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Russia definitely interfered with propaganda from RT etc, but since that's one of your news sources, you have a bias.

It's amazing you guys are so hysterical about a Russian media outlet painting Hillary Clinton in a negative light. Apparently that is "interfering in an election".

Election Interference? The U.S. Has Done It In 45 Countries Worldwide

Levin, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Politics and Strategy at Carnegie-Mellon University, found that the U.S. attempted to influence the elections of foreign countries as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000. Often covert in their execution, these efforts included everything from CIA operatives running successful presidential campaigns in the Philippines during the 1950s to leaking damaging information on Marxist Sandanistas in order to sway Nicaraguan voters in 1990. All told, the U.S. allegedly targeted the elections of 45 nations across the globe during this period, Levin’s research shows. In the case of some countries, such as Italy and Japan, the U.S. attempted to intervene in four or more separate elections.

Levin’s figures do not include military coups or regime change attempts following the election of a candidate the U.S. opposed, such as when the CIA helped overthrow Mohammad Mosaddeq, Iran’s democratically elected prime minister, in 1953. He defines an electoral intervention as “a costly act which is designed to determine the election results [in favor of] one of the two sides.” According to Levin’s research, that includes: peddling misinformation or propaganda; creating campaign material for preferred candidates or parties; providing or withdrawing foreign aid, and; making public announcements that threaten or favor certain candidates. Often, it also includes the U.S. covertly delivering large sums of cash, as was the case in elections in Japan, Lebanon, Italy, and other countries.
It's amazing you guys are so hysterical about a Russian media outlet painting Hillary Clinton in a negative light. Apparently that is "interfering in an election".

Election Interference? The U.S. Has Done It In 45 Countries Worldwide

Levin, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Politics and Strategy at Carnegie-Mellon University, found that the U.S. attempted to influence the elections of foreign countries as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000. Often covert in their execution, these efforts included everything from CIA operatives running successful presidential campaigns in the Philippines during the 1950s to leaking damaging information on Marxist Sandanistas in order to sway Nicaraguan voters in 1990. All told, the U.S. allegedly targeted the elections of 45 nations across the globe during this period, Levin’s research shows. In the case of some countries, such as Italy and Japan, the U.S. attempted to intervene in four or more separate elections.

Levin’s figures do not include military coups or regime change attempts following the election of a candidate the U.S. opposed, such as when the CIA helped overthrow Mohammad Mosaddeq, Iran’s democratically elected prime minister, in 1953. He defines an electoral intervention as “a costly act which is designed to determine the election results [in favor of] one of the two sides.” According to Levin’s research, that includes: peddling misinformation or propaganda; creating campaign material for preferred candidates or parties; providing or withdrawing foreign aid, and; making public announcements that threaten or favor certain candidates. Often, it also includes the U.S. covertly delivering large sums of cash, as was the case in elections in Japan, Lebanon, Italy, and other countries.

You are presenting a tu quoque argument that also happens to be irrelevant. I am sure the US has been involved in worse, including assassinations. I wouldn't doubt it if 40 years from now we even hear Obama killed Chavez. But that has little to do with Russia interfering in our election on nehalf or to the benifit of Trump.
It's amazing you guys are so hysterical about a Russian media outlet painting Hillary Clinton in a negative light. Apparently that is "interfering in an election".

Election Interference? The U.S. Has Done It In 45 Countries Worldwide

You are presenting a tu quoque argument that also happens to be irrelevant. I am sure the US has been involved in worse, including assassinations. I wouldn't doubt it if 40 years from now we even hear Obama killed Chavez. But that has little to do with Russia interfering in our election on nehalf or to the benifit of Trump.

The point is there is no evidence of Russia interfering in the US election for the benefit of Trump or anyone else.
The point is there is no evidence of Russia interfering in the US election for the benefit of Trump or anyone else.

Why don't you trot your little self off to DC and share the benefit of this astonishing information with the SEVENTEEN intelligence agencies whose cumulative information is so much less than what one space-alien-believing religious nutbar has been able to gather? :hysterical:
Russia definitely interfered with propaganda from RT etc, but since that's one of your news sources, you have a bias.

I hardly consider RT "interfering." A better example would be the troll armies.

Both engaged in propaganda but RT has proven links to Russia where you have to actually prove trolls are Russian.
Michael Flynn left Russian speaking fees off initial financial disclosures

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, did not include receiving thousands of dollars in speaking fees from three Russian companies in initial financial disclosures to the Office of Government Ethics, copies of the reports show.

Flynn's initial disclosures, which he submitted in mid-February, left out that he received money from Russia's state-funded television network, RT, for a speech in Moscow and from air cargo company Volga-Dnepr Airlines and cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Government Security Solutions Inc. for speaking engagements in the United States.

