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McCarthey out as Speaker of the House - Bozo the clown on deck

Sawyer Hackett on X: "Don’t be fooled. ALL 9 GOP Speaker candidates supported efforts to overturn the election. Tom Emmer and Austin Scott may have opposed the House votes. But both signed amicus briefs in the Texas lawsuit to invalidate results in Pennsylvania. (pic link)" / X
Jo Lown 🇺🇸🌻🇺🇦 🎨🌴🌊 on X: "@SawyerHackett @KatCapps Well, there is at least some difference between using legal means via the courts to challenge an election, and simply violating the constitution by refusing to certify it. Two refused to go that far" / X

House speaker vote highlights: 8 Republican candidates compete for support in private forum
The eight candidates currently running are: Tom Emmer of Minnesota, Mike Johnson of Louisiana, Jack Bergman of Michigan, Byron Donalds of Florida, Kevin Hern of Oklahoma, Gary Palmer of Alabama, Austin Scott of Georgia and Pete Sessions of Texas.

Dan Meuser of Pennsylvania was also in the race but announced at the candidate forum that he was withdrawing.
How they will vote.
The meeting will kick off at 9 a.m. ET, with Republicans voting by secret ballot. Whoever earns the fewest votes in Round 1 will automatically drop out as an official candidate for speaker. That means that when we hit Round 2, it’ll be seven candidates. By Round 3, at least six, and so on.

But here’s a very important thing to remember: Once someone earns a majority in the room, that’s it. He’s the speaker designate, even if other candidates are left in the running.

Once there's a nominee, that person will need to get 217 votes on the House floor to become speaker. That vote could happen later Tuesday, but that's unclear.
The  Exhaustive ballot - vote for all the candidates, then whoever gets the least votes drops out. Repeat until one candidate gets a majority of the votes.

Like instant runoff voting, but in separate rounds. It is widely used internally by political parties and the like. That's because the voters are all in one place and it's easy to do several rounds. "Exhaustive"? That suggests exhaustion, which may be what happens to many of the voters in this system.
Republicans pretending they wish they could get their shit together - pitiful.

Many of us have been repeating for years “Trump will burn this country down before giving up power”.

Let’s not act surprised - Trump is in charge of the Republican Party and the Republican Party is burning this country down at his behest. It’s shameful. But not surprising, let’s face it.

More shameful IMHO than if someone were to take out the Orange Menace. TBH I wish someone would. I’d name a holiday in their honor.
It is quite something else. The co-conspirators in the Georgia election trial are falling over one by one, and these House Republicans can't wait to let people know they talked to Trump regarding the Speaker race, as a notice of where they stand.

There is damning stuff from Australia regarding Trump leaking intel to a member of Mar-o-Lago, including nuclear related information.

And still... Trump has become the identity of the GOP. Damn the torpedoes (and good governance) and full steam ahead!
Emmer "won" the conference vote. Johnson was second. Emmer won with fewer votes than Jordan did.
Only you Yanks can look at a perfectly simple process, like electing a Speaker, wonder how you can complicate it, stuff it up and then go and do so.

Extreme irony calling the conservative Republican party who is gumming up the government works as the “Yanks.”

I mean I know non-USAians think of all the country as “the Yanks,”. I get that, but it doesn’t make it less ironical and funny when they do.
Only you Yanks can look at a perfectly simple process, like electing a Speaker, wonder how you can complicate it, stuff it up and then go and do so.

Extreme irony calling the conservative Republican party who is gumming up the government works as the “Yanks.”

I mean I know non-USAians think of all the country as “the Yanks,”. I get that, but it doesn’t make it less ironical and funny when they do.
And hardly the first time, as that.

Womp womp. No light at the end of this tunnel.
WashPo said:
The vote count in the final round was Emmer, 117; Johnson, 97. That’s according to Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.)

Well, they did manager to get someone from the original group after all. Now it is Emmer.

If not Emmer, is there anyone else? As the Majority Whip, clearly he has broader support. But broader isn't near unanimous. I see him as more "moderate" than McCarthy (which isn't saying much), but if McCarthy wasn't good enough, how is Emmer with the sociopaths in the party?

Roll call vote was well short of 217.
CNN said:
“There were 26 that either voted present or voted for another candidate. Of those I believe there were five that voted present and the bulk of them were for Jim Jordan. I think there was five for Mike Johnson and one for Byron Donalds," Williams said.
Meanwhile, as the GOP pussyfoot along, maybe they'll have a House vote at some point, then they'll go back to the carcass and see who'll lose next.
Trump says "No" to Emmer, and the Trump team is calling Reps to oppose Emmer. How is Trump managing to still have this level of control? He can't get a person the Speakership, but he can help prevent others from getting it.

More talk about McHenry getting temp powers. Fuck the GOP, get someone into the Speakership. But the party is too hyper-partisan to get someone from their own party into the seat!
What if the Dems vote “present” or just don’t appear? Doesn’t that lower the threshold? Could Emmer get the gavel, or would he have to offer up his firstborn?

I feel like Dems should extract some punitive concession but then maneuver a Republican into the position (Emmer might be the best they can hope for). If they hold out for a Republican consensus, the Tantrum Caucus will get their way, and we will pay.
They spend all fucking day to select and unselect the candidate... now on another break.

It seems the lunatic fringe wants a candidate that will burn DC down to the ground, enough so they are stopping people who are incredibly conservative but not firebugs from becoming speaker. And enough (just barely enough) of the GOP don't want someone to burn DC to the ground.

So we are at an impasse over whether the Speaker should support burning DC to the ground.
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