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More Trouble In Israel

Biden should give Bibi a carte blanche to proverbially till the grass over and plant a more wholesome ground cover than the nasty weeds of Hamas. No more half measures!

My "America First" opinions are that Biden should move our embassy back to Tel Aviv and cut off taxpayer funded military aid to everyone in the region.
How do you stay peaceful when you are being oppressed?

When your land is stolen continually?

When you can't have an open water port or airport?

When you can't come and go from your own home as you choose?

When your people have been kidnapped and tortured and murdered for decades now?

How does one stay peaceful in the face of decades of violent oppression?

Here's a thought: why not find some good leadership, promote it, seek a two state solution with Israel that works for both sides?

With 400,000 Israeli settlers in the WB, that will be a tough find for any leadership in Israel...this is a giant FU by design...
The solution is to forcibly remove everyone from within the borders of Israel. If the infants can't learn to share and stop bickering, turn the damn car around, and there will be no Holy Land for anyone.

Impose this solution with a moderately long (but immutable) deadline for implementation - say, a decade - and if the two sides cannot reach a mutually agreeable alternative solution, fuck the lot of them. evacuate the country and shoot anyone who tries to go back.

Childish nonsense isn't helped by the grownups taking sides. Anyone who supports either side in this is an idiot. They're all horrible. The rest of the world needs to stop pretending that either is better than the other. There are no gods, and therefore no god given rights or god given lands. If people can't live with each other, let them all go somewhere else.
Anyone who supports either side in this is an idiot.

Now Now...

Let's make a clear distinction between the people and the elite.

The people want peace and prosperity. It's the elite who want violence and conflict, on both sides.

Let's choose to take sides with the little people against the elite? How about that?
Anyone who supports either side in this is an idiot.

Now Now...

Let's make a clear distinction between the people and the elite.

The people want peace and prosperity. It's the elite who want violence and conflict, on both sides.

Let's choose to take sides with the little people against the elite? How about that?

You mean like the little people who went to the capital on January 6th?
Anyone who supports either side in this is an idiot.

Now Now...

Let's make a clear distinction between the people and the elite.

The people want peace and prosperity. It's the elite who want violence and conflict, on both sides.

Let's choose to take sides with the little people against the elite? How about that?

Mmmmm the little people want bloodshed too.
Anyone who supports either side in this is an idiot.

Now Now...

Let's make a clear distinction between the people and the elite.

The people want peace and prosperity. It's the elite who want violence and conflict, on both sides.

Let's choose to take sides with the little people against the elite? How about that?

Mmmmm the little people want bloodshed too.
I'm guessing the Palestinians would accept water in lieu of bloodshed.
How do you stay peaceful when you are being oppressed?

When your land is stolen continually?

When you can't have an open water port or airport?

When you can't come and go from your own home as you choose?

When your people have been kidnapped and tortured and murdered for decades now?

How does one stay peaceful in the face of decades of violent oppression?

Here's a thought: why not find some good leadership, promote it, seek a two state solution with Israel that works for both sides?

Oh, forgot to say.

When all your leaders are killed because they are leaders.
Look carefully at the antenna mast on the right--it's full of dishes. Dishes pointed horizontally. There's no reason for stuff like this on a press building. Sometimes you see satellite dishes but those are pointed at the sky. (Geosynchronous satellites will be 59.5 degrees from the horizon in Gaza.) There's nothing in Gaza that makes a whole bunch of microwave links make any sense. Thus that structure is almost certainly supporting a bunch of electronic intelligence gathering equipment. Military.

A television station in Flint has offices here in Saginaw. Both facilities have horizontally pointing dishes at each other. Do you really think that tower is the only press facility in all of Palestine.

I'm not saying you're wrong but there are certainly many reasons why those dishes could be pointed the way they are.

Note what I said: "full of dishes". Not a dish or two linking to other facilities. I count more than 50 horizontal dishes on the roof of that building, most of them on the one tower. That is in addition to a few satellite dishes.
The trouble is the radicals are in charge (Iran and Israel) and most Palestinians don't have a voice. There are no moderates with any level of authority when it comes to Palestine. Iran sure the heck doesn't want a stable Gaza Strip. The radicals in power in Israel will forever live in the land of Paranoia-ville. And radicals in Palestine, well powered on by the drastic disparity of access to resources compared to Israelis... well, they act out.

I'd say, in general, Israelis want peace, Palestinians want peace, Iranians don't give a fuck. But the in generals lack any power whatsoever.

There are no moderates in Israel because every peace attempt by Israel ends up making the situation worse for the Israelis, of course the moderates get voted out. And it's not paranoia when they are out to get you. And you're wrong about in general the Palestinians want peace. You only get a majority of Palestinians wanting peace if you count those who favor a two-state solution as wanting peace--but in reality many of them see a two-state solution as a way to upgrade their military position, not an endpoint.

And consider: Hamas considers the current cease-fire a "victory". By any reasonable standard this was a defeat for them--which means they're not evaluating it by normal military standards. It's a "victory" because they did what their masters want and will be rewarded for doing so. There is no way peace is going to happen so long as Hamas is funded for making war. (And removing Hamas wouldn't help--the funding would still exist, others would take over the fighting. Provide enough money to a desperate enough population and you'll get fighters.)
The solution is to forcibly remove everyone from within the borders of Israel. If the infants can't learn to share and stop bickering, turn the damn car around, and there will be no Holy Land for anyone.

