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Russia imposes sanctions on Americans


Mar 7, 2003
Delaware, USA
Basic Beliefs
laissez le bon temps rouler
Disappointed that I didn’t make the list:

Hillary’s response is priceless:

"I want to thank the Russian Academy for this Lifetime Achievement Award."

Notably absent is one orange-tinged useful idiot, who claims to have been tougher on Putin than anyone. In fact, there are no GQPers on the list. Shocking. 😄

After posting this, I realized that it sounds like an Onion article.
Seriously - what impact can that have?
Is that like me being sanctioned by Burkina Faso?
Disappointed that I didn’t make the list:

Hillary’s response is priceless:

"I want to thank the Russian Academy for this Lifetime Achievement Award."

Notably absent is one orange-tinged useful idiot, who claims to have been tougher on Putin than anyone. In fact, there are no GQPers on the list. Shocking. 😄

After posting this, I realized that it sounds like an Onion article.
When I read the article on this yesterday, didn't know whether it belonged here or in Freethought and Humor.
Disappointed that I didn’t make the list:

Hillary’s response is priceless:

"I want to thank the Russian Academy for this Lifetime Achievement Award."

Notably absent is one orange-tinged useful idiot, who claims to have been tougher on Putin than anyone. In fact, there are no GQPers on the list. Shocking. 😄

After posting this, I realized that it sounds like an Onion article.
First off, love the phrase "GQPers"! The amazing thing to me is that Putin is suppose to be this great grand chess master genius capital Hornblower. And yet, Putin's greatest flaw is that he thinks that he's so smart that he doesn't need to understand his enemies. That's his problem. He doesn't understand Americans. He doesn't understand Europeans. He doesn't understand the Eastern European states that aren't NATO (Finland, Sweden, and etc.). And he damn sure does not understand in the least the Ukranian people. Ironically, this will be his downfall in time.

Regarding Russian Sanctions: bring it on!
"an inevitable consequence of the extremely Russophobic course taken by the current US Administration,

Does putin really think Hunter Biden is part of this administration? Or did someone just comb the comments on a FOX site for names?
Disappointed that I didn’t make the list:

Hillary’s response is priceless:

"I want to thank the Russian Academy for this Lifetime Achievement Award."

Notably absent is one orange-tinged useful idiot, who claims to have been tougher on Putin than anyone. In fact, there are no GQPers on the list. Shocking. 😄

After posting this, I realized that it sounds like an Onion article.
First off, love the phrase "GQPers"! The amazing thing to me is that Putin is suppose to be this great grand chess master genius capital Hornblower. And yet, Putin's greatest flaw is that he thinks that he's so smart that he doesn't need to understand his enemies. That's his problem. He doesn't understand Americans. He doesn't understand Europeans. He doesn't understand the Eastern European states that aren't NATO (Finland, Sweden, and etc.). And he damn sure does not understand in the least the Ukranian people. Ironically, this will be his downfall in time.

Regarding Russian Sanctions: bring it on!
Putin used to be, it seems. He was a master at the camel's nose under the tent maneuvers, sowing dissent, helping other smaller groups do the hard work... and then he jumped the shark. He likely would have been able to have 15 to 20% of Ukraine had he stuck to his usual methods, but he then decided to go all in, with a pair of kings, with a bunch of spades on the table.

He bluffed, lost, and it appears he wasn't prepared for the Western response of "We won't go to war over this, but we'll suck you dry economically and immediately so."
He bluffed, lost, and it appears he wasn't prepared for the Western response of "We won't go to war over this, but we'll suck you dry economically and immediately so."
I'm guessing it might be like Bilby was saying in another thread. "Worst case scenario" assessment.

he asked, "Will the west risk nuclear war over Ukraine!" Obviously not, therefore there's no risk.

Turns out there were other risks. Lottsa other risks...
"an inevitable consequence of the extremely Russophobic course taken by the current US Administration,

Does putin really think Hunter Biden is part of this administration? Or did someone just comb the comments on a FOX site for names?
They sanctioned Biden's dead dad (Sr.) instead of POTUS (Jr.), so who knows?
Disappointed that I didn’t make the list:

Hillary’s response is priceless:

"I want to thank the Russian Academy for this Lifetime Achievement Award."

