Will it sooth your war hungry heart to see peaceful Muslims that just want to dance in circles
Who said all of them are bad? The problem is that we are not superheroes who are able to automatically know which immigrants are bad or good. If we could, we would only allow the good ones.
If I gave you a bowl of 100 M&Ms and told you, "No big deal. Only one of them is poisoned. Go ahead and grab a handful!," I am willing to bet you wouldn't reach your hand in there and take a chance.
You know that this analogy works equally well with native born people, right?
I mean, you are just as worried about people in your neighbourhood having kids, in case one grows up a terrorist. rapist, or serial killer, as you are about immigrants, in case one turns out to be a terrorist, rapist, or serial killer. Obviously.
So you spend as mucb time trying to persuade people not to support motherhood as you do trying to persuade people not to support immigration. Obviously.
Yeah, didn't think so.