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Multi-Billionaire Oprah Whines About Sexism & Income Inequality At DNC

It’s the pattern. And it is clear as day. Yes, him calling out Winfrey and calling her speech hypocritical is all about racism and sexism, and is not about anything she said that could honestly be called hypocrisy.
If you claim Oprah being oppressed there are many more of us who wish we could get oppressed at least just as much. What the hell, you could even oppress me half as much and let me earn $1 billion instead of 2!

It’s the pattern. And it is clear as day. Yes, him calling out Winfrey and calling her speech hypocritical is all about racism and sexism, and is not about anything she said that could honestly be called hypocrisy.
If you claim Oprah being oppressed there are many more of us who wish we could get oppressed at least just as much. What the hell, you could even oppress me half as much and let me earn $1 billion instead of 2!
Rich NFL players still complain about being pulled over for "driving while black."

It’s the pattern. And it is clear as day. Yes, him calling out Winfrey and calling her speech hypocritical is all about racism and sexism, and is not about anything she said that could honestly be called hypocrisy.
If you claim Oprah being oppressed there are many more of us who wish we could get oppressed at least just as much. What the hell, you could even oppress me half as much and let me earn $1 billion instead of 2!
So you're mad that she's rich and you're not. Got it.

It’s the pattern. And it is clear as day. Yes, him calling out Winfrey and calling her speech hypocritical is all about racism and sexism, and is not about anything she said that could honestly be called hypocrisy.
If you claim Oprah being oppressed there are many more of us who wish we could get oppressed at least just as much. What the hell, you could even oppress me half as much and let me earn $1 billion instead of 2!
Rich NFL players still complain about being pulled over for "driving while black."
Last year this guy joined our team at work. Brandon was eager to learn, shadowed me during his training, and came to me several times afterwards for advice on how he could do better at his job. Super nice guy. He also played in the NFL as an offensive tackle for 3 years and appeared in a Superbowl. He never mentioned if he'd been pulled over for "driving while black," but I'd bet dollars to donuts he was. Because almost every single Black man I've worked with has a story of how they were pulled over for that.
To paraphrase Chris Rock. “I’m only Chris Rock up close.”

Rock has campaigned against the racial profiling of African-Americans, and often speaks of the everyday racism he experiences “despite being famous”. In a 2013 episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffeewith Jerry Seinfeld, Rock and Seinfeld are pulled over by the police for speeding while Seinfeld was driving. In the episode Rock admits to Seinfeld that "If you weren't here, I'd be scared. Yeah, I'm famous – still black." In 2015, Rock was pulled over three times in the first three months of the year. Each time Rock posted a selfie of the incident, without further comment as to the reason for the stops or whether he was issued a citation.

It’s the pattern. And it is clear as day. Yes, him calling out Winfrey and calling her speech hypocritical is all about racism and sexism, and is not about anything she said that could honestly be called hypocrisy.
If you claim Oprah being oppressed there are many more of us who wish we could get oppressed at least just as much. What the hell, you could even oppress me half as much and let me earn $1 billion instead of 2!

You sound like a guy who does not know her biography at all.
And yes, you sound like a person with an unhealthy level of envy.

There are lots of very wealthy white people who were raised in their wealth in abuse. They are wealthy, but they know abuse. There are millions of women in welth who deal with sexism. And millions of wealthy Black people who suffer racism.
And there are a very few people like Oprah who were raised in poverty, who suffered multiple rapes, and who nevertheless manage to find a way to break into the professional world successfully, and who then, through trmendous personality, manage to excel. But that succes will never erase the poverty and the rapes.

Sounds like your are signing up to be raped multiple times (as a child) to get a piece of what she worked for. Which makes you a prostitute, I guess.

You could look up her biography to learn more
Why are Dems dickriding Oprah so much? She is just a woo peddler.
@RVonse started this thread, not some Dem.

Oprah is a wildly successful person who overcame the obstacles put in her way by being black and female. She expressed a strong message concerning other people who face the challenges she did.

Somehow, that got described as hypocrisy.
What's up with that?
Why are Dems dickriding Oprah so much? She is just a woo peddler.
@RVonse started this thread, not some Dem.

