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McCarthey out as Speaker of the House - Bozo the clown on deck

Jim Jordan’s allies tried strong-arming his GOP critics. It backfired. - POLITICO
Jim Jordan’s allies attempted to badger House Republicans into making him speaker. Those tactics backfired on Tuesday, and could soon doom his speakership push outright.

The Ohio Republican’s most vocal GOP defectors during Tuesday’s failed speaker vote said they were pressured to back Jordan by party bosses back home and national conservatives with big megaphones. Most of those skeptics viewed it as a coordinated push with a threatening theme: Vote for Jordan — or else.

The arm-twisting campaign, which in many cases included veiled threats of primary challenges, was meant to help rally support behind Jordan’s candidacy. Instead, it has put the Judiciary chair’s bid on life support and threatened to plunge House Republicans deeper into turmoil with no clear way out.
Like what Don Bacon's wife received from JJ's supporters.
“Jim’s been nice, one-on-one, but his broader team has been playing hardball,” Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) told POLITICO about Jordan’s network of supporters, adding that he’s been getting calls from party chairs back in Nebraska. He added that his wife even received multiple anonymous emails and texts saying: “your husband better support Jim Jordan.”

Fox’s Brian Kilmeade caught on hot mic calling Rep. Bacon a ‘dumba‑‑’ | The Hill
Fox News host Brian Kilmeade was caught on a hot microphone calling Rep. Don Bacon a “dumbass” after the Nebraska Republican voted for Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) for Speaker on Tuesday.

As the names of lawmakers were read by the House clerk Tuesday during a roll call vote, Bacon responded “McCarthy,” one of several GOP protest votes against the party’s official nominee, Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio).

As Fox News was carrying the vote from the House floor live, Kilmeade was heard exclaiming “dumbass.”
Fox’s Kilmeade brushes off ‘dumba‑‑‘ hot mic moment during Speaker vote | The Hill
“I did not know my mic was open,” Kilmeade said on his radio show Wednesday. “But next thing you know, by the time I walk upstairs, out of ‘Outnumbered,’ my seventh hour of broadcasting, my last words were ‘dumbass.’ Those were the words that were being carried everywhere.”

Kilmeade said Wednesday: “No one’s really upset that I said it. No one said I’m wrong that I said it.”

“I am … stunned. I’ve never seen somebody commit political suicide, a group of people commit political suicide like this,” he said of House Republicans who have refused to back Jordan for House Speaker. “And after two weeks of therapy, people going home on their own and coming back, they’re still doing the same thing.”
Jim Jordan is now backing the move to give McHenry expanded powers until January. He won't withdraw his nomination, and it isn't clear whether Democrats will support the expansion of McHenry's powers. They like the fact that the guy admits Donald Trump lost the 2020 election and that Joe Biden is actually the President. That's great news. However, the question is whether he will agree to stand by the deal that McCarthy made not to shut down the government. Jordan may be hoping that Republicans can empower McHenry and still keep the wrecking ball swinging.

Jim Jordan will back empowering interim speaker Patrick McHenry temporarily
Jim Jordan is now backing the move to give McHenry expanded powers until January. He won't withdraw his nomination, and it isn't clear whether Democrats will support the expansion of McHenry's powers. They like the fact that the guy admits Donald Trump lost the 2020 election and that Joe Biden is actually the President. That's great news. However, the question is whether he will agree to stand by the deal that McCarthy made not to shut down the government. Jordan may be hoping that Republicans can empower McHenry and still keep the wrecking ball swinging.

Jim Jordan will back empowering interim speaker Patrick McHenry temporarily

From what I've read, the "Freedumb Caucus" is not having any of it. Matt Gaetz, Debbie Lesko (thank goodness she's not running again) and the usual suspects are all doing performative "fury" over the suggestion that a relative "moderate" might be given the gavel...even temporarily. It almost looks like the right wingers have gone from "burn it all down to own the libs" to "burn it all down to purge our own party of anyone not sufficiently loyal to Dear Leader."

It is glorious to watch the flames consume the Republican Party, but they need to at least keep the government open.
I don't know how any Republican could be watching this clown show without wincing. But then, maybe that's why they all pretend not to be Republicans these days.
And what would happen in a ranked-choice vote? Might get scary, might not.
Utterly incapable of governing, GOP looks to change the rules in the House of Representatives.

Dear GOP:

If McHenry is good enough for short-term, then make him Speaker.

[tin-foil hat]So, if they give these powers to a McHenry, what happens to said powers if he drops being the temp Speaker?[/tin-foil hat]
It's not unusual for the GOP to take uncharted routes over the U.S. Constitution.
The GOP's problem is they haven't yet figured out how to gerrymander congress, or put in a voter ID requirement. How can they expect to win an election without that?!?

I don't think they're expecting to win an election per se. The problem is that the GOP caucus has broken into factions, and...well...that's the problem.

For most of my political life, the House Republicans were - for lack of a better term - "of one mind." They picked a leader, picked a direction, and everyone lined up behind that. If the leader fell off (Gingrich, Hastert) they just picked a new leader but kept going in the same direction. The cracks in this unity began to appear with the Tea Party, but when push came to shove, they'd all get in line. They're no longer getting in line. In the past, if a few holdouts threw a tantrum, the "old guard" would pull them aside and basically say "you're fucking this up for all of us. Stop."

Now, the holdouts are feeling their oats. They're fucking things up on purpose to assert dominance and make the party kowtow to their wishes. The party - as a whole - does not know how to handle this.

Democrats know. They've been herding cats for decades, pulling in wildly disparate factions and forming a more or less cohesive whole, but Republicans simply aren't equipped to deal with what is happening to their party. Fun fact: the candidate for House Speaker that has garnered a majority of votes throughout this whole shit-show? Hakeem Jeffries. The Democrat.
This is getting uncomfortably chaotic. I didn't like the McHenry idea because "ELECT A FUCKING SPEAKER!!! It literally is the ONLY thing you have to do right now!!!"

So traitorous jackass who sucks at building consensus and hasn't passed any bills is to meet with the 22 holdouts and get them to vote for him? I hope he had their children seized. Probably the only thing that'd work. I mean is he seriously going to threaten them with a partnership leadership with the Dems?
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