Mister Smith lives in the real world and does not suffer fools gladly.
However do the Mr. Smiths of this world live with themselves, then?

Maybe that's why they are so unhappy.

Don't you worry about the Mister Smiths of this world, they are very happy. Laughing like fuck at this nonsense and dismissing it out of hand while the authoritarians wail.
Authoritarians wailing? That sounds like the Old White Man guard bemoaning that things are changing and the world no longer revolves around him.

Laugh away. Much better than trying to squish everyone else under your heels.
Nurse: Mister Smith, are you pregnant?
Mr. Smith: Eh?! Don't be daft, next question.
Nurse: Mister Smith, I must ask you again, ARE YOU PREGNANT?!
Mr. Smith: Are you stupid?
Nurse: I know, it seems silly, but if you could just go along with it it would make life so much easier.
Mr. Smith: Do one.

Wokesters be like "Waaaaaaahhhhhhh"

Mister Smith be like "Stupid bastards, thinking I would go along with this shit."
Is there any world or any possibility where Mr. Smith could be something other than an asshole?
Or must the Mr. Smith's of this world be treated like delicate little flowers of privilege forever?
Mister Smith lives in the real world and does not suffer fools gladly.
However do the Mr. Smiths of this world live with themselves, then?

Maybe that's why they are so unhappy.

Don't you worry about the Mister Smiths of this world, they are very happy. Laughing like fuck at this nonsense and dismissing it out of hand while the authoritarians wail.
Authoritarians wailing? That sounds like the Old White Man guard bemoaning that things are changing and the world no longer revolves around him.

Laugh away. Much better than trying to squish everyone else under your heels.
Nothing has changed, men cannot get pregnant.

Wail away, the world does not revolve around incoherent diktats that authoritarians come up with.
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