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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

Earth to Half Life! In the most recent polling, 55% of Americans support impeaching the president. So, I kind of doubt he will win the next election in a landslide, assuming he's not removed from office first.

I don't hate the president. I think he's seriously mentally disturbed and needs to be removed from office due to his incompetence and obvious unfitness to hold such an important powerful office. Imo, TDS must be a disease that Trump supporters suffer from due to their inability to understand how dangerous this man is for the country. I have one friend who supports Trump. Trump goes against everything that's in her best interest, but she doesn't realize it. Fox News is her only source of news, if you can call it that. Now that's some serious TDS, imo.
Earth to Half Life! In the most recent polling, 55% of Americans support impeaching the president. So, I kind of doubt he will win the next election in a landslide, assuming he's not removed from office first.

I don't hate the president. I think he's seriously mentally disturbed and needs to be removed from office due to his incompetence and obvious unfitness to hold such an important powerful office. Imo, TDS must be a disease that Trump supporters suffer from due to their inability to understand how dangerous this man is for the country. I have one friend who supports Trump. Trump goes against everything that's in her best interest, but she doesn't realize it. Fox News is her only source of news, if you can call it that. Now that's some serious TDS, imo.

TDS: Trump Deflection Syndrome
So to me the scenario looks like this:

**fine day in NY. Trump walks out onto 5th avenue, pulls out a gun and shoots a guy in the head**

Trump: I didn't do it. Anyway, he deserved it, he was bad news. I did you all a favor by shooting him, I deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for it.

American with a functioning brain: Holy shit! He just killed a guy! Call the cops so they can arrest him!

Trumpster: Stop it with your crazy witch hunts. He didn't shoot anyone, and even if he did it was fully within his rights to do so. You should be arrested for treason for leaking that he shot someone, which isn't a crime. It's not murder because he didn't say "I'm going to murder you" before shooting.
Trump continues to commit acts that any indifferent person should say, "He needs to go". Any partisan but reasonable person should say "He needs to go." He clearly isn't up to the job and has committed multiple acts that have seriously been problematic for the nation. This phone call... it is the final straw. It is so bad, the GOP in the Senate are still relatively silent. They know what is in the White House, they do not know what was mentioned in the other calls, and the political repercussions frighten them.

They must be suffering migraines, as they never wanted this asshole in the first place, yet somehow seem grafted to his body.
It is up to the GOP in the Senate to decide that. Right now, the GOP, who stonewalled a SCOTUS nominee, who committed a terrible act with Kavanaugh, who have backed Trump through all sorts of crazy anti-conservative crap... are primarily silent.
You guys are in for a rude awakening.
We've been suffering from those for nearly 30 months.
Either Trump is going to get re-elected, in which case you guys will need to double your medication for another 4 years. Or Trump will not get re-elected and he will never be convicted or see the inside of a jail cell for as long as he lives. Either scenario would set off the TDS sufferers. Nothing is ever going to happen to Trump. Face it.
Trump can't protect his banking records and taxes outside of the White House.

Fox Business also reported that when the impeachment announcement came about, Trump's campaign received $5 million in donations from his supporters.
There is no doubt, Trump supporters are steadfast and potentially have unbreakable support for the guy.
So, keep thinking impeachment is going to help stop Trump.
Trump likely wouldn't get impeached, he'd be politely told by the GOP to GTFO. Whether we get there will depend on the other hidden phone transcripts, and the interviews with the transcribers.
He's gonna get re-elected in a landslide.
What, actually win the popular vote too? It is hard to imagine many blue states remain that Trump could win, NH, CO, VA, MN.
I wouldn't even put it past Trump to be milking this impeachment on purpose to boost his voters. It's a genius strategy if he is.
Well, he'll definitely do every unethical thing he can to prevent an investigation to happen by stonewalling Congress more. It'll take SCOTUS going Turbo to fully accomplish that.
View attachment 24101

Only 31% of women approve of Trump. Trumpolini is going to lose big. This treason of Trump crap is just one more side show. All the money in the world cannot save the wretched Trump. According to other Pew surveys, only 34% of independents have a positive approval rating of Trumpolini. When one loses Democrats, women and independents, you lose the election.

