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Mueller investigation

Amber Phillips of The Fix gives a nice summary of all the problems with the memo (See 6 key takeaways from the GOP memo alleging FBI bias in the Russia investigation). Here is the list of "outstanding questions" that she came up with:

  1. Given this seems to be THE key point of the memo — the FBI relied on a politically motivated document to spy on a U.S. citizen — its description of how important the Steele memo was to the FBI's surveillance of Page is vague. How much is “an essential” part of the application? The FBI officials have told my Post colleagues that the memo was far from the only piece of intel it used to get a court to spy on Page.
  2. Does who funded dossier really matter to the court? The company behind the dossier testified to Congress that Steele’s report isn’t fake, was not politically motivated and did not set out with the intention to smear Trump, least of all to find collusion.
  3. It's not immediately clear how [Steele's contact with the media] impacts the information that made its way into the FISA warrant.
  4. It's an open question whether Steele's bias matters if the information he provided was sound. Talking about how the FBI got the information is a distraction from what agents found, Jens David Ohlin, a dean at Cornell Law University, told The Fix earlier this week: “Consider an analogy. Say there’s a murder in a small town and the police aren’t making any progress. In frustration, the family of the victim hires a private investigator who turns up evidence and gives it to the police. What should the police do? Answer: They should act on it if there’s something there.”
  5. Unless House Republicans are alleging the entire FBI was biased against Trump, it's not clear how this impacts the FISA application that ultimately let them spy on Page. Strzok was a key member of the team investigating Russia interference in the 2016 election, but he was reassigned after the FBI discovered these texts.
  6. The memo has yet to answer why Trump's handpicked head of the FBI disagrees [with its conclusions].

You (and Nunes) missed an essential element:
The original FISA warrant on Page was obtained well before the FBI was even aware of the "dossier". The Rethugs are complaining about it being the basis for the FOURTH renewal of that warrant. For their case to have merit, four separate judges would ALL have to be remiss, including the judges who had never heard of the Steele dossier.
It's 100% phony baloney, cooked up for and by the Cheato Regime, and delivered by their pet Congressional butt-boy.

Another point is, just who has been spying on the FBI? Especially when we're talking about misuse of intelligence resources.
John McCain said:
“The latest attacks on the FBI and Department of Justice serve no American interests – no party’s, no president’s, only Putin’s. The American people deserve to know all of the facts surrounding Russia’s ongoing efforts to subvert our democracy, which is why Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation must proceed unimpeded. Our nation’s elected officials, including the president, must stop looking at this investigation through the warped lens of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows. If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing Putin’s job for him.”

LOL, wasn't it McCain that turned over the phony dossier to the feds ? LOL.

What's phony about it?
It's phony because McCain does not lick Trump's balls.
What's phony about it?
It's phony because McCain does not lick Trump's balls.
But if he licked his balls today, our right-wingers would be supporting McCain in an instant.

But enough talk about licking Trump's balls.

Let's talk about how the Nunes memo states that the investigation into Russia began with Papadopoulos not the dossier.
God, what a load of shit that thing is.

1. To obtain a warrant, the requesting agents need not "present all material facts." That standard can have to do with discovery in both criminal and civil cases at the federal level as well as in pretrial for both, and at trial for both. Jesus.

2. The requesting agent absolutely does not have to supply "information favorable to" the target of the warrant. That's what's called "Brady Evidence." Brady evidence is evidence a prosecutor has that could be potentially favorable to a defendant in a criminal case, and the prosecutor has to give that to the defense attorney.

The rest is bunch of horseshit about GPS fusion and the Steele Dossier, and there they've omitted obvious facts. The FBI had put that dipshit Carter Page under surveillance back in 2013 after he went to Moscow and spoke out against the U.S. sanctions while there.

Good god, all this buildup to nothing. Its so... Trumpian.
I've got to hand it to the WH lawyers though. They are putting on a clinic. This whole "discredit the FBI before the sh1t hits the fan"" gambit takes chutzpah.
Well the memo is out. That's a link to my google drive if you'd like to read it in all it's incredible damning glory. Or, as I see it, a big huge nothing burger. It's pretty much what we thought - a GOP authored memo. It's skewed for sure, and really provides a whole lot of nada. It bitches a lot about the Steele dossier, but in the last paragraph it quietly admits the Steele dossier wasn't even the start of the investigation. Sad, really. Very much like Nunes first "hair on fire" run to the White House. Much to do about nothing. Of course, because FOX news and other right leaning sources have built this thing up more than the next Marvel movie, they're trying to act like this is a big deal. People really shouldn't play politics with things like ths. John McCain, whom occasionally shows some clarity of thought, summed it up pretty well.

John McCain
"Our nation’s elected officials, including the president, must stop looking at this investigation through the warped lens of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows. If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing Putin’s job for him.”
In the interest of fairness, the memo didn't really reveal the sources and methods that the Democrats/FBI/DOJ were worried that it would.

But that's because it didn't really reveal anything at all. Nothing that wasn't available from the hated mainstream media or the beloved alt-right press. Not a single secret was unmasked. There was no "holy shit I didn't know that" moment for anyone who'd been following the sordid tale of the dossier.

