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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

She won the popular vote and she lost some states by very narrow margins.

I wonder what the point the conservotards think they're making by characterizing a 3-million popular vote loss as a landslide victory...
Are they trying to underscore the fact that they can lie like dogs and nobody can make them pay for it?

Repeat a lie enough times and it becomes "true" enough. Particularly in incestuous communities that never poke their heads outside of their control space.
She won the popular vote and she lost some states by very narrow margins.

I wonder what the point the conservotards think they're making by characterizing a 3-million popular vote loss as a landslide victory...
Are they trying to underscore the fact that they can lie like dogs and nobody can make them pay for it?

The electoral colleges are a game that can be played and everyone who plays the game knows the rules. The Clinton campaign was outplayed because the Trump campaign focused on getting those thin margin victories in states where it was feasible. The Clinton campaign took those people's votes for granted but could have addressed it by fighting for them. The victory isn't something to be dismissive over as it can happen again. That means Democratic Party strategists should learn from this mistake and be sure to watch states where the numbers are close and needed, being sure not to lose them.
I have reserved respect for Mr Alan M. Dershowitz but this makes perfect sense. The Dems have been looking in every nook and cranny to try to undo Killery's landslide loss in 2016.

Comey (Republican), was the one looking into the Michael Flynn issue and wouldn't drop it even after being pressured by Trump. Trump fired Comey (Republican) and Rod Rosenstein (of whom Trump had appointed as the Deputy Attorney General) took over. The Trump nominated official launched an investigation headed by Mueller (when named the GOP applauded his selection).

The Democrats had no control or influence on the Executive Branch headed investigation into Russian collusion into the 2016 election run by Robert Mueller.

People like Dershowitz love to overlook this substantial tidbit.

You're forgetting that Comey and Rosenstein are part of the "Deep State." How does one ascertain if someone is part of the "Deep State?" Simple: are they against or have they ever done anything against Trump? "Deep State."

Sure, Rosenstein was a Trump-appointed Deputy to Trump-appointed Sessions who was approved by the Republican Senate, but people keep forgetting that lifelong Republicans who are members of the "Deep State" are and have always secretly been flaming liberal Democrats hell-bent on destroying America!
Now dirtbag Graham is whining that the House minority should have equal subpoena power.
Maybe the minority in the Senate should have equal power too?

Remember that election we had in 2018?


Actually, I would agree. Both sides should have the ability to conduct investigations, the party in charge should not be able to block investigations. I'd like to see a fourth branch of government whose only job is to investigate government misdeeds. They would be constitutionally funded at some small % of the federal budget and both parties would control a portion of the budget equal to the portion of seats that they didn't control.
Now dirtbag Graham is whining that the House minority should have equal subpoena power.
Maybe the minority in the Senate should have equal power too?

Remember that election we had in 2018?


Actually, I would agree. Both sides should have the ability to conduct investigations, the party in charge should not be able to block investigations. I'd like to see a fourth branch of government whose only job is to investigate government misdeeds. They would be constitutionally funded at some small % of the federal budget and both parties would control a portion of the budget equal to the portion of seats that they didn't control.

It is worth remembering that the Democrats are following rules laid out by the Republicans when they had control of the House. Also worth remembering that the Republicans are represented in the hearings, and that over a dozen of the ones who "stormed" the hearing were actually allowed to be there.

And for those claiming this is just a "partisan witch hunt" and that the Democrats are just "investigating Trump until they find something they can impeach him with," two words:

Bill Clinton.

The investigation of Clinton began with a shady real estate deal. Gosh, who do we know in the White House who was ever involved in shady real estate deals? Hmm...

When that didn't bear fruit, the GOP moved on to sexual harassment and infidelity. The irony is getting thicker. But that's where it ended with Clinton. The "scandal" that he cheated on his wife and sexually harassed women was enough. Then he lied about it (under oath), and that was all it took to lead to an actual impeachment.

Do we need a fourth branch of government to investigate this stuff? No. We just need the existing branches of government to operate properly. At the moment, the process is working just fine. Congress is calling witnesses to testify. Did the White House pressure Ukraine to investigate a political opponent of the President? The President's own Chief of Staff said "we totally did that." His own personal lawyer (who had no business acting in an official capacity on the part of the government) said "we totally did that." Members of the State Department have testified that "yes, that's what was happening."

There is what's called a "consilience of evidence" building here. The inquiry - which is composed of Democrats AND Republicans - is working to arrive at a pretty obvious conclusion (that Trump conditioned Ukraine aid on an investigation of Biden) and they're methodically going through that evidence.

