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More Trouble In Israel

The leaders on both sides are a bunch of cunts, and the only solution would be to move the entire nation state of Israel lock, stock, and barrel to the United States. Give them a big chunk of desert the same size as their current nation, taken from Nevada and Arizona, and maybe a bit of Eastern California.

Why should Israel be the one to move? It's the land of Israel, not Arabia.
How about moving so-called Palestinians to the Sinai desert or something. Since they call "Jerusalem" by the fake name "Al Quds", they can build a city by that name and even move the so-called Al Aqsa mosque there brick by brick.
You'd make a good American Evangelical...so weird. "Al Quds" simply means "The Holy City" among other similar variants, such vulgar fakery...LOL. How willing are you to give back all the European names on US mountains, lakes, rivers, et.al. back to the original Native American names? They certainly held those names far longer than our White Fake names for them. But somehow I expect you to carry a different POV on Mt. Denali (or fakery Mt. McKinley) and such... Am I right? Pray tell?

The Arabs/Muslims controlled the territory for most of the previous 1400 years, until a 100 years ago. It is Muslim holy buildings on the Temple mount from the 1300+ years ago. When the Christian crusaders seized control almost a millennia ago, they were far more vicious against the Jews, than their previous Muslim overlords. The Jews have probably controlled this section of land for less time than those dirty Arabs/Muslims over history.

NOTE: I am not arguing that the Israeli Jews should leave.
This was shared by Michael Moore on Facebook.


No idea whether it's true or not and nothing on snopes about it.
You know the best way to make people not want to kill you? Don't murder their friends and family.

You act as if the desire to strike Israel happens in a fucking vacuum.

The attacks predate the very existence of Israel. Unless Israel has a time machine nothing done by Israel can be the driving force. The actual driving force is the very existence of Israel.

In the 1950's , a lot of people were attacking each other for a lot of reasons. Most of the states in the region were actual kingdoms. I'm not going to really care about what people were doing before any of these people's parents were born. What matters is that the people living there today are ostensibly part of an educated democracy, and the people they kill they choose to stomp on, and they stomp on them today, over attacks of a sort I endured daily, from more sources, and with better accuracy, and for less reason... Yet I can still forgive the people who did it, and wanted with all my heart to help give them reasons to not hate us both then, and now.

Most Israelis feel the same way. As do most Palestinians. But the side with the power has to be the one to yield, if it is not to be seen as anything but a rape being fended against badly.

Which in no way changes the fact that the attacks predate the existence of Israel and the primary beef is the "occupied territory"--Gaza/West bank for western ears, but all of Israel for Arab ears.
Except the rules of self defense are not the rules of sports.
Pure jibber-jabber.
The rockets are lethal force. Once you cross the lethal force line it's crossed you can take whatever force it takes to stop the attacks. There is no issue of proportionality.....
More jibber-jabber nonsense. There are different options than deliberately inflicting 10x+ death and destruction - a policy that clearly does not work since it has not permanently stopped the attacks. And that does not even address the morality and the optics.

The disproportionate death toll doesn't prove any more this time than the last time you trotted it out. This still isn't sports!

Just pay attention to the news: Periodically, Hamas finds some excuse to fling rockets, they get stomped on, they go crying to the useful idiots who support them. They stay peaceful, Israel stays peaceful. It's just Hamas rockets are too common to be news so it's easy to miss the sequence of events.
The media has been carrying water for Palestinian terrorists for decades. What is different is that now we have the Squad which is taking the side of Hamas.

No, they haven't got a clue. Israel is the good guys here. Hamas and Islamic Jihad are no different than Al Qaeda or ISIS.

She is half-Indian and Indians have suffered under Islamic terrorism as well. Remember Mumbai 2008?

Biden should give Bibi a carte blanche to proverbially till the grass over and plant a more wholesome ground cover than the nasty weeds of Hamas. No more half measures!

So, genocide then.

You are asking for a genocide, committed by those who were themselves genocided.

He's saying to kill Hamas, not to kill all the Palestinians. Destroying a military organization is not genocide.
Pure jibber-jabber.
More jibber-jabber nonsense. There are different options than deliberately inflicting 10x+ death and destruction - a policy that clearly does not work since it has not permanently stopped the attacks. And that does not even address the morality and the optics.

The disproportionate death toll doesn't prove any more this time than the last time you trotted it out. This still isn't sports!