And once out of office, Trump loses any claim that as president he cannot be indicted. It is going to rain hard and fast on Trump and he may well go to prison on any number of charges. Wake up and smell the coffee. Reality is a bitch.

Muh Trump a good boy. He dindu nuffin.

Half the country doesn't even vote. People who don't vote are just making it more favorable for Trump. We heard every excuse in the book as to why Trump won't win in 2016. I am telling you that a lot of independent voters are getting sick of the witch hunts. Even if they do not like Trump all that much, they view all this stalling as "Do something already or stop talking about it!" This leans them more towards Trump's side because it does look like stall tactics and witch hunts. The underdog is the hero of the story. It takes a lot of guts to stand at a podium giving a speech to a nation of TDS sufferers who have nothing but vile hatred for your very existence.

Obviously what you are telling us is bullshit.

CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry

View attachment 24101

Only 31% of women approve of Trump. Trumpolini is going to lose big. This treason of Trump crap is just one more side show. All the money in the world cannot save the wretched Trump. According to other Pew surveys, only 34% of independents have a positive approval rating of Trumpolini. When one loses Democrats, women and independents, you lose the election.

And once out of office, Trump loses any claim that as president he cannot be indicted. It is going to rain hard and fast on Trump and he may well go to prison on any number of charges. Wake up and smell the coffee. Reality is a bitch.

Muh Trump a good boy. He dindu nuffin.

Half the country doesn't even vote. People who don't vote are just making it more favorable for Trump. We heard every excuse in the book as to why Trump won't win in 2016. I am telling you that a lot of independent voters are getting sick of the witch hunts. Even if they do not like Trump all that much, they view all this stalling as "Do something already or stop talking about it!" This leans them more towards Trump's side because it does look like stall tactics and witch hunts. The underdog is the hero of the story. It takes a lot of guts to stand at a podium giving a speech to a nation of TDS sufferers who have nothing but vile hatred for your very existence.

Obviously what you are telling us is bullshit.

CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry

View attachment 24110
We are now up to Presidential approval-disapproval. If that number goes up 60+, I think the GOP starts sweating a lot more.
We are now up to Presidential approval-disapproval. If that number goes up 60+, I think the GOP starts sweating a lot more.

All of the GOP is out to save its political skin, screw anything else. Trumpo shakes hands with Putin and Kim and extorts our allies. He turns on anyone that isn't a yes man,, members of the GOP are no exception and he knows this. For everyone wearing the GOP brand right now it's just about keeping a job and holding on to power. Within the GOP TDS stands for Trump Desperation Syndrome or maybe Trump Denial Syndrome.
The lesson to be learned from the skyrocketing of approval for impeachment is that advancing and advocating policy affects public preference for it. Whodathunk!
The lesson to be learned from the skyrocketing of approval for impeachment is that advancing and advocating policy affects public preference for it. Whodathunk!
Not really. I wasn't for impeachment yet as we still had some lingering court cases that need to be resolved first, but the Ukrainian call pretty much forced Pelosi to act.


article on YouGov poll said:
Among Independents, 49% approve and 51% disapprove, the poll found.
I suppose this is the metric right now for the canaries in the Senate. Pretty much 1 to 1. If that tilts 2 to 1 in approval, Trump gets jettisoned from the White House. And I think that is why Pelosi wants to act quickly, because there is already a sense of exhaustion with Trump and talks of "impeachment". She realizes she must get through the Ukrainian info as quickly as she can to get this to a vote before independents start viewing this as "politics as usual".
if someone wishes to discuss this intelligently, I'm all ears.
Oh! That's the problem!
You keep asking what crime was committed and we keep telling you.
But it's in TEXT! And you're just LISTENING for the answer.
I guess we need to find a you-tube where they explain 'soliciting a donation' in terms you can't ignore.
if someone wishes to discuss this intelligently, I'm all ears.
Oh! That's the problem!
You keep asking what crime was committed and we keep telling you.
But it's in TEXT! And you're just LISTENING for the answer.
I guess we need to find a you-tube where they explain 'soliciting a donation' in terms you can't ignore.

