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Multi-Billionaire Oprah Whines About Sexism & Income Inequality At DNC

Can’t we all just agree that taste is subjective and the “quality” of a show depends on the desire for people to want to watch it. The only objective measure would be its success and Oprah has definitely exceeded in that regard so whether or not it’s your cup of tea it seems to be desired by many, many people.

That’s not to say that some quality shows fail to succeed for external reasons (cough, Firefly, cough) but I think the general rule holds.
I remember Oprah's early shtick. "Men who breathe. Next on Oprah".

there is virtually no women watching StiFi series. The reason being no relationship "porn" there
Citation needed.

What made you believe that you know this to be true?
What study
What poll
What data
what's next? women programmers?
My data is based on the Big Bang Theory :D
The Big Bang Theory was predicated entirely upon the presence of an attractive female who would ultimately become the mate of one of the four nerds. Indeed, the addition of other female characters is the only thing that drove forward character development for the male characters.
And this is relevant exactly how?
No, women do not love shows about being raped or being prostitutes.
Jerry Springer might disagree.
Here is a thing. Women tend to like cheap unscripted shows where women basically bitching about relationships and gossips.
These shows cost literally nothing to produce, all you need is a good relatable personality like Oprah.
Men generally like scripted, expensive to produce shows with actual plot which spans years.
Statement is without evidence.

The misogyny in this statement is appalling.
Don't call simple observations a misogyny.
SciFi (especially TV series) and Kardashians/Oprah are the two best discriminators of sex, They just are.
Written in context of men evaluating shows whose content is primarily directed towards women rather than men.
You should have specified that there, and really everywhere and everytime you mention how great Oprah, Kardashians and other such shows primarily (really exclusively) targeted at women. Becasue men are 50% of the population and here on this forum are probably 90%.
I remember Oprah's early shtick. "Men who breathe. Next on Oprah".

there is virtually no women watching StiFi series. The reason being no relationship "porn" there
Citation needed.

What made you believe that you know this to be true?
What study
What poll
What data
what's next? women programmers?
My data is based on the Big Bang Theory :D
The Big Bang Theory was predicated entirely upon the presence of an attractive female who would ultimately become the mate of one of the four nerds. Indeed, the addition of other female characters is the only thing that drove forward character development for the male characters.
And this is relevant exactly how?
I’m afraid I am unable to understand it for you.
Written in context of men evaluating shows whose content is primarily directed towards women rather than men.
You should have specified that there, and really everywhere and everytime you mention how great Oprah, Kardashians and other such shows primarily (really exclusively) targeted at women. Becasue men are 50% of the population and here on this forum are probably 90%.
Males are actually slightly less than 50% of the world population.

I’ve already acknowledged that this forum is largely male dominated. AFAIK, grown men are adults and do not need to have every utterance by a woman to reflect the male POV.

Women, including me, are entitled to express their viewpoint without deferring to men.
Written in context of men evaluating shows whose content is primarily directed towards women rather than men.
You should have specified that there, and really everywhere and everytime you mention how great Oprah, Kardashians and other such shows primarily (really exclusively) targeted at women. Becasue men are 50% of the population and here on this forum are probably 90%.
How many wealthy influential women are there in Russia free to speak their minds without fear of the internment?

To rise to the level of an Oprah over here requires intelligence, a little luck, and sustained hard work over years.

That defines 'the American Dream', anyone has the potential to rise to the top. of course is never perfect.

Trump as a teen was made wealthy by his father.

You still do not understands free market capitalism and American culture.

It is not about Oprah being great, it is about how people choose to spend their money. Oprah's persona appeals to many people across racial lines.

If you do not understand our culture you will not understand Oprah. You won't get it from watching shows on the net from Russia.
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How many wealthy influential women are there in Russia free to speak their minds without fear of the internment?
You mean like Oprah? Whole bunch of them.
To rise to the level of an Oprah over here requires intelligence, a little luck, and sustained hard work over years.
Kardashians are hard working too.
Trump as a teen was made wealthy by his father.
They are both BS peddlers. The fact that Trump was born rich and is slightly less successful (financially) at peddling is irrelevant.
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Can we go back to discussing why successfully overcoming obstacles means you are no longer permitted to point out the existence of obstacles?
Can we go back to discussing why successfully overcoming obstacles means you are no longer permitted to point out the existence of obstacles?
Obstacles are often overrated
People tend to discount dumb luck and talk instead about overcoming obstacles.
Her only obstacle was very early life as a child. Later in life she hardly had any.
Donald Trump had obstacles too, for example his father was an asshole and Donald himself was (still is) dumb himself.
And look it him now, he did not lose all the money he inherited, he is not a drunk or heavy drugs addict as some rich kids are, his kids are not drug addicts either. That's a success in my book. Yes, he is dumb as a rock, but no effort can overcome that obstacle.
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You know, I never thought of it that way: All you have to do is work hard abd have some luck and with practically no effort or intelligence or creativity, everyone can be a billionaire!
How about you, Barbos? How many billions do you have squirreled away?
A little quibble about Bill Gates.
The story I heard was that he did not inherit a lot of money.
His father said he would give him a good education.
And, the rest is up to him.
Same thing his grandfather did for Gates Sr.
By the time he was ready to receive millions of inheritance he was already a billionaire.
I also regret the early demise of Firefly….
Personally, I find that to be a tired well. Kinda like people who think they're edgy or hip doing Monty Python quotes or quoting from The Wire. It's almost a trope nowadays to be outraged about Firefly. I'm more disappointed Almost Human or Jerimiah didn't get the love they clearly deserved.

