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Police Kill Man Attempting to "Open Carry" ..wait for it...

I would not call two gunshots "riddled"

Of course you wouldn't. I mean you can't be too sure with the blacks, huh? I guess in your mind the police were practicing restraint by only shooting him dead.
Of course you wouldn't. I mean you can't be too sure with the blacks, huh? I guess in your mind the police were practicing restraint by only shooting him dead.
"Riddled with bullets" has a specific meaning (i.e. "to pierce with many holes" suggestive of a sieve which "riddle" can also mean, hence the expression), which two gunshot wounds simply do not meet. It has nothing to do with race and your playing of the race card is pretty transparent.
Here are some examples of being "riddled with bullets".

Or maybe this:
Apparently he did drop the gun, but I don't actually hear any actual commands prior to the shooting (the ones after can be heard clearly). Grand jury concludes it was justified...
From what I have seen in that video, he only dropped the gun after shots were fired. Immediately before the shots were fired he actually started lifting the gun which is what probably caused the police to open fire. Then he runs for cover but returns and runs toward the gun.


From what I saw, he was minding his own business, idly gesturing as he talked on the phone, when the cops suddenly appeared and opened fire. He dropped the pellet gun as he was hit, lurched to the other side of the aisle seeking cover, saw another cop with his weapon out coming right at him, and staggered back again before collapsing.

He never had a chance to understand what was happening, much less a chance to comply with the cops. They gunned him down on sight.
I see a man wandering around talking on his phone and carrying something that looks like a gun, (which he is idly waving around in a manner that at no point could be a threat to anyone, whether it were an unloaded BB gun or a loaded full powered rifle), when without warning he is shot dead by a police officer he probably didn't even see before he was fired upon.

That's a pretty clear case of premeditated murder; the fact that the killer was in uniform makes it no less so.
Reportedly he was struck twice, only one of the shots being (eventually) lethal. And he still managed to duck for cover and (inexplicably) return toward the gun as the police advanced.
Kinda hard to hang on to a toy gun after you've been riddled with bullets.
I would not call two gunshots "riddled" and in any case that was my point. He did not drop the gun in compliance with any police commands - in fact he raised the gun immediately before being shot. Rather, he dropped the gun involuntarily as a result of being shot.

And finally, we have already established upthread that it wasn't a toy, but a dangerous, and possibly lethal, pellet gun. Furthermore, the police fired their shots at a distance which made it difficult if not impossible to differentiate between a real assault rifle and a pellet gun made to resemble it.

Nah, that's your assertion. In fact, the pellet gun is often referred to as a toy in the media. Quite a few gun enthusiasts specifically mention that is the type of practice thing they'd purchase for their kid for practice, before allowing them to fire a real gun. In the cnn video, the official discussing the case shows two guns, one 'real as he asserts, and the other the one that Crawford was holding. Even the officials in the case do not identify the pellet gun as a 'real' gun. So give it up, Derec. Just give it up already.

As for it being 'possibly lethal'--I suppose it is possible that someone could have broken parts of the plastic off of the unloaded, empty pellet gun and come up with a piece of plastic sharp and hard enough to be lethal if it was used to, say, stab someone in the neck, say, in the carotid artery, much the same way that the pen sitting on the desk next to me as I type this could be a lethal weapon if used in just that way. In fact, I think I saw that in a movie once or maybe a tv show...

So go ahead and pretend all you want that he was doing something outrageous and dangerous and worst of all, not instantly compliant when set upon unexpectedly by armed police officers, the first one of which I would not have realized was a police officer from the video if I didn't already know it.

The man didn't even have a chance to understand what was happening. He was shocked, confused enough that he went back, perhaps thinking that there was some crazy guys shooting up the store. Well, there were guys shooting up the store; they were sent there on the word of a racist liar and didn't have the sense or the training to be able to assess the situation themselves. They believed they were responding to an active shooter which is the only possibly justified reason to not indict them.

