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Prices are so bad (except when they’re not)


Cyborg with a Tiara
Staff member
Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
I have been reading posts in various news sources about people saying how bad the economy is based on the price of a meak at McDonalds.

And while I agree that some prices are higher, many are not. And frankly, my first reaction to the McDonalds comparisons are, “well there’s your trouble.”

If eggs are too expensive, buy chickpeas.
If McDonald’s is too expense - make breakfast at home.
If gas is too expensive, there are a lot of options to mitigate it - even though you often can’t eliminate it.

I get that some people at the bottom of the income ladder are struggling, and their struggle is real and I am not dismissing it.

I’m talking about other options:
  1. If you’re not bottom of the rung and squeezing every stone dry, then you have a lot of squeezing potential - and we need to help these people see it. Not eating at McDonalds, packing lunches, how to choose lower cost food and prepare it (Cost per g of protein).
  2. If you are bottom of the rung and don’t know how to squeeze the stones, we need to help these people and help them squeeze. Provide food and ways to cook it that can be handled between two jobs, or by kids. Provide better daycare to help them have bandwidth to squeeze.
  3. If you are at the upper-middle rungs and not facing hardship, keep going, keep priming the economy.
  4. If you are at the upper rungs, stop your fear-mongering and donate lavishly to the organizations needed for 1 & 2.

I’m **NOT** saying that the people complaining about it ought to know better and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. I want to make that crystal clear. I am saying that they are trying but need education and the right assistance to make it work. We need to give them those things. We need to be there for them and provide information and alternatives. And the McDonald’s price stories make it clear to me that we are not helping, but feeding the sense that McDonald’s food is a normal part of a struggling household’s finaces.
Yeah, it's like they long for the days of high unemployment and high inflation rates under Trump.
I'm doing well. My pay is above average for the city and county I live in. I am still able most months to put some money into saving but the insurance and rent going up hurt a bit. The car and furniture are paid for and I have plain but decent looking clothing. I just don't eat out as much and eat more canned or easy to fix meals at home. It actually benefited me because I am overweight and have lost 15 pounds the last few months not eating out and having such rich food.

That commie socialist Biden didn't do too bad after all. If I keep my weight off I might live a little longer. :ROFLMAO:
Now I know you're lying. Senator John Kennedy has incontrovertible proof prices are bad because of Biden;

I can't believe I have to point this out but this tweet isn't a parody. John Kennedy is an influential Senator who "thinks" like this.
Now I know you're lying. Senator John Kennedy has incontrovertible proof prices are bad because of Biden;

I can't believe I have to point this out but this tweet isn't a parody. John Kennedy is an influential Senator who "thinks" like this.

That tweet (like almost all tweets) is stupid. Kevin spent $20 in 1990. So according to Sen Kennedy, Biden is responsible for inflation since 1990.
That tweet (like almost all tweets) is stupid. Kevin spent $20 in 1990. So according to Sen Kennedy, Biden is responsible for inflation since 1990.
Pretty much. Senator dipshit is getting dogpiled on with people pointing that out, his inflation calculations are wrong, and buying all that stuff doesn't amount to over 70 bucks either.

But that's magatards for you.
The best thing a person can do, especially if they no longer use cash is to simply sit down with a printout of their last two months charges on their card(s) and highlight all the purchases they could have done without and add it up. What to do next is self-evident.

Folks really do not realize how daily small charges add up to a lot of their income by the end of the month.
Now I know you're lying. Senator John Kennedy has incontrovertible proof prices are bad because of Biden;

I can't believe I have to point this out but this tweet isn't a parody. John Kennedy is an influential Senator who "thinks" like this.

But gasoline was less than a dollar a gallon in Die Hard!
If gas is too expensive, there are a lot of options to mitigate it - even though you often can’t eliminate it.

Most mornings on my way to work, I put my car into "eco mode" when I hit the freeway and keep it at a reasonable speed. If I do things right, I roll into the office with the mpg at 30. Many of those mornings, I am passed on the freeway by a big pickup truck doing 80mph and probably getting half the mileage.

I'm betting at least a few of them whine loudly about how gas prices are just out of control and it's all Joe Biden's fault.
I find it quite convenient for them that they chose a store that doesn't post their prices online.

