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Not as important as petty rockets in Israel, but apparently Malaysian Airliner downed by rocket fire

Western Media & this Ukrainian shit reminds me Western Media and North Korea.
There has been constant stream of clearly fake NK news aired as real. It does not matter how horrible and unbelievable that news is, it does not matter that at best it never gets confirmed but usually it turns out news is totally fake and that former boss mistress was not eaten by dogs as punishment. Basically Western Media can repeat any lie about NK, nobody has to answer for that, because frankly, who is gonna complain? nobody. so everything must go.
Same is now happening with Russia, it's a free play for Western Media.
Again I am blaming and very disappointed in western media.
Moscow calls for intl probe into Malaysia MH17 flight crash – Russia’s UN envoy

Clearly any investigation needs to investigate the party that ordered the plane to fly lower than it was intended to. I guess Obama and other western leaders must be wanting that too. No? ...hmmm.. strange?

Obviously, Obama did this on purpose as part of a vast and sinister conspiracy!!!!!!!!! [/conservolibertarian]

PS -- apologies for using the term "conspiracy." The politically correct term is "agenda." So sorry.

Why do you assume that the Putin Fan Boys are "conservolibertarians"?
Obviously, Obama did this on purpose as part of a vast and sinister conspiracy!!!!!!!!! [/conservolibertarian]
PS -- apologies for using the term "conspiracy." The politically correct term is "agenda." So sorry.
Well as the USA has supported the Kiev government, even the unelected nazis who took power, then the only option for them is to not do a real investigation but to only investigate possibilities that fit with their agenda.
Even though the Ukrainians were the only ones in the conflict zone who definitely had active BUK missile launchers, it's not acceptable to investigate them.
At this point, obstructions to securing the scene of the crash as well as taking care proper care of the bodies (remnants and parts of such bodies would be a more accurate description) and allowing full access to the scene by monitors and inspectors with an international representation, all those obstructions have been from the Russian supported side occupying the said territory where the scene is geographically located. I am not sure how anyone would even speak of an "investigation" when there is such chaos surrounding the scene and one resulting from the side supported by Russia. I am rather certain that all the filming of those armed men, wandering about the scene, tampering with it, then monitors who were not given full access yesterday reporting shots fired in the air by the same armed men, is not the product of some fabricated Western media conspiracy.

It is the side supported by Russia who is currently impairing and undermining what is recognized as standard process of securing the scene of a plane crash while insuring there can be no tampering of the scene.

Then there is a recent"flavor" or rumors (once more from the side supported by Russia) that the bodies show signs of advanced decomposition which reminds me of the very claim the Soviets kept propagating regarding KAL 007 flight shot down by 2 missiles and to be justified by the Soviets as the plane having been a "prop" where corpses were placed on board an allegedly American spying plane.

Americans can laugh this off and make jokes....which means...what? It means they enjoy their sedatives. Sweet dreams
Since I am not an American, I suppose I am spared from falling under the category of "enjoying sedatives". I am also not seeing Americans "laughing this off or making jokes" or the rest of the Western world by the way.The "this" is acknowledged as a horrifying event where 298 innocent lives were terminated whether it be an accidental cause or a willful one.

As to this claim :

"Even though the Ukrainians were the only ones in the conflict zone who definitely had active BUK missile launchers," On June 30th, a US intel report was made public via a press conference held by a military heavy brass confirming that BUK missile launchers had crossed over the Russian/Eastern Ukraine border from Russia. I hope you do realize that the US has the full capacity to observe troop movements and military material movements via satellites.
Obviously, Obama did this on purpose as part of a vast and sinister conspiracy!!!!!!!!! [/conservolibertarian]

PS -- apologies for using the term "conspiracy." The politically correct term is "agenda." So sorry.

