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My experiences that suggest an intelligent force exists

....Your bible was not misprinted or printed upside down. I used to work in printing. Upside down covers happen now and again because it's largely an automated process and if a cover runs through the machines upside down then it's going to get "bound" ("glued") to the text upside down. What'd be unusual is if this didn't happen to some books. It's not uncommon. It merely got past the quality control.
Hi I'd really like to hear what you say about this....

it seems my Bible was actually misprinted: (see post #205)

some pages with red that is too light:

a page where the black is too light:

Also today I went to a second-hand book shop. They had a tiny Gideon's Bible which said "this book not to be sold" (sic) so I got it for free.

There are 10 double pages spread through out that Bible that have a different font to the main font to the rest of the Bible.


I was wondering if you could explain why that font is only involving double pages - not single pages
I ran a perfect binder sometimes while working at a printers. So, I saw mistakes in EVERY run. It doesn't make me the expert to turn to, and it doesn't take an expert to figure this out anyway. Anyone can explain the petty little coincidences that have your mind in thrall. Including you if you'll try to get "I want" out of the way.

The world is like a big Rorschach blot to the pattern-seeking mind. The more petty and silly the patterns, the more certain it's a human creation. From signs to portents to miracles... it's most likely these are the mind's projections. Because as 'wondrous' as they seem to some folk, they're actually extremely petty for answering too handily to personal desires.

If there were an intelligent force then the way it's communicating is so petty and silly that that's what makes the most likely answer very clear: The intelligent force talking to you is you. Our brains are like this -- petty, silly, trivial. That's why studying the world is always more interesting than getting self-absorbed.

Consider that the meaningfulness of your life isn't dependent on things like this. Surely there's something less petty (less inward-oriented) you could do for meaning. Paint landscapes or do meetups with other folk or read what science has found about nature -- something that involves the senses more and imagination less. Seeking signs from an alien mind will pretty much inevitably be your own mind getting stuck in a loop. Your control against this was apparently to ask a pastor... a person dedicated to treating the Bible and the world like a Rorschach blot.
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In the latter scenario, I told people on Facebook, messageboards and church about my Bible. When it was in person I'd hand them the Bible and say that it was special and I wanted them to check it out. I'd say that I didn't think it was just a meaningless printing issue even though they often thought that. (then I'd also show them a photo of the connect four set).

I bought two “Kansas” albums. The first hd the labels on the wrong side of the record. The side that said “A” was actualy “B”. Then I got anoher album. Would you believe that the record had the “A” label on both sides?

It’s amazing. I never once thought that it was a god talking to me, of course, but I was sure I was going to get some excellent collector item dollars for them.

(I never did, I played the albums regularly, and finally sold them 30+ years later to a guy who was impressed at their excellent condition but didn’t care about the labels at all)

Some of the Kansas members became evangelical Christians, so excreationist could be on to to something.

....I was wondering if you could explain why that font is only involving double pages - not single pages
I ran a perfect binder sometimes while working at a printers. So, I saw mistakes in EVERY run. It doesn't make me the expert to turn to, and it doesn't take an expert to figure this out anyway. Anyone can explain the petty little coincidences that have your mind in thrall.
I'm not interested in explaining why I think receiving an upside-down Bible soon after reading a Bible upside down for the first and only time is different to a Rorschach blot. I singled you out because I wanted the specifics of the printing/binding process. I'd like you to explain how 10 double pages were in a different font in my little Gideon's Bible. Also I noted that my NIV Bible did involve a kind of misprint after all (red/black darkness issues)

I was also wondering how old printing presses work -

I heard they had moveable type/letters. Say they were printing a book with hundreds of pages centuries ago - would they set up the type/lettering for the entire book at once then print out the copies and reuse the lettering for a new book?
It doesn't make me the expert to turn to, and it doesn't take an expert to figure this out anyway.
I'm not interested in explaining why I think receiving an upside-down Bible soon after reading a Bible upside down for the first and only time is different to a Rorschach blot.
I'm interested. How's reading meaning into an accident different?

The point about printing was it's nearly entirely automated and errors are easy. One machine didn't detect the red ink was running out, and another machine mixed two stacks of text which another machine then drew from and bound into probably several fucked up Bibles. I don't know the details of the machines, there are different sorts for different printing/binding methods. I printed and helped bind and trim some manuals a couple decades ago. But are you able to grasp the general point?
It doesn't make me the expert to turn to,
Well you'd be the best printing/binding expert here - if you're interested in helping explain the specifics

...and it doesn't take an expert to figure this out anyway.
Well I can't figure out why 10 double page spreads spaced sparsely across my Gideon's Bible had different fonts...