We have noticed some things have gone up in price. Our mortgage for one! 8 years ago the goal, was to keep groceries below $200 for the week. This includes food, pet needs and cleaning beds. Now, I try and keep it below $300. Cleaning and hygiene needs have increased substantially, especially since the shortage during the pandemic. What we do though, is buy nonperishables when they are on a very good special and store them. Our Harry Potter cupboard is stocked with TP, Paper towel tissues and toiletries. our laundry has multiple boxes of detergent and household cleaning products. And we have a substantial store of pet food. I DO keep a mental track and don’t buy more if I know we have loads, even if they are on special, but it’s a good system.
Now I know you're lying. Senator John Kennedy has incontrovertible proof prices are bad because of Biden;

I can't believe I have to point this out but this tweet isn't a parody. John Kennedy is an influential Senator who "thinks" like this.

That tweet (like almost all tweets) is stupid. Kevin spent $20 in 1990. So according to Sen Kennedy, Biden is responsible for inflation since 1990.

What was Kevin’s family’s income back in 1990?
Now I know you're lying. Senator John Kennedy has incontrovertible proof prices are bad because of Biden;

I can't believe I have to point this out but this tweet isn't a parody. John Kennedy is an influential Senator who "thinks" like this.

That tweet (like almost all tweets) is stupid. Kevin spent $20 in 1990. So according to Sen Kennedy, Biden is responsible for inflation since 1990.

What was Kevin’s family’s income back in 1990?

Judging by the size of their house and the fact that they could afford to take the whole family to Paris on vacation, I'd guess the Senator would call them "middle class.".
Inflation is always a thing. Sometimes it's worse than at other times. It's been lower than usual for many years and then things like COVID, Russia making it difficult for Ukraine to grow enough grain, a shortage of parts due to many issues, and among other things GREED. By greed, I'm talking about some of the stores and manufactures that have raised their prices just to make bigger profits. For example, the sales manager at our local Ford dealer told us that Ford no longer makes Sedans because the profit was minuscule. Ford is now selling pick up trucks for as much as 90K and it's hard to find one for less than about 70K, other than the small Maverick which is a hybrid and is in very short supply. When we recently looked at and bought two cars, most dealers were adding 5k or more to the sticker price. Luckily, our local Nissan dealer didn't do that. Farmers have lost a lot of their output due to severe storms, drastic temp changes, etc. mostly related to climate change, assuming you understand climate change. Farmers have also had a big shortage of workers, partly due to it being more difficult to get temporary VISAs and partly because of the way these hard working farm workers have been treated. Anyway....you get the point. It's complicated, but inflation is now down at its lowest point in several years. What people don't understand is when inflation falls, that doesn't mean that prices are going to go down to 1990 levels. It just means that they won't keep rising. But, many things have come down. Eggs are much cheaper than they were a year ago, and so are a lot of other foods. Plus, everything I've ever read gives reasons why deflation is much more of a problem for an economy compared to temporary high inflation.

I agree that we need to do more to help poor people obtain basic nutrition and it wouldn't be a bad idea to teach people, including school students how to cook inexpensive, nutritious meals, like for example black beans and rice, as well as buying produce that is in season etc.

Instead Republicans and those who have no understanding of basic economics are blaming everything on Biden. Republicans know better. They just lie every time they open their mouths.

Btw, if a person must have fast foods, now and then, Wendy's has several meals deals for under 5 or 6 dollars.
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Getting your parents to buy you McDonald's was a big thing when I was a kid... a status symbol. Having your mom make you a homemade burger in lieu of a MickeyD's was usually a disappointment. Eddie Murphy (who's about 2 months older than me) did a good job summing up what it was like as a kid back then...

When I was a kid, we only got McDonald’s when my mother was refinishing the kitchen floor with fresh polyurethane. This happened once every seven years.

Fun fact - after I ran away from home and had to get a job that would feed me and pay for gas, I got a job at McDonalds because they’d feed me every 4 hours and I could use my pay for gas and rent. I ate McDonald’s every day for almost a year.
That fact doesn't sound fun at all!

Indeed, eating out today isn't cheap, but to be fair... was it ever cheap? It might be a bit more pricey today that 5 years ago, inflation adjusted, but eating out often was never something we did. Costs too much then and again now. Just today, a little more pricey. I find it amazing how people can't remember 5 years ago anymore. They seem to remember it as an economic utopia where they had endless amounts of expendable capital to waste on frivolous things.
I agree that we need to do more to help poor people obtain basic nutrition and it wouldn't be a bad idea to teach people, including school students how to cook inexpensive, nutritious meals, like for example black beans and rice, as well as buying produce that is in season etc.

Schools are busy teaching kids the important things in life. Things like men can give birth and critical race theory.
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