Ritchie should be indicted. I hope the family sues for wrongful death and I hope Ritchie is indicted. Part of the remedy should be that the police department adequately train their officers before sending them into the community with loaded weapons.
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Of course you wouldn't. I mean you can't be too sure with the blacks, huh? I guess in your mind the police were practicing restraint by only shooting him dead.
"Riddled with bullets" has a specific meaning (i.e. "to pierce with many holes" suggestive of a sieve which "riddle" can also mean, hence the expression), which two gunshot wounds simply do not meet. It has nothing to do with race and your playing of the race card is pretty transparent.
Riiiiight. That's the important thing, isn't it? He wasn't 'riddled' with bullets, merely shot a couple of times while minding his own damn business in a Walmart, talking on the phone and randomly gesturing with a piece of unpackaged merchandise he picked up from one of the store shelves. It was his own damn fault for not understanding that he, as a black man, is just too scary to be allowed to do anything like be out in public with an unloaded pellet gun even in a store where they are sold and that his reflexes must be lightening fast and he must be able to comprehend what is happening faster than the armed police officers who didn't even take the time to access the situation but instead relied upon the unreliable report of someone who has since been proven a liar.

Actually, the important part in all of this is that he was a black man and some cowardly white racist wannabe hero who couldn't even properly enlist in the Marines but claimed to be an ex-Marine decided to try again to satisfy his hero complex by reporting an armed and dangerous man because aren't all black men armed and dangerous?
From what I have seen in that video, he only dropped the gun after shots were fired. Immediately before the shots were fired he actually started lifting the gun which is what probably caused the police to open fire. Then he runs for cover but returns and runs toward the gun.


From what I saw, he was minding his own business, idly gesturing as he talked on the phone, when the cops suddenly appeared and opened fire. He dropped the pellet gun as he was hit, lurched to the other side of the aisle seeking cover, saw another cop with his weapon out coming right at him, and staggered back again before collapsing.

He never had a chance to understand what was happening, much less a chance to comply with the cops. They gunned him down on sight.
"Never had a chance" - my thought exactly.

What the fuck was the jury thinking?
Immediately before the shots were fired he actually started lifting the gun which is what probably caused the police to open fire.
That may be what triggered their reaction, but it was still the wrong reaction on behalf of the police. They completely failed to gauge his intent.

You can't sneak up on someone, shout a challenge at them and then shoot them almost immediately. In doing so, you might as well just skip the challenge and shoot them in the back.
From what I saw, he was minding his own business, idly gesturing as he talked on the phone, when the cops suddenly appeared and opened fire. He dropped the pellet gun as he was hit, lurched to the other side of the aisle seeking cover, saw another cop with his weapon out coming right at him, and staggered back again before collapsing.

He never had a chance to understand what was happening, much less a chance to comply with the cops. They gunned him down on sight.

^^^ this
The man didn't even have a chance to understand what was happening. He was shocked, confused enough that he went back, perhaps thinking that there was some crazy guys shooting up the store. Well, there were guys shooting up the store; they were sent there on the word of a racist liar and didn't have the sense or the training to be able to assess the situation themselves. They believed they were responding to an active shooter which is the only possibly justified reason to not indict them.

Ritchie should be indicted. I hope the family sues for wrongful death and I hope Ritchie is indicted. Part of the remedy should be that the police department adequately train their officers before sending them into the community with loaded weapons.

Agree 100% with all of this.
Nah, that's your assertion.
It's a fact. High power pellet guns like this one are certainly not toys. Note the lack of the orange tip that indicates that something is a toy gun.
In fact, the pellet gun is often referred to as a toy in the media.
And that particular media got it wrong. They had also sometimes claimed he picked it up in the toy section which also turned out to be wrong.
I can forgive initial confusion and inaccuracies, but the only media that I see that still counterfactually insist that it was a "toy" are biased opinion pieces that want to make the cops appear as bad as possible.
Quite a few gun enthusiasts specifically mention that is the type of practice thing they'd purchase for their kid for practice, before allowing them to fire a real gun.
Not surprising. A pellet gun like this is less dangerous than a firearm. It is still not a toy though!
In the cnn video, the official discussing the case shows two guns, one 'real as he asserts, and the other the one that Crawford was holding. Even the officials in the case do not identify the pellet gun as a 'real' gun.
Neither did he identify it as a toy, because it isn't one.
So give it up, Derec. Just give it up already.
No, you give up.
As for it being 'possibly lethal'--I suppose it is possible that someone could have broken parts of the plastic off of the unloaded, empty pellet gun and come up with a piece of plastic sharp and hard enough to be lethal if it was used to, say, stab someone in the neck, say, in the carotid artery, much the same way that the pen sitting on the desk next to me as I type this could be a lethal weapon if used in just that way.
Very funny, but sadly no. It can be lethal used normally, as the case of a 12 year old teen girl shot by a pellet gun and dying demonstrates. Even if you do not die it has enough penetrating power to pierce the skin. It is not a toy. Do I need to break out the "news for the hard of hearing" again?

