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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

Does that (and that alone) warrant impeachment?
IF it was alone, maybe/maybe not.
But there was also the cover-up, filing the transcript under the mattress so Mom wouldn't find it.
And then when Sis tried to tell Mom that he had a Playboy under the mattress, the cover-up attempt for the cover-up attempt made it quite clear that EVERYONE INVOLVED knows they did wrong, and were trying to hide it.

So it's a nest of snakes that needs to be cleared out. T he swamp got drained only by redefining the water as land. And pumping more water into the land.

So it's not just that Trump did something that can, if you look at it right, be considered a felony.
Trump committed a felony, and considers it business-as-usual to commit the felony, and considers he and his gang of pirates to have a right to commit such felonies. That, yes, requires impeachment.
If only that set them apart from that "other" party.
Right, right.
Like when Al Franken was accused of sexual misconduct, and the whole of the Left closed ranks to protect him from any possible consequences of his actions. The way they hid documents from voters, which might have cost him re-election in 2018.

Pull back and look at the broader picture my friend, they have aided and abetted Don for the most part.
Back to that pony...
Jeff Flake speaks out about impeachment. Yes, I know that some of you won't be able to read the entire link, so I'll try and quote the best parts.


Two years ago I stood in the Senate chamber and said: “There are times when we must risk our careers in favor of our principles.”

In my case, I had not supported the president’s election. One year into his presidency, I knew that I could not support his reelection. While I had hoped that I could still run for reelection to the Senate in 2018 as someone who would help to provide a check on the president’s worst impulses, it soon became apparent that this was not what Republican primary voters in my state were looking for. Whatever reservations they might have had when they voted for Donald Trump, one year into his presidency they wanted a senator who was all in.

But I already had seen too much. Traveling overseas I witnessed the damage being done to our standing in the world as a result of President Trump’s fondness for authoritarians and his scorn for allies. His hostility toward security alliances and trade agreements had placed our long-term security and our economy at risk.

Disunion is the oxygen of this presidency. He is the maestro of a brand of discord that benefits only him and ravages everything else. So although impeachment now seems inevitable, I fear it all the same. I understand others who might have similar reservations. The decision to impeach or not is a difficult one indeed.

At this point, the president’s conduct in office should not surprise us. But truly devastating has been our tolerance of that conduct. Our embrace of it. From the ordeal of this presidency, perhaps the most horrible — and lasting — effect on our democracy will be that at some point we simply stopped being shocked. And in that, we have failed not just as stewards of the institutions to which we have been entrusted but also as citizens. We have failed each other, and we have failed ourselves.

.My fellow Republicans, it is time to risk your careers in favor of your principles. Whether you believe the president deserves impeachment, you know he does not deserve reelection.

I'm not a fan of Flake's politics, but I do hope that other Republicans will join him in realizing that the damage this president is doing is unsurpassed by any other political figure. And to those who think that both parties are too fucked up, I'll just say, "don't let perfection be the enemy of good". None of us are perfect, but most of us have some good qualities. I'll take a less than perfect country, or a less than perfect political leader over one that does nothing but destroy what decent policies we do have. I'll take moderation and compromise over extremism any day.
I'm not a fan of Flake's politics, but I do hope that other Republicans will join him in realizing that the damage this president is doing is unsurpassed by any other political figure. And to those who think that both parties are too fucked up, I'll just say, "don't let perfection be the enemy of good". None of us are perfect, but most of us have some good qualities. I'll take a less than perfect country, or a less than perfect political leader over one that does nothing but destroy what decent policies we do have. I'll take moderation and compromise over extremism any day.

I can read it myself. That is not the problem here.

This was a test to see if anyone here had any a)reading comprehension and b) intellectual honesty.

Apparently no one does.

dismal is offering lessons on reading comprehension and intellectual honesty?

Hopefully it comes with a deep discount on the irony meter repair service. ;)
Pull back and look at the broader picture my friend, they have aided and abetted Don for the most part.
Back to that pony...

Not following, not chasing, the system it utterly corrupt, I have no interest in choosing the lessor of the evils. Ride that.

Sometimes we get no choice. It is half a loaf, or it's a wet cow flop like Trump. Getting into a snit because there is no perfect candidate on the ballot and staying home or wasting a vote on some third party to "show em your dislike!" gets us horrors like Trump.

Can we learn our lesson from 2016?
Not following, not chasing, the system it utterly corrupt, I have no interest in choosing the lessor of the evils. Ride that.

