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Racism And Kamala Harris

Yes it was a package deal and the package was better than the other package. Therefore, NOT a DEI hire.
The package's contents were not chosen by the buyers i.e. the voters. Whether one package is better than the other is very subjective.
They (the US voters) have/had Buckley's choice which is not really a good selection of choice at all.
How much Windex do you go through a week cleaning that glass house of yours?
Yes it was a package deal and the package was better than the other package. Therefore, NOT a DEI hire.
The package's contents were not chosen by the buyers i.e. the voters. Whether one package is better than the other is very subjective.
They (the US voters) have/had Buckley's choice which is not really a good selection of choice at all.
How much Windex do you go through a week cleaning that glass house of yours?
They love me.
I don't know if anyone around here has noticed, but JD Vance's has a wife whose skin tone is about the same as Kamala Harris. This is going to be a problem for white replacement theorists.

But wait, there's more. She is Hindu, which is going to be a problem for Evangelicals and Christian Nationalists.

And maybe you thought this was enough, it's gets better, or worse. She is a vegan.

I don't think Kamala needs to worry about MAGA racists. They are going to be busy.
Yes it was a package deal and the package was better than the other package. Therefore, NOT a DEI hire.
The package's contents were not chosen by the buyers i.e. the voters.
Actually they were. Blacks and Hispanics (and white people too) aren't vied by Democrats because of some arbitrary reason. They vie for them, because blacks and Hispanics vote for Democrats. If it wasn't for minorities in the United States, the GOP would rule this country, election after election. So in voting and pledging their support, the Democrats have made their ranks in government similar to that of their base. A lot of white males and females and a good deal of minority males and females.

That isn't DEI, that is a reflection of their party and who supports them.
I don't know if anyone around here has noticed, but JD Vance's has a wife whose skin tone is about the same as Kamala Harris. This is going to be a problem for white replacement theorists.

But wait, there's more. She is Hindu, which is going to be a problem for Evangelicals and Christian Nationalists.

And maybe you thought this was enough, it's gets better, or worse. She is a vegan.

I don't think Kamala needs to worry about MAGA racists. They are going to be busy.

Vance seems a very peculiar choice for several reasons. His "tour in Iraq" was as a Public Affairs specialist. His only real claim-to-fame seems to be his book:
Economist William Easterly (a West Virginia native) criticizing Vance's book said:
"Sloppy analysis of collections of people—coastal elites, flyover America, Muslims, immigrants, people without college degrees, you name it—has become routine. And it's killing our politics."

Based on Trump's own comments, it seems that of all the QOPsters lined up to lick the Orange Taint, it is Vance who really found the sweet spot.
I don't know if anyone around here has noticed, but JD Vance's has a wife whose skin tone is about the same as Kamala Harris. This is going to be a problem for white replacement theorists.

But wait, there's more. She is Hindu, which is going to be a problem for Evangelicals and Christian Nationalists.

And maybe you thought this was enough, it's gets better, or worse. She is a vegan.

I don't think Kamala needs to worry about MAGA racists. They are going to be busy.

Vance seems a very peculiar choice for several reasons. His "tour in Iraq" was as a Public Affairs specialist. His only real claim-to-fame seems to be his book:
Economist William Easterly (a West Virginia native) criticizing Vance's book said:
"Sloppy analysis of collections of people—coastal elites, flyover America, Muslims, immigrants, people without college degrees, you name it—has become routine. And it's killing our politics."

Based on Trump's own comments, it seems that of all the QOPsters lined up to lick the Orange Taint, it is Vance who really found the sweet spot.
Vance is far less qualified than Harris btw. No one will ever claim that he got an unfair advantage because he is white.
That isn't DEI, that is a reflection of their party and who supports them.
Yeah it is. Dems ARE the DEI Party.
Not news.

Democrats have been pleading for equitability, embracing diversity and trying to include marginalized groups for flippin ever. Republicans don’t like ANY of that shit.

They cannot attack any of those three values, so they have rallied their troops to “fight like hell” - against an acronym.
That’s what they do, for lack of any principled stance. The drooling “base” is just happy to have something to attack. An acronym will suffice, in the absence of a three digit IQ.
Still not news.
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what will you do if Trump ends up winning? Are you going to be okay with it?
Are you suffering from some memory problem?
Fuck no! I can’t speak for anyone else, but you seem to be all alone in being okay with a rapist conman felon fraudster being President.
I don't know if anyone around here has noticed, but JD Vance's has a wife whose skin tone is about the same as Kamala Harris. This is going to be a problem for white replacement theorists.

But wait, there's more. She is Hindu, which is going to be a problem for Evangelicals and Christian Nationalists.

And maybe you thought this was enough, it's gets better, or worse. She is a vegan.

I don't think Kamala needs to worry about MAGA racists. They are going to be busy.
I would point out that the "Party of Family Values" has had a thrice-married serial philander as their leader for 8 years after spending the previous decades insisting the marital infidelity automatically disqualifies someone for the presidency.

I have no doubt they can do the mental gymnastics to make Vance's wife acceptable.
what will you do if Trump ends up winning? Are you going to be okay with it?
Are you suffering from some memory problem?
Fuck no! I can’t speak for anyone else, but you seem to be all alone in being okay with a rapist conman felon fraudster being President.
Yes. Emily is obviously a supporter but doesn't have the guts to come right out and say it. She worries about guys in women's spaces but supports a guy who entered a women's dressing room and raped a woman.
Democrats have been pleading for equitability, embracing diversity and trying to include marginalized groups for flippin ever.
Well, since the late 1960s...

