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Minneapolis submits voluntarily

Do conservatives ejaculate whenever they have an opportunity to misuse a offensive historical term? Or is it more of a contented purring feeling?
Do fauxgressives ejaculate when you make sexual non-sequiturs in order to distract from a mistake you made?
And I did not misuse the term. The only difference is that the Minneapolis councilmembers are self-dhimmiing.
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My point is, you are criticizing people you don't know for what you imagine they want to do. Even worse, you are using your assumptions as justification for not respecting them.
I base my criticism on OP article.

Are there Muslims in your area waking you up at 3:30am?
No, but you know that story which goes like "first they come for ____ and I said nothing....."
How many muslim activists are on Minneapolis City Council anyway?
I agree with people who say there are personal alarm clocks now and they should be used instead of electric amplifiers.
Few to none, I would imagine. You do not have to share a religious or ethnic background with someone in order to understand the civic duty one has to respect one's neighbor and their way of life.
They don't respect my way of life, why should I respect theirs?
Because you want to be better than them?
My point is, you are criticizing people you don't know for what you imagine they want to do. Even worse, you are using your assumptions as justification for not respecting them.
I base my criticism on OP article.

Oh, I see.

You are supposing Muslims in Minneapolis don't respect your way of life. You may be right. It's unlikely they know anything about it.

How many muslim activists are on Minneapolis City Council anyway?
I agree with people who say there are personal alarm clocks now and they should be used instead of electric amplifiers.
Few to none, I would imagine. You do not have to share a religious or ethnic background with someone in order to understand the civic duty one has to respect one's neighbor and their way of life.
They don't respect my way of life, why should I respect theirs?
Because you want to be better than them?
I AM better than them and want them to be as good as I am.
You are supposing Muslims in Minneapolis don't respect your way of life. You may be right. It's unlikely they know anything about it.
Of course they don't respect my way of life, if they did they would not be waking up people 3:30.
And they know it.
You are supposing Muslims in Minneapolis don't respect your way of life. You may be right. It's unlikely they know anything about it.
Of course they don't respect my way of life, if they did they would not be waking up people 3:30.
And they know it.
Have they done that, or are you supposing they have and that the reason they did it is because they don't respect your way of life?

BTW, what is your way of life? How would a Minnesotan know enough about it that you expect them to factor that knowledge into their decisions?
Have they done that, or are you supposing they have and that the reason they did it is because they don't respect your way of life?
I am supposing OP article is true.
So enough with this "suppose" crap.
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Have they done that, or are you supposing they have and that the reason they did it is because they don't respect your way of life?
I am supposing OP article is true.
So enough with this "suppose" crap.
The OP doesn't say that the call to prayer is any louder than the Christian church bells, only that it can now be broadcast 5 times per day. And it certainly doesn't make reference to a way of life other than that of observant Muslims.
Have they done that, or are you supposing they have and that the reason they did it is because they don't respect your way of life?
I am supposing OP article is true.
So enough with this "suppose" crap.
The OP doesn't say that the call to prayer is any louder than the Christian church bells, only that it can now be broadcast 5 times per day. And it certainly doesn't make reference to a way of life other than that of observant Muslims.
It does not matter. What matters is that should be no noise at night.
I never mentioned Christian church bells.

Nevertheless, these CAIR guys imply that their noise should be loud enough to be heard and be able to wake you up.
Have they done that, or are you supposing they have and that the reason they did it is because they don't respect your way of life?
I am supposing OP article is true.
So enough with this "suppose" crap.
The OP doesn't say that the call to prayer is any louder than the Christian church bells, only that it can now be broadcast 5 times per day. And it certainly doesn't make reference to a way of life other than that of observant Muslims.
It does not matter. What matters is that should be no noise at night.
I never mentioned Christian church bells.

Nevertheless, these CAIR guys imply that their noise should be loud enough to be heard and be able to wake you up.
I also think noise should be limited at night. I think most people where I live agree, despite the popularity of Harleys, keeping dog teams, and roosters in the chicken pens.

This thread is a good example of how a common concern can be used as a Trojan Horse for levelling bigoted, biased attacks against 'others'. Yes, noise pollution is a legitimate concern. No, there is no reason to suppose Muslims will be damaging everyone's eardrums at 3:30am or that they don't respect your way of life, whatever that is.
I am not prohibited by law from coming to your house at 3am and banging on your door until you wake up.

This is not a problem, unless and until I come to your house at 3am and bang on your door until you wake up.

Has anyone in Minneapolis actually been subjected to this noise nuisance, or is it a purely hypothetical nuisance that we need to stamp out right now, in case people get the bizarre idea that freedom is also for non-white citizens?

