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Multi-Billionaire Oprah Whines About Sexism & Income Inequality At DNC

We probably all experience racial or sexual prejudice in some form or another. But it is mostly the young white men trying to get a college degree who do experience most of the prejudice these days.

Plus the hot white babes are all going for the big-boned black studs.
Among other injustices, young white men have to watch as black children and illegal children are served free hot food at public schools, at least in blue states. Shouldn't the government compensate for this undeserved largesse by providing free sex dolls to unrequited young white males?

Young Asian men get it worse.
Really? Many of them seem to have hot Asian girl friends that deprived white males would like to have.


I’d say get a clue but a metric ton of them would be lost on the two of you.

Go back to Slovenistan, ya communist furriner! We use the English short ton here in America. Or did you sneak in the "metric ton" to get an extra 10.2% inflation for the Bidenists?
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(Sorry if my sarcastic post was offensive. The idea that "young white men experience most of the prejudice these days" seemed so inanely counterfactual as to deserve ridicule and contempt. Perhaps I over-reacted.)
(Sorry if my sarcastic post was offensive. The idea that "young white men experience most of the prejudice these days" seemed so inanely counterfactual as to deserve ridicule and contempt. Perhaps I over-reacted.)
Nah. If anything, you under-reacted.

The ridiculous not only deserves, but demands, ridicule.
(Sorry if my sarcastic post was offensive. The idea that "young white men experience most of the prejudice these days" seemed so inanely counterfactual as to deserve ridicule and contempt. Perhaps I over-reacted.)
Nah. If anything, you under-reacted.

The ridiculous not only deserves, but demands, ridicule.
The whole "white men are the victims of discrimination" thing is no longer purely a white nationalist talking point. It's mainstream right wing nowadays. Tucker, Fox, and others say this sort of thing all the time, and it is little wonder that the idea of life being a zero sum game ("If Oprah is rich, the some poor white guy is losing out") is creeping in here
Wealthy people are not allowed to see a problem with wealth inequality???
To be honest, most of them don’t.

That would be wrong. Just because someone is rich doesn't mean they didn't experience racial or sexual prejudice. That's just stupid.
We probably all experience racial or sexual prejudice in some form or another. But it is mostly the young white men trying to get a college degree who do experience most of the prejudice these days.

Sure sure. Being white in South Africa plus wealthy gives one absolutely zero advantages. You know that as a kid, Elon literally walked around with emeralds in his pockets?
Donald Drumph clearly had advantage. Musk, not so much. Some luck but it was not money related.
Same as Bill Gates. By the way Bezos was dirt poor I think.
Musk’s parents were very well off. He definitely had a great deal of advantage because of his parents’ wealth.

Bezos’ origins were indeed relatively modest. He and his now ex-wife founded Amazon.
So Bezos and Oprah were poor. And Musk (SA) was rich. Are you saying US is a shitty country with lots of dirt poor people?
I’m saying that the US is a country where one can achieve a tremendous amount of financial success even if you were born in modest or even impoverished circumstances. It’s so good that Musk apparently thought it presented his best chance for financial success.
At the same time you can get tremendous (c) success when you come from rich piece of shit family such as Trump.
What is your point?
Do you understand that I don't really see much difference between Trump and Oprah when it comes business practices.
Both are scammers. it's just one of the scammer is on your team and other is not.
I do realize that you do not understand. AFAIK, Oprah is not a scammer, pays her employees what she promises to pay, and actually attempts to do good for other people. Trump thinks only of himself, cheats everyone and attempted to overthrow our government. Oprah funds charities. Trump and his family ripped off a children's charity. One is worth billions of dollars. The other owes billions of dollars. Differences seem pretty stark to me. AFAIK you are unfamiliar with either Winfrey or Trump.
Scamming usually involves scamming clients, not employees.
Have you never heard of a Pyramid Scheme? Herbalife? Mary Kay? Cutco?
(Sorry if my sarcastic post was offensive. The idea that "young white men experience most of the prejudice these days" seemed so inanely counterfactual as to deserve ridicule and contempt. Perhaps I over-reacted.)
I’ve had this discussion many times. For white males, the fact that they are no longer first in line for all good things feels like prejudice to them. It’s not. It just feels bad to them to be treated closer to how everyone else is treated.
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(Sorry if my sarcastic post was offensive. The idea that "young white men experience most of the prejudice these days" seemed so inanely counterfactual as to deserve ridicule and contempt. Perhaps I over-reacted.)
I’ve had this discussion many times. For white makes, the fact that they are no longer first in line for all good things feels like prejudice to them. It’s not. It just feels bad to them to be treated closer to how everyone else is treated.

In my sarcastic post, I implied overlap between young white males who feel like victims of discrimination, and the InCel (involuntarily celibate) movement. I'll guess that that overlap is very real: Although I'm sure this doesn't apply to any posters here, imagined feelings of educational or political discrimination may stem from real feelings of sexual frustration.

