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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

The obvious Republican response will be outrage over the breach of privacy.

I don't think so. They'll continue to tow the "fake" line. This is fake evidence, doctored and manufactured, none of it ever happened. That's what their base wants.

Not so sure... eventually someone is going 'splain to the idiot that the more extremely unbelievable he makes his stories the more his extremists love it, but with every step further into lala land, a few more trumpazees fall off the trumptrain. He can only afford to lose the popular vote by so much in 2020, and the degree to which Putin can help him is as yet unknown. Certainly if he goes into the 2020 election with a 38% popularity rating it's going to take some very effective manipulation of the electoral college, and probably altering the actual vote count for him to "win" again.

Maybe he'll get a few of his mob friends to firebomb or shoot up a few polling places on election day, call out troops to enforce order, impose martial law and declare the election "suspended". Promise to re-schedule, and keep promising for a few years...
I'm sure no godfeerin' maga murklin would object to him taking such appropriate steps to ensure a fair election, no?
“Suppose one reads a story of filthy atrocities in the paper. Then suppose that something turns up suggesting that the story might not be quite true, or not quite so bad as it was made out. Is one's first feeling, 'Thank God, even they aren't quite so bad as that,' or is it a feeling of disappointment, and even a determination to cling to the first story for the sheer pleasure of thinking your enemies are as bad as possible? If it is the second then it is, I am afraid, the first step in a process which, if followed to the end, will make us into devils. You see, one is beginning to wish that black was a little blacker. If we give that wish its head, later on we shall wish to see grey as black, and then to see white itself as black. Finally we shall insist on seeing everything -- God and our friends and ourselves included -- as bad, and not be able to stop doing it: we shall be fixed for ever in a universe of pure hatred.”

--C. S. Lewis
No American president has ever negotiated with a terrorist regime.................until Obama that is.

For someone who claims to be well read, you sure do easily get played for being a sucker.

Obama Didn’t Give Iran ‘150 Billion in Cash’

And as for the 1.7 billion in cash on a pallet (which is slightly less than the 150 billion you claimed originally BTW)

The payout of about $1.8 billion is a separate matter. That dates to the 1970s, when Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured.

That left people, businesses and governments in each country indebted to partners in the other, and these complex claims took decades to sort out in tribunals and arbitration. For its part, Iran paid settlements of more than $2.5 billion to U.S. citizens and businesses.

The day after the nuclear deal was implemented, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the claim over the 1970s military equipment order, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest. The $400 million was paid in cash and flown to Tehran on a cargo plane, which gave rise to Trump’s dramatic accounts of money stuffed in barrels or boxes and delivered in the dead of night. The arrangement provided for the interest to be paid later, not crammed into containers.

And as for "the US has never negotiated with a terrorist regime", you need to google search two words; "Iran" and "Contra". It happened a little before Obama's time, if I remember correctly.

Which other American President [except Obama] made an apologetic speech for perceived American wrong doing in the Islamic world, and made sure the terrorist organasation " The Muslim Brotherhood had front row seats at this speech of appeasement which showed the Islamists how weak and ready to be enslaved to dhimmihood status America was? It's of no importance if the figure was 1.8 billion or 150 billion, the fact remains America owed these " death to America " mullahs nothing!

But to get back on topic on the title of this thread. As this blog shows. The clowns of the Dems had better make up their minds on which grounds will they push for impeachment of a legitimately elected President who's done nothing wrong, except open his big mouth when it would be better off shutting up!

Just give up, you're embarrassing yourself.

Nowhere near how the busload of clowns are embarrassing themselves and their party.

I'm curious then, what were your thoughts on the Republican Primary during 2015? And if you are still ignorant on what Trump has done that is impeachable, you really haven't being paying attention. You haven't even been reading all the replies you have received the last 50 times you've asked the question.
The clowns of the Dems had better make up their minds on which grounds will they push for impeachment of a legitimately elected President who's done nothing wrong, except open his big mouth when it would be better off shutting up!