Better make sure to put it in the comments, just in case...
“Soliciting a donation”

I don’t want to minimize anything, yet at the same time, I don’t want to blow things into oblivion either.

People sometimes do things that they ought not, but when they do, there are those that will hold them to the fire with all the might they can muster while others may take a more “no harm, no foul” approach.

Does that (and that alone) warrant impeachment? I’m not saying there isn’t more, but if it was, would something else account for the blood-thirst? For instance, if you liked and admired our great president, I’d imagine you’d be much dismayed over hearing of the accusations, but would the extremist punishment driven agenda of impeachment remain steadfast as the optimal solution?
“Soliciting a donation”

I don’t want to minimize anything, yet at the same time, I don’t want to blow things into oblivion either.

People sometimes do things that they ought not, but when they do, there are those that will hold them to the fire with all the might they can muster while others may take a more “no harm, no foul” approach.

Does that (and that alone) warrant impeachment? I’m not saying there isn’t more, but if it was, would something else account for the blood-thirst? For instance, if you liked and admired our great president, I’d imagine you’d be much dismayed over hearing of the accusations, but would the extremist punishment driven agenda of impeachment remain steadfast as the optimal solution?
He sought to use military funds to a foreign nation to get political dirt on his political rival. The only part that isn't explicitly proven is the military funds, which currently has evidence that subjectively says that was the quid pro quo. That is a serious abuse of power. Had this been Obama, he'd already be out on the street.

This ignores the barely veiled threats Trump has made regarding the whistleblower and his sources, which is tampering with Federal witnesses at this point.

Heck, Trump's entire reaction to this problem is just a grocery list of reasons for his removal from office.
“Soliciting a donation”

I don’t want to minimize anything, yet at the same time, I don’t want to blow things into oblivion either.

People sometimes do things that they ought not, but when they do, there are those that will hold them to the fire with all the might they can muster while others may take a more “no harm, no foul” approach.

Does that (and that alone) warrant impeachment? I’m not saying there isn’t more, but if it was, would something else account for the blood-thirst? For instance, if you liked and admired our great president, I’d imagine you’d be much dismayed over hearing of the accusations, but would the extremist punishment driven agenda of impeachment remain steadfast as the optimal solution?

It depends. I would probably want more information to decide the scope of the problematic actions. And in the hypothetical, were I a Republican, I'd be very interested to know how much tax money he spent on his personal agenda.
“Soliciting a donation”

I don’t want to minimize anything, yet at the same time, I don’t want to blow things into oblivion either.

People sometimes do things that they ought not, but when they do, there are those that will hold them to the fire with all the might they can muster while others may take a more “no harm, no foul” approach.

Does that (and that alone) warrant impeachment? I’m not saying there isn’t more, but if it was, would something else account for the blood-thirst? For instance, if you liked and admired our great president, I’d imagine you’d be much dismayed over hearing of the accusations, but would the extremist punishment driven agenda of impeachment remain steadfast as the optimal solution?

It depends. I would probably want more information to decide the scope of the problematic actions. And in the hypothetical, were I a Republican, I'd be very interested to know how much tax money he spent on his personal agenda.

Members of the GOP who share your ethics and decency are few and far between. A few need to stand up and face this clown to get the ball rolling.
Quote Originally Posted by Half-Life View Post
if someone wishes to discuss this intelligently, I'm all ears.