And don't get me started about Counterpart.
Unfortunately, no amount of relationship "porn" can make women watch SciFi TV series.
Perhaps a more accurate statement would be the women who love shows like BSG, The Expanse, Red Dwarf, Stargate, Farscape*, B5, Blake's 7 and 12 Monkeys go out of their way to avoid you.

The reason I know this is because:
a) I've known quite a few women who love the shows I've mentioned.
b) You can look on youtube and see a whole bunch of women making channels reacting to said shows - and loving it. One funny girl is actually merchandising shirts titled "I love space sh*t", because that is her catchphrase.

* Part of the appeal of Farscape to the women I know who love that show is the "guess which other Strayan shows the guest actor this week starred in?". Which doesn't work well with foreigners. But I fucking love that game too. So that's not a chick thing. It's a Strayan thing.

Of course it's not easy to jam a lot of relationship "porn" into SciFi. It just does not work.
Rick Berman agrees with you. Another ST alumni at that time was a guy named Ronald D Moore. Or God (I call him god). Guess which one is still working making TV shows people want to watch?.
How many wealthy influential women are there in Russia free to speak their minds without fear of the internment?
You mean like Oprah? Whole bunch of them.
To rise to the level of an Oprah over here requires intelligence, a little luck, and sustained hard work over years.
Kardashians are hard working too.
Trump as a teen was made wealthy by his father.
They are both BS peddlers. The fact that Trump was born rich and is slightly less successful (financially) at peddling is irrelevant.
BS is part of entertainment, Trump was an entertainer. PT Barnum.

Name Russian women of independent wealth and influence living in Russia I can look up on the net.

There have long been marriage services in Russia that brought together American men who are looking for a wife and Russian women who want to get the hell out of Russia.

There are no guarantees. You can be smart and work hard, but fail.

As far as I know women can like porn as much as men, part of the American sexual revolution.

Burt Reynolds a popular actor malesex symbol in his day posing nude in a mainstream women's magazine.

Name Russian women of independent wealth and influence living in Russia I can look up on the net.
She has influence on culture and Russian politics? She can speak her mind and stay out of jail? I doubt that.

Moreover, in 2020, Tatyana Bakalchuk acquired Standard-Credit Bank, which Samvel Karapetyan's Tashir Holding previously controlled. The bank was renamed Wildberries Bank. According to information from the "Banki.ru" webpage, in October-November the same year, the bank’s net assets decreased by 31.4 million rubles, and its loan portfolio lost almost 23.5 million rubles. Furthermore, according to the "Bank Analysis" website, at the beginning of 2022, more than 65% of Standard-Credit's assets consisted of credits. Some media argue that the bank's purchase was necessary to withdraw cash from the debt-ridden retailer.<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatyana_Bakalchuk#cite_note-22"><span>[</span>22<span>]</span></a>

From 2021 to 2022, Bakalchuk was a member of the Supervisory Board of VTB Bank,<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatyana_Bakalchuk#cite_note-23"><span>[</span>23<span>]</span></a><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatyana_Bakalchuk#cite_note-24"><span>[</span>24<span>]</span></a> which is an entirely pro-Kremlin bank.<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatyana_Bakalchuk#cite_note-auto1-25"><span>[</span>25<span>]</span></a> In December 2021, she joined the All-Russia People's Front.<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatyana_Bakalchuk#cite_note-iron_lady-20"><span>[</span>20<span>]</span></a><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatyana_Bakalchuk#cite_note-26"><span>[</span>26<span>]</span></a>

In 2021, the Russian Ministry of Digital Development added four new categories (including e-commerce) to the list of preinstalled applications. Only Wildberries could meet the proposed criteria.<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatyana_Bakalchuk#cite_note-:2-27"><span>[</span>27<span>]</span></a>

In 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Trade publicly stated that the online market Wildberries sells counterfeit products.<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatyana_Bakalchuk#cite_note-:3-28"><span>[</span>28<span>]</span></a>

After the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War, Bakalchuk was reportedly personally involved in talks with the Russian Federal AntiMonopoly Service over the legalising parallel imports (importing products from abroad without the permission of the trademark owner).<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatyana_Bakalchuk#cite_note-29"><span>[</span>29<span>]</span></a>

Same old Russian corruption. She is hardly independent of government and a free agent.

Sorry for the thread derail into Barbos and Russia.

I think I have figured out the problem with Russia. The men are all sexually repressed.
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