The process is not broken. It's working, and people on the right are freaking out because it's working so well.

U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland testified that there was a quid pro quo between President Donald Trump and Ukraine as the administration sought foreign election assistance, his lawyer revealed to The Wall Street Journal.
“Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, told House committees that he believed Ukraine agreeing to open investigations into Burisma Group—a gas company where Democrat Joe Biden’s son once served on the board—and into alleged 2016 election interference was a condition for a White House meeting between Mr. Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Mr. Sondland’s lawyer Robert Luskin said,” the newspaper reported.

Another gut punch for Cheetolini. Looks like he has been found out again.
Tom Elliott on Twitter: ".@AOC: Trump’s impeachment an “open and shut case.”
“He has committed impeachable crimes. It’s just a question of how many and how many people were involved and who knew." https://t.co/TTltj4dRbD" / Twitter

Nice rant by her - Trump committed some of his crimes out in the open.

That may be why some of his defenders are making an issue out of his intentions, because they recognize that he will lose when judged only by his actions. That does not seem very convincing, since he does not seem the least bit regretful about his actions.

I have reserved respect for Mr Alan M. Dershowitz but this makes perfect sense. The Dems have been looking in every nook and cranny to try to undo Killery's landslide loss in 2016.
She won the popular vote and she lost some states by very narrow margins.

The Conservative party in New Zealand won their last general election by a huge margin, but it was Labour Party that was able to cobble a government together with the help of a minor party.

If you think Killery lost some states by narrow margins. Just wait for 2020. The college vote system assures that every state, large and small has an equal say in electing a President. More than than half of those popular votes were from the Socialist State of California.

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, Philip Reeker, the acting assistant secretary of state in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, provided House investigators with a wealth of information about the Trump administration during his testimony on Saturday behind closed doors.
The report notes that Reker stated that he witnessed top officials halting a show of solidarity for the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch after President Trump had her removed.
According to Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA), Reeker was nore than forthcoming about information when questioned.

“He’s being helpful in some respects, he is corroborating previous witnesses and their testimony,” Lynch told reporters without going into greater detail..“It’s a much richer reservoir of information that we originally expected.”


The noose tightens.
More reason to re elect Trump for another term. To give the clowns in the Dem Party more time to find something to impeach the Trump with.
The college vote system assures that every state, large and small has an equal say in electing a President. More than than half of those popular votes were from the Socialist State of California.

You really are ignorant on how the electoral college works in the US. 157,243 people determined who would be President of a nation consisting of 320,000,000 (112,921 in Florida and 44,322 in Pennsylvania). 0.05% of the population's votes were more significant than any other American in the 2016 election. That's not democracy. That's bullshit.

The Conservative party in New Zealand won their last general election by a huge margin, but it was Labour Party that was able to cobble a government together with the help of a minor party.

You have a problem with coalition governments, do you? Do you think they should be banned? Oh, and if you are using New Zealand's 2017 General Election as proof that you are right, you might want to look at how preferential voting works in our country. It's pretty obvious that you're clueless.
If you think Killery lost some states by narrow margins. Just wait for 2020. The college vote system assures that every state, large and small has an equal say in electing a President. More than than half of those popular votes were from the Socialist State of California.

John Bolton — Democrats' Newest, And Unlikely, Ally Against Trump : NPR
Former Trump National Security Adviser John Bolton is known as a conservative foreign-policy hawk. But he is turning into a key figure in the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry of President Trump.

Lawmakers involved in the impeachment inquiry heard from two people who worked with Bolton on Ukraine. They said Bolton was so irritated after he learned about the plan to connect U.S. military assistance to a Ukrainian pledge to investigate conspiracies about the 2016 election and the Bidens that he abruptly ended a meeting.

He told Fiona Hill, a former National Security Council official in charge of Russia policy, that she should have "nothing to do with domestic politics." According to Hill, Bolton also called Rudy Giuliani, the president's personal lawyer and shadow emissary to Ukraine a "hand grenade who's going to blow everybody up."
So John Bolton does have a tiny bit of decency.
The college vote system assures that every state, large and small has an equal say in electing a President. More than than half of those popular votes were from the Socialist State of California.

You really are ignorant on how the electoral college works in the US. 157,243 people determined who would be President of a nation consisting of 320,000,000 (112,921 in Florida and 44,322 in Pennsylvania). 0.05% of the population's votes were more significant than any other American in the 2016 election. That's not democracy. That's bullshit.