Why do you assume that the Putin Fan Boys are "conservolibertarians"?
I have to say that this "conservolibertarian" thingy is getting old.
You know, even though most of the dead (a 193 now, it seems) were my fellow countrymen and I should be more angry; I just could not help but laugh at the utter stupidity at the rebel commander who basically tried to claim the Ukraine government had necromancers at their disposal. Any of you read this:

Igor Girkin, the Russian separatists' top commander in eastern Ukraine, suggested today that Ukrainian authorities somehow killed the passengers on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 before it was shot down. He told the pro-rebel website Russkaya Vesna that "a significant number of the bodies weren't fresh" at the crash site.

Girkin, who says he got his information from people at the crash site, also noted that the bodies were "drained of blood and reeked of decomposition." Girkin says he can't verify his information — of course — but notes that "Ukrainian authorities are capable of any baseness."
Apparently paid Putin shills are not just at work on this forum. They're editing Wikipedia, too:


The plane [Flight MH17] was shot down by terrorists of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk with Buk missiles, which were obtained by terrorists from the Russian Federation.

After the edit, the post said:

The plane [Flight MH17] was shot down [by] Ukrainian military.
Do you think the paid shills that wrote the first edit that's bolded were American or Ukrainian?
The plane [Flight MH17] was shot down by terrorists of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk with Buk missiles, which were obtained by terrorists from the Russian Federation.

After the edit, the post said:

The plane [Flight MH17] was shot down [by] Ukrainian military.
Do you think the paid shills that wrote the first edit that's bolded were American or Ukrainian?

Maybe they were that rarest of all creatures, an anti-Putin Russian.
So you won't acknowledge and obvious hyperbolic wiki edit assuming facts not in evidence is by paid CIA/Ukrainian shills yet your certain posters here are. It seems you see conspiracy where it doesn't align with the western media narrative you chosen to follow.
So you won't acknowledge and obvious hyperbolic wiki edit assuming facts not in evidence is by paid CIA/Ukrainian shills yet your certain posters here are. It seems you see conspiracy where it doesn't align with the western media narrative you chosen to follow.

Oh the first edit was certainly hyperbolic, but you are either missing the point or intentionally trying to deflect from the fact that the second edit came from within the Russian government.

In addition, you're pushing this bullshit conspiracy theory that there is a concerted "western media narrative" that is being deliberately constructed to make Saint Putin look bad.

But I tell you what. I'm willing to give you a chance. Find the username and IP address of the person who made the first hyperbolic edit and demonstrate that it came from either a Ukrainian or US government source, and we'll call it even.
Earlier this year, when Flight MH370 disappeared, there were all sorts of silly claims about it, including I remember people on some websites claiming that the plane had been hijacked by the USA and would reappear at some point in the future to be used in a false flag operation.

Oh the first edit was certainly hyperbolic, but you are either missing the point or intentionally trying to deflect from the fact that the second edit came from within the Russian government.
I made no attempt to deflect that the 2nd edit came from a Russian government computer.

In addition, you're pushing this bullshit conspiracy theory that there is a concerted "western media narrative" that is being deliberately constructed to make Saint Putin look bad.
No I'm just challenging your characterization of western media bias as "bullshit conspiracy theory" while you engage in your own conspiracy theory that anti-Ukrainian posters here are paid shills. Like I said for you "conspiracy theory" is a narrative that disagrees with the narrative you've chosen to believe.
No I'm just challenging your characterization of western media bias as "bullshit conspiracy theory" while you engage in your own conspiracy theory that anti-Ukrainian posters here are paid shills. Like I said for you "conspiracy theory" is a narrative that disagrees with the narrative you've chosen to believe.

First off, I used the term "bullshit conspiracy theory" in response to your use of the term "western media narrative." Implicit in the term you used is an allegation that a story of some questionable accuracy is being deliberately constructed by an entity (the "western media") with a built in anti-Russian or pro-Ukrainian agenda.