Notably absent is one orange-tinged useful idiot, who claims to have been tougher on Putin than anyone. In fact, there are no GQPers on the list. Shocking. 😄

After posting this, I realized that it sounds like an Onion article.
First off, love the phrase "GQPers"! The amazing thing to me is that Putin is suppose to be this great grand chess master genius capital Hornblower. And yet, Putin's greatest flaw is that he thinks that he's so smart that he doesn't need to understand his enemies. That's his problem. He doesn't understand Americans. He doesn't understand Europeans. He doesn't understand the Eastern European states that aren't NATO (Finland, Sweden, and etc.). And he damn sure does not understand in the least the Ukranian people. Ironically, this will be his downfall in time.

Regarding Russian Sanctions: bring it on!
Putin used to be, it seems. He was a master at the camel's nose under the tent maneuvers, sowing dissent, helping other smaller groups do the hard work... and then he jumped the shark. He likely would have been able to have 15 to 20% of Ukraine had he stuck to his usual methods, but he then decided to go all in, with a pair of kings, with a bunch of spades on the table.

He bluffed, lost, and it appears he wasn't prepared for the Western response of "We won't go to war over this, but we'll suck you dry economically and immediately so."

"Jumping the shark" is the perfect analogy for what he did here. It's not a war, or a "special military operation"; it's a shark jump. We need a photo of Vlad in a leather jacket with a DA haircut.
Seriously - what impact can that have?
Is that like me being sanctioned by Burkina Faso?
The sanction just lists the people no longer allowed to enter Russia... I'm sure someone in the White House Travel Office just threw up their hands, shouting, "Crap! There goes the Spring Aluminum Tour!"
The amazing thing to me is that Putin is suppose to be this great grand chess master genius capital Hornblower. And yet, Putin's greatest flaw is that he thinks that he's so smart that he doesn't need to understand his enemies. That's his problem. He doesn't understand Americans. He doesn't understand Europeans. He doesn't understand the Eastern European states that aren't NATO (Finland, Sweden, and etc.).

It's not that amazing. Vladimir Putin is a teenage miscreant. I don't know what happened to him to make him disregard his conscience or prevent him from developing one in the first place, but that man's mentality is fundamentally Lord of the Flies and he's never graduated into an adult.

He grabbed power in ways that a grown up adult man, a person of maturity, humility, self awareness, and humanity, simply can't. But that doesn't make them weak. They just have to rely on intelligence, empathy, our human strengths. It's hard because the world reveres aggression and thinks "balls" means courage, when it just means animal brain fight reflex, aggression, and physical strength, which have nothing to do with courage.

Russia over the last few decades is exactly what happens when it is taken over by a teenage boy who never received healthy parenting or love and started abusing his power as soon as he got it. He might have had a chance to heal and be a decent, grown up human if he hadn't gained power, but morons who are impressed with alpha bullies and others who just feared him allowed him to take whatever he wanted, and we see the end result (as we have many times before) of stunted manchildren in power.

That's the thing about ruthlessness or even just utter lack of conscience in more cowardly men (like Trump). People around them think having the capacity to harm others for fun and profit equals human strengths. The world tends to treat males and their aggressive and cruel activities according to positive hero filters.

And he damn sure does not understand in the least the Ukranian people. Ironically, this will be his downfall in time.

He definitely does not understand the Ukrainian people!

Side note on that topic: one of their drones was taken out by a Ukrainian woman when she threw a jar of pickles at it.

Regarding Russian Sanctions: bring it on!

NOOOOO it will destroy us!!11!!!!1


It's not that amazing. Vladimir Putin is a teenage miscreant.
This is hilarious. Ever seen Rowan Atkinson's Mr. Bean show? When they sit down to write for Bean, they ask themselves, 'What would a 13 year old boy do in this situation?'
Now the whole invation is a Mr. Bean episode.

Putin sits down at his desk with an ice cream, it drips on the map. He tries to wipe off the stain, teh guy at the other end of the phone hears 'wipe out Ukraine.' The completly unready troops march...
It goes downhill from there...
"an inevitable consequence of the extremely Russophobic course taken by the current US Administration,

Does putin really think Hunter Biden is part of this administration? Or did someone just comb the comments on a FOX site for names?
It will get Hunter Biden’s name out there and make people remember that he once had a laptop. It will erode people’s trust in Biden—among those who are slowly awakening from the cult but not there yet and not overly….intelligent.
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