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New report on climate change released today

I think we can all agree that when the leader of the world's largest pedophile ring and peddler of superstitious mumbo jumbo has something to say about the "climate crisis/emergency", we should sit up and take notice;

Pope Francis has declared a global “climate emergency”, warning of the dangers of global heating and that a failure to act urgently to reduce greenhouse gases would be “a brutal act of injustice toward the poor and future generations”. He also endorsed the 1.5C limit on temperature rises that some countries are now aiming for, referring to warnings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of “catastrophic” effects if we crossed such a threshold. He said a “radical energy transition” would be needed to stay within that limit, and urged young people and businesses to take a leading role.

Teh Gruaniad

I know I won't. It is no surprise that that the pope would be on board with the Rapture like cult that is the "climate crisis" or whatever it is this month. But Teh Gruaniad :rolleyesa:
I wasn't aware that climate monitoring and climate change analysis was being headed by the Catholic Church.

Neither was I but feel free to contact Teh Gruaniad directly about it.
I think we can all agree that when the leader of the world's largest pedophile ring and peddler of superstitious mumbo jumbo has something to say about the "climate crisis/emergency", we should sit up and take notice;

Pope Francis has declared a global “climate emergency”, warning of the dangers of global heating and that a failure to act urgently to reduce greenhouse gases would be “a brutal act of injustice toward the poor and future generations”. He also endorsed the 1.5C limit on temperature rises that some countries are now aiming for, referring to warnings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of “catastrophic” effects if we crossed such a threshold. He said a “radical energy transition” would be needed to stay within that limit, and urged young people and businesses to take a leading role.

Teh Gruaniad

I know I won't. It is no surprise that that the pope would be on board with the Rapture like cult that is the "climate crisis" or whatever it is this month. But Teh Gruaniad :rolleyesa:
I wasn't aware that climate monitoring and climate change analysis was being headed by the Catholic Church. But points for using child abuse for political points on the climate.

It is a child abuse when the scammers and fake climatologists scare the shite out children to get them rioting into the streets about the bogey man of CO2, and of the world ending in less than a decade.
Climate alarmists make astrology look like an accepted established science! Back in 1975 a Newsweek editorial warned " Global cooling presents humankind with the most adaptive challenge we have to deal with for over 110.000 years.
Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of the ultimate importance : the survival of ourselves, our children, our species."

In three or four decades from now most people will also smirk at scary delusion the GW/CC/CD cultists, alarmists of today!
Climate alarmists make astrology look like an accepted established science! Back in 1975 a Newsweek editorial warned " Global cooling presents humankind with the most adaptive challenge we have to deal with for over 110.000 years.
Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of the ultimate importance : the survival of ourselves, our children, our species."

In three or four decades from now most people will also smirk at scary delusion the GW/CC/CD cultists, alarmists of today!
That was Newsweek, not climate scientists.
Climate alarmists make astrology look like an accepted established science! Back in 1975 a Newsweek editorial warned " Global cooling presents humankind with the most adaptive challenge we have to deal with for over 110.000 years.
Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of the ultimate importance : the survival of ourselves, our children, our species."

In three or four decades from now most people will also smirk at scary delusion the GW/CC/CD cultists, alarmists of today!

There was no scientific consensus in 1975 that there was a large global cooling trend.
Climate alarmists make astrology look like an accepted established science! Back in 1975 a Newsweek editorial warned " Global cooling presents humankind with the most adaptive challenge we have to deal with for over 110.000 years.
Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of the ultimate importance : the survival of ourselves, our children, our species."

In three or four decades from now most people will also smirk at scary delusion the GW/CC/CD cultists, alarmists of today!

I don't value Newsweek's scientific chops as highly as you do. The climate scientists in the 1970s understood the mechanism of CC and the vast majority of them were predicting warming due to the build-up of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels that represent hundreds of millions of years of nature's sequestering of carbon. But to a man and woman, they said that they didn't have enough data to even guess how quickly it would happen or how serious it would be. They basically spent the next two decades gaining the data that they needed to estimate these things.

The reports that coral islands would be underwater or that we are facing a new ice age or hell on earth are the product not of the scientists but are a product of the irresponsible popular media sensationalizing to gain readership from the less discerning. Watch this video which explains this .
Climate alarmists make astrology look like an accepted established science! Back in 1975 a Newsweek editorial warned " Global cooling presents humankind with the most adaptive challenge we have to deal with for over 110.000 years.
Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of the ultimate importance : the survival of ourselves, our children, our species."

