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Movie alphabet


Termynator: Genysys

Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese battle killer robots from a dystopic future where all good names have been trademarked already.

World War Zzzzzzz

98% of Earth's population struck by lethal levels of boredom. Peple sleep in, sleep out, sleep it off before drinking, sleep on planes, trains, at stoplights.
Heroes rush yo locate the last known shipment of stimulant from Columbia. Or coffee, that'd work, too.

JWs : A bus full of Jehovah's Witnesses descend upon the beaches of Rhode Island during the 4th of July, ruining everyone's vacation. When a school of sharks attack the swimmers, all of the JW kids die b/c their parents refused blood transfusions.

Hack to the future

An insane professor, using a device he bought from a cocaine dealer, hacks his way into the future where he is arrested for cybercrimes.
Beauty and the East
Bookish girl, Emma Watson, travels the Orient to find herself. And only herself. She ducks any romantic entanglement lasting longer than an overnight journey by train, wagon, or camel.

From Russia With Clove - James Bond battles an evil Soviet scheme to make every herb in thge world taste like Garlic.

The Mighty Fucks :
A group of female heroes save the country by having sex with incels and thereby eroding the frustration-fueled anger and hate at the heart of the alt-right movement.

Oh, and as a result, Jordan Peterson fades into obscurity and no one can remember why his trite pseudo-philosophy ever got attention in the first place.
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Raging Bull - - - > Rain Bull

Dustin Hoffman reprises his Rain Man character, out to avenge the death of his brother, Tom Cruise. "I'm really an excellent boxer."

Cadillac Main

Robin Williams as a car salesman fighting to keep his lot, with it's prime, Main Street location.

To Live and Dike in L.A.
An interesting departure from the typical disaster movie where a lone scientist warns but is ignored until the action rescue scenes, this is film noir tale of impending doom.
In 1947, a private eye learns that a dam protecting the major Metropolitan LA area was built by crooked contractors, with sub-par materials, by cheap Lithuanian labor and could go at any minute.
But he just lost a kidnapping case when cops screwed up the exchange, a kid was killed, his wife and girlfriend left him (for each other), his mob contact and cop contact shot each other, and his screenplay was turned down by the fourteenth studio. So, is he going to warn anyone? Or just say fuck it?
Movie ends with him in his dark office (oh, yeah, his electricity was cut off for non-payment, too), with nothing on his desk but a phone and a bottle of bourbon. Flips a coin. "Tails." He takes a drink.
Flips again. "Tails." Takes a drink.
Flips again. Looks at the coin. Bitter laugh as we fade to black.

Half Balked:

Dave Chappelle is a young man with Lou Gehrig's disease, which can cause muscular twitches. The namesake of his disease leads to an interest in baseball. He learns to pitch, and his muscle twitch makes him great, because it throws off batters and base runners. Normally such twitching would be called a "balk", but since it's a medical condition the ADA prohibits MLB from penalizing Chappelle for it.

Oh, and Chappelle is super high the whole time.


Norse god threatens Ragnarok, but is foiled when Queen Amidala offers him a confection of marshmallow, chocolate and graham crackers.
And superglue.
Can't call lightning with his mouth full, but he thinks it's just really chewy marshmallows. And keeps chewing. And chewing. And chewing...

The Sows of Katie Elder - John Wayne delivers a riveting performance as the only boar in a sty in the back yard of Katie Elder. Featured is a ZZ Top cameo remake of Tube Steak Boogie named Makin' Bacon.

Office Spice

A steamy account of Bill Clinton's second term as US President

Josie and the Pussy Capts
A group of Army lieutenants celebrate their promotions with a trip to Spring Break, for wine, women, and wine-soaked women. Sargeant Jocelyn Cook tries to at least keep them out of jail.

The Guest

A couple allows an obnoxious friend of a friend to stay overnight, but a quarantine is declared and they get stuck in their house with him for months as they go stark raving mad.
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