Oprah is a wildly successful person who overcame the obstacles put in her way by being black and female. She expressed a strong message concerning other people who face the challenges she did.

Somehow, that got described as hypocrisy.
What's up with that?
Because she didn't leave the "liberal social justice warrior" fold when she became wildly successful.

The right wing seems to think that once you become a billionaire or otherwise wildly successful, you should put aside those liberal and/or social justice warrior pretensions and become a thoroughgoing capitalist who no longer cares about "the little people." Oprah, George Soros, George Clooney, Taylor Swift, and other famous and fabulously wealthy folks are - in the minds of right wingers - betraying their "people" by sticking to the ideals of social justice and using their wealth to improve the lives of others.

It’s the pattern. And it is clear as day. Yes, him calling out Winfrey and calling her speech hypocritical is all about racism and sexism, and is not about anything she said that could honestly be called hypocrisy.
If you claim Oprah being oppressed there are many more of us who wish we could get oppressed at least just as much. What the hell, you could even oppress me half as much and let me earn $1 billion instead of 2!
Is anyone other than yourself stopping you from earning a $1 billion?

It’s the pattern. And it is clear as day. Yes, him calling out Winfrey and calling her speech hypocritical is all about racism and sexism, and is not about anything she said that could honestly be called hypocrisy.
If you claim Oprah being oppressed there are many more of us who wish we could get oppressed at least just as much. What the hell, you could even oppress me half as much and let me earn $1 billion instead of 2!
For bleeping sake! Trump claims to be repressed more than any other person in the United States!
Attacking a woman's credentials and character are all part of the course for Repugs. It goes against their fear based living.
Yeah, having a bunch of successful Black women talking on a national stage sure has 'em triggered.
So to the two of you, none of the criticism is about the apparent hypocrisy of her statements and all of it is only about the race and gender of the speaker?

There are so many ways I could respond to that, but you would just deny my lived experience as a minority if I did so.
For me the claim that her statements even ARE hypocrisy is, yes, about racism and sexism.

Why do I say that? Because there are hundreds of speakers at both conventions and along the campaign trail who are making statements about inequality, while being notable enough for a spot on the stage - wealth, fame, whatever - and hence not currently inhibited by it, and the people who are complaining that Winfrey’s statements are hypocrisy do not highlight them. Donald Trump being the most obvious. We’ve never heard RVonse complain about Trump’s hypocrisy - all of the vast examples of it - or the hypocrisy of men voting in congress about women’s health rights, or the hypocrisy of wealthy white men complaining about how high their taxes are. I can go on and on with an obvious list.

The fact that RVonse decides to pick a woman who very definitely and very obviously did face discrimination, but managed to break through and reach a position where, while it still exists for her, doesn’t hurt her any more, is one more piece of evidence in a long line of observing who he and other rightists choose to complain about. And yeah, the pattern is racism and sexism, and it’s not even subtle.

It’s the pattern. And it is clear as day. Yes, him calling out Winfrey and calling her speech hypocritical is all about racism and sexism, and is not about anything she said that could honestly be called hypocrisy.
There are a few problems with your analysis.

1. Republicans are far less concerned about income inequality. Their paradigm is "a rising tide lifts all boats" and if one person increases by a little and another increases by a lot Republicans will say "both increased" while those who focus on inequality will say "one increased more than another". So the fact that Republicans aren't focused on the fact that Trump is wealthy isn't a significant fact.
Then explain why RVonse (trump supporter) disses on Winfrey for doing the same thing Trump uis doing.
Hence my point. You’ve just discovered it.

He's not dissing on her for being a billionaire speaking at a political party. He's dissing on her for being a billionaire speaking at a political party on the topic of income inequality or wealth inequality. So it is not the same thing that Trump is doing.

2. You are committing a tu quoque when you say "How dare they
You misread the tone; I never said anything to create the vibe of “how dare they”, which implies outrage and surprise.
I’m not surprised. This is what they do. Projecting. Accusing others of the things they are doing. I have no shock at this, no anger. It is 100% predictable.