In three or four decades from now most people will also smirk at scary delusion the GW/CC/CD cultists, alarmists of today!

I don't value Newsweek's scientific chops as highly as you do. The climate scientists in the 1970s understood the mechanism of CC and the vast majority of them were predicting warming due to the build-up of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels that represent hundreds of millions of years of nature's sequestering of carbon. But to a man and woman, they said that they didn't have enough data to even guess how quickly it would happen or how serious it would be. They basically spent the next two decades gaining the data that they needed to estimate these things.

The reports that coral islands would be underwater or that we are facing a new ice age or hell on earth are the product not of the scientists but are a product of the irresponsible popular media sensationalizing to gain readership from the less discerning. Watch this video which explains this .

Indeed, 1975 saw the first scientific description of 'Global Warming':

... global warming describes the average global surface temperature increase from human emissions of greenhouse gases. Its first use was in a 1975 Science article by geochemist Wallace Broecker of Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory: "Climatic Change: Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?"1

1Wallace Broecker, "Climatic Change: Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?" Science, vol. 189 (8 August 1975), 460-463.

Of course, a paper written by a geochemist and published in a high impact, peer reviewed journal like Science may not be considered as authoritative as an editorial in the popular magazine Newsweek, when it comes to assessing the scientific consensus in 1975. :rolleyes:

Confirmation bias, anyone?
I still don't understand climate change deniers motive. They don't have science on their side. So is it economic? How much will it effect them if we are wrong. We will have a cleaner world and some new technologies.
I still don't understand climate change deniers motive. They don't have science on their side. So is it economic? How much will it effect them if we are wrong. We will have a cleaner world and some new technologies.

At what cost? The destruction of life as we know it, and for what? Re distribution of wealth from the 1st World to the 3rd so all will live in poverty? But besides all that, I'm still waiting for conclusive proof that predictions made about armageddon made just 2-3 decades ago have eventuated.

You know, all those predictions about the seas rising up to 20 feet, millions of " climate" refugees, the Arctic Circle [North Pole] being completely ice free by 2005, the ice sheet covering Antarctica practically non existent a decade ago.

No matter how many times the alarmists are proved wrong they keep trying to hold a ground they don't have. The Hockey Stich, Climategate, the hundreds of failed predictions of calamity, nothing seems to even make the alarmist blink an eyelid. The Scientific method of experimentation and observation are both lacking in the climate industry. Instead we have computer modeling which we are expected to accept as proven science. Tell this BS to the Chinese and Indians who are building fossil fueled power generation at the rate of almost one per day.
You know, all those predictions about the seas rising up to 20 feet,

By when?

millions of " climate" refugees,

By when? We already have some. There are flood zones that are being abandoned. Unless the current sea level trend changes that is accelerating.

the Arctic Circle [North Pole] being completely ice free by 2005,

I'd like to see a citation for that. I took a graduate level climatology class in the early 2000s and that prediction was not in any of the literature that were part of the curriculum, not even the super high end edges of the 95% confidence intervals of any models included that as a possibility.

the ice sheet covering Antarctica practically non existent a decade ago.

Cite that too. That is a whopper of a claim.

Predictions that we did study in school and that I've read in the literature have panned out. Changes in rain fall patterns in time and space. Shifting ranges of plants and migration timing of animals. Sea level trends that have been rising for my entire life have curved up in the last 15-20 years. We've been running at 50% above average cooling degree days and 50% below average heating degree days in my country for about 15 years. Even 2010 which was the last year that we had a killing freeze here ended up with more cooling degree days and fewer heating degree days than the mean in a record that goes back a little over 100 years. Sure looks warmer.
I still don't understand climate change deniers motive. They don't have science on their side. So is it economic? How much will it effect them if we are wrong. We will have a cleaner world and some new technologies.

It was promoted by a liberal therefore it must be evil since that's what their preferred shock jock talk radio host told them.
It means less profit for industry, and maybe a cut in jobs (or at least that's the fear). It also plays into the problem of there being no unified world government and so countries who do take a hit to help save the environment do so while other countries don't take that same hit. So selfishness and game theory come very much into play.

I remember a book I read long ago by Jared Diamond entitled Collapse: Why societies choose to fail or succeed. Here is a talk he gave a while after he wrote that book. I think it very much explains why people don't act to do anything about climate change.

There is not only motive to deny or ignore that human industry is changing the Earth's climate, but also even if everybody agreed this is happening, it is unlikely that much would be done about it.

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