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Mueller investigation

Now when the investigation is showing waste of time ....

When is that? In the future of your Russian-trolling imagination?
Maybe it will be when the Cheato Regime stops trying to conceal their meetings with Russian spies.

Some people cannot discern propaganda even when it hits them between the eyes. But then again propaganda was never intended for people who can recognize propaganda.

Some people need enemies just to have an identity. Sad, really.

Go Eagles!! :hobbyhorse:

I feel the same way.
Republicans are making an awkward change of position. They are saying Mueller investigation needs to continue, that this memo had nothing to do with Mueller. Heard a Republican Congressman suggest the memo strengthens the Mueller investigation.

Sounds like they might have noticed the optics.

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Russian trolls were re-tweeting the memo links on instagram and/or twitter. Over a million Republicans re-tweeted the trolls. When will people learn?
Republicans are making an awkward change of position. They are saying Mueller investigation needs to continue, that this memo had nothing to do with Mueller. Heard a Republican Congressman suggest the memo strengthens the Mueller investigation.

Sounds like they might have noticed the optics.

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Yeah. It should have been clear from the beginning, but better late than never... that IF the memo was issued with the intent to discredit the investigation, then those Republican involved in it are accomplices in the crime of obstruction of justice.
Republicans are making an awkward change of position. They are saying Mueller investigation needs to continue, that this memo had nothing to do with Mueller. Heard a Republican Congressman suggest the memo strengthens the Mueller investigation.

Sounds like they might have noticed the optics.

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Yeah. It should have been clear from the beginning, but better late than never... that IF the memo was issued with the intent to discredit the investigation, then those Republican involved in it are accomplices in the crime of obstruction of justice.

Particularly if Nunes coordinated the release with the Whitehouse, which he refused to deny. (ETA: He actually refused to answer at all.) The law professors can decide if this constitutes  criminal conspiracy.
Republicans are making an awkward change of position. They are saying Mueller investigation needs to continue, that this memo had nothing to do with Mueller. Heard a Republican Congressman suggest the memo strengthens the Mueller investigation.

Sounds like they might have noticed the optics.

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Yeah. It should have been clear from the beginning, but better late than never... that IF the memo was issued with the intent to discredit the investigation, then those Republican involved in it are accomplices in the crime of obstruction of justice.

Particularly if Nunes coordinated the release with the Whitehouse, which he refused to deny. (ETA: He actually refused to answer at all.) The law professors can decide if this constitutes  criminal conspiracy.

You're right, but I have already made up MY mind. The Trump cabinet and congress have created a constitutional crisis by breaking down the separation between branches of government that are the basis for our checks and balances... they did this long ago with partisanship. Our legislative branch of government has not been operating independently as they are constitutionally required.
Congress' attitude towards the President should be more like, "we'll do our job and you do yours", but instead is more like, "what will our job be today, mr. president".
The whole investigation will hurt more to Mr. Obama and Mrs.Clinton than to president Trump.

The ones in power and supporting the government actions were president Obama and Mrs. Clinton.

The one who was responsible of any collusion was the Obama administration.

If this administration knew of a collusion and did nothing, then they are guilty. They knew about the crime and did nothing.

If the administration didn't know about a collusion, then negligence in not doing their job deserves reprimand.

Having candidate Donald Trump no support by the Obama administration but only the support of the people, he really had no control of the media, which was huge in favor of Mrs Clinton, and less control to manipulate the elections.

Totally the contrary, Mr. Obama and Mrs Clinton enjoyed both together all the opportunities to intervene into the political campaign of Mr. Trump using the administration power. They can use the FBI, the DOJ,they had better relations with Russia at political level. The relations of Mr. Trump business in Russia was business, no politics.

Gaining or losing elections, business with Russia should be the same. There was nothing convenient for Mr Trump to use Russians for political advances. Nothing, zero.

If Mr Trump had business already in president Obama administration, nothing should change if Mrs Clinton was the president.

On the contrary, Mrs Clinton losing the elections, all her business related exclusively thanks to politics should be succumbed. And this is exactly what happened.

Lots of dudes who came to the DC area, with the promised contract to work the very next day under Mrs Clinton administration "lost their potential work" when she lost the elections. I myself bought a 50" TV to one of them, who had no other choice but to look for a job in Canada because he didn't want to move back to California as a loser. And guess what, I bought his 700 bucks TV for 50 bucks.

It was a huge preparation for Mrs Obama administration with months in advance.

They lost everything but their hate.

Why do you think so much hatred against Mr Trump who destroyed such a potential empire of Mrs Clinton?

Guys from Hollywood who made TV series with the woman president, even another TV series Super Girl working for a woman president whom in one of the chapters gave "citizenship to all illegal space aliens on earth"... Lol...

Everything went down.

Their revenge has no limits.

If I were president Trump, I should do what he did in his early campaign, I should speak on TV directing to Mrs Pelosi and say: "Pelosi, I've tried to get you into sane thinking and cooperation to make America great again, but you have refused every opportunity, so hell with you!"

This should cause claps by millions, people will say, we have "our president back".

"Pelosi, the US don't need you, you work for yourself and don't care about America."

Polls next day will give president Trump 100% approval.


Because Pelosi & Company don't want to deal, don't want president Trump to succeed, because Mr. Trump the candidate, destroyed a huge Clinton empire.

What is Mrs Clinton now? Almost a nobody. The reason is because regardless of how much fame she obtained in the past, she is the loser.

