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Paris: Dozens Killed In Terrorist Attack

OK. We've rationalized that modernity will easily defeat antiquity to the point of pointing out that 20 million shot gun armed ancients are literally buried then killed with followup machine gun fire by a modern army. So that helps us gather up those who are responsible for Friday the thirteenth massacre in Paris how?

Clearly all this romanticism isn't getting us focused on the fact we are dealing with conventional terrorists who've actually made us so fearful that 28 governors in the US are saying they won't accept Syrian refugees in their states. Doesn't that remind on of what was going on when Ebola struck in West Africa.

Its about fear and how to overcome it. So far nothing.

So ..... one overcomes fear by those in leadership of societies standing up and dis-inviting those with bomb jackets and rifles from public spaces, technologists finding means for detecting and disarming any who would be to so inclined arm themselves and by convincing those who permitted these persons to flourish that what they permit is no longer welcome at modernity's table.

Concretely, that means bomb detecting technology cheaply and readily available at all public venues, cameras and detectors of all forms of ammunition also ubiquitously placed and laws regarding the misuse of others in any way sanctioned by removal of those things those who do so desire most.

More specifically. Chemical and visual detectors in linked grids everywhere persons are likely to congregate. Demands by liberal nations that those who permit abuse of others that they change or be removed from the table of civilized nations - States either give rights to those they sanction for any reason not explicitly harming others or they are prohibited from any form of international commerce - and moves by those liberal nations to change focus from denial of rights to insurance of granting rights to everyone regardless of financial resources.

Basically I'm saying change etiquette to ban all forms of lethality and exclusion from state exercise of government and to insist that those who maintain such that they get rid of it or they don't have a place at the table of commerce.

Fairness and safety of those who are now oppressed is to be the rule of the day.
Is this great or what?

I see what you did there. I can do the same thing in reverse showing a war torn Syria with bloated bodies, videos of executions and counterpoise them with happy clean Syrians in Europe.

Weak, very weak.
No, ISIS is Islam what Gangsters are to Christianity. It's pretty much the "Chaotic Evil" of the middle east. The extent to which their ideology is actually based on an interpretation of Islam is difficult to judge because they don't spend a lot of time trying to justify themselves by any coherent religious precepts.

A suicide bomber shouts " allah akabar" on detonation of his/hers bomb, and the turds who were killing those innocents at the concert in Paris also were shouting that phrase.
And my wife shouted "OH JESUS!" the first time I fucked her in the ass. I think, perhaps, a lot more women than not actually exclaim something to the effect of "Oh my god!" or "Jesus fucking christ!" during a powerful orgasm.

Perhaps sex is Christianity in its purest form? That would explain a lot of things.

Those who are trying to divert from this fact by saying ISIS has nothing to do with the islamic religion per se
It has a lot to do with the Islamic religion. Just a not as much as it has to do with pissed off disaffected losers finally having an excuse to loot and pillage across the mid east at their leisure.

If I'm not mistaken, upwards of 90% of the looters in the Ferguson Riots were, in fact, Christians. Looting has a lot to do with Christianity, but not as much as it has to do with pissed off disaffected niggers finally having an excuse to loot and pillage across the mid west.
No. What are these? ISIS follows these verses in justifying their actions of terrorism. The paedophile defeated many of the unbelievers by terrorist methods like chopping of limbs, heads, in some cases skinning victims alive and leaving them in plain sight of the targeted infidels.

But muslims ARE permitted to lie to their enemies in their fucking Koran. I don't why are you so surprised.
Islamist preachers in the western countries routinely lie. They say one thing during their sermons and then another on camera. Everybody knows that I don't understand why are you so surprised.

Everyone knows the Earth is flat.
Well, that's a stupid remark. Trying to deviate from the facts.
ISIS is Islam after a massive foreign terrorist invasion and a decade of terror and torture was unleashed upon a region.

Look at the insanity in the US after 911. Look at the psychotic things people allowed, like the invasion of Iraq.

How much insanity do people think rose to the top after the US decade of terror and torture?
The taking of 100 American hostages in Iran took place decades before 9/11. It took place when the first organised Islamic government took power.
ISIS is Islam after a massive foreign terrorist invasion and a decade of terror and torture was unleashed upon a region.

Look at the insanity in the US after 911. Look at the psychotic things people allowed, like the invasion of Iraq.

How much insanity do people think rose to the top after the US decade of terror and torture?
The taking of 100 American hostages in Iran took place decades before 9/11. It took place when the first organised Islamic government took power.

Forget it angelo. Some folks just don't care for history if it interferes with their worldview. No matter how ignorant.

No its more like what the native Americans did to themselves when they helped the pilgrims.