I'm not interested in explaining why I think receiving an upside-down Bible soon after reading a Bible upside down for the first and only time is different to a Rorschach blot.
I'm interested. How's reading meaning into an accident different?
So you're interested in me explaining that? Well for a start Rorschach blots can have many different interpretations... the upside down Bible thing has two explanations - it was an accident or there was a connection between me reading a Bible upside down and then receiving one. Same with Connect 4 - I counted the pieces for the first time and it had the wrong number of pieces. Similarly, it would be an accident or there was a connection between me interested in the piece count (42 - meaning of life) and the unlikely count.

The point about printing was it's nearly entirely automated and errors are easy. One machine didn't detect the red ink was running out, and another machine mixed two stacks of text which another machine then drew from and bound into probably several fucked up Bibles. I don't know the details of the machines, there are different sorts for different printing/binding methods. I printed and helped bind and trim some manuals a couple decades ago. But are you able to grasp the general point?
Yes I understand why most people think it is a meaningless accident. Like I said earlier though, many people, including Elon Musk, think it is highly likely we're in a simulation - that could be a reason why these things happened. It is just my belief/faith - and a couple of people agree. I think there is a significant chance I'm in a simulation.
Either it was done on purpose including through a non-human intelligent force or it was an accident.
Right. But you interpret me as saying it WAS an accident, when i am really saying that you have not yet excluded an accident.
ONor have you excluded an intelligence who is not supernatural. Maybe someone caught the mistake, but chose to let it ship.
Yes that is a possibility but that doesn't explain why I happened to receive it - that part sounds like an accident.

....Something that COULD be as simple as the QA inspector had a fight with her boyfriend last night and she's continuing the argument in her head, that's not much in the way of divine attention.
I don't have a problem with an intelligent force using that process.

Uh huh... and how many does Hasbro sell every year?
Actually only one of those is from Hasbro - the top and bottom "Connect 4" sets are from other brands. Lately when I went to many shops it looked like they always had two or three Connect Four sets including generic versions and a 5x5 one called Connect 4 Shots. I can't find the stats but it would be a huge number - and then there are generic versions too. I've looked through hundreds of versions on eBay and Amazon and I can't find the same set that my mental ward had... so it is special in multiple ways. It looks like an extra high quality version (how it was made). There is even a Connect 4 for kids that is at a play area in a new part of a shopping centre. I want to count the pieces when no one is using it.

Ok I thought your example was just an example of something meaningless.
Well, yeah, it is meaningless to you. Although i would guess that finding 76 of them in a deck might catch your attention, anyway.

But the thing us, when you say 'Prime numbers are more special' you gotta ask, is that special an objective fact, or entirely in your head?
Well if the counts are 18:24, 19:23 or 20:22 (see my 3 photos) I think the one with prime numbers is more special though it isn't really a big deal.

Last week i ran out of Labetalol and called my pharmacy for a refill. They called back to say they were out, and the drug was on order. I had enough to last until Tuesday, then forgot about it. Yesterday, i came home from work. Took my afternoon meds and asked my wife, 'i don't suppose Wal-Mart called about my Prescription?' She pointed out that she would certainly have told me if they had.
Just then thphone rang, Wal-Mart's automated announcement that my drugs were in.
So, am i psychic, or was it just a coincidence?
Gotta figure if it was my pschic powers, they would have kicked in as i left work, since that was about half a mile from the pharmacy, home is clear on the opp side of town....
I think it was intuition combined with luck.
I think it was intuition combined with luck.
You have no idea how often i have these events, so no basis toposit intuition.
You have no idea how often my pharmacist is unable to fill a prescription or how often they get deliveries or how many times i have had to wait like this. Is it a steady number of days, or is it always fulfilled on Friday, or what?
You have no reason the story requires any special sense on my part. Coincidence is quite sufficient to explain everyfhing that happened. No supernatural need be added.

