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McCarthey out as Speaker of the House - Bozo the clown on deck

Time to throw in the towel, Jimbo.
He did. He just said he won't run again because well over 100 Republicans said he shouldn't!

There's more where he came from. It's like fifty shades of deplorable over there. They'll just have to keep going a shade lighter until they get one the whole motley bunch can get behind.
Time to throw in the towel, Jimbo.
He did. He just said he won't run again because well over 100 Republicans said he shouldn't!

There's more where he came from. It's like fifty shades of deplorable over there. They'll just have to keep going a shade lighter until they get one the whole motley bunch can get behind.

They could just cut to the chase.

George Santos for Speaker of the House!

And we can count Jordan's flop as another failed Trump endorsement.
Time to throw in the towel, Jimbo.
He did. He just said he won't run again because well over 100 Republicans said he shouldn't!

There's more where he came from. It's like fifty shades of deplorable over there. They'll just have to keep going a shade lighter until they get one the whole motley bunch can get behind.

They could just cut to the chase.

George Santos for Speaker of the House!

Why not? If you look at his resume, he has the most experience acting like a Republican.
Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives - Vote Details
Oct 20, 2023, 11:56 AM | 118th Congress, 1st Session
Jeffries: 210
Jordan: 194
Scalise: 8
McHenry: 6
Zeldin: 4
Donalds: 2
McCarthy: 2
Garcia, Mike: 1
Emmer: 1
Westerman: 1
Present: 0
Not Voting: 4

 October 2023 Speaker of the United States House of Representatives election - JJ lost some more Republicans Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry got some votes, mainly from former JJ and Kevin McCarthy voters.

House GOP removes Jordan as speaker nominee after failed third vote | Live Updates from Fox News Digital - "Sources told Fox News Digital that the conference had voted to remove Jordan as the nominee in a closed-door meeting."

Some R's are discussing making Patrick McHenry the acting speaker for the next few months.

The one who started this mess by calling for the recent motion-to-vacate vote:
Matt Gaetz on X: "The most popular Republican in Congress was just knifed in an an anonymous vote in a secret closed door meeting in the basement of the Capitol.
This is the Swamp at work." / X
Who might be next? Some workhorse Congresmember, maybe, instead of a showhorse member like Jim Jordan, someone much more interested in political theatrics than in getting anything substantial done. Someone who does solid committee work and maybe also solid leadership work, without being very interested in having some top leadership position.

Someone willing to say  Nolo episcopari - I don't want to be bishopped, made a bishop - what Catholic and Anglican bishop candidates may say when someone appoints them to that position.

Though in this case, it would more properly be Nôlô ôrâtor creârî - I don't want to be made Speaker.
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Jordan, Gaetz, Madge and Bubbles should declare themselves the “Lying Sack of Shit” (LSoS) caucus.
All others are “The Swamp”.
Who might be next? Some workhorse Congresmember, maybe, instead of a showhorse member like Jim Jordan, someone much more interested in political theatrics than in getting anything substantial done. Someone who does solid committee work and maybe also solid leadership work, without being very interested in having some top leadership position.

That ship seems to have sailed. McCarthy was - or at least was as close as you can get now - to a "get some substantial things done" guy. The seeds for his demise as Speaker were sowed when Gaetz and the Poo-Flinging Monkey Caucus put in the "poison pill" clause into his job description - allowing one member to call for his ouster - and it bore fruit when he made a deal with Democrats to pass that 45 day stopgap bill to keep the lights on.

He tried to appease them by allowing the "Biden Impeachment" to proceed, but that's not enough. The PFMC (I'm trying to make that a thing, BTW) want nothing less than a full-on impeachment of Biden AND a full government shutdown. They will not settle for a moderate with the full power of the gavel, and they have just barely enough support to keep anything - even a traitorous sexual abuse enabler - from taking the ball away from them.

Of course, if half a dozen Republicans reached across the aisle they could make Hakeem Jeffries the Speaker, but then their families would have to go into the witness protection program.
Gaetz struggles to explain what he’s achieved with push to oust McCarthy

Amid the ongoing chaos in the speaker-less House, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz defended his decision to lead the effort to oust Kevin McCarthy from his speakership but did not articulate what he got out of it besides removing the California Republican from the position.

