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Racism And Kamala Harris

The idea that there is a “left” mainstream media is yet another utter absurdity believed by Trumpkins.
Of course there is. CNN, MCNBC on cable TV. Newspapers like NY Times.
Only to a right-winger.
Just look at the kid glove treatment they have been giving Kamala Harris ever since Biden's announcement.
What did you expect them to do?

AllSides Media Bias Chart

Its exactly what Derec has said, only he understated the situation. He should have included ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, Washington Post, AP...
(CNN, MSNBC, NYT as left-wing...)
Only to a right-winger.
Only somebody on the far left would deny that these outlets are left of center.
Centrist or center-left, maybe, but not very clearly left-wing.

I don't know what Derec would consider centrist. Fox News?

What did you expect them to do?
Not act like campaign staffers.
Like how? Why do you think that they are some villainous mirror image of the likes of Fox News?
(CNN, MSNBC, NYT as left-wing...)
Only to a right-winger.
Only somebody on the far left would deny that these outlets are left of center.
Centrist or center-left, maybe, but not very clearly left-wing.

I don't know what Derec would consider centrist. Fox News?

What did you expect them to do?
Not act like campaign staffers.
Like how? Why do you think that they are some villainous mirror image of the likes of Fox News?
Because they think centrists would be people who look at "both sides" and decide any sin is acceptable because some is probably acceptable, but certain things aren't.

When it comes to voting, I'm going to vote for the people who say "folks have rights to live without wrongheaded rules".
I could be wrong, but I believe he did limit it to black women. And that was perfectly OK.
Why is it "perfectly ok" to exclude people based on race and gender? Especially since he had the same racist and sexist limitation on the SCOTUS justice he appointed.

Elizabeth Warren was on the short list to the very end.
No, she wasn't. I mean some people may have talked about her, but she never had any chance of getting picked even before the George Floyd insurrection and the desire by the Democratic Party to appease the insurrectionists. She was simply too old - there is no way a 77 year old presidential candidate would pick a 71 year old running mate.

Now women like Amy "Mad Hatter" Klobuchar or Gretchen "mir graut's vor Dir" Whitmer would have been on the short list before the race riots happened, but not afterwards.
Yeah, she was.
I could be wrong, but I believe he did limit it to black women. And that was perfectly OK.
Why is it "perfectly ok" to exclude people based on race and gender? Especially since he had the same racist and sexist limitation on the SCOTUS justice he appointed.

This has already been answered several times, by me and others, but obviously you do not want to listen or are incapable of doing so. Let me try one more time: It is perfectly OK, even admirable, because for 250 fucking years blacks, women, and other minorities have been excluded from high positions of authority and influence BECAUSE THEY WERE BLACK, WOMEN, AND OTHER MINORITIES. It is LONG PAST TIME that QUALIFIED blacks, women, and other minorities be given preference to counterbalance long-standing AFFIRMATIVE ACTION and UNJUSTIFIED PRIVILEGES for white, straight, cisgendered men, many of whom, like Donald Trump and J.D. Vance to name two, are NOT QUALIFIED for the positions they seek, but get a pass because they are WHITE, STRAIGHT, CISGENDERED MEN.

Did the all-caps help? Do you get it now?

No, I’m sure you don’t.
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