There is a long list of law enforcement agencies who have warned that the InCel movement is becoming a major security threat, e.g.
Wikipedia said:
A January 2020 report by theTexas Department of Public Safety warned that the incel movement was an "emerging domestic terrorism threat" that "could soon match, or potentially eclipse, the level of lethalness demonstrated by other domestic terrorism types". A 2020 paper published by Bruce Hoffman and colleagues in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism concluded that "the violent manifestations of the ideology pose a new terrorism threat, which should not be dismissed or ignored by domestic law enforcement agencies"
... an attack in Toronto that was allegedly motivated by incel ideologies became the first such act of violence to be prosecuted as terrorism, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police stated that they consider the incel subculture to be an "Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremist (IMVE)" movement

Although there are some non-whites who identify as Incels, there is significant overlap between Incels and right-wingers such as the Alt-Right and White Supremacists. (The chant "Jews will not replace us" is part of the same Fear-of-the-Other that motivates many embittered white males.)
Looks like we have another newly minted billionaire to express our hate for:


Selena Gomez's officially one of the country's youngest female self-made billionaires, thanks to her booming beauty brand!

At 32, Selena is now valued at a whopping $1.3 billion, with most of her fortune coming from her Rare Beauty empire, according to the Bloomberg, which is ranking her for the first time on its Billionaires Index.
(Sorry if my sarcastic post was offensive. The idea that "young white men experience most of the prejudice these days" seemed so inanely counterfactual as to deserve ridicule and contempt. Perhaps I over-reacted.)
I’ve had this discussion many times. For white makes, the fact that they are no longer first in line for all good things feels like prejudice to them. It’s not. It just feels bad to them to be treated closer to how everyone else is treated.

In my sarcastic post, I implied overlap between young white males who feel like victims of discrimination, and the InCel (involuntarily celibate) movement. I'll guess that that overlap is very real: Although I'm sure this doesn't apply to any posters here, imagined feelings of educational or political discrimination may stem from real feelings of sexual frustration.

There is a long list of law enforcement agencies who have warned that the InCel movement is becoming a major security threat, e.g.
Wikipedia said:
A January 2020 report by theTexas Department of Public Safety warned that the incel movement was an "emerging domestic terrorism threat" that "could soon match, or potentially eclipse, the level of lethalness demonstrated by other domestic terrorism types". A 2020 paper published by Bruce Hoffman and colleagues in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism concluded that "the violent manifestations of the ideology pose a new terrorism threat, which should not be dismissed or ignored by domestic law enforcement agencies"
... an attack in Toronto that was allegedly motivated by incel ideologies became the first such act of violence to be prosecuted as terrorism, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police stated that they consider the incel subculture to be an "Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremist (IMVE)" movement

Although there are some non-whites who identify as Incels, there is significant overlap between Incels and right-wingers such as the Alt-Right and White Supremacists. (The chant "Jews will not replace us" is part of the same Fear-of-the-Other that motivates many embittered white males.)
I don’t disagree but the white males I was referring to were not incels, starting way back in the 70’s. I am thinking in particular of a guy who came from a fair amount of privilege and who had a girlfriend and very active sex life. It’s much more common than just a subset of usually white males with not much of a sex life.

There has been a lot of change in society since the ‘60’s and white makes are no longer assumed to be in charge. Some may be relieved but a lot feel the loss of deference as a big loss. Not getting into a school or getting a job cannot be entirely their fault. At the same time, the expectation is that the male will be the main wage earner, and keep his lawn weed free and golf course ready and his car in good working order. Not universally true, of course, but that’s how society ran for a long time.

Of course this is not universally true but it is the model that a lot of men grew up in. It’s not just incels.

Change is hard.
We probably all experience racial or sexual prejudice in some form or another. But it is mostly the young white men trying to get a college degree who do experience most of the prejudice these days.
What makes you believe that?
Racial preferences in higher education.
Your Ilk has dropped denying that it goes on, now they are arguing that it is a good thing to have e.g. more black doctors even if that means discriminating against white and Asian applicants to med school. Hostility on the Left to standardized tests and other objective measures over subjective measures like essays or "personality scores" is also part of this rot.
Are you arguing that medical school acceptance rates is the reason a rational person who think that young white men trying to get a college degree experience most of the prejudice these days? Your rant literally makes no sense to me, since I believe a college degree is a prerequisite for entrance into medical school.

If that is not your argument, then what makes one think that hat young white men trying to get a college degree experience most of the prejudice today?
And once again you attempt to derail the discussion with irrelevancies.

We use the medical school data as medical schools should inherently have a minimum standard (there should be no contamination by lesser schools), the data is recent enough to have made it to the internet, it is extremely damning and has never been meaningfully defended.

