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Netanyahu has lost his fucking mind

Loren: How did you get this way? We live in America where we have Muslims and Jews and Christians....and a few atheists. Your continual expression of hatred for Arabs and succor for the Israelis really makes no sense. If we can live in this country without needing to kill each other, they can do it there. What we are doing is funding a condition that periodically leads to slaughters of Arabs in Israel and you know it. Two more billion dollars (that Netanyahu begged from our Israeli Lobby Lackey president will not improve living conditions for anybody in Israel and will fund increased killing of Arabs) will come out of needed social expenditures in the U.S. Still you feel no outrage at being used to sponsor Apartheid. You are a vexing creature indeed.:thinking:
There wouldn't be a single Arab death if it wasn't for the fact that it's the Arabs who do all of the terrorist attacks.
For the 100th time. Every nation on earth has the sovereign right to defend its citizens.

So are you saying that Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank have the sovereign right to defend their citizens from the IDF; Or are you saying that the IDF has a duty to defend Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza as citizens of the sovereign nation of Israel (a duty which they not only fail to perform, but actually directly oppose)?

Your statement "Every nation on earth has the sovereign right to defend its citizens", even if true, would be valueless in situations where what constitutes a nation is ill-defined, as in the case of the Israel/Palestine conflict.

You have a major problem with definitions - you are only correct to assert that "it's the Arabs who do all of the terrorist attacks", if you define 'terrorist attack' to only include the actions of Arabs - at which point it becomes a tautology.

Basically, what you have just said (allegedly for the 100th time) is something UTTERLY USELESS.

Have you anything to say that might help us to understand the problem, much less point us towards a solution? Or are you just going to spout pointless clichés (for the 101st time)?
You want them to go back to being subservient to the Muslims--but going back to the status quo ante isn't an option. Slave rebellions can't just be reset like that.

Loren: How did you get this way? We live in America where we have Muslims and Jews and Christians....and a few atheists. Your continual expression of hatred for Arabs and succor for the Israelis really makes no sense. If we can live in this country without needing to kill each other, they can do it there. What we are doing is funding a condition that periodically leads to slaughters of Arabs in Israel and you know it. Two more billion dollars (that Netanyahu begged from our Israeli Lobby Lackey president will not improve living conditions for anybody in Israel and will fund increased killing of Arabs) will come out of needed social expenditures in the U.S. Still you feel no outrage at being used to sponsor Apartheid. You are a vexing creature indeed.:thinking:

The problem is small but not nonexistent in the US, we don't live in peace with the Islamists--although the press rarely reports on the Islamist aspect.

We might have sent $2B but the Islamists get more money than that.
There wouldn't be a single Arab death if it wasn't for the fact that it's the Arabs who do all of the terrorist attacks.
For the 100th time. Every nation on earth has the sovereign right to defend its citizens.

So are you saying that Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank have the sovereign right to defend their citizens from the IDF; Or are you saying that the IDF has a duty to defend Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza as citizens of the sovereign nation of Israel (a duty which they not only fail to perform, but actually directly oppose)?

Your statement "Every nation on earth has the sovereign right to defend its citizens", even if true, would be valueless in situations where what constitutes a nation is ill-defined, as in the case of the Israel/Palestine conflict.

You have a major problem with definitions - you are only correct to assert that "it's the Arabs who do all of the terrorist attacks", if you define 'terrorist attack' to only include the actions of Arabs - at which point it becomes a tautology.

Basically, what you have just said (allegedly for the 100th time) is something UTTERLY USELESS.

Have you anything to say that might help us to understand the problem, much less point us towards a solution? Or are you just going to spout pointless clichés (for the 101st time)?
When was the last time the IDF, for no reason whatsoever attacked an Arab just for the fun of it? Unless this Arab was wanted for terrorism charges. Who's committing the stabbings in Israel today? Has Israel ever bombed any target in Gaza or the West Bank indiscriminately and not for defensive purposes as does Hamas or Hezbollah?
So are you saying that Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank have the sovereign right to defend their citizens from the IDF; Or are you saying that the IDF has a duty to defend Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza as citizens of the sovereign nation of Israel (a duty which they not only fail to perform, but actually directly oppose)?

Your statement "Every nation on earth has the sovereign right to defend its citizens", even if true, would be valueless in situations where what constitutes a nation is ill-defined, as in the case of the Israel/Palestine conflict.