Yet the "western media" is not some singular entity, let alone one capable of constructing a coherent narrative on purpose which disagrees with the facts. There is no "western media narrative" at all. That is a figment of your imagination. Generally speaking, the news reporting by a wide range of independent (as opposed to state controlled) media outlets indicates the story so far is:

A civilian airliner was shot down by a missile over territory controlled by pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine.
It was shot down with a missile system built by Russia.
Who was in control of that missile system has not been established, however in order for it to have accomplished the shoot down it would have to be operated by trained military personnel. This is not some toy or a shoulder launched weapon that can be operated by one gung ho rebel. This is an advanced strategic weapons system.
Russia has been supplying weapons, training, support, and possibly personnel to the pro-Russian separatists in the region. Whether they supplied the missile system directly or captured it from Ukraine is unclear, but all indications are that the missile system was in separatist controlled territory, the missile was fired from that territory, and the plane came down in that territory.

That is the general consensus, at least.

The only outfit challenging that consensus (or at least the loudest) is the Russian state-controlled media. Now we have direct evidence that an attempt to blame the shoot-down on the Ukrainian military came from a Russian government source.

Of course the Ukraine government is going to deny that. Of course the Kremlin is going to deny (as they have) sending anything into Ukraine other than positive thoughts and letters of encouragement to the "freedom fighters" challenging the "nazi" regime in Kiev.

Yet the idea that there is some gigantic conspiracy between all the "western media" outlets to construct a "narrative" that supports Ukraine in spite of evidence to the contrary (of which there is precious little) is bullshit.

Now I'll admit that using the phrase "paid shill" is over the top. I have no reason to believe barbos or tupac are being paid.
I would like to say that this incident is perhaps far more significant in terms of world politics than even the Palestinian issue. It has the potential of opening up a whole new cold war. We can only hope that cooler heads prevail. Ukraine was once part of the USSR at a time when that country was armed with SAM missiles capable of doing the shoot down that occurred. It is possible that either side could have shot down the airliner. It appears it is likely the separatists shot the plane down by mistake.

Regardless of who shot it down, we do not need another boiling cauldron of anti-Russian hatred to be generated. There is much wrong with the leadership of both the U.S. and Russia. We need to make sure our leaders do not push us into further conflicts. Obama's sanction moves are premature and immature.
I would like to say that this incident is perhaps far more significant in terms of world politics than even the Palestinian issue. It has the potential of opening up a whole new cold war. We can only hope that cooler heads prevail. Ukraine was once part of the USSR at a time when that country was armed with SAM missiles capable of doing the shoot down that occurred. It is possible that either side could have shot down the airliner. It appears it is likely the separatists shot the plane down by mistake.

Regardless of who shot it down, we do not need another boiling cauldron of anti-Russian hatred to be generated. There is much wrong with the leadership of both the U.S. and Russia. We need to make sure our leaders do not push us into further conflicts. Obama's sanction moves are premature and immature.

What boiling cauldron? It seems to me that the world has been remarkably cool regarding this incident.
Harry: There is a civil war going on in Ukraine. You know, with tanks and fighter planes and bombs and killing...that sort of thing. Last night on Charley Rose, I heard a CIA guy go through a whole raft of possibilities as to who did what. He pointed out that the separatists more than likely did the shoot down because they did not have the type of radar to identify the plane and could have mistaken it for a Ukranian military transport plane.

That's the problem with war. Lots of errors. I personally regard Putin as an ass, but we should not just leap to conclusions that could escalate into very wide conflict indeed. The CIA guy was worrying about that too.
I find Tupac's posts to be depressing. He has far more neutral news at his disposal than most Russians, and yet he buys Putin's line completely. This tells me that the conflict is going to get far worse.....
Aren't you already depressed by the number of wars America starts?
What is your source of "neutral" news?

Putin or Russia's line is that no Buk missile launchers have crossed the border from Russia into eastern Ukraine. Are you disputing this?


The rebels boasted of capturing a Buk.

A Buk is almost certainly the launcher that fired the missile. ("Buk" refers to the system, not the missile. There are multiple missiles it can fire.)

Our launch detection satellites saw the launch--it came from rebel-controlled territory.

Russia's line is that the western media have formed a conclusion before any investigation has taken place. Are you disputing that?

The evidence is pretty damning.

Russia line is that the Ukranian military should also be investigated as we know they had Buk missile launchers in the conflict zone. Are you saying that they should not have to allow independent investigators to look into what they were doing?

