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Trump’s economic team describing middle class tax breaks.

Nice to see you recognize "RussiaGate" is nonsense.


Trump’s economic team describing middle class tax breaks.

Nice to see you recognize "RussiaGate" is nonsense.
To be honest, at the beginning I thought that it was overblown. I thought that it was a white water type of scandal. However, if there is nothing there, why are the republicans so desperate to cover it up? Clearly there is something there...
...if there is nothing there, why are the republicans so desperate to cover it up? Clearly there is something there...

Yes, the facts of conspiracy to collude with Russia and to obstruct justice are clear to any objective observer. The only question is whether it can yet be proven adequately to convict a sitting wanna-be dictator.
Meanwhile, two convictions for lying about it to law enforcement and the Rapethuglicans are freaking out, insisting that one must be a rabid trumpsucker in order to investigate Cheato professionally.
However, if there is nothing there, why are the republicans so desperate to cover it up? Clearly there is something there...

Fake scandals are a favorite GOP tool. Look at all the mileage Cheeto got from birtherism.

They know whereof they fear.
Yep, they are the masters at it: birtherism, white water, swift boaters, Bengazi, and etc.
...unless he overpaid it means nothing

The rundown “mansion” wouldn’t sell at $50m. But the Putin shill didn’t under-pay; he got Trump in Putin’s pocket.

Oh, yes. Drumpf going down now. (All earlier failed prophesies of Trump's demise notwithstanding.)

Obligatory message: the investigation is ongoing, four indictments with 2 guilty pleas, with the other two awaiting adjudication, "Love it, especially later in the summer," collaboration with wikileaks, using his own properties to personally profit from the taxpayers, etc.
Oh, yes. Drumpf going down now. (All earlier failed prophesies of Trump's demise notwithstanding.)

Obligatory message: the investigation is ongoing, four indictments with 2 guilty pleas, with the other two awaiting adjudication, "Love it, especially later in the summer," collaboration with wikileaks, using his own properties to personally profit from the taxpayers, etc.

None of the indictments have anything to do with collusion with Russia during the 2016 election. Did you miss that? If a special prosecutor was appointment to inspect every detail of your life, rest assured it'd find something for you to take a plea.
None of the indictments have anything to do with collusion with Russia during the 2016 election. Did you miss that? If a special prosecutor was appointment to inspect every detail of your life, rest assured it'd find something for you to take a plea.

Trump's proclivities are well known, and Mueller has to plan accordingly. The defendants are most likely undercharged, so Mueller doesn't tip his hand prematurely, and to preserve the potential to bring charges in state court should Drumpf start pardoning.
None of the indictments have anything to do with collusion with Russia during the 2016 election. Did you miss that? If a special prosecutor was appointment to inspect every detail of your life, rest assured it'd find something for you to take a plea.

Trump's proclivities are well known, and Mueller has to plan accordingly. The defendants are most likely undercharged, so Mueller doesn't tip his hand prematurely, and to preserve the potential to bring charges in state court should Drumpf start pardoning.

I really can't believe that people use this as some kind of defense. It's common practice to charge like this, especially when a plea is involved. So common in fact, I thought most people knew this.
...unless he overpaid it means nothing

The rundown “mansion” wouldn’t sell at $50m. But the Putin shill didn’t under-pay; he got Trump in Putin’s pocket.
But was it rundown? And it happened in 2008. 8 years before Trump was elected. Putin probably had not even heard Trump name.
People are doing a disservice when they try to desperately link Putin to everything.
Oh, snap! There is evidence of collusion.

The White House confirmed Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke with President Donald Trump in what Russian state media has described as a thank-you call following a CIA tip about a bomb threat in St. Petersburg.

It's the end of Drumpf. This time. For sure.
White House stuff probably called Putin and told him "You better thank Trump for this, or risk Twitter War.
Have you seen what happened to these basketball players in China?"
Oh, yes. Drumpf going down now. (All earlier failed prophesies of Trump's demise notwithstanding.)

Obligatory message: the investigation is ongoing, four indictments with 2 guilty pleas, with the other two awaiting adjudication, "Love it, especially later in the summer," collaboration with wikileaks, using his own properties to personally profit from the taxpayers, etc.

None of the indictments have anything to do with collusion with Russia during the 2016 election. Did you miss that? If a special prosecutor was appointment to inspect every detail of your life, rest assured it'd find something for you to take a plea.

What an overtly biased analogy. The proper objective analogy ought to be comparing one's business and political dealings with respect to foreign entities. No one else in this thread has such dirt, unless we have some Russian trolls.

Now Mueller isn't looking at their whole lives. For example, Mueller is not going to prosecute Twitler for all the sexual assaults, but he may end up prosecuting the Troll in Chief for obstructing justice after he dictated a misleading letter to Troll Junior, telling him what to say after Junior met with Russians over Hillary dirt.
I don't see the connection between the two things. If one country's intelligence service passed on info about a bombing in another country and that other country's cops stopped the bombing as a result, a thank you call from one leader to the other would be the common thing to have happen.

Now, if the conversation were

"Thanks for the info about the bombing"
"No problem. Thanks for tanking the election for Clinton and getting me elected"

Then there'd be an issue. Without the second sentence, though, it's just regular business.


Trump’s economic team describing middle class tax breaks.

More like Star Fleet engineer explaining Warp Drive.

Naaahhhh....The matter/anti matter propulsion system is a lot easier...

The difficult part is generating the field that contains the anti matter. One side has to have a "matter" charge while the inside has a "anit matter" charge. And then there is the controlled release of anti matter into the matter stream.

...unless he overpaid it means nothing

The rundown “mansion” wouldn’t sell at $50m. But the Putin shill didn’t under-pay; he got Trump in Putin’s pocket.
But was it rundown?

Yes. It had not been lived in for years. Even the $95m grift-buyer couldn't use it - it was torn down.

And it happened in 2008. 8 years before Trump was elected. Putin probably had not even heard Trump name.

Uh... pay attention barbos. Russia began cultivating Cheato as a tool LONG before that - in fact, back to the Soviet Union days.

When did the KGB open a file on Donald Trump? We don’t know, but Eastern Bloc security service records suggest this may have been as early as 1977.
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