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Multi-Billionaire Oprah Whines About Sexism & Income Inequality At DNC

How much does Elon Musk give to charity? Zuckerberg? Why in Hell are we picking on Oprah Winfrey??
Comparing Musk to Oprah is just ridiculous. Musk is an actual capitalist who is engaged in business of providing actual products and services. Yes, he is full of himself. Oprah is a mild version of Televangelist who basically takes your money and gives some back in the form of charities (unlike actual Televangelists).
Musk thinks he can spend money better by starting businesses than giving them away.
Zucker, you can have him, don't care about him much. Well, he provides employment to programmers, but his business is garbage and serves little purpose.
First: I am NOT particularly an Oprah Winfrey fan, and have barely watched her at all. Life is short. There are Clint Eastwood movies I want to watch or re-watch, and even a few (very few!) Humphrey Bogart movies I've not seen. I do catch a few glimpses of Oprah when clicking around, and even watched a bit of her recent DNC speech. I did not see her whining.

I am also not a fan, and only saw her remarks after the fact (I saw the Obama speeches, though), but the thing is that Oprah is the one person who has every right to be speaking on this issue. In fact it would be a sort of "dereliction of duty" if she didn't. Name another famous Black female billionaire who came from nothing. I'll wait.

If you're paying attention, you might say Rihanna, and you'd be right, but Oprah was first. I'm not sure exactly what RVonse wants here. In our virulently capitalist society, the selling point has always been "you, too, can become rich and famous no matter how humble your beginnings if you just work hard enough." Strip away the race and gender, and Oprah is STILL a better example of that than the likes of Trump (rich daddy), Bill Gates (wealthy parents), Elon Musk (same), and a whole host of other billionaires who were born on third base and thought they hit a home run. On top of all that, Oprah wasn't born with supermodel looks, and has publicly struggled with her weight for most of her life. Along the way to her perch at the lonely peak of Black Female Billionaire Mountain, she has helped a lot of others along they way, providing jobs, a leg-up in the industry, and as already mentioned, her many charitable efforts.

Is she entirely noble? No, but I'd point to her as a role model before I'd do the same for the likes of Sheldon Adelson, Rupert Murdoch, or the Koch Brothers.
Was Ms. Winfrey actually whining,
Her job is to maintain a fan base consisting of above average family income women who support her stupid business empire by watching her stupid show. And if whining is required then there will be whining.
Wow! The hatred in that statement, says a lot. So you don’t like her? Is it because she is a black woman who is successful And that makes you jealous?

Live and let live.
Was Ms. Winfrey actually whining,
Her job is to maintain a fan base consisting of above average family income women who support her stupid business empire by watching her stupid show. And if whining is required then there will be whining.
What show would that be? Her talk show ended in 2011.
How much does Elon Musk give to charity? Zuckerberg? Why in Hell are we picking on Oprah Winfrey??
Comparing Musk to Oprah is just ridiculous. Musk is an actual capitalist who is engaged in business of providing actual products and services. Yes, he is full of himself. Oprah is a mild version of Televangelist who basically takes your money and gives some back in the form of charities (unlike actual Televangelists).
Musk thinks he can spend money better by starting businesses than giving them away.
Zucker, you can have him, don't care about him much. Well, he provides employment to programmers, but his business is garbage and serves little purpose.
I agree that comparing Musk to Winfrey is ridiculous. Musk was born wealthy, white in a country where being white gave you an enormous boost in status compared with the non-white people who had far fewer rights. Winfrey has started schools, contributes heavily to educational endeavors throughout the world, founded a media network, does a tremendous amount to boost other entrepreneurs and businesses with a strong emphasis on products that appeal to women, works to increase literacy and boost reading, backs films and occasionally acts in them and much more.

Musk.....takes other people's ideas and acquires their businesses and then runs them into the ground. He does not 'start businesses.' Musk, along with a handful of other billionaires and one or two 'billionaires' is doing his best to bend the world under his power without having to go through the messy process of actually running for election...anywhere. Nope. He wants to control what information is available to the public. He's doing slightly better than Trump but....
A little quibble about Bill Gates.
The story I heard was that he did not inherit a lot of money.
His father said he would give him a good education.
And, the rest is up to him.
Same thing his grandfather did for Gates Sr.
He does not 'start businesses.
He did start SpaceX and Starlink,
He acquired Tesla and Paypal, that's true. His family "riches" has little to do with his own.
Oprah is in the same category as televangelist in my book.
Sure sure. Being white in South Africa plus wealthy gives one absolutely zero advantages. You know that as a kid, Elon literally walked around with emeralds in his pockets?

Musk buys things, infuses them with cash and then often they crash and burn literally ( See early Tesla and SpaceX ) or figuratively (Twitter), violate labor and safety laws and rules, to name a few of his successes.