They're just trying to muddy the waters. The Ukraine would have no reason to shoot. It had no pattern of shooting. And our birds saw a launch in rebel territory, not in Ukraine-controlled territory.
Moscow calls for intl probe into Malaysia MH17 flight crash – Russia’s UN envoy
Malaysia Airline said in a statement on Friday that Ukraine’s traffic controllers ordered the Boeing-777 to lower by 500 meters when the aircraft entered Ukrainian airspace. It added that pilots were supposed to fly at 35,000ft (10,660 meters) throughout Ukrainian airspace, but air traffic control on the ground instructed MH17 to fly at 33,000ft (10,058 meters).
Clearly any investigation needs to investigate the party that ordered the plane to fly lower than it was intended to. I guess Obama and other western leaders must be wanting that too. No? ...hmmm.. strange?

Air traffic control often tells planes what altitude to fly at. All airspace from 18,000' to 60,000' is controlled airspace, you go where air traffic control wants you to go even if that isn't what your flight plan says.

Furthermore, a 2,000' change is simply a move to the next lower band. While there are no lane markers in the sky altitude is used to define lanes.
Moscow calls for intl probe into Malaysia MH17 flight crash – Russia’s UN envoy

Clearly any investigation needs to investigate the party that ordered the plane to fly lower than it was intended to. I guess Obama and other western leaders must be wanting that too. No? ...hmmm.. strange?

Air traffic control often tells planes what altitude to fly at. All airspace from 18,000' to 60,000' is controlled airspace, you go where air traffic control wants you to go even if that isn't what your flight plan says.

Furthermore, a 2,000' change is simply a move to the next lower band. While there are no lane markers in the sky altitude is used to define lanes.

Indeed. The NOTAM for the conflict defined a floor for commercial aircraft at FL240, plus a 33% 'safety' margin, making FL320 the lowest trafficable flight level. MH017 filed for FL350; however the weather in the area was unstable, and there was a fair bit of traffic, so it would be quite normal and routine for either ATC to instruct them to use FL330, or for the pilots to request the lower level, if conditions were better there - the SIGMET indicates thunderstorms topping out at about that altitude, so a couple of thousand feet might have made a big difference to the level of turbulence experienced, for example.

There is nothing sinister here, except for those ignorant of the subject and/or who seek sinister explanations to the exclusion of all reason.

This article seems highly apt.
Well as the USA has supported the Kiev government, even the unelected nazis who took power, then the only option for them is to not do a real investigation but to only investigate possibilities that fit with their agenda.
Even though the Ukrainians were the only ones in the conflict zone who definitely had active BUK missile launchers, it's not acceptable to investigate them.
At this point, obstructions to securing the scene of the crash as well as taking care proper care of the bodies (remnants and parts of such bodies would be a more accurate description) and allowing full access to the scene by monitors and inspectors with an international representation, all those obstructions have been from the Russian supported side
Do you have any evidence Russia is supporting them? Or do we just take your word for it. Putin has repeatedly asked for this evidence and none has been forthcoing. So what evidence are you relying on?
occupying the said territory where the scene is geographically located. I am not sure how anyone would even speak of an "investigation" when there is such chaos surrounding the scene and one resulting from the side supported by Russia. I am rather certain that all the filming of those armed men, wandering about the scene, tampering with it, then monitors who were not given full access yesterday reporting shots fired in the air by the same armed men, is not the product of some fabricated Western media conspiracy.
What evidence and facts are you relying on. All you seem to do is make assertions and never provide any supporting evidence.

As to this claim :

"Even though the Ukrainians were the only ones in the conflict zone who definitely had active BUK missile launchers," On June 30th, a US intel report was made public via a press conference held by a military heavy brass confirming that BUK missile launchers had crossed over the Russian/Eastern Ukraine border from Russia. I hope you do realize that the US has the full capacity to observe troop movements and military material movements via satellites.
Where are the photos? NATO has previously provided photos of similar things

Russia is clearly saying none have gone over the border. So you need to provide evidence. As you say these things can't be hidden.
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