You have a major problem with definitions - you are only correct to assert that "it's the Arabs who do all of the terrorist attacks", if you define 'terrorist attack' to only include the actions of Arabs - at which point it becomes a tautology.

Basically, what you have just said (allegedly for the 100th time) is something UTTERLY USELESS.

Have you anything to say that might help us to understand the problem, much less point us towards a solution? Or are you just going to spout pointless clichés (for the 101st time)?
When was the last time the IDF, for no reason whatsoever attacked an Arab just for the fun of it?
I don't know; and nor do you.
Unless this Arab was wanted for terrorism charges. Who's committing the stabbings in Israel today?
What stabbings? Am I supposed to know what the fuck you are on about here?
Has Israel ever bombed any target in Gaza or the West Bank indiscriminately and not for defensive purposes as does Hamas or Hezbollah?

Very probably. You have no evidence nor reason to believe that they have not - only your presumption that there is a good side in this conflict, and that you have successfully identified it. There isn't, and so you haven't.
Loren: How did you get this way? We live in America where we have Muslims and Jews and Christians....and a few atheists. Your continual expression of hatred for Arabs and succor for the Israelis really makes no sense. If we can live in this country without needing to kill each other, they can do it there. What we are doing is funding a condition that periodically leads to slaughters of Arabs in Israel and you know it. Two more billion dollars (that Netanyahu begged from our Israeli Lobby Lackey president will not improve living conditions for anybody in Israel and will fund increased killing of Arabs) will come out of needed social expenditures in the U.S. Still you feel no outrage at being used to sponsor Apartheid. You are a vexing creature indeed.:thinking:

The problem is small but not nonexistent in the US, we don't live in peace with the Islamists--although the press rarely reports on the Islamist aspect.

We might have sent $2B but the Islamists get more money than that.

When was the last time your were attacked by an Islamist in America? In Nevada? The press rarely reports on anything related to the ME...except "terrorism" of Muslim origin...but of course you know that. Let's get this straight, Loren...there is no ongoing conflict that is leading to a lot of dead bodies going on between Islamists and folks in your neighborhood or mine. The U.S. connection with the middle east is through our fossil fuel industry and our government supporting its exploits there. A lot of Arabs and for that matter Iranians don't believe that the U.S. really has any right to their oil and they definitely do not believe the U.S. has any right to blow up their infrastructure. The U.S. has racked up a record level of resentment in the Arab community and the Persian one as well with is military adventurism. We have no right to treat other societies the way we do. You can go on endlessly with your cloak and dagger mentality and all you do is promote it in enemies we create. We really don't need this. We and those in the ME need peace and a chance to put together some sort of social order to meet their needs and quiet their conflicts. Shock and awe is not the ticket. You are wrong, Loren.

Saudi Arabia just spent more money on weapons in the U.S. than anybody in history
. And what did they do...they attacked perhaps the poorest country on the planet....Yemen. Are the Saudis the Islamists you are talking about? Methinks you talk through your hat and just repeat talking points you hear.
You playing dumb about the daily terrorist attacks with knives and car ramming by Palestinians in and around the West Bank?
You playing dumb about the daily terrorist attacks with knives and car ramming by Palestinians in and around the West Bank?

Of course this is happening. A number of Palestinian youths throw rocks too. That is all in response to the continuing siezure of their lands and impossible living conditions the IDF and the "settlers" has imposed on them. Israel just okayed another 2,000 unit settlement, which will have a wall around it and further segment the West Bank. Open your eyes and understand. You have had more than half a chance to get it right, so keep trying. The area needs peace, not more destruction.
Loren: How did you get this way? We live in America where we have Muslims and Jews and Christians....and a few atheists. Your continual expression of hatred for Arabs and succor for the Israelis really makes no sense. If we can live in this country without needing to kill each other, they can do it there. What we are doing is funding a condition that periodically leads to slaughters of Arabs in Israel and you know it. Two more billion dollars (that Netanyahu begged from our Israeli Lobby Lackey president will not improve living conditions for anybody in Israel and will fund increased killing of Arabs) will come out of needed social expenditures in the U.S. Still you feel no outrage at being used to sponsor Apartheid. You are a vexing creature indeed.:thinking:
There wouldn't be a single Arab death if it wasn't for the fact that it's the Arabs who do all of the terrorist attacks.
For the 100th time. Every nation on earth has the sovereign right to defend its citizens.

