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Post Your Own Wildlife Photography

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Common Tern at Schoodic
Semipalmated Plovers Petite Manan Wildlife Sanctuary
2 Immature Osprey at Mud Creek
1 Immature Osprey at Mud Creek
Great Blue Heron at Mud Creek
Herring Gull with food being chased by an American Crow. The crow finally gave up
Two Great Egrets at Wonderland
One of the Great Egrets
Lesser Yellowlegs at Wonderland
Common Tern at Pretty Marsh

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Bald Eagle at our shore
Broad-Winged Hawk at Schoodic
White-Tailed Deer at Schoodic
Two Bald Eagles. The one above may be pretty much mature. The lower one is immature
Greater Yelllowlegs at Mud Creek
Least Sandpipers at Mud Creek
Another Common Hern
Spotted Sandpiper
Immature Bald Eagle and Immature Herring Gull
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