So go ahead and pretend all you want that he was doing something outrageous and dangerous and worst of all, not instantly compliant when set upon unexpectedly by armed police officers, the first one of which I would not have realized was a police officer from the video if I didn't already know it.
Well, he was doing something dangerous, as far as anybody else could tell. You do not wave a weapon around like that.

The man didn't even have a chance to understand what was happening. He was shocked, confused enough that he went back, perhaps thinking that there was some crazy guys shooting up the store.
Perhaps. But put yourself in the position of the police.

Well, there were guys shooting up the store; they were sent there on the word of a racist liar
What evidence do you have that Ritchie was "racist" or a "liar"?

Ritchie should be indicted.
For what crime? Citizens are not required to investigate before calling 911.
I hope the family sues for wrongful death and I hope Ritchie is indicted.
Even if they had grounds he doesn't have deep enough pockets to be worthwhile to the family shysters. I suspect they will sue the city and Walmart.

Part of the remedy should be that the police department adequately train their officers before sending them into the community with loaded weapons.
What kind of training would have prevented this? It's a bad confluence of events. Crawford meant to harm I believe but acted in a way that police perceived as threatening in the split second they had to react.
What kind of training would have prevented this? It's a bad confluence of events. Crawford meant to harm I believe but acted in a way that police perceived as threatening in the split second they had to react.
They did not need to shoot him as quickly as they did.
What kind of training would have prevented this? It's a bad confluence of events. Crawford meant to harm I believe but acted in a way that police perceived as threatening in the split second they had to react.

"Crawford meant to harm"???

But to answer the question, police should have cleared the store in an orderly fashion, then from a safe distance opened negotiations. At that point, they would have discovered that Crawford was completely innocent (though no doubt they would have arrested him anyway) & that Ritchie was a big fat liar (& still wouldn't have arrested him for calling in a false report). But at least Crawford would be alive, and police would not be looking yet again like violent lawless thugs.
"Crawford meant to harm"???
Hindsight is 20/20.

But to answer the question, police should have cleared the store in an orderly fashion, then from a safe distance opened negotiations.
Unfortunately for Crawford, he raised his gun when ordered to "get down" which the police interpreted as a hostile action and opened fire.

At that point, they would have discovered that Crawford was completely innocent (though no doubt they would have arrested him anyway) & that Ritchie was a big fat liar (& still wouldn't have arrested him for calling in a false report).
Do you have any evidence whatsoever that Ritchie was lying? It is not a crime to be merely mistaken.

- - - Updated - - -

What kind of training would have prevented this? It's a bad confluence of events. Crawford meant to harm I believe but acted in a way that police perceived as threatening in the split second they had to react.
They did not need to shoot him as quickly as they did.
Maybe, but the fact that he raised the gun as he was ordered down sealed his fate I'm afraid.
Riiiiight. That's the important thing, isn't it? He wasn't 'riddled' with bullets, merely shot a couple of times
It is important in that Ford refused to accept my correction of his incorrect use of "riddled" and instead proceeded to accuse me only correcting him because of Crawford's race.

while minding his own damn business in a Walmart, talking on the phone and randomly gesturing with a piece of unpackaged merchandise he picked up from one of the store shelves.
The "unpackaged merchandise" in question was a pellet gun that was designed to look deceptively like an assault rifle.