Why are the Nazis occupying an 'Arab' country? They have no right to a single square inch, as you know. We fought a whole long war aginst these buggers: don't let's support their last little gang of killers.

- - - Updated - - -

You playing dumb about the daily terrorist attacks with knives and car ramming by Palestinians in and around the West Bank?

The Nazis do manage to kill about twice as many native people, as well you know.
Only in the bazaaro world of Israeli apologetics.

You want them to go back to being subservient to the Muslims--but going back to the status quo ante isn't an option. Slave rebellions can't just be reset like that.

I thought it was a democracy?

If the Jews are a minority it is still the same democracy.

One that is fair however.
What stabbings? Am I supposed to know what the fuck you are on about here?

Do you not pay attention to the news or is the news down under that biased that the rash of Hamas-instigated stabbings that have happened recently doesn't get reported?

It's just random Palestinians living in Israel that pick up a knife and attack. Most die in the process.
The problem is small but not nonexistent in the US, we don't live in peace with the Islamists--although the press rarely reports on the Islamist aspect.

We might have sent $2B but the Islamists get more money than that.

When was the last time your were attacked by an Islamist in America? In Nevada? The press rarely reports on anything related to the ME...except "terrorism" of Muslim origin...but of course you know that. Let's get this straight, Loren...there is no ongoing conflict that is leading to a lot of dead bodies going on between Islamists and folks in your neighborhood or mine. The U.S. connection with the middle east is through our fossil fuel industry and our government supporting its exploits there. A lot of Arabs and for that matter Iranians don't believe that the U.S. really has any right to their oil and they definitely do not believe the U.S. has any right to blow up their infrastructure. The U.S. has racked up a record level of resentment in the Arab community and the Persian one as well with is military adventurism. We have no right to treat other societies the way we do. You can go on endlessly with your cloak and dagger mentality and all you do is promote it in enemies we create. We really don't need this. We and those in the ME need peace and a chance to put together some sort of social order to meet their needs and quiet their conflicts. Shock and awe is not the ticket. You are wrong, Loren.

Saudi Arabia just spent more money on weapons in the U.S. than anybody in history
. And what did they do...they attacked perhaps the poorest country on the planet....Yemen. Are the Saudis the Islamists you are talking about? Methinks you talk through your hat and just repeat talking points you hear.

1) That chart was, as with most anti-Israel propaganda, basically a lie. They picked one narrow category of aid to try to show Israel gets most of it.

2) For an example of an Islamist attack in the US: http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/05/us/university-california-merced-stabbings/

3) Just because you blame everything on the US doesn't make it true.

- - - Updated - - -

You playing dumb about the daily terrorist attacks with knives and car ramming by Palestinians in and around the West Bank?

Of course this is happening. A number of Palestinian youths throw rocks too. That is all in response to the continuing siezure of their lands and impossible living conditions the IDF and the "settlers" has imposed on them. Israel just okayed another 2,000 unit settlement, which will have a wall around it and further segment the West Bank. Open your eyes and understand. You have had more than half a chance to get it right, so keep trying. The area needs peace, not more destruction.

So it's acceptable if I run you down since I don't like you?
What stabbings? Am I supposed to know what the fuck you are on about here?

Do you not pay attention to the news or is the news down under that biased that the rash of Hamas-instigated stabbings that have happened recently doesn't get reported?

It's just random Palestinians living in Israel that pick up a knife and attack. Most die in the process.
Most of these attacks happen in West Bank. Actually, with a quick search I couldn't find any attacks in Israel proper, but considering how easy it is to just stab a person, I expect that there are some incidents.
You want them to go back to being subservient to the Muslims--but going back to the status quo ante isn't an option. Slave rebellions can't just be reset like that.

I thought it was a democracy?

If the Jews are a minority it is still the same democracy.

One that is fair however.