Note that the universities have responded to these allegations by hiding the data (other than when compelled to disclose it in court) rather than by addressing the issue. That's not the actions of the falsely accused, that's the actions of the guilty.
Looks like we have another newly minted billionaire to express our hate for:


Selena Gomez's officially one of the country's youngest female self-made billionaires, thanks to her booming beauty brand!

At 32, Selena is now valued at a whopping $1.3 billion, with most of her fortune coming from her Rare Beauty empire, according to the Bloomberg, which is ranking her for the first time on its Billionaires Index.

Exactly which billionaires are "we" supposed to hate? There are 756 American billionaires, Google tells me, and so far Oprah and Selena have been nominated for hatred -- is it female billionaires "we" are supposed to hate?

But not Miriam Adelson, McKenzie Scott (formerly Bezos) or Melinda Gates presumably, as their billions were earned by a white male.

Taylor Swift is another self-made female billionaire -- is she off the hook because she's white? My guess is that the Winfrey haters also hate Swift; what do I win?
We probably all experience racial or sexual prejudice in some form or another. But it is mostly the young white men trying to get a college degree who do experience most of the prejudice these days.
What makes you believe that?
Racial preferences in higher education.
Your Ilk has dropped denying that it goes on, now they are arguing that it is a good thing to have e.g. more black doctors even if that means discriminating against white and Asian applicants to med school. Hostility on the Left to standardized tests and other objective measures over subjective measures like essays or "personality scores" is also part of this rot.
Are you arguing that medical school acceptance rates is the reason a rational person who think that young white men trying to get a college degree experience most of the prejudice these days? Your rant literally makes no sense to me, since I believe a college degree is a prerequisite for entrance into medical school.

If that is not your argument, then what makes one think that hat young white men trying to get a college degree experience most of the prejudice today?
And once again you attempt to derail the discussion with irrelevancies.

We use the medical school data as medical schools should inherently have a minimum standard (there should be no contamination by lesser schools), the data is recent enough to have made it to the internet, it is extremely damning and has never been meaningfully defended.

Note that the universities have responded to these allegations by hiding the data (other than when compelled to disclose it in court) rather than by addressing the issue. That's not the actions of the falsely accused, that's the actions of the guilty.
Medical schools DO have minimal standards which are actually quite high for every single student admitted to the school. I do not know what you mean by ‘contamination by lesser schools.’ What you seem utterly unwilling to comprehend is that being the best person to treat patients is not the same thing as being able to score perfect scores on tests. Different t skill sets. Being a doctor requires a lot of so-called soft skills. Those do not have 100% overlap with test taking skills.

Medical schools have an extremely vested interest in admitting students they believe will successfully complete their program and who will go on to be successful physicians. Medical schools have the experience and data to support their methods of selecting students.

I recently read an article in which an Asian man, a physician, if I remember correctly, joked about medical school admissions being the Asian bar mitzvah. We tend to see physicians as the apex of intellectual and professional achievement, l don’t necessarily agree but that does explain the push of many families to get their children into medical school. Please note: the PUSH of FAMILIES for their kid to get into medical school, to achieve and prove their worth. Cool but having demanding parents with high expectations does not mean that you will be a good doctor, no matter how smart you are. I’ve known plenty of students whose aspirations for medical school are their parents’ aspirations, not their own.

I know that you do not care about the needs of underserved communities but there is a huge need for physicians to work in these communities. That means being able to earn the trust of those communities and being willing to commit to serving those communities. Students who pursue medical school for the status and the bucks are not likely to serve those communities or to serve them well or for long. THAT is why there is such a drive to recruit and admit med students from across a broad range of demographics.
We probably all experience racial or sexual prejudice in some form or another. But it is mostly the young white men trying to get a college degree who do experience most of the prejudice these days.
What makes you believe that?
Racial preferences in higher education.
Your Ilk has dropped denying that it goes on, now they are arguing that it is a good thing to have e.g. more black doctors even if that means discriminating against white and Asian applicants to med school. Hostility on the Left to standardized tests and other objective measures over subjective measures like essays or "personality scores" is also part of this rot.
Are you arguing that medical school acceptance rates is the reason a rational person who think that young white men trying to get a college degree experience most of the prejudice these days? Your rant literally makes no sense to me, since I believe a college degree is a prerequisite for entrance into medical school.