Like the QA inspector. SHE is sufficient to explain the results you got, no reason to add 'an intelligent force' to the story.
There may he one involved, but that's not the best explanation for the story.
I think it was intuition combined with luck.
You have no idea how often i have these events, so no basis to posit intuition.
Either it would happen sooner or later, so then intuition would work sometimes, or it wouldn't happen at all, in which case you'd forget about that failure rather than post about it here.

You have no idea how often my pharmacist is unable to fill a prescription or how often they get deliveries or how many times i have had to wait like this. Is it a steady number of days, or is it always fulfilled on Friday, or what?
I'm talking about your intuition about how often they can fill prescriptions.

You have no reason the story requires any special sense on my part. Coincidence is quite sufficient to explain everyfhing that happened. No supernatural need be added.
Did you know that for me, "intuition combined with luck" involves no supernatural? I think even artificial neural networks can have a sense of "intution" (where they classify unseen inputs). Intuition explains the "feeling" you had.

Like the QA inspector. SHE is sufficient to explain the results you got,
The QA inspector story explains why some people get manufacturing issues from time to time - it doesn't explain why I had those multiple synchronicities (to my full satisfaction)

no reason to add 'an intelligent force' to the story.
I'm saying these experiences "suggest" this. Also a majority of the world would believe that God can intervene in the world from time to time. And they'd believe that it doesn't always involve breaking the laws of physics or things like virgin births, etc.

There may he one involved, but that's not the best explanation for the story.
In your story yes, no intelligent force at all.
Before church started I was talking to the senior pastor again. I showed him the little Gideon's Bible with the 10 double pages that had a different font. He said it was just a printing error and a little while later had an excuse to leave me. He did say that the black cover is for a certain group of people (others included police, high school students, etc).
On Wikipedia there is no black cover - I'll try and ring them up tomorrow.

I showed him 1 John 5:7-8 which was NKJV and was clearly pro-trinity:
He wondered if there was a footnote (since last time he didn't care that the NIV version was clearly against that pro-trinity version) but the little Bible didn't have footnotes. At that time I wasn't taking the Bible very seriously.

Then I talked to a guy who used to work as a programmer where I worked. In the past he also was in a Christian coffee group that meets with people in mental wards. I showed him my NIV Bible - I explained how I originally was reading the hospital's Gideon's Bible upside down.

During the service I was looking closer at my NIV Bible. I noticed that the right pages from late John onwards were pretty light red, especially Rev 22. The next (left) page was quite dark red for the invitation and warning. I found it interesting that it seemed to be about judging people based on their works rather than grace (like the Romans 5 sermon tonight). But then I looked earlier in Revelations 1 and it clearly involves the gospel message. In Rev 22:16 it says Jesus is the "morning star". I thought that referred to Satan! (Isaiah 14:12 - https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Isaiah 14:12 - at least in the NIV)

After the service I talked to a wife of an acquaintance. I was surprised to learn she had studied Java and C++ though she was managing a restaurant. She wants to study psychology (I got a HD in a psychology subject at uni). I showed her my Bible. Then I talked to that programmer again. He said that during the sermon he was thinking of me (Romans 5:10) and even said he was a bit teary. I mean me deliberately reading the Bible upside down was a form of being his enemy. I said that many pastors just think it was a printing accident. He said it was a printing accident. I said I meant that I think it wasn't meaningless. He agreed. I said that I'm currently very liberal and I don't believe that most of the Bible is true. I talked about the end of Mark how Jesus barely spoke at all (around the time of the crucifixion) and then just said something like "My God, my God why have you forsaken me?" And I said that the two people crucified next to him were both against him - but my friend said that maybe he just initially was against Jesus. Then I had to go home (due to my wife/brother-in-law)
I rang up Gideons - they don't distribute black-covered Bibles any more. Mine is from 2008 (I got it for free from a second-hand shop because it said "this book not to be sold" (sic)) They used to give black-covered Bibles to school and college students - but now they're red and green.
To excreationist:

If an intelligent entity wanted to contact you, couldn't it do so directly without leaving any room for misinterpretation? And wouldn't that be the preferred way if it wanted to communicate something important to you? For example, if you wanted to communicate something to your boss at work, you would go up to him and tell him, or leave him a note, or send him an email; you would NOT rearrange the drinks in the fridge into some pattern that may or may not seek out his attention without providing any information, would you?

Why are you so fixated with this idea? There are better things you could be doing with your time.
you would NOT rearrange the drinks in the fridge into some pattern that may or may not seek out his attention without providing any information, would you?
Actually, that sounds like something I would do.