You don't seem to understand reality: The Jews would be dead. You don't mind that, though, do you?
When was the last time your were attacked by an Islamist in America? In Nevada? The press rarely reports on anything related to the ME...except "terrorism" of Muslim origin...but of course you know that. Let's get this straight, Loren...there is no ongoing conflict that is leading to a lot of dead bodies going on between Islamists and folks in your neighborhood or mine. The U.S. connection with the middle east is through our fossil fuel industry and our government supporting its exploits there. A lot of Arabs and for that matter Iranians don't believe that the U.S. really has any right to their oil and they definitely do not believe the U.S. has any right to blow up their infrastructure. The U.S. has racked up a record level of resentment in the Arab community and the Persian one as well with is military adventurism. We have no right to treat other societies the way we do. You can go on endlessly with your cloak and dagger mentality and all you do is promote it in enemies we create. We really don't need this. We and those in the ME need peace and a chance to put together some sort of social order to meet their needs and quiet their conflicts. Shock and awe is not the ticket. You are wrong, Loren.

Saudi Arabia just spent more money on weapons in the U.S. than anybody in history
. And what did they do...they attacked perhaps the poorest country on the planet....Yemen. Are the Saudis the Islamists you are talking about? Methinks you talk through your hat and just repeat talking points you hear.

1) That chart was, as with most anti-Israel propaganda, basically a lie. They picked one narrow category of aid to try to show Israel gets most of it.

2) For an example of an Islamist attack in the US: http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/05/us/university-california-merced-stabbings/

3) Just because you blame everything on the US doesn't make it true.

- - - Updated - - -

You playing dumb about the daily terrorist attacks with knives and car ramming by Palestinians in and around the West Bank?

Of course this is happening. A number of Palestinian youths throw rocks too. That is all in response to the continuing siezure of their lands and impossible living conditions the IDF and the "settlers" has imposed on them. Israel just okayed another 2,000 unit settlement, which will have a wall around it and further segment the West Bank. Open your eyes and understand. You have had more than half a chance to get it right, so keep trying. The area needs peace, not more destruction.

So it's acceptable if I run you down since I don't like you?
If I enter your house with intent to take it over, and your running me down with your car is the only option to get me out, then why wouldn't you be? You often liken Palestinian victims to "suicide by cop". Likewise the settlers who get stabbed are just committing "suicide by legitiate resistance to occupation".
I thought it was a democracy?

If the Jews are a minority it is still the same democracy.

One that is fair however.

You don't seem to understand reality: The Jews would be dead. You don't mind that, though, do you?

The Jews are the over armed paranoids that NEED TO MAKE PEACE. They have done terrible injustices to the Palestinians and continue to murder Palestinians and continue to take land and build "settlements." Killing Jews has nothing to do with this issue and you know that, Loren. It is the Palestinians that are murdered in large numbers. The Israeli's need to keep their asses out of Palestinian territory and quit growing like metastatic cancers in the West Bank. You know this is happening and you keep your silence about injustice to Palestinians, just like Netanyahu who does not care if the Palestinians all die.
I thought it was a democracy?

If the Jews are a minority it is still the same democracy.

One that is fair however.

You don't seem to understand reality: The Jews would be dead. You don't mind that, though, do you?

I can't enter your delusional paranoid fears.

I know the slave owners feared freeing their slaves because of all the harm they committed to those slaves.

Israel fears freeing the Palestinians for the same reasons.
What stabbings? Am I supposed to know what the fuck you are on about here?

Do you not pay attention to the news or is the news down under that biased that the rash of Hamas-instigated stabbings that have happened recently doesn't get reported?

It's just random Palestinians living in Israel that pick up a knife and attack. Most die in the process.

I don't bother with 'news' from the Middle East that simply recounts tales of violence; I know that both sides are engaged in acts of violence, and that both sides inflate the stories of violence committed against them, while downplaying the violence they commit.

I am interested in solutions, not in wallowing in the tribalistic ecstasy that comes from identifying with the victims, and baying for revenge.

Of course, in 1943, Germans in occupied Europe would encounter occasional lethal violence; According to Goebbels, it was just random terrorists living in the Greater Reich that pick up a knife and attack. Most died in the process. So that's OK then. As long as these criminals pay the price for their failure to accept defeat and occupation, eventually those who resist will be eliminated. :rolleyes:
If I enter your house with intent to take it over, and your running me down with your car is the only option to get me out, then why wouldn't you be? You often liken Palestinian victims to "suicide by cop". Likewise the settlers who get stabbed are just committing "suicide by legitiate resistance to occupation".

But this is being done by Palestinians that are Israeli citizens.

If your reason is right then Israel should simply execute them--the usual fate of enemy forces fighting out of uniform.
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