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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

Can you highlight what in the transcript led you to believe this?

The "I would like you to do is a favor" part is close to the top.

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.


There are three favors, not one.
You need to remember, this is the hyper-literal dismal persona. So pretty much all things will be taken hyper-literally. No context, no reading an entire document. There is one sentence, one sentence only. The read world be damned. I can't imagine living life being so hyper-literal. “Waiter, The sign clearly reads All-You-Can-Eat. How am I supposed to know how much you can eat?”
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Obama and every other President made calls like these. World leaders doing favors for each other is as common as water in the ocean.

Really? Links please.

Yeah, Halfie! There is no evidence that other presidents called foreign leaders to ask them to interfere in an election. There is no evidence that Biden or his son did anything illegal. There is plenty of evidence that Trump has done many illegal things. Turn off the Fox News and read some legitimate sources of news. People didn't read the Mueller report because it was long and complicated, despite the fact that is uncovered examples of Trump's obstructing justice. But, these new allegations are pretty simple to understand. Only a person who is delusional or in denial doesn't see the truth about this man.

Trump has a long history of being a corrupt, dishonest person. Most New Yorkers were well aware of his mob like actions long before he became president. I still have family members that live in the metro area. They were shocked when Trump became president because anyone who paid attention knew damn well that he was a nasty, dishonest man. But, I also know of some hard core conservatives in that area who would vote for the devil, is such a person existed, just to enable their own wealth. You and your ilk have been used by this man, and sadly, you don't even realize it.
Only a person who is delusional or in denial doesn't see the truth about this man.

We have plenty of both types here, but there's a third category of trumpsuckers - people whose jobs depend (at least in their own judgment) on feigning support for a fat orange turd whom they know perfectly well to be a corrupt sleazebag. Sadly, such persons are in ample supply - especially in the US Senate.
If the House of Representatives votes to impeach President Trump, the issue will then go to the Republican-controlled Senate. That’s where Democratic-sponsored legislation, and one Supreme Court nomination, goes to die at the command of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the self-described “grim reaper.”

That won’t happen this time. At least not in the same way.

For one thing, long-standing Senate rules say that, after receiving articles of impeachment from the House, the Senate “shall” consider them by 1 p.m. the next day and remain in session “from day to day (Sundays excepted) after the trial shall commence” until it ends. That apparently means a trial of the president is required.

Obama and every other President made calls like these. World leaders doing favors for each other is as common as water in the ocean. .
Depends on how many details you're willing to see.

Using the power ofbthe office to promote the nation's interest is diplomacy.
A favor to get an advantage against a political opponent is campaign donation.
Using the power of the office to get a foreign national to forge an advantage in an election is a felony.
If the House of Representatives votes to impeach President Trump, the issue will then go to the Republican-controlled Senate. That’s where Democratic-sponsored legislation, and one Supreme Court nomination, goes to die at the command of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the self-described “grim reaper.”

That won’t happen this time. At least not in the same way.

For one thing, long-standing Senate rules say that, after receiving articles of impeachment from the House, the Senate “shall” consider them by 1 p.m. the next day and remain in session “from day to day (Sundays excepted) after the trial shall commence” until it ends. That apparently means a trial of the president is required.


I have read a few articles as well as listened to a legal scholar yesterday, who said that the rule can be changed if the Republicans vote to change it, or they can refuse to hold the trial and just do a quick up and down vote. There are several tricks that the Republicans can use to keep the Senate from voting for impeachment. Of course, if they use any of these tricks, it will probably help the Democrats. Plus after the trial in the House, it's likely that more voters and probably at least a small number of Republicans come to their senses. There is Republican in the House who said that he supports the impeachment investigation. He's not ready to commit to voting to impeach Trump yet, but he has said that he wants to see the evidence and will then make his decision. I'll see if I can find his name. I think he's from Nevada? Not sure.

Representative Mark Amodei of Nevada on Friday became the first Republican member of the House of Representatives to back the rapidly escalating impeachment inquiry — but he said he was reserving judgment on whether President Trump should be impeached.