But ever see the WKRP episode where Dr. Fever got a vision?
He heard God say "John. I love you and I want you to...(mumble mumble)."
He spent the whole episode trying to recreate the experience, either to get someone else to hear it, or to get the second half of the message. Mr. Carlson pointed out, "Son if GOD wanted you to hear something, YOU WOULD HEAR IT!"
To excreationist:

If an intelligent entity wanted to contact you, couldn't it do so directly without leaving any room for misinterpretation?
Like I quoted in my original post:
From Futurama - Godfellas: (season 3 episode 20)
Bender, being God isn't easy, if you​
do too much, people get dependent. And​
if you do nothing, they lose hope. You​
have to use a light touch, like a safecracker​
or a pickpocket.​

Or a guy who burns down the bar for​
the insurance money.​

Yes, if you make it look like an electrical​
thing. When you do things right, people​
won't be sure you've done anything at​

I think the intelligent force usually isn't omnipotent and so it would just intervene in small ways. As far as Christians go, they can't agree about what many parts of the Bible are saying to them - e.g. whether women can be pastors or whether gay sex is wrong. So you can't expect there to be an 100% clear message when it comes to "God".

And wouldn't that be the preferred way if it wanted to communicate something important to you?
Basically I think I might have received messages that an intelligent force is there. And that it doesn't intervene very much despite what the Bible suggests (lots of miracles, etc). Some super liberal Christians would agree.

For example, if you wanted to communicate something to your boss at work, you would go up to him and tell him, or leave him a note, or send him an email; you would NOT rearrange the drinks in the fridge into some pattern that may or may not seek out his attention without providing any information, would you?
I think the message is about the existence of an intelligent force, its interest in my life and that liberal theism could be true. If the message is much longer than that then it would contradict the messages of other people such as the Quran or the Bible or the book of Mormon.

Why are you so fixated with this idea? There are better things you could be doing with your time.
I haven't spent that long on it - on the other hand I know a lot of people who have gone to study theology - that would take a long time. If an intelligent force exists I think it is important - so I am looking at clues about this possibility.
....But ever see the WKRP episode where Dr. Fever got a vision?
He heard God say "John. I love you and I want you to...(mumble mumble)."
He spent the whole episode trying to recreate the experience, either to get someone else to hear it, or to get the second half of the message. Mr. Carlson pointed out, "Son if GOD wanted you to hear something, YOU WOULD HEAR IT!"
If I heard that message it wouldn't prove that "God" exists and that it wants me to know that exact message - it would be seen as an hallucination. On the other hand some people agree with me that my NIV Bible and Connect 4 suggest that there may be an intelligent force that is wanting to let its presence known.
Also if messages can come from outside forces, the Bible might be true when it talks about deception from some kind of intelligence. (2 Corinthians 11:14b "...Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light")
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Like I quoted in my original post:
From Futurama - Godfellas: (season 3 episode 20)
Bender, being God isn't easy, if you​
do too much, people get dependent. And​
if you do nothing, they lose hope. You​
have to use a light touch, like a safecracker​
or a pickpocket.​

Or a guy who burns down the bar for​
the insurance money.​

Yes, if you make it look like an electrical​
thing. When you do things right, people​
won't be sure you've done anything at​

I think the intelligent force usually isn't omnipotent and so it would just intervene in small ways. As far as Christians go, they can't agree about what many parts of the Bible are saying to them - e.g. whether women can be pastors or whether gay sex is wrong. So you can't expect there to be an 100% clear message when it comes to "God".

Basically I think I might have received messages that an intelligent force is there. And that it doesn't intervene very much despite what the Bible suggests (lots of miracles, etc). Some super liberal Christians would agree.

For example, if you wanted to communicate something to your boss at work, you would go up to him and tell him, or leave him a note, or send him an email; you would NOT rearrange the drinks in the fridge into some pattern that may or may not seek out his attention without providing any information, would you?
I think the message is about the existence of an intelligent force, its interest in my life and that liberal theism could be true. If the message is much longer than that then it would contradict the messages of other people such as the Quran or the Bible or the book of Mormon.

Why are you so fixated with this idea? There are better things you could be doing with your time.
I haven't spent that long on it - on the other hand I know a lot of people who have gone to study theology - that would take a long time. If an intelligent force exists I think it is important - so I am looking at clues about this possibility.