The Conservative party in New Zealand won their last general election by a huge margin, but it was Labour Party that was able to cobble a government together with the help of a minor party.

You have a problem with coalition governments, do you? Do you think they should be banned? Oh, and if you are using New Zealand's 2017 General Election as proof that you are right, you might want to look at how preferential voting works in our country. It's pretty obvious that you're clueless.

It's arguable which is the best system. Had Australia had a first past the post electoral system, the ALP would never win an election without putting in the hard yards. The May general election showed Labor would have been wiped out, not just a couple of seats away from government, as they attracted just 33% of the primary vote [ their lowest in 85 years] as compared to Liberals [conservative] 41%.
You really are ignorant on how the electoral college works in the US. 157,243 people determined who would be President of a nation consisting of 320,000,000 (112,921 in Florida and 44,322 in Pennsylvania). 0.05% of the population's votes were more significant than any other American in the 2016 election. That's not democracy. That's bullshit.

You have a problem with coalition governments, do you? Do you think they should be banned? Oh, and if you are using New Zealand's 2017 General Election as proof that you are right, you might want to look at how preferential voting works in our country. It's pretty obvious that you're clueless.

It's arguable which is the best system. Had Australia had a first past the post electoral system, the ALP would never win an election without putting in the hard yards. The May general election showed Labor would have been wiped out, not just a couple of seats away from government, as they attracted just 33% of the primary vote [ their lowest in 85 years] as compared to Liberals [conservative] 41%.

Wrong again. Labour got the most votes, followed by Liberals, followed by the Greens, followed by the Liberal Nationals. Remember, you were the one who argued against coalition governments here. That was your argument, not mine. Obviously, our last election didn't go how I expected, but I still will say our system is a fuckload better than the electoral winner takes all system.
The college vote system assures that every state, large and small has an equal say in electing a President.
The only manner in which each state has an equal say is if it goes to the House of Reps because no candidate received a majority of electoral votes.

If anything, the Electoral College dilutes large state's piece of the electoral pie.
More than than half of those popular votes were from the Socialist State of California.
You are posting like Trump tweets, not making any sense at all. There is no context where that statement makes any sense.
If you think Killery lost some states by narrow margins. Just wait for 2020. The college vote system assures that every state, large and small has an equal say in electing a President. More than than half of those popular votes were from the Socialist State of California.

Angelo, you have (again) disqualified yourself from further commenting on US politics. Yet you will continue, because:

dunning-kruger-chart you are here.jpg
Voters Over the Age of 65 Remember Nixon—and Want to Impeach Donald Trump


Two new polls show that President Donald Trump is losing the support of the key demographic groups that propelled him to the White House in 2016: suburban woman, white Americans without college degrees, and now voters over the age of 65.

A new Quinnipiac poll found the majority of older voters support impeaching and removing Trump from office, the highest support of any age group. The results indicate that the president may be losing the backing of a group that has long been essential to the success of the Republican party.

According to the survey, 51% of voters over the age of 65 believe that Trump should be “impeached and removed from office,” compared with 47% of 18 to 34 year-olds. Nearly six in ten voters over the age of 65 support the ongoing impeachment inquiry in general.

“Americans over 65 were all around when Nixon got impeached. They know what the process is. It’s not unfamiliar to them,” said Robert Shrum, Director of the Center for the Political Future and the Unruh Institute of Politics at the University of Southern California.
Tom Elliott on Twitter: ".@AOC: Trump’s impeachment an “open and shut case.”
“He has committed impeachable crimes. It’s just a question of how many and how many people were involved and who knew." https://t.co/TTltj4dRbD" / Twitter

Nice rant by her - Trump committed some of his crimes out in the open.

That may be why some of his defenders are making an issue out of his intentions, because they recognize that he will lose when judged only by his actions. That does not seem very convincing, since he does not seem the least bit regretful about his actions.

I have reserved respect for Mr Alan M. Dershowitz but this makes perfect sense. The Dems have been looking in every nook and cranny to try to undo Killery's landslide loss in 2016.
She won the popular vote and she lost some states by very narrow margins.

The Conservative party in New Zealand won their last general election by a huge margin, but it was Labour Party that was able to cobble a government together with the help of a minor party.

If you think Killery lost some states by narrow margins. Just wait for 2020. The college vote system assures that every state, large and small has an equal say in electing a President. More than than half of those popular votes were from the Socialist State of California.

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