Mr. Amodei, 61, a four-term congressman from Carson City, is the chairman of Trump’s re-election campaign in Nevada, a swing state that the president lost by 27,000 votes to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

He said it made sense for Congress to investigate a whistle-blower’s complaint, made public on Thursday, that Mr. Trump used a July 25 phone call with Ukraine’s president to advance his personal interests, including asking him to look into unsubstantiated allegations of corruption against former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his younger son.

Of course, he could be supporting it because Trump lost Nevada and he may just be frightened of losing his seat if he doesn't support the impeachment investigation.
Moscow Mitch can refuse to bring up impeachment for a vote.


But it is also possible that, in this time of disregard and erosion of established institutional practices and norms, the current leadership of the Senate could choose to abrogate them once more. The same Mitch McConnell who blocked the Senate’s exercise of its authority to advise and consent to the Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garland, could attempt to prevent the trial of a House impeachment of Donald Trump. And he would not have to look far to find the constitutional arguments and the flexibility to revise Senate rules and procedures to accomplish this purpose.

The Constitution does not by its express terms direct the Senate to try an impeachment. In fact, it confers on the Senate "the sole power to try,” which is a conferral of exclusive constitutional authority and not a procedural command. The Constitution couches the power to impeach in the same terms: it is the House’s “sole power.” The House may choose to impeach or not, and one can imagine an argument that the Senate is just as free, in the exercise of its own “sole power,” to decline to try any impeachment that the House elects to vote.

The current rules governing Senate practice and procedure do not pose an insurmountable problem for this maneuver. Senate leadership can seek to have the rules “reinterpreted” at any time by the device of seeking a ruling of the chair on the question, and avoiding a formal revision of the rule that would require supermajority approval. The question presented in some form would be whether, under the relevant rules, the Senate is required to hold an impeachment “trial” fully consistent with current rules—or even any trial at all. A chair’s ruling in the affirmative would be subject to being overturned by a majority, not two-thirds, vote.

There's more in the link, if you're interested.
Perhaps all we need is a better informed voting populace that knows how to see through already transparent demonization tactics that rely on false equivalencies?

Well isn't that what your TV is for? Half of the public is informed enough to understand the vote is a ruse; they don't even bother to show up. Because they know that if the choice is a lessor of evils, ya still wind up with evil.

And all this time I thought people not showing up was due to apathy, ignorance, and laziness. Thank you.
There are three favors, not one.
You need to remember, this is the hyper-literal dismal persona. So pretty much all things will be taken hyper-literally. No context, no reading an entire document. There is one sentence, one sentence only. The read world be damned. I can't imagine living life being so hyper-literal. “Waiter, The sign clearly reads All-You-Can-Eat. How am I supposed to know how much you can eat?”

All those convicted mobsters and racketeers...if only they knew better than to say, "gimme duh money or else I'll brake yer legs".
You don't have to take a 'hyper literal' approach to read the transcript and see exactly what Trump was doing. You just have to read clearly, because Trump is quite plainly shaking down a world leader for opposition intel on his supposed 2020 opponent. That said, even if Trump had begun screaming over the phone, "You'll do it or all your little Ukrainian kiddies can end up on Russian bayonets!" you'd still find the Lindsey Graham class claiming, with angry, reddened faces, "This President was forcefully insisting that the Ukrainian children had to be protected! That was uppermost in his mind!"
Obama and every other President made calls like these. World leaders doing favors for each other is as common as water in the ocean. .
Depends on how many details you're willing to see.

Using the power ofbthe office to promote the nation's interest is diplomacy.
A favor to get an advantage against a political opponent is campaign donation.
Using the power of the office to get a foreign national to forge an advantage in an election is a felony.

I can see an accused bank robber on the stand giving testimony on his behalf and claiming that lots of people steal, rob banks and don't get caught so I'm innocent.