And that's in stark contrast to what it was sold as. If you bought into Nunes' narrative, this was going to be the Deep Throat moment. The Pentagon Papers reveal. The jizz stain on the blue dress.

It wasn't. What it was was a broadside against Rosenstein. An excuse for Trump to fire the assistant AG (and he will) and start purging DOJ and FBI officials who dared to aid Mueller. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Trump proceeded to fire anyone and everyone involved in "this Russia thing." He's covering his tracks in broad daylight.
In the interest of fairness, the memo didn't really reveal the sources and methods that the Democrats/FBI/DOJ were worried that it would.

But that's because it didn't really reveal anything at all. Nothing that wasn't available from the hated mainstream media or the beloved alt-right press. Not a single secret was unmasked. There was no "holy shit I didn't know that" moment for anyone who'd been following the sordid tale of the dossier.

And that's in stark contrast to what it was sold as. If you bought into Nunes' narrative, this was going to be the Deep Throat moment. The Pentagon Papers reveal. The jizz stain on the blue dress.

It wasn't. What it was was a broadside against Rosenstein. An excuse for Trump to fire the assistant AG (and he will) and start purging DOJ and FBI officials who dared to aid Mueller. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Trump proceeded to fire anyone and everyone involved in "this Russia thing." He's covering his tracks in broad daylight.

Yep. And too, for his idiot base. To them, the memo could've been crude shapes of various farm animals scrawled in blue crayon and they still would've been all, "See! Derp state! Derp state! Draining the Swamp! Buttery males! Nigerian Muslim!"
In the interest of fairness, the memo didn't really reveal the sources and methods that the Democrats/FBI/DOJ were worried that it would.

But that's because it didn't really reveal anything at all. Nothing that wasn't available from the hated mainstream media or the beloved alt-right press. Not a single secret was unmasked. There was no "holy shit I didn't know that" moment for anyone who'd been following the sordid tale of the dossier.

And that's in stark contrast to what it was sold as. If you bought into Nunes' narrative, this was going to be the Deep Throat moment. The Pentagon Papers reveal. The jizz stain on the blue dress.

It wasn't. What it was was a broadside against Rosenstein. An excuse for Trump to fire the assistant AG (and he will) and start purging DOJ and FBI officials who dared to aid Mueller. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Trump proceeded to fire anyone and everyone involved in "this Russia thing." He's covering his tracks in broad daylight.

Yep. And too, for his idiot base. To them, the memo could've been crude shapes of various farm animals scrawled in blue crayon and they still would've been all, "See! Derp state! Derp state! Draining the Swamp! Buttery males! Nigerian Muslim!"

This whole memo release soap opera was only ever intended for people who like to find and burn witches.

And BTW :lol:
Well the memo is out. That's a link to my google drive if you'd like to read it in all it's incredible damning glory. Or, as I see it, a big huge nothing burger. It's pretty much what we thought - a GOP authored memo. It's skewed for sure, and really provides a whole lot of nada. It bitches a lot about the Steele dossier, but in the last paragraph it quietly admits the Steele dossier wasn't even the start of the investigation. Sad, really. Very much like Nunes first "hair on fire" run to the White House. Much to do about nothing. Of course, because FOX news and other right leaning sources have built this thing up more than the next Marvel movie, they're trying to act like this is a big deal. People really shouldn't play politics with things like ths. John McCain, whom occasionally shows some clarity of thought, summed it up pretty well.

John McCain
"Our nation’s elected officials, including the president, must stop looking at this investigation through the warped lens of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows. If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing Putin’s job for him.”

Actually, watching CNN and specially NBC news, both were expecting the sure evidence to impeach president Trump. Lol.
Now when the investigation is showing waste of time in liberal murmurs claiming collusion, Democrats want to form a bipartisan commission to review the whole case.

No bipartisan commission is needed to investigate vacuum, which is what the Russian collision is after all.

Democrats are desperate to extend their distraction at all cost. Lol.

WASHINGTON — A top House Democrat is challenging the core conclusion of the memo released by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes on Friday, calling the allegation that the Justice Department and FBI withheld key details as they sought a secret surveillance warrant on former Trump adviser Carter Page “deliberately misleading and deeply wrong on the law.”

Given his senior position, Nadler is one of the small number of lawmakers who has viewed the highly sensitive documents that are the basis of Nunes’ memo.

Full text of Nadler's memo

Now when the investigation is showing waste of time ....

When is that? In the future of your Russian-trolling imagination?
Maybe it will be when the Cheato Regime stops trying to conceal their meetings with Russian spies.
Now when the investigation is showing waste of time ....

When is that? In the future of your Russian-trolling imagination?
Maybe it will be when the Cheato Regime stops trying to conceal their meetings with Russian spies.

Some people cannot discern propaganda even when it hits them between the eyes. But then again propaganda was never intended for people who can recognize propaganda.

Some people need enemies just to have an identity. Sad, really.
Well it's obvious John McCain couldn't discern propaganda.

Fake but accurate. Lol ������

Nevertheless, he certainly nailed it about Republicans doing Putin’s job for him.
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