If that is not your argument, then what makes one think that hat young white men trying to get a college degree experience most of the prejudice today?
And once again you attempt to derail the discussion with irrelevancies
We use the medical school data as medical schools should inherently have a minimum standard (there should be no contamination by lesser schools), the data is recent enough to have made it to the internet, it is extremely damning and has never been meaningfully defended.
RVonse''s observation (bold-faced and italicized) - which started this tangent - was explicitly about the discrimination young white men experience getting into college. Medical school admissions are not relevant to that experience because 1) they are a small fraction of students in higher education, and 2) applicants ALREADY HAVE GRADUATED COLLEGE. To hammer home the 2nd point for the terminally obtuse, in order to graduate from college, one has to get into college. So unless you have any actual evidence those young white men (not boys) who applied to medical school also had trouble getting into college, the use of medical school admissions is the a derail.

Looks like we have another newly minted billionaire to express our hate for:


Selena Gomez's officially one of the country's youngest female self-made billionaires, thanks to her booming beauty brand!

At 32, Selena is now valued at a whopping $1.3 billion, with most of her fortune coming from her Rare Beauty empire, according to the Bloomberg, which is ranking her for the first time on its Billionaires Index.

Exactly which billionaires are "we" supposed to hate? There are 756 American billionaires, Google tells me, and so far Oprah and Selena have been nominated for hatred -- is it female billionaires "we" are supposed to hate?

But not Miriam Adelson, McKenzie Scott (formerly Bezos) or Melinda Gates presumably, as their billions were earned by a white male.

Taylor Swift is another self-made female billionaire -- is she off the hook because she's white? My guess is that the Winfrey haters also hate Swift; what do I win?
McKenzie Scott helped found Amazon. Adelson has plenty of her own accomplishments and so does Melinda Gates.

I’m not certain why Oprah Winfrey might hate Taylor Swift???
Sure sure. Being white in South Africa plus wealthy gives one absolutely zero advantages. You know that as a kid, Elon literally walked around with emeralds in his pockets?
Donald Drumph clearly had advantage. Musk, not so much. Some luck but it was not money related.
Same as Bill Gates. By the way Bezos was dirt poor I think.
Musk’s parents were very well off. He definitely had a great deal of advantage because of his parents’ wealth.

Bezos’ origins were indeed relatively modest. He and his now ex-wife founded Amazon.
So Bezos and Oprah were poor. And Musk (SA) was rich. Are you saying US is a shitty country with lots of dirt poor people?
I’m saying that the US is a country where one can achieve a tremendous amount of financial success even if you were born in modest or even impoverished circumstances. It’s so good that Musk apparently thought it presented his best chance for financial success.
At the same time you can get tremendous (c) success when you come from rich piece of shit family such as Trump.
What is your point?
Do you understand that I don't really see much difference between Trump and Oprah when it comes business practices.
Both are scammers. it's just one of the scammer is on your team and other is not.
I do realize that you do not understand. AFAIK, Oprah is not a scammer, pays her employees what she promises to pay, and actually attempts to do good for other people. Trump thinks only of himself, cheats everyone and attempted to overthrow our government. Oprah funds charities. Trump and his family ripped off a children's charity. One is worth billions of dollars. The other owes billions of dollars. Differences seem pretty stark to me. AFAIK you are unfamiliar with either Winfrey or Trump.
Scamming usually involves scamming clients, not employees.
Have you never heard of a Pyramid Scheme? Herbalife? Mary Kay? Cutco?
Sure sure. Being white in South Africa plus wealthy gives one absolutely zero advantages. You know that as a kid, Elon literally walked around with emeralds in his pockets?
Donald Drumph clearly had advantage. Musk, not so much. Some luck but it was not money related.
Same as Bill Gates. By the way Bezos was dirt poor I think.
Musk’s parents were very well off. He definitely had a great deal of advantage because of his parents’ wealth.

Bezos’ origins were indeed relatively modest. He and his now ex-wife founded Amazon.
So Bezos and Oprah were poor. And Musk (SA) was rich. Are you saying US is a shitty country with lots of dirt poor people?
I’m saying that the US is a country where one can achieve a tremendous amount of financial success even if you were born in modest or even impoverished circumstances. It’s so good that Musk apparently thought it presented his best chance for financial success.
At the same time you can get tremendous (c) success when you come from rich piece of shit family such as Trump.
What is your point?
Do you understand that I don't really see much difference between Trump and Oprah when it comes business practices.
Both are scammers. it's just one of the scammer is on your team and other is not.
I do realize that you do not understand. AFAIK, Oprah is not a scammer, pays her employees what she promises to pay, and actually attempts to do good for other people. Trump thinks only of himself, cheats everyone and attempted to overthrow our government. Oprah funds charities. Trump and his family ripped off a children's charity. One is worth billions of dollars. The other owes billions of dollars. Differences seem pretty stark to me. AFAIK you are unfamiliar with either Winfrey or Trump.
Scamming usually involves scamming clients, not employees.
Have you never heard of a Pyramid Scheme? Herbalife? Mary Kay? Cutco?
They are arguably some of the worst spread and most successful scams out there.

Scamming OFTEN involves scamming "employees" rather than "clients".
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