“We’re shaking up Washington, DC. We’re breaking the fever. And, you know what, it’s messy. But the only reason people think there’s chaos in this town right now is because the special interests aren’t in control any more. I think we’re going to have an upgrade on the position of speaker of the House,” Gaetz told CNN.
He added: “This is what it’s supposed to be: It’s not clean, it’s not orderly.”
They're doing it for Papa Putin, to delay funding for Ukraine, and also for Jesus Tr -er, Golden Calf Trump who has held a pissy grudge against Netanyahu for not supporting the Trumped-up election lies, to delay funding to Israel
Just don't ask me what a thread to democracy means. I was rushing so I wouldn't be late for aerobics, when I wrote that, so that's my excuse for the latest typos. :)

I sure hope that my Congress critter doesn't get scared and decides to change his vote back to Jordan. I might have to send him another email to tell him he's a cowardly asshole. ;)

But, I am sorry that some people are such assholes that they think it's okay to send death threats to anyone. Plus, it's a crime to threaten an individual. It would be good if those who send death threats are arrested for what is called "making a terrorist threat" in Georgia.
I thought you possibly meant like the sort of thread to democracy that it you pull it, unravels the whole thing.
Now 9 candidates, they want to talk in private instead of getting this done! Of course, they need almost every GOP'er to support the candidate because gawd be damned before they allow a Democrat to vote for some sensible person (or what counts for sensible in the GOP today). Of the nine, only two voted to certify the election in 2020, Rep. Emmer and Rep. Scott.
Norman Ornstein on X: "There is a lot of commentary ..." / X
(with some editing)
There is a lot of commentary on why Nancy Pelosi was able to succeed with the thinnest of majorities while Kevin McCarthy failed miserably. Of course, the biggest reason is Pelosi’s skill and tenacity. There is more. Democrats, who have many factions, want to solve problems.

As a group, they are willing to swallow, hard and accept tough compromises to achieve policy goals. Thus, no public option on healthcare, and a compromise on abortion for Obamacare. Perhaps another leader would not have pulled it off. But it still reflects the party culture.

Republicans in the House used to have many problem solvers, people, like Barber, Conable, Bill Gradison, Bill Frenzel, Olympia Snowe. Now? There is a problem-solvers caucus, but most of the Republicans are there for show. The party is dominated by nihilists. No compromise.

Blowing up government is the larger goal. Purity is a virtue. So is disruption. So it is not a great surprise that McCarthy, who spent much of his career, encouraging disruption, and who has no core values, failed. Nor is it a great surprise that they cannot find a replacement.
Melanie D'Arrigo on X: "There are 9 Republican men vying to be Speaker. ..." / X
There are 9 Republican men vying to be Speaker.

Tonight's GOP Speaker candidate forum is brought to you by some of the worst special interest groups.

🧵Let's meet the candidates and their sponsors:

Rep. Tom Emmer's Speaker candidacy is brought to you by the finance and the insurance industry, who has given him $263,000 so far this year to use his position on the Financial Services committee to protect Wall St, promote deregulation, and increase the wealth of billionaires.⬇️

Rep. Kevin Hern sits on Ways and Means which write our tax laws. He's received $113,500 so far this year from the finance, insurance and real estate industries to ensure their taxes stay low, Medicare and Social Security get cut, and billionaires get more tax breaks.⬇️

Rep. Jack Bergman is on the Armed Services Committee, so naturally military contractors, who always look for ways to increase their contracts and profits, have given him the most amount of money this year — $36,750. ⬇️

Rep. Austin Scott sits on the House Agriculture Committee. He's taken $109,300 from Agribusiness corporate PACs so far this year, who are fighting for taxpayer subsidies and deregulation which makes the food we eat less safe, and local environments more polluted.⬇️

Rep. Byron Donalds sits on the Financial Services Committee, and so far this year has taken $88,500 from the companies he's supposed to regulate.

He's also on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which means nothing since he's paid by lobbyists to reform nothing.⬇️

Rep. Mike Johnson has taken $89,000 this year from the companies he regulates.

He also thinks women have abortions after a baby is born, so that should tell you everything you need to know about Mike Johnson, and why men shouldn't have a say in a woman's health decisions.⬇️

Rep. Pete Sessions sits on the Financial Services Committee and has taken $43,000 so far this year from the financial companies who would benefit from him demanding we cut Social Security and Medicare to provide more tax breaks for Wall St and billionaires.⬇️

Rep. Dan Meuser sits on the Financial Services Committee and has taken $85,000 this year from the companies he regulates.

He also said that climate change is a hoax, and was rewarded with $20,000 from fossil fuel PACs this year.⬇️

Rep. Gary Palmer called climate change a hoax and helped lead the right-wing uproar over the "attacks" on gas stoves.

He sits on the Energy and Commerce Committee, and has taken $142,900 from the Oil and Gas Industry.⬇️

No matter which of the 9 men Republicans choose to be Speaker, all will support cutting Social Security and Medicare, all will oppose protecting reproductive rights, and all prioritize the wealth of billionaires over the safety and financial security of working-class Americans.
Because they are being paid to do so, it seems. Will they give us the Francis Bacon defense for their actions? "Sure I took those bribes, but I didn't let them influence me."
Now 9 candidates, they want to talk in private instead of getting this done! Of course, they need almost every GOP'er to support the candidate because gawd be damned before they allow a Democrat to vote for some sensible person (or what counts for sensible in the GOP today). Of the nine, only two voted to certify the election in 2020, Rep. Emmer and Rep. Scott.
Fun fact: Those two who voted to certify the election also signed onto an amicus brief to throw out votes from selected states.

Turtles all the way down.
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