Yes, the vast technological superiority of the Muslim hordes isn't something the defenceless Europeans can stand up against.
The lack of any technological superiority didn't stop the turds from killing 130 people in cold blood.
The taking of 100 American hostages in Iran took place decades before 9/11. It took place when the first organised Islamic government took power.

Forget it angelo. Some folks just don't care for history if it interferes with their worldview. No matter how ignorant.

If the West, in particular America and to a lesser extent Israel can't be held responsible for the Islamic barbarism, the left ideology aren't interested.
Is this great or what?

I see what you did there. I can do the same thing in reverse showing a war torn Syria with bloated bodies, videos of executions and counterpoise them with happy clean Syrians in Europe.

Weak, very weak.

Excuse us? All I did was arrange two sets of images; one set of pre-Muslim France and the other of the new Muslim ascendency...a trend that is not expected to end. You seem bothered by a glimpse of Frances, and Europe's future? Might that tell you something?

I did not comment because these images speak for themselves; the old celtic races, the gauls, were the aboriginal peoples before recorded history. These were the lands of their ancestors for thousands of years. Today, we see a historic end to that race...destined to be subsumed by the Muslim arab, north african, and negroid peoples. France will not be the first European peoples to see its aboriginals disappear (most likely Sweden or Belgium will be among the first) but it will happen. Falling birth rates, inter-marriage, and endless immigration will insure that.

But I suppose there will be archeological artifacts to remind the Muslims of who they conquered. They can see, by going to the museum, the extinct race(s) of former European men:


But then they can step outside the museum and be proud of their conquest:


Is this great or what?
OK. We've rationalized that modernity will easily defeat antiquity to the point of pointing out that 20 million shot gun armed ancients are literally buried then killed with followup machine gun fire by a modern army. So that helps us gather up those who are responsible for Friday the thirteenth massacre in Paris how?

Clearly all this romanticism isn't getting us focused on the fact we are dealing with conventional terrorists who've actually made us so fearful that 28 governors in the US are saying they won't accept Syrian refugees in their states. Doesn't that remind on of what was going on when Ebola struck in West Africa.

Its about fear and how to overcome it. So far nothing.

So ..... one overcomes fear by those in leadership of societies standing up and dis-inviting those with bomb jackets and rifles from public spaces, technologists finding means for detecting and disarming any who would be to so inclined arm themselves and by convincing those who permitted these persons to flourish that what they permit is no longer welcome at modernity's table.

Concretely, that means bomb detecting technology cheaply and readily available at all public venues, cameras and detectors of all forms of ammunition also ubiquitously placed and laws regarding the misuse of others in any way sanctioned by removal of those things those who do so desire most.

More specifically. Chemical and visual detectors in linked grids everywhere persons are likely to congregate. Demands by liberal nations that those who permit abuse of others that they change or be removed from the table of civilized nations - States either give rights to those they sanction for any reason not explicitly harming others or they are prohibited from any form of international commerce - and moves by those liberal nations to change focus from denial of rights to insurance of granting rights to everyone regardless of financial resources.

Basically I'm saying change etiquette to ban all forms of lethality and exclusion from state exercise of government and to insist that those who maintain such that they get rid of it or they don't have a place at the table of commerce.

Fairness and safety of those who are now oppressed is to be the rule of the day.

There is no effective bomb detecting technology that is both cheap and readily available. The best tech we have at the moment is dogs; but they and their handlers are very expensive to train and to maintain; and are always going to be in short supply.

Even if we developed an extremely effective and very cheap 'electronic nose' that could reliably detect well concealed explosives, all you could achieve by this is to send the trouble elsewhere. If terrorists can't bomb planes, they bomb trains. Stop them from bombing trains, and they move on to rock concerts, football matches, public parks, shopping malls, etc. etc. - there is no way to defend every possible target.

There are only three effective things we can do:

1) Stop scaring the public. No news coverage of terrorist attacks; No highly visible security operations in western nations unless a credible, specific and immediate threat is known. The ordinary lives of ordinary citizens to be restored to what it was pre 9-11 - no taking your shoes off at airports, no limits on fluids to be carried, no pat-downs and body scanners for 'security', let people live in freedom. Understand that fear of terrorist attacks in the west makes no more sense than fear of lightning, spiders, or sharks - all potentially deadly, but so rare that you needn't concern yourself about them.
2) Start scaring the terrorists. Hit them hard, where ever they are. If ISIS say they did it, find them and bomb the bastards. If nobody admits it, track the fuckers down using every forensic trick in the book, go get them, and lock them up.
3) Keep up the covert detection. Infiltrate the terrorist groups, identify the leaders, and put them in jail.