Is it not wrong to extort a foreign nation for personal political gain?
I'm curious then, what were your thoughts on the Republican Primary during 2015? And if you are still ignorant on what Trump has done that is impeachable, you really haven't being paying attention. You haven't even been reading all the replies you have received the last 50 times you've asked the question.

Oh I think he pays a lot of attention. Unfortunately all his attention is on what the Ministry of Truth says.
It says a lot when the main defense of Trump is there isn't enough evidence... because the people complicit in the act are not answering subpoenas.
Looks like Trump is paraphrasing what he's heard from women often in his life.

President Ellipsis said:
...if you are going to impeach me, do it now, fast...

Meanwhile in a shocking announcement, Pelosi instructs House to writes the articles of impeachment. That sound you likely heard wherever you were sitting was Chief Justice Roberts' sphincter tightening into a singularity.

The interesting thing is that the Republicans in the Senate can overrule Chief Justice Roberts, but they need the votes... and it'd take just a few to stop them. Unity in the Senate is going to be very important for the GOP in order to cover up this scandal properly.
The clowns of the Dems had better make up their minds on which grounds will they push for impeachment of a legitimately elected President who's done nothing wrong, except open his big mouth when it would be better off shutting up!

Is it not wrong to extort a foreign nation for personal political gain?

The Bidens are guilty of the very same things. Why aren't you jumping up and down about them? Oh, that's right. They're allowed to because they're Democrats!
The clowns of the Dems had better make up their minds on which grounds will they push for impeachment of a legitimately elected President who's done nothing wrong, except open his big mouth when it would be better off shutting up!

Is it not wrong to extort a foreign nation for personal political gain?

The Bidens are guilty of the very same things. Why aren't you jumping up and down about them? Oh, that's right. They're allowed to because they're Democrats!

You do know what you just posted is bullshit, right? You are aware of that, right?
So, the question, if Mulvaney is compelled to testify, and he testifies that he was instructed to stop the payment by Trump because of personal gain reasons, will that matter in the Senate? What will it take to get a majority to vote on conviction? What will it take to get a super-majority to vote on conviction?
The Bidens are guilty of the very same things. Why aren't you jumping up and down about them? Oh, that's right. They're allowed to because they're Democrats!

You do know what you just posted is bullshit, right? You are aware of that, right?

I doubt it - angelo has gorged himself on Putin propaganda.
The clowns of the Dems had better make up their minds on which grounds will they push for impeachment of a legitimately elected President who's done nothing wrong, except open his big mouth when it would be better off shutting up!

Is it not wrong to extort a foreign nation for personal political gain?

The Bidens are guilty of the very same things. Why aren't you jumping up and down about them?

President Biden withheld approved military aid from an ally country until they agreed to collect dirt on a political competitor?

When was this?
The Bidens are guilty of the very same things. Why aren't you jumping up and down about them?

President Biden withheld approved military aid from an ally country until they agreed to collect dirt on a political competitor?

When was this?

Under Obama...there was a threat to withhold aid unless Ukraine fired a corrupt prosecutor. For one, it was a transparent policy, not secret, and it wasn't done for personal political benefit. This fired prosecutor then told some Trumpies that he was fired because he wanted to investigate Hunter Biden. The rest you can fill in.
The Bidens are guilty of the very same things. Why aren't you jumping up and down about them?

President Biden withheld approved military aid from an ally country until they agreed to collect dirt on a political competitor?

When was this?

Under Obama...there was a threat to withhold aid unless Ukraine fired a corrupt prosecutor. For one, it was a transparent policy, not secret, and it wasn't done for personal political benefit. This fired prosecutor then told some Trumpies that he was fired because he wanted to investigate Hunter Biden. The rest you can fill in.

Also under Obama, it wasn't just US policy. Our European allies were telling Ukraine the same thing.
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