Flynn included the speaking fees in disclosure forms he filed Friday, according to the documents. Both sets of filings were made public as part of a White House release of financial disclosures of 180 White House officials.

Flynn attorney Robert Kelner said Flynn "had only just begun the financial disclosure filing process at the time he left the White House.

"He filed a draft form explicitly listing his speakers bureau contract, and he expected to engage in the usual process of consultations with the White House Counsel's Office and OGE (Office of Government Ethics) regarding what he was expected to disclose. That process was suspended, however, after he resigned. When the White House asked him this week to complete the process and to itemize the specific speaking events, he did so," Kelner said.

CNN has reported extensively on the RT speech, but the existence of the other two speaking engagements was disclosed last month by House Democrats.
Michael Flynn left Russian speaking fees off initial financial disclosures

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, did not include receiving thousands of dollars in speaking fees from three Russian companies in initial financial disclosures to the Office of Government Ethics, copies of the reports show.

Flynn's initial disclosures, which he submitted in mid-February, left out that he received money from Russia's state-funded television network, RT, for a speech in Moscow and from air cargo company Volga-Dnepr Airlines and cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Government Security Solutions Inc. for speaking engagements in the United States.

Flynn included the speaking fees in disclosure forms he filed Friday, according to the documents. Both sets of filings were made public as part of a White House release of financial disclosures of 180 White House officials.

Flynn attorney Robert Kelner said Flynn "had only just begun the financial disclosure filing process at the time he left the White House.

"He filed a draft form explicitly listing his speakers bureau contract, and he expected to engage in the usual process of consultations with the White House Counsel's Office and OGE (Office of Government Ethics) regarding what he was expected to disclose. That process was suspended, however, after he resigned. When the White House asked him this week to complete the process and to itemize the specific speaking events, he did so," Kelner said.

CNN has reported extensively on the RT speech, but the existence of the other two speaking engagements was disclosed last month by House Democrats.

Lock him up!
So we have Flynn as an agent to not one but TWO foreign governments, both undeclared. We have Vice President Pence, that was in charge of vetting during transition, and yet no one found anything out about any of this before Flynn became NSA, and until Yates made it known to the White House that Flynn was easily compromised. Then NOTHING HAPPENED for three weeks, until the media found out. Then and only then did the administration fire Flynn for apparently lying to Pence about talking about sanctions to the Russians, even though Trump says he did "nothing wrong". We haven't even gotten to Manafort, Stone, Page. This whole thing stinks to holy hell.
So we have Flynn as an agent to not one but TWO foreign governments, both undeclared. We have Vice President Pence, that was in charge of vetting during transition, and yet no one found anything out about any of this before Flynn became NSA, and until Yates made it known to the White House that Flynn was easily compromised. Then NOTHING HAPPENED for three weeks, until the media found out. Then and only then did the administration fire Flynn for apparently lying to Pence about talking about sanctions to the Russians, even though Trump says he did "nothing wrong". We haven't even gotten to Manafort, Stone, Page. This whole thing stinks to holy hell.
Since when talking to RT is embarrassing?
So we have Flynn as an agent to not one but TWO foreign governments, both undeclared. We have Vice President Pence, that was in charge of vetting during transition, and yet no one found anything out about any of this before Flynn became NSA, and until Yates made it known to the White House that Flynn was easily compromised. Then NOTHING HAPPENED for three weeks, until the media found out. Then and only then did the administration fire Flynn for apparently lying to Pence about talking about sanctions to the Russians, even though Trump says he did "nothing wrong". We haven't even gotten to Manafort, Stone, Page. This whole thing stinks to holy hell.
Since when talking to RT is embarrassing?

Simply talking to RT may not be in and of itself embarrassing. Getting paid for it, and "forgetting" to disclose that fact as required by law, and also "forgetting" you're being paid as a representative of Turkey? That is embarrassing.
Since when talking to RT is embarrassing?

Simply talking to RT may not be in and of itself embarrassing. Getting paid for it, and "forgetting" to disclose that fact as required by law, and also "forgetting" you're being paid as a representative of Turkey? That is embarrassing.
I don't remember but did not Hillary forgot to mention speaking fees from Wall Street? or it was simply forgetting what she said to them?
Simply talking to RT may not be in and of itself embarrassing. Getting paid for it, and "forgetting" to disclose that fact as required by law, and also "forgetting" you're being paid as a representative of Turkey? That is embarrassing.
I don't remember but did not Hillary forgot to mention speaking fees from Wall Street? or it was simply forgetting what she said to them?

Hillary who?
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