It was his own damn fault for not understanding that he, as a black man, is just too scary to be allowed to do anything like be out in public with an unloaded pellet gun even in a store where they are sold and that his reflexes must be lightening fast and he must be able to comprehend what is happening faster than the armed police officers who didn't even take the time to access the situation but instead relied upon the unreliable report of someone who has since been proven a liar.
This has nothing to do with race. The police had no way of knowing the pellet gun was unloaded or even that it was a pellet gun. If it was an actual assault rifle and they didn't react to him raising it he could have (in automatic mode) actually riddled them with bullets. You have a split second to react. Do you risk your life and the lives of your fellow cops or do you open fire?

Actually, the important part in all of this is that he was a black man and some cowardly white racist wannabe hero who couldn't even properly enlist in the Marines but claimed to be an ex-Marine decided to try again to satisfy his hero complex by reporting an armed and dangerous man because aren't all black men armed and dangerous?
You have shown no evidence that race played a role in this incident. You have further not proven that Ritchie was lying, a racist, or (new unsubstantiated adjective by you) cowardly.
It's a fact. High power pellet guns like this one are certainly not toys. Note the lack of the orange tip that indicates that something is a toy gun.
In fact, the pellet gun is often referred to as a toy in the media.
And that particular media got it wrong. They had also sometimes claimed he picked it up in the toy section which also turned out to be wrong.
I can forgive initial confusion and inaccuracies, but the only media that I see that still counterfactually insist that it was a "toy" are biased opinion pieces that want to make the cops appear as bad as possible.

You should broaden your horizons, then. And realize that sometimes cops behave pretty badly and it is actually the media's job to report just that.

In the cnn video, the official discussing the case shows two guns, one 'real as he asserts, and the other the one that Crawford was holding. Even the officials in the case do not identify the pellet gun as a 'real' gun.
Neither did he identify it as a toy, because it isn't one.

Well, we know it isn't an imaginary gun because it is clearly shown on the video. So, if it isn't a real gun and it isn't an imaginary one, what other kind of gun remains? Hint: it begins with the letter between S and U in the English alphabet.

So give it up, Derec. Just give it up already.
No, you give up.

Fine. Stick to your guns.

As for it being 'possibly lethal'--I suppose it is possible that someone could have broken parts of the plastic off of the unloaded, empty pellet gun and come up with a piece of plastic sharp and hard enough to be lethal if it was used to, say, stab someone in the neck, say, in the carotid artery, much the same way that the pen sitting on the desk next to me as I type this could be a lethal weapon if used in just that way.
Very funny, but sadly no. It can be lethal used normally, as the case of a 12 year old teen girl shot by a pellet gun and dying demonstrates. Even if you do not die it has enough penetrating power to pierce the skin. It is not a toy. Do I need to break out the "news for the hard of hearing" again?

A twelve year old is not a teen, for starters. Also this is the internet: I am reading, not hearing anything. I do suggest you try taking a sensitivity class and become better informed about the intellectual capabilities of those who are hearing impaired. Your remarks were ill informed and bigoted.

In the meantime, should I list all of the toys which have killed children but are still considered toys?

So go ahead and pretend all you want that he was doing something outrageous and dangerous and worst of all, not instantly compliant when set upon unexpectedly by armed police officers, the first one of which I would not have realized was a police officer from the video if I didn't already know it.
Well, he was doing something dangerous, as far as anybody else could tell. You do not wave a weapon around like that.

He was absentmindedly gesturing with the hand which was holding an unloaded pellet gun--something he thought of as a toy-- which he had picked up from a shelf (unwrapped by someone else--not by Crawford as you insisted so many times!) in a store where he was shopping. He obviously did not consider what he was holding to be a weapon or to be dangerous.

We saw other shoppers walk right past him, showing no alarm or concern. So plenty of people could see that he wasn't doing anything dangerous. The only people who were confused about that were someone who lied about being an ex-Marine and his wife. And the officers who were told they were responding to an active shooter. No one else is even walking fast, looking back at him or doing anything that indicates even a tiny bit of concern or fear.