The fundamental principle of freedom is that no activity should be prohibited until and unless it harms others. So who has been harmed, such that we must act to limit the freedom of the harm-doers in this case?

Presumably something must be done about this awful situation; It's upsetting people in Atlanta, Georgia, so it's presumably seriously fucking loud, given that the noise in question is (hypothetically) happening in Minnesota.
Has anyone in Minneapolis actually been subjected to this noise nuisance, or is it a purely hypothetical nuisance that we need to stamp out right now, in case people get the bizarre idea that freedom is also for non-white citizens?
Yes, we can all safely assume that if this policy had been enacted to please white Afghan Muslims rather than black Somali Muslims then all the people who object to allowing religious leaders to impose 3:30 AM noise pollution on their followers' neighbors would be just fine with it, since that assumption helps the bilbies of the world pat themselves on the back about what superior life-forms they are.
Has anyone in Minneapolis actually been subjected to this noise nuisance, or is it a purely hypothetical nuisance that we need to stamp out right now
If it so quiet that it does not wake you up then what's the point?
Please note that church bells are not supposed to wake you app because you are not normally sleeping during the daylight.
I haven't seen any of the hard core secularists complaining about this government allowed but not government imposed religious intrusion into the public sphere in the form of noise write one post complaining about the Christian Nationalists that are actually holding state and federal executive and legislative positions and enacting Christofascist laws. Greene? Boebert? DeSantis and the whole host of Rushdooney acolytes? The "No Compromise Gun Movement" and its Christianist underpinnings? Seems the people that are wringing their hands over this "submission" by a city in Minnesota in the name of secularism actually fully support Christianism when you get down to it.
So because christo-idiots have had free rein, muslims have to get some too?
Just to balance I guess. Right?
You are supposing Muslims in Minneapolis don't respect your way of life. You may be right. It's unlikely they know anything about it.
Of course they don't respect my way of life, if they did they would not be waking up people 3:30.
And they know it.
They are doing what they believe their faith demands, just as you are doing what you believe your faith (in this case atheism) demands. You are unable or unwilling to see that you share a similarity with the very characteristic you abhor in others: You expect the world, or in this case, a group of Muslims who I suspect do not live in the same city or state or region that you live, to live according to YOUR precepts and not to make you uncomfortable (in this case, it's emotional as calls to prayer in Minneapolis are not affecting you except in your mind). It's the same thing as YOU expecting them to live their lives in ways that do not 'inconvenience' YOU.

FWIW, I think the council is making a mistake in this case. Some municipalities have made churches quiet their bells (no idea about Minneapolis) and even if your religion is fine with child brides, for example, state laws prevail. If your religion demands you eschew eating meat or eating pork or cows, the state does not allow you to insist everyone else go along with your religious views. If your religion demands that you only eat animals which have been slaughtered according to the dietary laws of your religion, the state will also insist that slaughter of livestock comply with state laws and FDA rules about the slaughter of livestock. The state will insist that you can have only 1 legal wife, although it will be remarkably unfussy about how many 'spiritual' wives you keep or even if you defraud the state welfare department to maintain the type of household you say your religion demands. Sometimes, the state is not nearly fussy enough about some of these things--some states allow children to marry, for example, and sometimes they look away from polygamy and do not do enough to ensure that children who are homeschooled are adequately instructed in basic educational requirements.
Have they done that, or are you supposing they have and that the reason they did it is because they don't respect your way of life?
I am supposing OP article is true.
So enough with this "suppose" crap.
The OP doesn't say that the call to prayer is any louder than the Christian church bells, only that it can now be broadcast 5 times per day. And it certainly doesn't make reference to a way of life other than that of observant Muslims.
It does not matter. What matters is that should be no noise at night.
I never mentioned Christian church bells.

Nevertheless, these CAIR guys imply that their noise should be loud enough to be heard and be able to wake you up.
Of course there is noise at night! Noise at night occurs in the middle of a rural area with no other farmhouse or house within 3 miles---as many an urban dweller seeking the peace and quiet of rural life discovers. I prefer to not hear drunk students at night but alas! in my neighborhood, they are fairly common during some months in nice weather. If I truly did not wish to be so bothered, I could move to a home in the country where I would instead, hear coyotes and worry about letting my dog out at night, be outraged that the smell (or the chemicals or sometimes both) and dust when farmers plow or fertilize. Don't get me started if my neighbor 3 miles down the road has livestock. Or roosters. Lots of people in the country have chickens and roosters. Sometimes in town, as well. The house behind me was converted to a student rental some years ago. One group of young people decided they should keep a rooster, which, predictably crowed at the break of dawn, disturbing the neighbors. However, that is not why they rehomed the rooster--they did so because it disturbed THEM at daybreak and other hours when they wanted to sleep.
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