Sometimes we get no choice. It is half a loaf, or it's a wet cow flop like Trump. Getting into a snit because there is no perfect candidate on the ballot and staying home or wasting a vote on some third party to "show em your dislike!" gets us horrors like Trump.

Can we learn our lesson from 2016?

How did voter shaming work then? When did pointing out reality morph into "getting into a snit"? Things is what they is pard. If you choose to cooperate and participate, that choice is yours to make, cheers. This shithole society did not just slip off the rails with Don, Don is merely a symptom of what we all sat around and watched go down over time, just 'cause we went along with the slide and settled for what the power structure vomited up as "choice".
Pull back and look at the broader picture my friend, they have aided and abetted Don for the most part.
Back to that pony...

Not following, not chasing, the system it utterly corrupt, I have no interest in choosing the lessor of the evils. Ride that.

If by your lack of interest you fail to choose the lesser evil by not voting Democrat in the next election, then you are supporting a second Trump term. Period. There is no "not woke enough" argument that is more compelling than "not as dangerously corrupt". "I didn't vote to reelect Trump" is not a defensible position. You either voted for the Democratic solution to the current problem, or you supported the current problem.

People that can't self-moderate what is a smart battle to fight and what is follishily-fuckwitted to get into at the worst possible moment, don't deserve the freedoms this awesome country affords.
When did pointing out reality morph into "getting into a snit"? .

Pointing it out is not what makes it a snit.
Pointing it out every single time, that's closer.
Tying everything to the same point, much the way other posters may always bring up how blacks, women, THE SCARY LEFT, Scary Black Liberal Women, the Pink Mafia, or The Jews get away with shit all the time, that may be snitful in nature, or at least in appearance.
Okay, but without changing the subject why did you have sex with him?

Because whenever I hear someone bash Guilini I get mad angry. It's like people would rather have crime infested cesspools than a good clean city. This boggles my mind. Make fun of Guiliani but not the Dems who run the crime infested homeless crapholes?

Anyway to answer your question, I did not have sex with any man, ever. :confused:

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure mac, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.
Yeah, that's what they all say.
Not following, not chasing, the system it utterly corrupt, I have no interest in choosing the lessor of the evils. Ride that.

Sometimes we get no choice. It is half a loaf, or it's a wet cow flop like Trump. Getting into a snit because there is no perfect candidate on the ballot and staying home or wasting a vote on some third party to "show em your dislike!" gets us horrors like Trump.

Can we learn our lesson from 2016?

How did voter shaming work then? When did pointing out reality morph into "getting into a snit"? Things is what they is pard. If you choose to cooperate and participate, that choice is yours to make, cheers. This shithole society did not just slip off the rails with Don, Don is merely a symptom of what we all sat around and watched go down over time, just 'cause we went along with the slide and settled for what the power structure vomited up as "choice".

A lot of people ignored the warnings, and we got Trump. How is trump working out for you? Looking for excuses to not vote for a better candidate who may not be perfect to block a disaster like Trump is sometimes the only rational choice to make.

Not only did we get Trump, we got a parade of stupid cabinet member, Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson, Rick Perry and others. We got deeply stupid economic advisers like Larry Kudlow who has not been right about anything for 40 years. We get swarms of incompetent right winged judges appointed for life. and fools like Guiliani helping run a shadow governement for Trump.

Sometimes, you just have to rationally look beyond a mere candidate to who will become part of the government if the worst candidate wins. Trump flipped three states in the electoral college by a total of 77,704 votes. Because fools stayed home or got into a snit and voted third party as a protest.

How bad does it have to get before you figure this out and vote to get the bastard out of office with a vote against Trump if not for Candidate X?
Not following, not chasing, the system it utterly corrupt, I have no interest in choosing the lessor of the evils. Ride that.

If by your lack of interest you fail to choose the lesser evil by not voting Democrat in the next election, then you are supporting a second Trump term. Period. There is no "not woke enough" argument that is more compelling than "not as dangerously corrupt". "I didn't vote to reelect Trump" is not a defensible position. You either voted for the Democratic solution to the current problem, or you supported the current problem.

People that can't self-moderate what is a smart battle to fight and what is follishily-fuckwitted to get into at the worst possible moment, don't deserve the freedoms this awesome country affords.