And what's going on now is similar. If the Republicans are going in hard for white nationalism, Democrats need to make a show of anti-racism, it's the only logical path for them to take. They can't beat Republicans at their own game, but they can present themselves as an alternative to voters who are turned off by the Nazi revivalism of the opposing party. I wish they did so consistently, not just in election years, but that isn't the world we live in.
I don't know if anyone around here has noticed, but JD Vance's has a wife whose skin tone is about the same as Kamala Harris. This is going to be a problem for white replacement theorists.

But wait, there's more. She is Hindu, which is going to be a problem for Evangelicals and Christian Nationalists.

And maybe you thought this was enough, it's gets better, or worse. She is a vegan.

I don't think Kamala needs to worry about MAGA racists. They are going to be busy.

Vance seems a very peculiar choice for several reasons. His "tour in Iraq" was as a Public Affairs specialist. His only real claim-to-fame seems to be his book:
Economist William Easterly (a West Virginia native) criticizing Vance's book said:
"Sloppy analysis of collections of people—coastal elites, flyover America, Muslims, immigrants, people without college degrees, you name it—has become routine. And it's killing our politics."

Based on Trump's own comments, it seems that of all the QOPsters lined up to lick the Orange Taint, it is Vance who really found the sweet spot.
Vance has an 1 syllable 5 letter last name (just like Trump and Pence) which makes it easier for Trump to remember and to pronounce. It helps he is a white man.
I don't know if anyone around here has noticed, but JD Vance's has a wife whose skin tone is about the same as Kamala Harris. This is going to be a problem for white replacement theorists.

But wait, there's more. She is Hindu, which is going to be a problem for Evangelicals and Christian Nationalists.

And maybe you thought this was enough, it's gets better, or worse. She is a vegan.

I don't think Kamala needs to worry about MAGA racists. They are going to be busy.

Vance seems a very peculiar choice for several reasons. His "tour in Iraq" was as a Public Affairs specialist. His only real claim-to-fame seems to be his book:
Economist William Easterly (a West Virginia native) criticizing Vance's book said:
"Sloppy analysis of collections of people—coastal elites, flyover America, Muslims, immigrants, people without college degrees, you name it—has become routine. And it's killing our politics."

Based on Trump's own comments, it seems that of all the QOPsters lined up to lick the Orange Taint, it is Vance who really found the sweet spot.
Vance is far less qualified than Harris btw. No one will ever claim that he got an unfair advantage because he is white.

I'll reiterate a point I had made after Diane Feinstein's death and Laphonza Butler was temporarily appointed to substitute her. The issue of qualifications only comes up when the person is a minority and then it's "they're not qualified!!!111!" But when you look at it objectively the main qualifications of Republicans for high office has been whether or not they are a white male up to now and NOT how qualified they are. Take a look at George W Bush and remember it was all about anti-intellectualism and how the right despised "intellectual elites" of which they portrayed Gore and W was the guy you'd like to drink a beer with and maybe snort some coke with off of a hooker's back. So, yeah, of course, Kamala Harris was more qualified than J.D. Vance...just like QOP accusations are their confessions.
Diversity isn't a danger; the prioritization of diversity above competency and acument is a danger.
And yet, they attack people like Kamala Harris, whose credentials and record are both well known and above reproach, accusing them of only having been elected for their "vagina and skin color" even though that is obviously not the case.
Some people are idiots. Are you under the impression that I dispute that?

On the other hand... there are a great many people who do NOT think that her record is above reproach - including some within the democratic party. That you think her record is fantastic is fine - her views align with your own priorities. But that doesn't make it universally so.
I am not objecting to conversations about Harris' actual record or qualifications. Racist and sexist attacks on her identity as a woman are not relevant to the question of her record and qualifications.
No, of course they're not relevant.

On the other hand, I don't think that any mention of her being a DEI hire is necessarily racist or sexist. It can be, and in some cases it very likely is. But not every mention of it is going to be... because she was hired in part because Biden explicitly and intentionally limited consideration to black women. That makes her a *literal* DEI hire. You might argue that she is also a competent and qualified person for the job regardless of her ethnicity, but at the end of the day, you're stuck in a position where you're arguing that she's the most competent and qualified black woman for the job, because those particular genetic quirks were a requirement for even being considered.
Biden limited consideration to women, not black women.

If you really think VP candidates are picked because they are the most competent and qualified, do you also think pigs fly?
Unfortunately that does not say much about the integrity of the whole VP selection circus process itself. Perhaps it is time for a new circus process?
It started out as the guy who came in second for President. Imagine a Biden/Trump administration!
That would have been awesome. Biden could have sent him to Ukraine to gather first-hand information about Russian bombing of civilians.
Unfortunately that does not say much about the integrity of the whole VP selection circus process itself. Perhaps it is time for a new circus process?
It started out as the guy who came in second for President. Imagine a Biden/Trump administration!
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It isn't like there was a ton of historical examples to go with. It seemed to make sense at the time, but it didn't take too long for it to become apparent that second place being the VP wasn't a great idea.
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