All the 'security' measures that impact on ordinary citizens' freedom need to stop; if we give up freedom for security, we are simply moving towards dictatorship - in which case, why bother fighting the terrorists at all?
Yes, the vast technological superiority of the Muslim hordes isn't something the defenceless Europeans can stand up against.
The lack of any technological superiority didn't stop the turds from killing 130 people in cold blood.

That's 0.006% of the population of Paris; The same number of French people die every two weeks in car crashes. The same number of French people die every week from suicide.

These turds are not worth our notice. They inflicted the most incredibly tiny damage on France; Should the French totally abandon their way of life just to prevent this from happening again?
The lack of any technological superiority didn't stop the turds from killing 130 people in cold blood.

That's 0.006% of the population of Paris; The same number of French people die every two weeks in car crashes. The same number of French people die every week from suicide.

These turds are not worth our notice. They inflicted the most incredibly tiny damage on France; Should the French totally abandon their way of life just to prevent this from happening again?

Do you have the same attitude when there are mass shootings in schools, theaters, malls, etc by nutjobs with automatic weapons (not terrorist related)? Many are mentally ill...perhaps there is no need to address the violent mentally ill people we have in this country? Or worry about restricting automatic weapons via laws, background checks, etc, since so few people are killed by these weapons. Why did people get so upset when 26 school children were slaughtered in their classrooms (Sandy Hook)? Is it irrational that this bothers us and we are not tempted to dismiss or ignore it because there's lots more kids to go around?
OK. We've rationalized that modernity will easily defeat antiquity to the point of pointing out that 20 million shot gun armed ancients are literally buried then killed with followup machine gun fire by a modern army. So that helps us gather up those who are responsible for Friday the thirteenth massacre in Paris how?

Clearly all this romanticism isn't getting us focused on the fact we are dealing with conventional terrorists who've actually made us so fearful that 28 governors in the US are saying they won't accept Syrian refugees in their states. Doesn't that remind on of what was going on when Ebola struck in West Africa.

Its about fear and how to overcome it. So far nothing.

So ..... one overcomes fear by those in leadership of societies standing up and dis-inviting those with bomb jackets and rifles from public spaces, technologists finding means for detecting and disarming any who would be to so inclined arm themselves and by convincing those who permitted these persons to flourish that what they permit is no longer welcome at modernity's table.

Concretely, that means bomb detecting technology cheaply and readily available at all public venues, cameras and detectors of all forms of ammunition also ubiquitously placed and laws regarding the misuse of others in any way sanctioned by removal of those things those who do so desire most.

More specifically. Chemical and visual detectors in linked grids everywhere persons are likely to congregate. Demands by liberal nations that those who permit abuse of others that they change or be removed from the table of civilized nations - States either give rights to those they sanction for any reason not explicitly harming others or they are prohibited from any form of international commerce - and moves by those liberal nations to change focus from denial of rights to insurance of granting rights to everyone regardless of financial resources.

Basically I'm saying change etiquette to ban all forms of lethality and exclusion from state exercise of government and to insist that those who maintain such that they get rid of it or they don't have a place at the table of commerce.

Fairness and safety of those who are now oppressed is to be the rule of the day.

There is no effective bomb detecting technology that is both cheap and readily available. The best tech we have at the moment is dogs; but they and their handlers are very expensive to train and to maintain; and are always going to be in short supply.

Even if we developed an extremely effective and very cheap 'electronic nose' that could reliably detect well concealed explosives, all you could achieve by this is to send the trouble elsewhere. If terrorists can't bomb planes, they bomb trains. Stop them from bombing trains, and they move on to rock concerts, football matches, public parks, shopping malls, etc. etc. - there is no way to defend every possible target.

There are only three effective things we can do:

1) Stop scaring the public. No news coverage of terrorist attacks; No highly visible security operations in western nations unless a credible, specific and immediate threat is known. The ordinary lives of ordinary citizens to be restored to what it was pre 9-11 - no taking your shoes off at airports, no limits on fluids to be carried, no pat-downs and body scanners for 'security', let people live in freedom. Understand that fear of terrorist attacks in the west makes no more sense than fear of lightning, spiders, or sharks - all potentially deadly, but so rare that you needn't concern yourself about them.
I suggested this tactics with lone mass shooters like in US. But it will not work with organized islamic terrorism. They have different motivations. Terrorists would simply use their own media to distribute their news.