You haven't received anything that might be interpreted as a message, no matter how far you stretch your reasoning. It makes no sense to attribute apparently random manufacturing and/or packaging errors to communication attempts from an undefined entity specifically directed at you. If an intelligent entity wanted to send you a message it would make sure you received it and understood it. Thats the point of sending someone a message.

Your reasoning is bizarre, and regular people do not behave like this. Have you thought about talking to a doctor about what you have been telling us in this thread?
You haven't received anything that might be interpreted as a message,
What is the point of a detailed message though? I mean many Christians believe that people from some other religions have been deceived by demonic forces. This is said of the ultimate deceptive force, Satan: (2 Corinthians 11:14b "...Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light") - (if he existed) he could even swear that he is from God and NOT the devil.

So say I bought a Bible then magically the lettering changed and said that the end of the world will come next year if you don't follow what the directions say? I mean it is clearly from a supernatural force (or aliens). I'm saying how can you know if the message should be trusted even when it clearly comes from an intelligent non-human source.

It is possible that the force gave clear correct messages - but then deceive you later. So you can't consistently trust that the message is true - but you can tell if a non-human force was involved. So if my book's text changed before my eyes and advanced technology wasn't involved, it would imply that an intelligent force exists - like I am talking about except that that hypothetical example would make it a lot more obvious that something non-human is involved.

no matter how far you stretch your reasoning. It makes no sense to attribute apparently random manufacturing and/or packaging errors to communication attempts from an undefined entity specifically directed at you.
Well in Jonah the group received a message from God by casting lots. So according to the Bible God can use all kinds of random processes to send a message. I think that a force can influence things which means that the laws of physics are violated less this way. Like I said I don't think "God" is very omnipotent. So it would minimise the amount of physical forces it is influencing.

If an intelligent entity wanted to send you a message it would make sure you received it and understood it. Thats the point of sending someone a message.
No it wouldn't. I mean the God of the Bible doesn't make sure people have correct beliefs about whether the Bible says women can be pastors or whether gay sex is ok, etc.

Your reasoning is bizarre, and regular people do not behave like this.
It is very common to believe that a virgin gave birth to Jesus or that Jesus rose back from the dead (depending on your country or century). Common reasoning is that the God of the Bible seems to be real therefore the Bible is true and a virgin gave birth to Jesus, etc. On the other hand I'm not jumping from a belief in an intelligent force to saying that therefore some particular religion is correct.

Have you thought about talking to a doctor about what you have been telling us in this thread?
Yes. BTW when I was in hospital I jumped to the conclusion that therefore Christianity or Mormonism is true. And my hunch that an intelligent force is involved is compatible with many different religions and belief systems including liberal Christianity.
You ask,
What is the point of a detailed message though?
...but then say:
...therefore Christianity or Mormonism is true. And my hunch that an intelligent force is involved is compatible with many different religions and belief systems including liberal Christianity.
That would be the point. The point of JoseophSmith's revelation was that he was confused about which religion was correct. He asked God to direct him to the bestest, truest.
The Angel appeared and said, "Meh. They're all wrong. Some worse than others. Here's the real skinny."

If the Mormons are right, this intelligence has a history of steering people in specific directions for specific purposes, and doesn't mess around with vague assurances that he's possibly real.
What is the point of a detailed message though?

Think about what is loaded into that question. First, there is the desire to communicate, right? Some intelligent force ("IF") desires to communicate something presumably important to you, yes? I mean, we're not talking about an IF that just wants you to remember to buy more milk the next time you're at the grocery store, right?

So there is both intent to communicate and an importance to the communication. With me?

Now, let's put that in non-intelligent force form; i.e., just us. When you have both an intent to communicate and an importance to the communication what do you--a reasonably intelligent ("RI"), but not as intelligent as an IF--do?

Let's say it's something like telling your daughter that the car they are driving has no brakes. Important information to communicate, yes?

So, do you, a reasonably intelligent force, pick up your phone and immediately call your daughter so that you can communicate such an important bit of information directly, or do you go out into a random grassy field and arrange eight rocks into a semi-circle, with one rock laid on its side representing the imminent danger of a car crash and hope that she passes that way and sees the rocks and can figure out the meaning of the rock on its side?

You call her directly, of course, because intent and importance AND because you are intelligent and therefore can figure out that the best way to achieve your goal is to call her directly.

