Cheerful Charlie
Do you think that Kamala Harris is an idiot? Incompetent? Unqualified?Some people are idiots. Are you under the impression that I dispute that?And yet, they attack people like Kamala Harris, whose credentials and record are both well known and above reproach, accusing them of only having been elected for their "vagina and skin color" even though that is obviously not the case.Diversity isn't a danger; the prioritization of diversity above competency and acument is a danger.
On the other hand... there are a great many people who do NOT think that her record is above reproach - including some within the democratic party. That you think her record is fantastic is fine - her views align with your own priorities. But that doesn't make it universally so.
If the answer is yes, please exp look son why.
If the answer is no, then why this discussion?
Do you think Harris would be a better president than Trump? Because that’s the real question. If no, then why not?
I strongly suggest googling "Wikipedia, Kamala Harris for her accomplishments. which are many and are impressive. Over at X, there is a lot of right wing hate mongering by commentators who know zilch about her. But then Faux Noise is not going to be honest about Harris. Thus for example, when Harris became California's AG, she cleaned up the backlog of DNA tests her predecessors could not accomplish. Cracked down on violent gun crimes. Yet the X creeps are claiming she has never done anything competent. It is not like they tried to find out what she did.