Just pay attention to the news: Periodically, Hamas finds some excuse to fling rockets, they get stomped on, they go crying to the useful idiots who support them. They stay peaceful, Israel stays peaceful. It's just Hamas rockets are too common to be news so it's easy to miss the sequence of events.

More, Isreal kills a bunch of people on a regular schedule, because ten years earlier they gave someone enough hate and grief through that regular indiscriminate killing to foment a predictable response. Rinse. Repeat. Genocide.
My statement was based on Putin's statement today. At the end of the day, Israel is attacking Gaza in order to stop the missiles. This action is leading to civilian deaths. Russia attacked Ukraine because they wanted a water port for their generals to retire to. This action lead to the death of civilians. If you are honestly even equating the action of the two, I can't help you. Sorry...

Israel is attacking a large number of gazans to stop a small subgroup of them. That is collective punishment for individual guilt.

Collective punishment? It's Hamas that is attacking indiscriminately, not Israel.

I reiterate "Gazans" didn't do jack shit. Don't pretend this is about "Gazans". Israel already likens this genocide to cutting grass.

They voted for Hamas knowing it was a vote for war. It's their own government, if they don't like the results they should change it.
This was shared by Michael Moore on Facebook.

View attachment 33671

No idea whether it's true or not and nothing on snopes about it.

No idea, either, but remember that this round started over some Palestinian squatters getting evicted.



Note the picture. Note all those antennas.

A much closer look if it will load:


Look carefully at the antenna mast on the right--it's full of dishes. Dishes pointed horizontally. There's no reason for stuff like this on a press building. Sometimes you see satellite dishes but those are pointed at the sky. (Geosynchronous satellites will be 59.5 degrees from the horizon in Gaza.) There's nothing in Gaza that makes a whole bunch of microwave links make any sense. Thus that structure is almost certainly supporting a bunch of electronic intelligence gathering equipment. Military.
Pure jibber-jabber.
More jibber-jabber nonsense. There are different options than deliberately inflicting 10x+ death and destruction - a policy that clearly does not work since it has not permanently stopped the attacks. And that does not even address the morality and the optics.

The disproportionate death toll doesn't prove any more this time than the last time you trotted it out. This still isn't sports!
Why you keep banling about sports is on you. The disproportionate death and destruction toll is evidence that the government of Israel us nit just about self- defense. It is a failed policy.
Loren Pechtel said:
Just pay attention to the news: Periodically, Hamas finds some excuse to fling rockets, they get stomped on, they go crying to the useful idiots who support them. They stay peaceful, Israel stays peaceful. It's just Hamas rockets are too common to be news so it's easy to miss the sequence of events.
Anyone paying attention to the news realizes that Israel did not stay peaceful. Perhaps you should pay attention to your own advice.
This was shared by Michael Moore on Facebook.

View attachment 33671

No idea whether it's true or not and nothing on snopes about it.

No idea, either, but remember that this round started over some Palestinian squatters getting evicted.



Note the picture. Note all those antennas.

A much closer look if it will load:


Look carefully at the antenna mast on the right--it's full of dishes. Dishes pointed horizontally. There's no reason for stuff like this on a press building. Sometimes you see satellite dishes but those are pointed at the sky. (Geosynchronous satellites will be 59.5 degrees from the horizon in Gaza.) There's nothing in Gaza that makes a whole bunch of microwave links make any sense. Thus that structure is almost certainly supporting a bunch of electronic intelligence gathering equipment. Military.

A television station in Flint has offices here in Saginaw. Both facilities have horizontally pointing dishes at each other. Do you really think that tower is the only press facility in all of Palestine.

I'm not saying you're wrong but there are certainly many reasons why those dishes could be pointed the way they are.
The media has been carrying water for Palestinian terrorists for decades. What is different is that now we have the Squad which is taking the side of Hamas.

No, they haven't got a clue. Israel is the good guys here. Hamas and Islamic Jihad are no different than Al Qaeda or ISIS.

She is half-Indian and Indians have suffered under Islamic terrorism as well. Remember Mumbai 2008?

Biden should give Bibi a carte blanche to proverbially till the grass over and plant a more wholesome ground cover than the nasty weeds of Hamas. No more half measures!

So, genocide then.

You are asking for a genocide, committed by those who were themselves genocided.

He's saying to kill Hamas, not to kill all the Palestinians. Destroying a military organization is not genocide.

Using a militant group as an excuse to murder indiscriminately in response is absolutely genocide. It's that whole indiscriminate part, see?
This was shared by Michael Moore on Facebook.

View attachment 33671

No idea whether it's true or not and nothing on snopes about it.