Impose this solution with a moderately long (but immutable) deadline for implementation - say, a decade - and if the two sides cannot reach a mutually agreeable alternative solution, fuck the lot of them. evacuate the country and shoot anyone who tries to go back.

Childish nonsense isn't helped by the grownups taking sides. Anyone who supports either side in this is an idiot. They're all horrible. The rest of the world needs to stop pretending that either is better than the other. There are no gods, and therefore no god given rights or god given lands. If people can't live with each other, let them all go somewhere else.

In other words, hand victory to the Palestinians.

This would accomplish their primary goal of purging "Muslim" lands of the hated Jewish government.
Look carefully at the antenna mast on the right--it's full of dishes. Dishes pointed horizontally. There's no reason for stuff like this on a press building. Sometimes you see satellite dishes but those are pointed at the sky. (Geosynchronous satellites will be 59.5 degrees from the horizon in Gaza.) There's nothing in Gaza that makes a whole bunch of microwave links make any sense. Thus that structure is almost certainly supporting a bunch of electronic intelligence gathering equipment. Military.

A television station in Flint has offices here in Saginaw. Both facilities have horizontally pointing dishes at each other. Do you really think that tower is the only press facility in all of Palestine.

I'm not saying you're wrong but there are certainly many reasons why those dishes could be pointed the way they are.

Note what I said: "full of dishes". Not a dish or two linking to other facilities. I count more than 50 horizontal dishes on the roof of that building, most of them on the one tower. That is in addition to a few satellite dishes.

So they are linking to other facilities. That's what dish antennas do.

Quraiqea’s agency is just one of more than 20 Gazan media outlets razed by Israeli airstrikes in the past week. Much attention has been focused on the airstrikes that destroyed international media organizations’ Gaza offices, but local journalists bear enormous burdens of not only their work for the foreign press, but also to tell the stories of their neighbors and kin. Unlike international colleagues, Gazan journalists cannot leave, for lack of Israeli permission, and, without the protection afforded by global media, take on added risks just by dint of being Palestinians.
The solution is to forcibly remove everyone from within the borders of Israel. If the infants can't learn to share and stop bickering, turn the damn car around, and there will be no Holy Land for anyone.

Impose this solution with a moderately long (but immutable) deadline for implementation - say, a decade - and if the two sides cannot reach a mutually agreeable alternative solution, fuck the lot of them. evacuate the country and shoot anyone who tries to go back.

Childish nonsense isn't helped by the grownups taking sides. Anyone who supports either side in this is an idiot. They're all horrible. The rest of the world needs to stop pretending that either is better than the other. There are no gods, and therefore no god given rights or god given lands. If people can't live with each other, let them all go somewhere else.

That's not a bad idea. We should do the same to Taiwain/China; China/India; Russia/Ukraine; Northern Ireland; Eugene Oregon; Corvallis Oregon (the Civil War has caused many causalities!);
The trouble is the radicals are in charge (Iran and Israel) and most Palestinians don't have a voice. There are no moderates with any level of authority when it comes to Palestine. Iran sure the heck doesn't want a stable Gaza Strip. The radicals in power in Israel will forever live in the land of Paranoia-ville. And radicals in Palestine, well powered on by the drastic disparity of access to resources compared to Israelis... well, they act out.

I'd say, in general, Israelis want peace, Palestinians want peace, Iranians don't give a fuck. But the in generals lack any power whatsoever.

There are no moderates in Israel because every peace attempt by Israel ends up making the situation worse for the Israelis, of course the moderates get voted out.
Name one peace attempt that made things worse for the Israelis.

In reality, Israel has been inching away more land at every turn. Only times when that has not been the case has been when Israel was forced to leave Southern Lebanon and later Gaza.
Name one peace attempt that made things worse for the Israelis.
The 2005 disengagement from Gaza made things hella worse.

In reality, Israel has been inching away more land at every turn. Only times when that has not been the case has been when Israel was forced to leave Southern Lebanon and later Gaza.
Israel also gave up the Sinai. Besides, Israel wasn't forced to leave Gaza or to abandon the buffer zone in southern Lebanon, and both of those proved to be blunders.
The solution is to forcibly remove everyone from within the borders of Israel. If the infants can't learn to share and stop bickering, turn the damn car around, and there will be no Holy Land for anyone.

Impose this solution with a moderately long (but immutable) deadline for implementation - say, a decade - and if the two sides cannot reach a mutually agreeable alternative solution, fuck the lot of them. evacuate the country and shoot anyone who tries to go back.

Childish nonsense isn't helped by the grownups taking sides. Anyone who supports either side in this is an idiot. They're all horrible. The rest of the world needs to stop pretending that either is better than the other. There are no gods, and therefore no god given rights or god given lands. If people can't live with each other, let them all go somewhere else.

That's not a bad idea. We should do the same to Taiwain/China; China/India; Russia/Ukraine; Northern Ireland; Eugene Oregon; Corvallis Oregon (the Civil War has caused many causalities!);
You forgot native Americans and Europeans. Also you forgot, Ukraine/Poland, Ukraine/Hungary, Ukraine/Romania.
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