"Impeaching Donald Trump would do nothing to halt the deep decay that has beset the American republic. It would not magically restore democratic institutions. It would not return us to the rule of law. It would not curb the predatory appetites of the big banks, the war industry and corporations. It would not get corporate money out of politics or end our system of legalized bribery. It would not halt the wholesale surveillance and monitoring of the public by the security services. It would not end the reigns of terror practiced by paramilitary police in impoverished neighborhoods or the mass incarceration of 2.3 million citizens. It would not impede ICE from hunting down the undocumented and ripping children from their arms to pen them in cages. It would not halt the extraction of fossil fuels and the looming ecocide. It would not give us a press freed from the corporate mandate to turn news into burlesque for profit. It would not end our endless and futile wars. It would not ameliorate the hatred between the nation’s warring tribes—indeed would only exacerbate these hatreds.

Impeachment is about cosmetics. It is about replacing the public face of empire with a political mandarin such as Joe Biden, himself steeped in corruption and obsequious service to the rich and corporate power, who will carry out the same suicidal policies with appropriate regal decorum. The ruling elites have had enough of Trump’s vulgarity, stupidity and staggering ineptitude. They turned on him not over an egregious impeachable offense—there have been numerous impeachable offenses including the use of the presidency for personal enrichment, inciting violence and racism, passing on classified intelligence to foreign officials, obstruction of justice and a pathological inability to tell the truth—but because he made the fatal mistake of trying to take down a fellow member of the ruling elite.

Yes, Trump pressured Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to give him dirt on Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, and there probably is some. Yes, it appears the U.S. president withheld roughly $400 million in military aid to Ukraine in order to exert leverage over that government. Yes, he attempted to block the release of the whistleblower report that detailed his conduct. Yes, this is a violation of the law, one that many Democrats in Congress see as an impeachable offense.

But this kind of dirty quid pro quo is the staple of politics and international relations. Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence official, was hired to dig up dirt on Trump and Russia by Fusion GPS, a research and intelligence firm under contract to investigate Trump by Perkins Coie, a law firm working for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Four decades ago, Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager, William Casey, asked the Iranians not to free the American hostages held in Tehran until after the November presidential election to hurt incumbent Jimmy Carter, according to Gary Sick, Carter’s chief aide on Iran. The American hostages were released the day Reagan was inaugurated, in January 1981.

Hillary Clinton, as far as we know, was never on the phone to Steele. Reagan, as far as we know, was never on the phone to the Iranian president. Trump’s fatal mistake was that he was overt in his request and he made it himself. This kind of underhanded pressure to damage political opponents requires skillful hints, secret meetings, carefully calibrated pressure and total deniability. Trump is too clueless to play the game. Because of this he looks set to join the exclusive club of presidents who were impeached—Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton."

The Problem With Impeachment
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“Soliciting a donation”

I don’t want to minimize anything, yet at the same time, I don’t want to blow things into oblivion either.

People sometimes do things that they ought not, but when they do, there are those that will hold them to the fire with all the might they can muster while others may take a more “no harm, no foul” approach.

Does that (and that alone) warrant impeachment? I’m not saying there isn’t more, but if it was, would something else account for the blood-thirst? For instance, if you liked and admired our great president, I’d imagine you’d be much dismayed over hearing of the accusations, but would the extremist punishment driven agenda of impeachment remain steadfast as the optimal solution?

It depends. I would probably want more information to decide the scope of the problematic actions. And in the hypothetical, were I a Republican, I'd be very interested to know how much tax money he spent on his personal agenda.

Members of the GOP who share your ethics and decency are few and far between. A few need to stand up and face this clown to get the ball rolling.

If only that set them apart from that "other" party.
If only that set them apart from that "other" party.
Right, right.
Like when Al Franken was accused of sexual misconduct, and the whole of the Left closed ranks to protect him from any possible consequences of his actions. The way they hid documents from voters, which might have cost him re-election in 2018.
If only that set them apart from that "other" party.
Right, right.
Like when Al Franken was accused of sexual misconduct, and the whole of the Left closed ranks to protect him from any possible consequences of his actions. The way they hid documents from voters, which might have cost him re-election in 2018.

Pull back and look at the broader picture my friend, they have aided and abetted Don for the most part.
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