People are with the winner, and this is why president Trump prevails, because he was and still is the winner.
What the fuck did I just read? I have read shit written by Tommy Wiseau that makes more coherent sense. We go from it's all Clinton's and Obama's fault to evil liberal Hollywood elite to some crap about Pelosi with a conclusion that seems to be channeling Charlie Sheen. What do you do for an encore, zombies fighting robots?
What the fuck did I just read? I have read shit written by Tommy Wiseau that makes more coherent sense. We go from it's all Clinton's and Obama's fault to evil liberal Hollywood elite to some crap about Pelosi with a conclusion that seems to be channeling Charlie Sheen. What do you do for an encore, zombies fighting robots?

Here ▲ is one of the dudes who bought thousands of colored balloons to celebrate Mrs. Hillary Clinton's election that night but now he doesn't know how many family birthdays will have to wait in order to use them. ha ha ha ha...

It is the responsibility of the administration in charge to prevent any intervention of a foreign government in the US affairs. It appears that the Obama administration knew about attempts by the Russians to interfere with elections.

If any attempt happened and the Obama administration didn't verified first but just acted in base of rumors, then this administration is guilty of abuse of power when started an investigation on the opposite party in bases of gossip. Lol.

By the way the investigation is progressing, it appears that slowly but surely Democrats involved will be next to be interviewed. This might include the State Department and other agencies from Obama administration.

Somebody started the big lie, and lets see if the ones who were part of the conspiracy are finally caught.
What the fuck did I just read? I have read shit written by Tommy Wiseau that makes more coherent sense. We go from it's all Clinton's and Obama's fault to evil liberal Hollywood elite to some crap about Pelosi with a conclusion that seems to be channeling Charlie Sheen. What do you do for an encore, zombies fighting robots?

Here ▲ is one of the dudes who bought thousands of colored balloons to celebrate Mrs. Hillary Clinton's election that night but now he doesn't know how many family birthdays will have to wait in order to use them. ha ha ha ha...
So... He thinks your post is incoherent because he wanted Hillary to win.

Still waiting for any sort of support for your various claims, or an English translation.
So when a president fires an FBI director, apparently he has to have good reason to do so. Weird, I know.

So what were some of the lies the WH was telling at the time in pretense of good reason for the firing? That Comey was a terrible director and everyone hated him and his employees were glad he was gone?


Your point might make sense, but firing a FBI head by the new administration doesn't have to be by a solid reason or cause.

Positions given by pointing of a finger are positions which come and go at the will of the ones in charge.

A new Mayor can change the Chief police who was chosen by the former administration right on the first day, and there is no reason for any explanation. The new administration, when is about finding their own candidates for a position, have the absolute right to do it without paying attention to the critics from others.
What the fuck did I just read? I have read shit written by Tommy Wiseau that makes more coherent sense. We go from it's all Clinton's and Obama's fault to evil liberal Hollywood elite to some crap about Pelosi with a conclusion that seems to be channeling Charlie Sheen. What do you do for an encore, zombies fighting robots?

Here ▲ is one of the dudes who bought thousands of colored balloons to celebrate Mrs. Hillary Clinton's election that night but now he doesn't know how many family birthdays will have to wait in order to use them. ha ha ha ha...
So... He thinks your post is incoherent because he wanted Hillary to win.

Still waiting for any sort of support for your various claims, or an English translation.

Your messages are written in perfect English but can be understood only in Chinese.

What a confusion of thoughts in your messages...
What the fuck did I just read? I have read shit written by Tommy Wiseau that makes more coherent sense. We go from it's all Clinton's and Obama's fault to evil liberal Hollywood elite to some crap about Pelosi with a conclusion that seems to be channeling Charlie Sheen. What do you do for an encore, zombies fighting robots?

Here ▲ is one of the dudes who bought thousands of colored balloons to celebrate Mrs. Hillary Clinton's election that night but now he doesn't know how many family birthdays will have to wait in order to use them. ha ha ha ha...

It is the responsibility of the administration in charge to prevent any intervention of a foreign government in the US affairs. It appears that the Obama administration knew about attempts by the Russians to interfere with elections.

If any attempt happened and the Obama administration didn't verified first but just acted in base of rumors, then this administration is guilty of abuse of power when started an investigation on the opposite party in bases of gossip. Lol.

By the way the investigation is progressing, it appears that slowly but surely Democrats involved will be next to be interviewed. This might include the State Department and other agencies from Obama administration.

Somebody started the big lie, and lets see if the ones who were part of the conspiracy are finally caught.

Not sure if you have been following the news. The special council has already prosecuted 4 people involved with the Trump campaign. Two have plead guilty.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but that's just giving our enemy/rivals the Russians what they want for helping to take over our government. That's nothing in comparison to Bill Clinton's private affair. I mean, he had an affair with a consenting adult. Then, when asked about it by people who shouldn't be asking, he lied. Where's your perspective?!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but that's just giving our enemy/rivals the Russians what they want for helping to take over our government. That's nothing in comparison to Bill Clinton's private affair. I mean, he had an affair with a consenting adult. Then, when asked about it by people who shouldn't be asking, he lied. Where's your perspective?!
Nice try. Those people had very little to do with Trump's campaign. They all got coffee. In fact, the only people that weren't coffee boys were Jared Kuschner, Donald Jr, and Ivanka Trump (sorry Eric... you need to get us some coffee). So until you can tie those people to Russia... no dice. And if you want to try and weasel in that 'secret' meeting at Trump Tower with those Russian people, that was totally about adoption and the Trump campaign has been nothing but up front.

I haven't seen a nothing burger this full of nothing since Watergate.
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