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I supported Bernie Sanders. I was resigned to vote for Clinton because the alternative was unthinkable. I'm sorry you can't understand such things, not living in an actual Democracy.
If people were outraged enough about Clinton then they would not have to settle for her and most likely had President Sanders now.

If people were outraged enough about Putin the murderer, we wouldn't have to worry about a corrupt orange turd, either. What's your point?
Well sure. Wall Street bankrupted the world's economy. Therefore, we don't need to worry about Russians hacking into private email servers, attempting to hack into voting machines, or any of that.
I don't recall you outraged about Hillary being paid by WallStreet, that's all.

Good thing Trump has drained the swamp of Wall Street insiders.
If people were outraged enough about Clinton then they would not have to settle for her and most likely had President Sanders now.

If people were outraged enough about Putin the murderer, we wouldn't have to worry about a corrupt orange turd, either. What's your point?
My point is we all need to be outraged more, but especially you.
If people were outraged enough about Clinton then they would not have to settle for her and most likely had President Sanders now.

No, we would not have Sanders because Trump and Russia would have created fake news about him.
No, according to you.

There is no evidence that Putin liked Sanders. I think that Putin has something on Trump. Either that or he saw a novice politician that he could mold or take advantage of.

The thing about the Russian trifecta of trolls, bots & sock puppets, with respect to Sanders, was that it much more of an anti-Hillary endeavor than it was a pro-Sanders'. The goal was to prevent Hillary getting elected, thereby putting Flabby Fuckstick in office.
There is no evidence that Putin liked Sanders. I think that Putin has something on Trump. Either that or he saw a novice politician that he could mold or take advantage of.

The thing about the Russian trifecta of trolls, bots & sock puppets, with respect to Sanders, was that it much more of an anti-Hillary endeavor than it was a pro-Sanders'. The goal was to prevent Hillary getting elected, thereby putting Flabby Fuckstick in office.

While the speculation goes on we are still waiting for the evidence.
The thing about the Russian trifecta of trolls, bots & sock puppets, with respect to Sanders, was that it much more of an anti-Hillary endeavor than it was a pro-Sanders'. The goal was to prevent Hillary getting elected, thereby putting Flabby Fuckstick in office.

While the speculation goes on we are still waiting for the evidence.

Who is "we"? You and the frog in your pocket.
Who cares about that dynamic duo?
The thing about the Russian trifecta of trolls, bots & sock puppets, with respect to Sanders, was that it much more of an anti-Hillary endeavor than it was a pro-Sanders'. The goal was to prevent Hillary getting elected, thereby putting Flabby Fuckstick in office.

While the speculation goes on we are still waiting for the evidence.

By all means, feel free to wall yourself off from all credible information that should be making your bullshit detector go off like an air-raid siren.
As I inferred, we need indefeasible evidence.

You don't always get what you "need". And you have no use for what you say you "need" anyhow. Those who actually need evidence have all they need.
Your position is obviously "indefeasible" (sic).
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