And, again, you're just an RI, not an IF.

Now, let's say that an IF has the power to literally "call" your loved one's brain directly and in a clear and unmistakable manner simply "reveal" the information "brakes are out! danger!" so that they have no doubt at all.

There's no question that an IF has this power.

So, if there is doubt, that must mean one of two things:
  1. It's not an IF, just your own brain misfiring, which brains are highly susceptible for doing
  2. The IF is deliberately fucking with you in a cruel and pointless way
Here, of course, is where the idea of Satan comes in as you've noted. But then that gives rise to two IFs. One is the Supreme IF and the other is the Trickster IF subordinate.

So now you need to explain why the Supreme IF would allow/create a Trickster IF that has the power to imitate the Supreme IF and make you think that it's the Supreme IF.

Remember, IF stands for intelligent force. Is an intelligent force not as intelligent as even you are, because even you (and I just mean that in the sense of all mortals or non-gods) are intelligent enough to figure out that it makes no sense for a Supreme IF to allow/create a Trickster IF that can fool you into thinking it's the Supreme IF, particularly when the lives of your loved ones are at stake.

Cults use this in order to indoctrinate. It's called "cognitive dissonance."

But we're not talking about a man-made cult here. We're talking about an actual intelligent force that is (presumably) the Supreme Intelligence In The Universe, right? So, even if there were, somehow and for some unknown reason, a Trickster IF that existed, surely the Supreme IF--being the Supreme IF--would know of this Trickster and its abilities, right?

And being the Supreme Intelligence in the universe that it is, it would therefore ALSO know how to implant a revelation in your daughter's brain that her brakes are out, such that she would unquestionably know--without ANY doubt--that it was true, no matter what the Trickster IF tried to do, yes?

If not, then it couldn't be the Supreme IF, could it?

So, we've rendered the Trickster IF impotent right out of the gate.

Which means, we're back at a Supreme IF being able to "beam" any information it wants directly into anyone's brain in a manner that leaves them with no doubt.

Which is what it would do because of its intelligence and intent and importance.

Which means that if you ever have any doubt, then it can't possibly be coming from a Supreme IF.
What is the point of a detailed message though? I mean many Christians believe that people from some other religions have been deceived by demonic forces. This is said of the ultimate deceptive force, Satan: (2 Corinthians 11:14b "...Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light") - (if he existed) he could even swear that he is from God and NOT the devil.

So say I bought a Bible then magically the lettering changed and said that the end of the world will come next year if you don't follow what the directions say? I mean it is clearly from a supernatural force (or aliens). I'm saying how can you know if the message should be trusted even when it clearly comes from an intelligent non-human source.

It is possible that the force gave clear correct messages - but then deceive you later. So you can't consistently trust that the message is true - but you can tell if a non-human force was involved. So if my book's text changed before my eyes and advanced technology wasn't involved, it would imply that an intelligent force exists - like I am talking about except that that hypothetical example would make it a lot more obvious that something non-human is involved.

Well in Jonah the group received a message from God by casting lots. So according to the Bible God can use all kinds of random processes to send a message. I think that a force can influence things which means that the laws of physics are violated less this way. Like I said I don't think "God" is very omnipotent. So it would minimise the amount of physical forces it is influencing.

If an intelligent entity wanted to send you a message it would make sure you received it and understood it. Thats the point of sending someone a message.
No it wouldn't. I mean the God of the Bible doesn't make sure people have correct beliefs about whether the Bible says women can be pastors or whether gay sex is ok, etc.

Your reasoning is bizarre, and regular people do not behave like this.
It is very common to believe that a virgin gave birth to Jesus or that Jesus rose back from the dead (depending on your country or century). Common reasoning is that the God of the Bible seems to be real therefore the Bible is true and a virgin gave birth to Jesus, etc. On the other hand I'm not jumping from a belief in an intelligent force to saying that therefore some particular religion is correct.

Have you thought about talking to a doctor about what you have been telling us in this thread?
Yes. BTW when I was in hospital I jumped to the conclusion that therefore Christianity or Mormonism is true. And my hunch that an intelligent force is involved is compatible with many different religions and belief systems including liberal Christianity.

I have a hard time believing you are serious, having read what you said in this post.

If you are serious, I recommend you talk to your doctor and get a psychiatrist referral. If nothing else, to rule out any underlying physiological factors that might be driving you to behave this way.
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