Talk about needing meds.
If the House of Representatives votes to impeach President Trump, the issue will then go to the Republican-controlled Senate. That’s where Democratic-sponsored legislation, and one Supreme Court nomination, goes to die at the command of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the self-described “grim reaper.”

That won’t happen this time. At least not in the same way.

For one thing, long-standing Senate rules say that, after receiving articles of impeachment from the House, the Senate “shall” consider them by 1 p.m. the next day and remain in session “from day to day (Sundays excepted) after the trial shall commence” until it ends. That apparently means a trial of the president is required.


I have read a few articles as well as listened to a legal scholar yesterday, who said that the rule can be changed if the Republicans vote to change it, or they can refuse to hold the trial and just do a quick up and down vote. There are several tricks that the Republicans can use to keep the Senate from voting for impeachment. Of course, if they use any of these tricks, it will probably help the Democrats. Plus after the trial in the House, it's likely that more voters and probably at least a small number of Republicans come to their senses. There is Republican in the House who said that he supports the impeachment investigation. He's not ready to commit to voting to impeach Trump yet, but he has said that he wants to see the evidence and will then make his decision. I'll see if I can find his name. I think he's from Nevada? Not sure.

Nixon enjoyed the same level of popularity before the Watergate hearings.
Using the power of the office to promote the nation's interest is diplomacy.
A favor to get an advantage against a political opponent is campaign donation.
Using the power of the office to get a foreign national to forge an advantage in an election is a felony.

What a blessing to have people around here who are ignorant enough to elicit such concise explanations.
I guess I have no further excuse for failing to understand how Trump incriminated himself (again). :rolleyes:
Perhaps all we need is a better informed voting populace that knows how to see through already transparent demonization tactics that rely on false equivalencies?

Well isn't that what your TV is for? Half of the public is informed enough to understand the vote is a ruse; they don't even bother to show up. Because they know that if the choice is a lessor of evils, ya still wind up with evil.

And all this time I thought people not showing up was due to apathy, ignorance, and laziness. Thank you.

Nah, the apathetic just shuffle along cooperating and participating in the very thing they decry. That's what blaming the "other" side is for.
Trump broke the law.
1. Extortion
2. Bribery
3. Demanding help to interfere with an election to destroy a political opponent.

We now have an ongoing investigation to get all the facts. If enough illegality can be established, if the Senate refuses to impeach, despite all the evidence, a grand jury could be convened and this all could move to the legal arena. This is what happened to Spiro Agnew. He was offered a deal he could not refuse. Resign or this could be taken to trial and Spiro could go to prison.

Now, Trump in such a scenario would argue that one cannot indict a sitting president. Or try one in a court of law. Which would put things off wrangling all of this in court until his inevitable defeat. Then Trump loses his bargaining chip, resignation, to stay out of prison.
Agnew was smart enough to grab the deal offered and quit.

Lots of very bad things can still happen to Trump besides mere impeachment. This could get nasty indeed.

To your 3 points, he didn't break any laws. No one can show what these laws are that he broke. The rest of your post doesn't matter without the laws that Trump broke.

Yes, Trump did break laws here. MSNBC has had a long parade of constitutionsal lawyers, ex-prosecuters, ex-high ranking members of the Justice department and a veritable parade of lawyers and ex-judges with expertise who have stated with little room for wriggling that indeed these actions constitute illegal acts.

Sorry to pop your little bubble of illusions. Who do I trust here, numerous experts with experience, or you and Sean Insanity? Again, if the Democrats really wanted to play hardball with Trump in face of a GOP controlled Senate that will not act, Spiro Agnew, shows us what could happen. Me, I am going to believe the parade of experts MSNBC has interviewed to clear the air of the FUD spread by Trump and Faux News.

MSNBC has TDS just like CNN. Of course they're gonna say he committed a crime! We need unbiased sources. Fox News had Judge Digeneva on and he said there was absolutely no crime committed whatsoever.

But, you won't believe him because he was on Fox News. So, we clearly do not trust each others sources. What do we do?
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