Yeah, if you're going to say "projecting" I'll have to notice all the times you said OP was making racist statements. Quick with the intellectually lazy shortcuts and fallacies.

point out that a wealthy person is talking about income inequality, they have men voting on women's rights." You're not actually addressing whether or not there is hypocrisy in Oprah's statements.
Oh, sorry you missed that. It was there, but I’ll spell it out for you more clearly. Oprah’s statements are not hypcritical because she has herself been the victim of significant racism and sexism. This provides her with deep empathy for those who suffer from its effects. While the racism and sexism directed at her no longer have the capacity to create the harm that it did when she was poor, she has great compassion for others, as can be seen in her philanthropy and her speech at this convention.

The OP wasn't criticizing her for being wealthy, but for being wealthy while also talking about wealth inequality. I'm not sure why you are unable to notice that part in bold. In fact you are so incapable of noticing it that when I typed that there was bold text you wonder what the hell I'm writing about because there is clearly no bold text.

And falsely accusing her of hypocrisy is itself hypocrisy since the person who did it has no complaints about Republicans doing what he falsely accused her of, as your point #1 validates.

Personally I think the charge of hypocrisy is overblown because, as has been pointed out, she does donate large sums to trying to help others. All that's left is the appearance of hypocrisy, but you won't even address that and fall back to the default of "well they're just a bunch of racists."
I did address it, and have explained again above.
This does not erase the fact that the rant in the OP of this thread is definitely racist, as are the admonitions to “go ‘back’ to Africa” to someone who was never from there.

I mean, it’s not subtle.

Neither is your inability to note that the criticism was of the apparent hypocrisy. Notice I wrote apparent hypocrisy because as I stated I think it is overblown. Now going back to the OP's post, I see "if you hate the US so much why don't you go somewhere you like", which is of course a deeply racist statement - if you can see racism everywhere and anywhere. If I were to show you a series of Rorschach ink blots, would every single one of them come back as a picture of racism?

Is it your position that they are using criticism of content to disguise the fact that they are racists?
I don’t think they are trying to disguise it at all, do you? It’s right out there in public.
Or, maybe they are and they are just achingly bad at the disguise.

Or, maybe you just see racism in everything.

Do you think it is possible to criticize the content of a minority speaker, the way you just did to me, without it being race based?
Sure, yes, so do you.

Well that answer is surprising coming from you, but then I did remind you that if you are consistent you'd have to apply that label to yourself while responding to my content.

THis thread’s OP isn’t one of those cases, though.

First they’d have to start with a valid criticism of content.

Such as apparent hypocrisy.

And it will not include the rather piteous complaint that because a poor person made it big, that means they never faced racism or sexism. There was no other criticism. Just that; that Oprah Winfrey doesn’t know what racism or sexism feels like, because she now a billionaire.

Or, maybe, possibly, that here is a wealthy person talking about income inequality.

So is that a criticism of her content? Or a criticism of her being an acceptable (to the conservatives) messenger for the content? He didn’t criticise her content, he criticised HER.

For being a wealthy person talking about income inequality.

3. Aren't you infantalizing minorities by saying "oh you poor thing, they're not actually criticizing your content, they're just a bunch of mean racists"?
This does not follow.
Especially since I never said, thought, or implied, “oh, you poor thing”.
No, you are just determined to protect minorities from criticism by saying those criticizing her are doing so only out of racism and sexism and for no other reason.

It’s the pattern. And it is clear as day. Yes, him calling out Winfrey and calling her speech hypocritical is all about racism and sexism, and is not about anything she said that could honestly be called hypocrisy.
If you claim Oprah being oppressed there are many more of us who wish we could get oppressed at least just as much. What the hell, you could even oppress me half as much and let me earn $1 billion instead of 2!

You sound like a guy who does not know her biography at all.
And yes, you sound like a person with an unhealthy level of envy.