Aside from being a racist, sexist and transphobe, not to mention egomaniac, he lives his life as he was raised: believing the rules don’t really apply to him and that other people don’t really matter.
Sure sure. Being white in South Africa plus wealthy gives one absolutely zero advantages. You know that as a kid, Elon literally walked around with emeralds in his pockets?
Donald Drumph clearly had advantage. Musk, not so much. Some luck but it was not money related.
Same as Bill Gates. By the way Bezos was dirt poor I think.
Aside from being a racist, sexist and transphobe, not to mention egomaniac, he lives his life as he was raised: believing the rules don’t really apply to him and that other people don’t really matter.
Name one actual billionaire who think that rule apply to them.
I doubt that even Oprah would qualify.
Sure sure. Being white in South Africa plus wealthy gives one absolutely zero advantages. You know that as a kid, Elon literally walked around with emeralds in his pockets?
Donald Drumph clearly had advantage. Musk, not so much. Some luck but it was not money related.
Same as Bill Gates. By the way Bezos was dirt poor I think.
Musk’s parents were very well off. He definitely had a great deal of advantage because of his parents’ wealth.

Bezos’ origins were indeed relatively modest. He and his now ex-wife founded Amazon.
Sure sure. Being white in South Africa plus wealthy gives one absolutely zero advantages. You know that as a kid, Elon literally walked around with emeralds in his pockets?
Donald Drumph clearly had advantage. Musk, not so much. Some luck but it was not money related.
Same as Bill Gates. By the way Bezos was dirt poor I think.
Musk’s parents were very well off. He definitely had a great deal of advantage because of his parents’ wealth.

Bezos’ origins were indeed relatively modest. He and his now ex-wife founded Amazon.
So Bezos and Oprah were poor. And Musk (SA) was rich. Are you saying US is a shitty country with lots of dirt poor people?
Sure sure. Being white in South Africa plus wealthy gives one absolutely zero advantages. You know that as a kid, Elon literally walked around with emeralds in his pockets?
Donald Drumph clearly had advantage. Musk, not so much. Some luck but it was not money related.
Same as Bill Gates. By the way Bezos was dirt poor I think.
Musk’s parents were very well off. He definitely had a great deal of advantage because of his parents’ wealth.

Bezos’ origins were indeed relatively modest. He and his now ex-wife founded Amazon.
So Bezos and Oprah were poor. And Musk (SA) was rich. Are you saying US is a shitty country with lots of dirt poor people?
I’m saying that the US is a country where one can achieve a tremendous amount of financial success even if you were born in modest or even impoverished circumstances. It’s so good that Musk apparently thought it presented his best chance for financial success.
I’m saying that the US is a country where one can achieve a tremendous amount of financial success even if you were born in modest or even impoverished circumstances. It’s so good that Musk apparently thought it presented his best chance for financial success.
Then say that when you get on stage.

Instead of droning on about identity politics, racism, and how bad you hate half of the US population
A little quibble about Bill Gates.
The story I heard was that he did not inherit a lot of money.
His father said he would give him a good education.
And, the rest is up to him.
Same thing his grandfather did for Gates Sr.
That's a very popular story about successful people, in all fields and throughout history.

Which is an excellent reason to disbelieve it, in the absence of compelling evidence.

Do you have any compelling evidence?
I’m saying that the US is a country where one can achieve a tremendous amount of financial success even if you were born in modest or even impoverished circumstances. It’s so good that Musk apparently thought it presented his best chance for financial success.
Then say that when you get on stage.

Instead of droning on about identity politics, racism, and how bad you hate half of the US population
There’s a whole lot of projection going on in your post, there buddy. You ok? You seem awfully caught up in whatever it is that you are calling identity politics.

I’m pretty happy with my life. I don’t like everybody but I also don’t hate anybody. Lots of people I truly love and respect hold extremely different points of view than I do. It can be baffling abd frustrating but it doesn’t make me love them or respect them any less—no matter how much I disagree.

I hope you find some peace in your life.
I’m saying that the US is a country where one can achieve a tremendous amount of financial success even if you were born in modest or even impoverished circumstances. It’s so good that Musk apparently thought it presented his best chance for financial success.
Then say that when you get on stage.

Instead of droning on about identity politics, racism, and how bad you hate half of the US population

Except she did not do any of that, so you continue to present these falsehoods.
I’m saying that the US is a country where one can achieve a tremendous amount of financial success even if you were born in modest or even impoverished circumstances. It’s so good that Musk apparently thought it presented his best chance for financial success.
Then say that when you get on stage.

Instead of droning on about identity politics, racism, and how bad you hate half of the US population
I'm sorry you are so angry.

Sending you happiness, joy and light.
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