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McCarthey out as Speaker of the House - Bozo the clown on deck

Jim Jordan’s pressure campaign the ‘dumbest thing you can do,’ one House Republican says - POLITICO - "Nobody likes a bully, Rep. Dan Crenshaw said."
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) has some advice for Rep. Jim Jordan as he and his allies attempt to pressure his way to the speakership:


“That is the dumbest way to support Jordan,” Crenshaw said Sunday during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“I’m supporting Jordan. I’m going to vote for Jordan. As someone who wants Jim Jordan, the dumbest thing you can do is to continue pissing off those people,” Crenshaw told CNN’s Jake Tapper.
Jim Jordan prepares to bully his way to the speaker's gavel - POLITICO - "To win the speaker’s gavel, the Ohio Republican might have to embrace the tough tactics he built his reputation on."
Back in September 2016, Rep. Jim Jordan was on a crusade: He wanted the House to launch impeachment proceedings against IRS Commissioner John Koskinen over allegations that the agency had targeted conservatives.

But Jordan (R-Ohio) had a problem: GOP party leaders saw impeachment as a political loser and refused to even haul Koskinen in for questioning.

Jordan wasn’t about to back down, however. He cornered then-House Judiciary Committee Chair Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) on the House floor and presented him with a choice: Either you summon Koskinen to the Hill or the Freedom Caucus forces a vote on his impeachment a few weeks before Election Day.

Jordan got his hearing.
Will he try to bully his way into the speakership?
Lots of them worry he’ll embrace fiscal brinkmanship and steer the government into shutdowns. An even larger group is furious with how he treated Steve Scalise after the House majority leader won the nomination Wednesday, and they aren’t keen on seeing the second-place finisher end up with the gavel.

It should come as no surprise, though, that Jordan and his allies are ready to fight in a way that Scalise wasn’t. Their strategy is simple: Smoke out the holdouts in a public floor vote and put them in a political pressure cooker.
Sahil Kapur on X: "NEW: Democrats are holding firm ..." / X
NEW: Democrats are holding firm and refusing to help Republicans out of House speaker mess

They're still behind Jeffries.

No serious talks of a coalition speaker.

Dem leaders are trashing Jim Jordan as an "insurrectionist," election denier, extremist.

Democratic @WhipKClark on Jordan: "Every Republican who cast their vote for him is siding with an insurrectionist against our democracy."

Dems dropping clues on how they will try to tie every GOP lawmaker to Jordan's brand of politics.

👀 @TedLieu tells me that a Speaker Jim Jordan could mean the House refuses to certify a potential Biden re-election win in 2024. “He will absolutely do everything he can to not certify a Biden victory. That’s what he did before.”

Despite all the chaos, there’s zero evidence that any House Republicans are seriously entertaining a team-up with Democrats to pick a new speaker. Conservatives aren’t worried about that either. Here’s why.
Democrats refuse to help Republicans out of House speaker mess - "Democratic leaders spoke on the steps of the Capitol and dialed up their rhetoric against Republicans for nominating a conservative firebrand to be the next House speaker."
hey're also dialing up the rhetoric against the GOP’s new nominee for speaker, prominent Donald Trump ally Jim Jordan of Ohio, blasting him as an insurrectionist, election denier and extremist.

“House Republicans have selected as their nominee to be the speaker of the people’s House the chairman of the chaos caucus, a defender in a dangerous way of dysfunction, and an extremist extraordinaire,” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said Friday on the steps of the Capitol, flanked by dozen of Democratic lawmakers. “His focus has been on peddling lies and conspiracy theories and driving division amongst the American people.”
Juliegrace Brufke on X: "Moderates are growing increasingly irritated with the tactics Jordan allies are using to pressure them into voting for him, with one member noting the Hannity show has gotten involved in the efforts sending potential defectors the email below. One lawmaker said the push is counterproductive to swaying Jordan skeptics. (pic link)" / X

Stephanie from the Hannity show with Fox News. Sources tell Hannity that Rep xxxx is not supporting Rep Jim Jordan for Speaker. Can you please let me know if this is accurate? And, if true, Hannity would like to know why during a war breaking out between Israel and Hamas, with the war in Ukraine, with the wide open borders, with a budget that's unfinished why would Rep xxxx be against Rep Jim Jordan for speaker? Please let us know when Rep xxxx plans on opening The People's House so work can be done. Lastly, are there any conditions Rep xxxx will choose to work with Democrats on the process of electing a new speaker? The deadline for comment is 11 AM ET tomorrow 10/16. Thank you.
Word is Jordan doesn't have a chance, especially as he is being an asshole about this. Vote on Tuesday, it'll likely fall short... who's next? It is getting out of hand... if there were any moderate Republicans, they'd just vote for Jeffries and get this thing over with.
Obstructionist hopes to win Speakership today.

article said:
Lawmakers of both parties often tout these rankings when boasting that a member has had a bona fide impact on our nation’s laws.

Jordan has not had much impact, at least by this measuring stick.

CEL data have routinely ranked Jordan near the bottom of the House when it comes to his effectiveness.