The man didn't even have a chance to understand what was happening. He was shocked, confused enough that he went back, perhaps thinking that there was some crazy guys shooting up the store.
Perhaps. But put yourself in the position of the police.

The police were heavily armed and ready to kill, having been grossly misinformed by someone who also misled them about his own experience and expertise with firearms. Being heavily armed, they had an absolute duty to be informed as to the situation they were walking into, for their own safety and for the safety of standers by. This was a WALMART for fucks sake! There were lots of people around! Two of whom died--two completely INNOCENT people! as a result of their actions and the claims of an incompetent liar who exaggerated his own expertise and knowledge, not to mention completely misrepresented the situation.

I am which putting myself in the position of the police is why I suggest they be given more and better training. They shot someone dead on another person's say so. As it turned out, that person was a liar who seems to have a hero complex: he was going to save Walmart from the heavily armed dangerous big bad black man! Just like he was going to join the marines but lacked the integrity or the organizational skills to pull that off.

Well, there were guys shooting up the store; they were sent there on the word of a racist liar
What evidence do you have that Ritchie was "racist" or a "liar"?

He lied about being an ex-Marine. He misrepresented his own familiarity with and expertise with firearms. Two people died as a result. Two people who were DOING NOTHING WRONG. Racist is an easy conclusion to draw since no one else: not one other person in the video--all of whom were white, btw, appeared the least bit concerned and they were walking right past him.

I would think you would be much more upset by this actually. Think about it: now women everywhere have a completely legal way to dispose of their unwanted husbands and boyfriends and other men in their lives: Call 911 and claim that the man they want gone is waving a loaded weapon around, pointing at kids in a Walmart!

If that happened, I am sure we'd hear about it for years, in every single thread where the word 'woman' appeared.

Ritchie should be indicted.
For what crime? Citizens are not required to investigate before calling 911.

Citizens are not allowed to make false police reports, especially when their actions can reasonably be predicted to lead to someone else's death. What did he think was going to happen? OF COURSE a SWAT team arrived, ready to shoot!

Ritchie LIED about being an ex-Marine, he LIED about Crawford being threatening. He LIED about his own expertise and familiarity with weapons. Two people died because Ritchie LIED to the police. I believe lying to the police is not legal and

That said, I would like to point out that SWAT teams CAN be trained to assess and respond appropriately. A family member was held hostage in his own home, with a weapon on him for hours. Multiple SWAT teams arrived and managed to rescue the family member without shooting the person holding him, and indeed, without firing a single shot. This was in a private residence where the only two people in the line of fire were the hostage and the person holding him hostage. Contrast this with the scene in the Walmart with many other shoppers, including CHILDREN--lots of other potential victims of any crossfire or misfire were present.

I hope the family sues for wrongful death and I hope Ritchie is indicted.
Even if they had grounds he doesn't have deep enough pockets to be worthwhile to the family shysters. I suspect they will sue the city and Walmart.
He does seem kind of judgment proof and likely to remain so given his demonstrated level of competence, but they could still garnishee his wages for the rest of his pathetic life. They should sue the city and the police department. Remedy should include extensive training of the police force in the appropriate use of deadly force.

What kind of training would have prevented this? It's a bad confluence of events. Crawford meant to harm I believe but acted in a way that police perceived as threatening in the split second they had to react.

Crawford meant to harm? I think that must be a typo or perhaps a Freudian slip. Obviously, Crawford mean no harm and had no idea he was perceived as a threat by ANYONE. Because he was walking around a Walmart, talking to his ex.

What split second did they have to react? He wasn't pointing a gun at anyone when they came upon him! At least some don't even hear the order to drop the weapon (which Crawford didn't regard as a weapon) before they began shooting.

This was completely unjustifiable. I doubt that if Crawford were white, they would have been so quick to perceive him as a threat or as quick to shoot.
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Hindsight is 20/20.
you wrote "Crawford meant to harm" Was that a typo or was that what you intended to write?