Truth would matter here.

But for the past few decades Israel has continually thrown Palestinians off their land and stolen it.


The space Palestinians occupy is shrinking and shrinking.

Israel is taking all the water, all the good land, anything they want.

It is very similar to what the US did with the natives.

Any resistance is harshly met with massive violence against all.

Reprisals are called defense.

Western style democracy means eventually being overrun by minority voters like in the U.S. So Israel is trying to prevent that.

Western style democracy means eventually being overrun by minority voters like in the U.S. So Israel is trying to prevent that.

I didn't know apartheid was a part of western style democracy...
Pure jibber-jabber.
More jibber-jabber nonsense. There are different options than deliberately inflicting 10x+ death and destruction - a policy that clearly does not work since it has not permanently stopped the attacks. And that does not even address the morality and the optics.

The disproportionate death toll doesn't prove any more this time than the last time you trotted it out. This still isn't sports!

Just pay attention to the news: Periodically, Hamas finds some excuse to fling rockets, they get stomped on, they go crying to the useful idiots who support them. They stay peaceful, Israel stays peaceful. It's just Hamas rockets are too common to be news so it's easy to miss the sequence of events.

More, Isreal kills a bunch of people on a regular schedule, because ten years earlier they gave someone enough hate and grief through that regular indiscriminate killing to foment a predictable response. Rinse. Repeat. Genocide.
The death toll of these attacks isn't even remotely high enough to be called genocide. Gaza's normal population growth outpaces it by several orders of magnitude. And it's not like the folks in Gaza have anywhere else to go, nor does Israel gain any land from Gaza, so it doesn't affect demographics by way of migration either.

I think Israel's long term policies in West Bank could warrant the label (though I think "ethnic cleansing" is more accurate), but what's happening in Gaza certainly does not.
But for the past few decades Israel has continually thrown Palestinians off their land and stolen it.
Not true. Israel gave back the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt and also withdrew from Gaza in 2005. The deal with Egypt worked, but Gaza responded by electing Hamas and shooting rockets at Israel. When you shoot rockets at your neighbors, it is your fault when they shoot back!

It is very similar to what the US did with the natives.
Or what say Turks did with the existing population of Asia Minor when they invaded there. But somehow that is only wrong when Americans and Israelis do it, even though it has been happening in every part of the world since time immemorial. And yes, even among the so-called "natives" (in reality: Siberian-Americans).
I didn't know apartheid was a part of western style democracy...
Neither should be wholesale importing of a population hostile to Western values and way of life. UK for example imported millions of Muslims many of them Pakistanis, without much vetting. Result is Sharia patrols, burqa-clad women protesting in front of pubs calling for adoption of Sharia Law and prohibition of alcohol and now things like this.

China should be on Israel's side given that they also have a problem with Muslims in their territory (particularly the province of Xinjiang). Same goes for India and Russia.

Western style democracy means eventually being overrun by minority voters like in the U.S. So Israel is trying to prevent that.
Or look at what's going on in Europe, especially Germany, where a Muslim majority population is only decades away.

A school in Berlinistan, Eurabia:

View attachment 33681
I didn't know apartheid was a part of western style democracy...
Neither should be wholesale importing of a population hostile to Western values and way of life. UK for example imported millions of Muslims many of them Pakistanis, without much vetting. Result is Sharia patrols, burqa-clad women protesting in front of pubs calling for adoption of Sharia Law and prohibition of alcohol and now things like this.


Yeah, the problem with your narrative is that they didn't import "a population hostile to Western values and way of life".

They imported a population of people who loved the west and its values. And then the fuckwit racist cunts in the UK spent several decades banging on about how foreign and vile they all were. And still those immigrants loved the UK and its values. But their children and grandchildren feel very differently. Because they've spent their entire lives being bullied by racist cunts.

The things you hold up as examples of a problem are not symptoms of immigration. They're symptoms of racism.

An end to immigration, or even the repatriation of every immigrant, wouldn't change the situation. The people you despise for failing to integrate into British society are not immigrants, they were born there - and typically so were their parents. Sending their grandparents back to Pakistan would achieve nothing. The only solution is an end to widespread racism.

Of course, you've already ignored these facts repeatedly on these fora, so I doubt you will grasp them this time. But facts they surely are. I went to school with these British born Muslims whose children are now embracing the worst fanatics in their religion. And they're doing so because they have learned through bitter experience that everyone else hates them, regardless of what they do or don't do. They have nothing to lose.
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