There are lots of very wealthy white people who were raised in their wealth in abuse. They are wealthy, but they know abuse. There are millions of women in welth who deal with sexism. And millions of wealthy Black people who suffer racism.
And there are a very few people like Oprah who were raised in poverty, who suffered multiple rapes, and who nevertheless manage to find a way to break into the professional world successfully, and who then, through trmendous personality, manage to excel. But that succes will never erase the poverty and the rapes.
No one who is worth multiple billions has any right to say they are (or were) oppressed by the US. Simply because a person who has actually been oppressed would be lucky to be free, less alone able to amass such a large fortune. Neither Elon Musk nor Oprah have been oppressed by the US. A billionaire claiming to be a victim is laughable.

And as far as Musk suffering abuse when he was raised the biggest difference is that unlike Oprah, Musk would not be parading himself politically complaining and blaming his circumstance on his fellow countryman. He is not nor has ever attempted to sow racism, discord, or division based on any abuse he suffered in his youth. But that is exactly what Oprah and Obama are all about.

It’s the pattern. And it is clear as day. Yes, him calling out Winfrey and calling her speech hypocritical is all about racism and sexism, and is not about anything she said that could honestly be called hypocrisy.
If you claim Oprah being oppressed there are many more of us who wish we could get oppressed at least just as much. What the hell, you could even oppress me half as much and let me earn $1 billion instead of 2!

You sound like a guy who does not know her biography at all.
And yes, you sound like a person with an unhealthy level of envy.

There are lots of very wealthy white people who were raised in their wealth in abuse. They are wealthy, but they know abuse. There are millions of women in welth who deal with sexism. And millions of wealthy Black people who suffer racism.
And there are a very few people like Oprah who were raised in poverty, who suffered multiple rapes, and who nevertheless manage to find a way to break into the professional world successfully, and who then, through trmendous personality, manage to excel. But that succes will never erase the poverty and the rapes.
No one that is worth multiple billions has any right to say they are (or were) oppressed by the US. Simply because a person who has actually been oppressed would be lucky to be free, less alone able to amass such a large fortune. Neither Elon Musk nor Oprah have been oppressed by the US. A billionaire claiming to be a victim is laughable.
That would be wrong. Just because someone is rich doesn't mean they didn't experience racial or sexual prejudice. That's just stupid.

Wealthy people are not allowed to see a problem with wealth inequality???

That would be wrong. Just because someone is rich doesn't mean they didn't experience racial or sexual prejudice. That's just stupid.

We probably all experience racial or sexual prejudice in some form or another. But it is mostly the young white men trying to get a college degree who do experience most of the prejudice these days.

It’s the pattern. And it is clear as day. Yes, him calling out Winfrey and calling her speech hypocritical is all about racism and sexism, and is not about anything she said that could honestly be called hypocrisy.
If you claim Oprah being oppressed there are many more of us who wish we could get oppressed at least just as much. What the hell, you could even oppress me half as much and let me earn $1 billion instead of 2!

You sound like a guy who does not know her biography at all.
And yes, you sound like a person with an unhealthy level of envy.

There are lots of very wealthy white people who were raised in their wealth in abuse. They are wealthy, but they know abuse. There are millions of women in welth who deal with sexism. And millions of wealthy Black people who suffer racism.
And there are a very few people like Oprah who were raised in poverty, who suffered multiple rapes, and who nevertheless manage to find a way to break into the professional world successfully, and who then, through trmendous personality, manage to excel. But that succes will never erase the poverty and the rapes.
No one who is worth multiple billions has any right to say they are (or were) oppressed by the US. Simply because a person who has actually been oppressed would be lucky to be free, less alone able to amass such a large fortune. Neither Elon Musk nor Oprah have been oppressed by the US. A billionaire claiming to be a victim is laughable.

And as far as Musk suffering abuse when he was raised the biggest difference is that unlike Oprah, Musk would not be parading himself politically complaining and blaming his circumstance on his fellow countryman. He is not nor has ever attempted to sow racism, discord, or division based on any abuse he suffered in his youth. But that is exactly what Oprah and Obama are all about.
Once again, I struggle to see the world you describe. Nothing Ms Winfrey ir either Obama said at the DNC could reasonably be described as sowing discord , racism or division by anyone remotely interested in promoting unity and racial fairness.
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We probably all experience racial or sexual prejudice in some form or another. But it is mostly the young white men trying to get a college degree who do experience most of the prejudice these days.
What makes you believe that?
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