But to answer the question, police should have cleared the store in an orderly fashion, then from a safe distance opened negotiations.
Unfortunately for Crawford, he raised his gun when ordered to "get down" which the police interpreted as a hostile action and opened fire.
I know what the police did to fuck up this situation. You asked what kind of training the police could have had that would have averted this tragedy. They could have handled it like they would have if it was a white guy carrying the gun. They could have cleared the area, then talked with Crawford until he put the gun down.

At that point, they would have discovered that Crawford was completely innocent (though no doubt they would have arrested him anyway) & that Ritchie was a big fat liar (& still wouldn't have arrested him for calling in a false report).
Do you have any evidence whatsoever that Ritchie was lying? It is not a crime to be merely mistaken.
he lied about his ability to recognize a real gun from a pellet gun. He lied about being a former Marine. And most importantly, he lied about seeing Crawford loading the "gun". Ritchie lied. You, of all people, should be demanding that he be arrested and facing penalties as high as Crawford would have faced had Ritchie's lies been true... in this case, the death penalty apparently.
What kind of training would have prevented this? It's a bad confluence of events. Crawford meant to harm I believe but acted in a way that police perceived as threatening in the split second they had to react.
They did not need to shoot him as quickly as they did.
Maybe, but the fact that he raised the gun as he was ordered down sealed his fate I'm afraid.
The only reason it sealed his fate was because the cops shot him unnecessarily quickly. There is no way they needed to open fire that quickly.
It is important in that Ford refused to accept my correction of his incorrect use of "riddled" and instead proceeded to accuse me only correcting him because of Crawford's race.

Oh, yes, VERY important.

while minding his own damn business in a Walmart, talking on the phone and randomly gesturing with a piece of unpackaged merchandise he picked up from one of the store shelves.
The "unpackaged merchandise" in question was a pellet gun that was designed to look deceptively like an assault rifle.

Crawford designed and packaged the pellet gun? Or are you suggesting the manufacturer bears some culpability here?

BTW, I am still waiting for you to acknowledge that you were wrong about Crawford taking the pellet gun out its packaging. Because I know how important it is to you that people acknowledge when they are wrong.

It was his own damn fault for not understanding that he, as a black man, is just too scary to be allowed to do anything like be out in public with an unloaded pellet gun even in a store where they are sold and that his reflexes must be lightening fast and he must be able to comprehend what is happening faster than the armed police officers who didn't even take the time to access the situation but instead relied upon the unreliable report of someone who has since been proven a liar.
This has nothing to do with race. The police had no way of knowing the pellet gun was unloaded or even that it was a pellet gun. If it was an actual assault rifle and they didn't react to him raising it he could have (in automatic mode) actually riddled them with bullets. You have a split second to react. Do you risk your life and the lives of your fellow cops or do you open fire?

Since the video clearly demonstrates that Crawford wasn't point the pellet gun at anyone when they fired, then I think they maybe had a second or two to actually give the man a chance to respond to their commands. The reason they didn't know it wasn't loaded is because Ritchie LIED about seeing Crawford loading the gun. He also LIED about seeing him point the pellet gun at children. The video shows Crawford waving the pellet gun IN THE AIR, not at children as Ritchie claimed.

Actually, the important part in all of this is that he was a black man and some cowardly white racist wannabe hero who couldn't even properly enlist in the Marines but claimed to be an ex-Marine decided to try again to satisfy his hero complex by reporting an armed and dangerous man because aren't all black men armed and dangerous?
You have shown no evidence that race played a role in this incident. You have further not proven that Ritchie was lying, a racist, or (new unsubstantiated adjective by you) cowardly.

Actually, further up thread, multiple people have pointed out that Ritchie lied about being an ex-Marine, and had to have lied about seeing Crawford load or attempt to load the pellet gun, with links to actually how that pellet gun must be handled in order to load it. Clearly, from the video, Crawford is doing NOTHING which remotely approximates those actions. Clearly, from the video, other shoppers, including ones with children in their group, demonstrate no concern or alarm at seeing Crawford with a pellet gun.

Not only that but Ritchie failed to mention something that was extremely pertinent: Crawford was on his cell phone, talking to someone. Why isn't that mentioned, even one time? What if he were conspiring with Al Qaida?
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