2) Start scaring the terrorists. Hit them hard, where ever they are. If ISIS say they did it, find them and bomb the bastards. If nobody admits it, track the fuckers down using every forensic trick in the book, go get them, and lock them up.
Well, I have nothing against that, but that's easier said than done I think. My understanding is that french security was simply overwhelmed by number of people they had to track, all these assholes were on file but they were deemed low priority.
3) Keep up the covert detection. Infiltrate the terrorist groups, identify the leaders, and put them in jail.
It will only work with amateur home grown terrorist groups. Infiltrating foreign based groups is pretty much impossible. Relying on foreign governments to do that is not very reliable.
All the 'security' measures that impact on ordinary citizens' freedom need to stop; if we give up freedom for security, we are simply moving towards dictatorship - in which case, why bother fighting the terrorists at all?
I think the best long term strategy is to control information flow in the heads of these idiots. That includes automatic banning internet sites, deporting preachers back to the holly land under slightest infraction, No fucking "Shariah will rule the world" protests, if you take part in it, you are automatically deported to the country you came from, even if you got citizenship. I know it sounds as freedom of speech issue but I am tired of that shit. These assholes using western freedoms in their attempts to defeat said freedoms. This is ridiculous misuse must stop.
The only other and actually legal way would be "stand your ground" people start harassing these protests with their own "Fuck the shariah, fuck the prophet Mohamed!" protests. That would be perfectly legal and even effective if sustained, but government would not be too happy about it.
The lack of any technological superiority didn't stop the turds from killing 130 people in cold blood.

That's 0.006% of the population of Paris; The same number of French people die every two weeks in car crashes. The same number of French people die every week from suicide.
I doubt any of these people who died were suicidal.
These turds are not worth our notice.
Are you talking about innocent people died in Paris?
They inflicted the most incredibly tiny damage on France; Should the French totally abandon their way of life just to prevent this from happening again?
No, but French should take actions, ignoring it will not work.
I think the best long term strategy is to control information flow in the heads of these idiots. That includes automatic banning internet sites, deporting preachers back to the holly land under slightest infraction, No fucking "Shariah will rule the world" protests, if you take part in it, you are automatically deported to the country you came from, even if you got citizenship. I know it sounds as freedom of speech issue but I am tired of that shit. These assholes using western freedoms in their attempts to defeat said freedoms. This is ridiculous misuse must stop.
The same reasoning could easily be applied to Putin apologists in the West.
That's 0.006% of the population of Paris; The same number of French people die every two weeks in car crashes. The same number of French people die every week from suicide.

These turds are not worth our notice. They inflicted the most incredibly tiny damage on France; Should the French totally abandon their way of life just to prevent this from happening again?

Do you have the same attitude when there are mass shootings in schools, theaters, malls, etc by nutjobs with automatic weapons (not terrorist related)? Many are mentally ill...perhaps there is no need to address the violent mentally ill people we have in this country? Or worry about restricting automatic weapons via laws, background checks, etc, since so few people are killed by these weapons. Why did people get so upset when 26 school children were slaughtered in their classrooms (Sandy Hook)? Is it irrational that this bothers us and we are not tempted to dismiss or ignore it because there's lots more kids to go around?
There are no mass shootings in schools, theatres and malls in my country. Should I be clamouring for my government to close the border to American migrants? Should I be lobbying our government to bomb the USA to protect me from these school shooters? Would that help? Should I be fearful if i see Americans in the streets, just in case they are mass shooters? Perhaps I should get all upset that Americans are not speaking out in condemnation of these school shootings - presumably because they secretly support the shooters.

Americans just can't be trusted; they want to impose their way of life on the rest of the world - they've said so often enough. And yet our government does NOTHING to stop them coming here into our communities. They don't dress like us, they go to 'church' where they do weird religious rituals that I don't fully understand. How long is it before they completely destroy our culture? Send them back to America, I say.
Do you have the same attitude when there are mass shootings in schools, theaters, malls, etc by nutjobs with automatic weapons (not terrorist related)? Many are mentally ill...perhaps there is no need to address the violent mentally ill people we have in this country? Or worry about restricting automatic weapons via laws, background checks, etc, since so few people are killed by these weapons. Why did people get so upset when 26 school children were slaughtered in their classrooms (Sandy Hook)? Is it irrational that this bothers us and we are not tempted to dismiss or ignore it because there's lots more kids to go around?
There are no mass shootings in schools, theatres and malls in my country.
There are no guns in your country, you banned them after last mass shooting you had.
There are no mass shootings in schools, theatres and malls in my country.
There are no guns in your country, you banned them after last mass shooting you had.

There are lots of guns in my country. We just don't let crazy Americans run around shooting our schoolchildren with them.
I think the best long term strategy is to control information flow in the heads of these idiots. That includes automatic banning internet sites, deporting preachers back to the holly land under slightest infraction, No fucking "Shariah will rule the world" protests, if you take part in it, you are automatically deported to the country you came from, even if you got citizenship. I know it sounds as freedom of speech issue but I am tired of that shit. These assholes using western freedoms in their attempts to defeat said freedoms. This is ridiculous misuse must stop.
The same reasoning could easily be applied to Putin apologists in the West.
You would have to deport Jimmy Carter then.
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