For instance, CEL data show Jeffries last Congress sponsored nine “substantive” bills — i.e. not commemorative things like naming a post office — which went on to pass, including four that became law. (Jeffries was in the majority with Democrats controlling both the Senate and the presidency, but Jordan has been in a majority for most of his tenure, and his party had that same trifecta from 2017 to 2019.)

Ousted former speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) during Jordan’s tenure has sponsored 17 bills that passed and eight that became law. Five of those laws were regarded as “substantive.”
Less than halfway through and Jordan will not get the majority of votes needed. He appears poised to get a decent amount of votes, more than an asshole like him should, but that be the state of the GOP today. Right now 9 "others". If that number increases, Jeffries will win a plurality... again. I'd say that'd be a bad thing. But as long as Jordan is within 5 or 6 votes, he might have a shot. But he went pretty damn hard at this.
From Raw Story. More reasons Jim Jordan is unfit to serve as Speaker Of The House.

When Rep. Jeffries was nominated, the speech highlighted Jordan's refusal to support any and all aid to those seeking disaster relief. Democrats chanted "he said no," when it was mentioned that Jordan refused to support funding for Superstorm Sandy, wildfires in California and floods in the south.

If four Republicans vote against Jordan and the Democrats are united in opposition, he loses.
Jeffries appears poised to win the plurality of the House vote... again. I think this is a record for most votes received in aggregate, but not getting the Speaker's gavel.

Jordan has issues because he went into this like a dick, and it will be hard ... to win enough votes of those that said no, currently 15. He could only accept 4 or 5 (currently 3 as one GOP'er is at a funeral). The GOP is in deep shit at this moment. If Jordan doesn't work out (and he got a lot more votes than he should ever had) there isn't anyone else... other than Moderate GOP'ers voting for Jeffries or the GOP making a deal with a Rep. Smith (R-NJ) like consensus vote. But the GOP seems more worried about bipartisanship in their own ranks... not in the House or the two Chamber Legislative Branch.
Who are "Others"? Currently:

Scalise - 7
McCarthy - 6
Zeldin- 3
Emmer - 1
Garcia - 1
Cole - 1
Massie - 1

Jordan doesn't have a mandate to pry votes here.
But the GOP seems more worried about bipartisanship in their own ranks... not in the House or the two Chamber Legislative Branch.

That is what is driving this entire crisis in leadership. Democrats are the big tent party now, and they are willing to reach across the aisle. The only thing Republicans are all agreed on is that they shouldn't reach across the aisle under any circumstances. Those who do can kiss their ca-rears goodbye.
How pathetic is this? They think they can shame or threaten enough colleagues to vote for him? They weren't even threatening Democrats in 50/50 districts. They threatened their own caucus, which is why it should be referred to as the Republican carcass.

6 of the no votes are in Biden friendly districts... areas where Jordan would almost be invited by Democrats to have the GOP primary their elected Republicans, so the Democrats can win those 6 seats.
Sahil Kapur on X: "NEW: Democrats are holding firm ..." / X
Despite all the chaos, there’s zero evidence that any House Republicans are seriously entertaining a team-up with Democrats to pick a new speaker. Conservatives aren’t worried about that either. Here’s why.
I think the Speaker has enormous power under the present rules. Am I correct that it is difficult to even get a floor vote on an important question, if the Speaker doesn't allow a vote?

To give that sort of power to a treasonous seditionist like Jim Jordan would be stark-raving insane. Every GOPster who votes for this fiend is broadcasting that they hate America.

But if there were just six Republican Congresspeople who wanted sane governance -- a big if -- they could nominate one of their number. The Democrats might give him their support if he promised some rule changes: allowing votes on issues that have majority backing, for starters. I'll leave it to Democratic strategists to detail their specific demands. OTOH, since some of the most obvious demands -- dropping the preposterous impeachment inquiry, for example -- would be off-limits, the chance of such a "coalition" might be nil.

Democrats refuse to help Republicans out of House speaker mess - "Democratic leaders spoke on the steps of the Capitol and dialed up their rhetoric against Republicans for nominating a conservative firebrand to be the next House speaker."
They're also dialing up the rhetoric against the GOP’s new nominee for speaker, prominent Donald Trump ally Jim Jordan of Ohio, blasting him as an insurrectionist, election denier and extremist.

“House Republicans have selected as their nominee to be the speaker of the people’s House the chairman of the chaos caucus, a defender in a dangerous way of dysfunction, and an extremist extraordinaire,” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said Friday on the steps of the Capitol, flanked by dozen of Democratic lawmakers. “His focus has been on peddling lies and conspiracy theories and driving division amongst the American people.”
In this term, the GOP, majority party in the House, now has a record of 1-16 for successfully electing a House Speaker in floor votes.
The Orlando Magic, despite their earnest efforts, have been unable to attain a 1-16 record in any season.
I think a ball team should name themselves "The Gospel".
The Mobile Gospel
The Texas Gospel
The Florida Gospel
The Memphis Gospel

That would be fun.
With options growing thin, GOP start openly suggesting the nomination of a dumpster fire for Speaker.

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