Bullshit DNCC voter shaming, didn't work last time either. Look at you, deciding who deserves freedom-n-who-don't-n-shit. You sound like "them" to me. All partisanshitheads do. Your party better find a candidate with a better message than that.
How did voter shaming work then? When did pointing out reality morph into "getting into a snit"? Things is what they is pard. If you choose to cooperate and participate, that choice is yours to make, cheers. This shithole society did not just slip off the rails with Don, Don is merely a symptom of what we all sat around and watched go down over time, just 'cause we went along with the slide and settled for what the power structure vomited up as "choice".

A lot of people ignored the warnings, and we got Trump. How is trump working out for you? Looking for excuses to not vote for a better candidate who may not be perfect to block a disaster like Trump is sometimes the only rational choice to make.

Not only did we get Trump, we got a parade of stupid cabinet member, Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson, Rick Perry and others. We got deeply stupid economic advisers like Larry Kudlow who has not been right about anything for 40 years. We get swarms of incompetent right winged judges appointed for life. and fools like Guiliani helping run a shadow governement for Trump.

Sometimes, you just have to rationally look beyond a mere candidate to who will become part of the government if the worst candidate wins. Trump flipped three states in the electoral college by a total of 77,704 votes. Because fools stayed home or got into a snit and voted third party as a protest.

How bad does it have to get before you figure this out and vote to get the bastard out of office with a vote against Trump if not for Candidate X?

I have no time for anyone who thinks swapping out individuals will ameliorate this societal condition when "both" parties are funded by the same donor class. The divide-n-conquer shtick response by the public is pathetically Pavlovian at this point.

How bad does it have to get before you figure this out and vote to get the bastard out of office with a vote against Trump if not for Candidate X?

Obama bailed out the banksters too, he took Bush's 2 wars to 7, he spiked single payer healthcare, he too had concentration camps for "illegals". I realize Don spikes lizard brain activity, but a more gentle face on a corrupt system is not much of a goal.

That party had better pull its head out of its ass and return to its working class roots. Now. I'm so sorry the liberal class sold you out.
How did voter shaming work then? When did pointing out reality morph into "getting into a snit"? Things is what they is pard. If you choose to cooperate and participate, that choice is yours to make, cheers. This shithole society did not just slip off the rails with Don, Don is merely a symptom of what we all sat around and watched go down over time, just 'cause we went along with the slide and settled for what the power structure vomited up as "choice".

A lot of people ignored the warnings, and we got Trump. How is trump working out for you? Looking for excuses to not vote for a better candidate who may not be perfect to block a disaster like Trump is sometimes the only rational choice to make.

Not only did we get Trump, we got a parade of stupid cabinet member, Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson, Rick Perry and others. We got deeply stupid economic advisers like Larry Kudlow who has not been right about anything for 40 years. We get swarms of incompetent right winged judges appointed for life. and fools like Guiliani helping run a shadow governement for Trump.

Sometimes, you just have to rationally look beyond a mere candidate to who will become part of the government if the worst candidate wins. Trump flipped three states in the electoral college by a total of 77,704 votes. Because fools stayed home or got into a snit and voted third party as a protest.

How bad does it have to get before you figure this out and vote to get the bastard out of office with a vote against Trump if not for Candidate X?

I have no time for anyone who thinks swapping out individuals will ameliorate this societal condition when "both" parties are funded by the same donor class. The divide-n-conquer shtick response by the public is pathetically Pavlovian at this point.

As is the constant and casual use of a false equivalence fallacy.
When did pointing out reality morph into "getting into a snit"? .

Pointing it out is not what makes it a snit.
Pointing it out every single time, that's closer.
Tying everything to the same point, much the way other posters may always bring up how blacks, women, THE SCARY LEFT, Scary Black Liberal Women, the Pink Mafia, or The Jews get away with shit all the time, that may be snitful in nature, or at least in appearance.

Please let me know if you sense me drifting into giving a fuck about appearances.
I have no time for anyone who thinks swapping out individuals will ameliorate this societal condition when "both" parties are funded by the same donor class. The divide-n-conquer shtick response by the public is pathetically Pavlovian at this point.

As is the constant and casual use of a false equivalence fallacy.

Do go on, or not.
When did pointing out reality morph into "getting into a snit"? .

Pointing it out is not what makes it a snit.
Pointing it out every single time, that's closer.
Tying everything to the same point, much the way other posters may always bring up how blacks, women, THE SCARY LEFT, Scary Black Liberal Women, the Pink Mafia, or The Jews get away with shit all the time, that may be snitful in nature, or at least in appearance.

Please let me know if you sense me drifting into giving a fuck about appearances.

You asked...
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